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offerings presented in the portion of time thus apportioned belong. All these families have become rich.

In the month Maghŭ, a festival is held in various places of Bengal in honour of Ghatoo, the god who presides over blotches on the skin; but the assembly at Kalēē-ghatŭ is very great. At the time of swinging in Choitrů also, the concourse of people at this place is also very large. See the account of Shivů.

I here add a rough account of what is expended on this

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Extraordinaries from rich men, and at festivals, 3000 0 0

90 0 0

80 0 0


0 0

Sa. Rs. 6000 0 0

Seventy-two Thousand Roopees annually, or Nine Thousand Pounds sterling.

SECT. XX.-Other Forms of Kalee, &c.

Chamunda.-This image, which is similar to that of Kalee, except that Chamunda is represented with two giants' heads in her hands, and as sitting on a dead body, is seldom or never made. The goddess is worshipped at the festival of Doorga, on three different days.

Shmushanu-Kalee.-When this image is made, other figures are introduced, as those of the giants Shoombhu and Nishoombhů, of jackals, dead bodies, &c. These giants are represented as sitting on elephants, throwing arrows at the goddess; while the latter is standing on her husband, and aiming blows at them with a sword. The ceremonies of worship are like those performed in honour of Kalee: the worship begins at the total wane of the moon in Maghŭ, and continues for three nights. Revelling is carried to the greatest pitch: some of the worshippers, and not unfrequently the sons of rich men, dance before the image naked, 'glorying in their shame.' A few Hindoos adopt this goddess as their guardian deity.

Manuvu-Kaleed-Another form of Kalee, whose image it resembles except in the colour, which is blue. The worship is celebrated on the fifteenth night of the decrease of the moon in Maghŭ:-the present fruit, diversion;—and hereafter, heaven. Such are the ideas of the poor deluded Hindoos. A whole village sometimes joins to defray the

b She who seized Chundů and Mundů, two giants.

This name denotes, that Kalee dwells in the place of burning the dead, and presides over cemeteries. Shmushanŭ means a cemetery. d Viz. in the form of man.

expense, at other times a rich man bears it alone. Many bloody sacrifices are offered, and a great shew made, especially with illuminations; to which are added dancing, singing, music, &c.

Phulu-hureee-This form of Kalee is that of a black female, with four arms, standing on the breast of Shivů. She is worshipped at the total wane of the moon in the month Jyoisht'hu, or in any other month, at the pleasure of the worshipper. The offerings are numerous, especially of fruits and buffaloes, goats, and sheep, are sacrificed. The day after the worship, the image is thrown into the river.

Bhudrů-Kalēē 1.—An image similar to that of Kalee; the worship also resembles that which is paid to that goddess. The image is in some places preserved, and worshipped daily.

Oogru-chunda is worshipped at the total wane of the moon in the month Kartiků: in some places temples made of clay are erected in honour of this goddess, in which she is worshipped either daily or monthly.

Anundu-muyēē1-A black female, with four arms, sitting on a throne; to whom a number of temples are dedicated, containing stone or clay images of the goddess. She is worshipped daily; also on fortunate days, at the pleasure of her numerous disciples; as well as at the great festivals of Doorga, Kalēē, &c. when bloody sacrifices are offered to her.

She who receives much fruit. h The joyful.

The beneficent.

The furious.

Nuvu-putrika.-These nine goddesses are worshipped at the great festivals, but with the greatest shew at that of Doorga; when these assistants of Doorga in her wars are represented by nine branches of different trees: Rumbha, by a plantain ; Kuchwēē-rõōōpa, by a kŭchwēē1; Hŭridra, by a hŭridram; Jůyŭntēē, by a juyŭntēē; Vilwarōōpa, by a vilwů; Darimee, by a darimŭ P; Ushoka, by an ŭshoků; Manŭka, by a manu'; and Dhanyu-rōōpa, by a dhanyů".

Bheemu-chundēēt.-This image is made and worshipped at Benares in Bengal also the goddess is worshipped, especially on a Tuesday, before another image, or a pan of water, or some appointed representative of an idol.

Upura-jita ".-There is no public festival in honour of this goddess, nor is her image set up for worship; but in times of sickness she is worshipped before the shalgramů, when forms of praise from the Tuntrŭs are addressed to her.

Vimula *.-A stone image of this idol is worshipped in one of the temples erected in Orissa, near the famous temple of Jugunnat'hů. Bloody sacrifices are offered to this goddess; but as this place is sacred to Vishnoo, these offerings are made in secret. Vimula is also worshipped in Bengal at the festivals of Doorga and Kalēē.

Siddheshwuree-In many villages in Bengal one, and

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in some large villages several of these images are set up. They are in general made of clay; but some are of stone. The image is commonly the property of one family, who worship her every day: others in the village worship her when they choose; but all the gifts and offerings come to the person who owns the image. If a child have a fever, the parents worship the goddess that it may recover, and promise to present various offerings to her if she be propitious. If a woman want a son, she procures a bramhun to worship the goddess in her name;-if another person be seeking employment, he prays the goddess to favour him ;-if a koolinŭ bramhun wish his daughter to be married, he intercedes with the goddess, and promises to celebrate her worship if she be favourable. On all occasions of particular distress or want, the people resort to these images with their presents and vows. Thieves also worship Siddheshwŭree, that they may be favoured with her smiles and be protected in thieving". people also worship this image to obtain protection from thieves. An annual festival is held in honour of Siddhéshwurēē on the same day as the Shyama festival.

Honest and poor

SECT. XXI.-Lukshmēë

Is called the goddess of prosperity: she is painted yellow, and sits on the water-lily, holding in her right hand the pashŭ, (a rope,) and in the left a necklace.

z The goddess Laverna, it is well known, was the protectress of thieves, who, from her, were named Laverniones, and who worshipped her, that their designs and intrigues might be successful: her image was a head without a body.

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