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him that when Gŭroorů discovered the mark of his foot, he would not destroy him. The waters now became wholesome; the trees gained their verdure; and the boys and cows were restored to life: but the pain arising from the poison in the wounds which Kalēēyŭ had given to Krishnu was intolerable. He therefore prayed to Doorga, who made him suck the milk from her own breast, by which he was immediately restored to health.

SECT. XV.—Vishalakshëë1.

A CLAY image of this goddess is set up at Shyénŭhatëë, a village in Burdwan, which is become a place of great resort for pilgrims. Vast multitudes of buffaloes, sheep, goats, &c. are offered at different times to this goddess, not unfrequently for the destruction of enemies: sheep and goats are offered every day, and it is said that formerly human sacrifices were offered to this goddess. Many persons, it is affirmed, have obtained the privilege of conversing with their guardian deities in consequence of worshipping this image with very shocking ceremonies, while others thus employed are said to have been driven mad; yet some persons receive the name of Vishalakshēē as their guardian deity.

SECT. XVI.-Chundee m

IMAGES of this form of Doorga are not made at present in Bengal; but this goddess is worshipped by many of the bramhuns, &c. before a metal cup containing the water of

1 Of large or beautiful eyes.

The wrathful.

the Ganges. This worship is celebrated daily, or at the time of the full or change of the moon, or when the sun enters a new sign, or on the 9th of the moon.

The Kaliku-poorană directs that birds, tortoises, alligators, fish, buffaloes, bulls, he-goats, ichneumons, wild boars, rhinoceroses, antelopes, guanas, rein-deer, lions, tygers, men, and blood drawn from the offerer's own body, be offered to this goddess. The following horrid incantation is addressed to the goddess Chundee, when offering an animal in order to effect the destruction of an enemy: 'O goddess, of horrid form, O Chůndika! eat, devour such a one, my enemy, O consort of fire! Salutation to fire! This is the enemy who has done me mischief, now personated by an animal: destroy him, O Mŭhamarēē! Sphéng! sphéng! eat, devour.'

Women sometimes make a vow to Chundee to engage her to restore their children to health, or to obtain some other favour. If a person recover in whose name such a vow has been made, his neighbours ascribe it to Chundēē.

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The exploits of this goddess are celebrated in a poem written by the poet Kunkŭnů, and recited on various occasions, under the name of Chundeē-ganŭ, or Chŭndēē-yatra.

SECT. XVII.-Other Forms of Doorga.

Kamakhya".-This goddess is worshipped daily by persons of property before a pan of water, or some other substitute; and also by many shaktus on the 8th of the moon in both quarters. Those who worship her monthly,

a She who is called desire.

generally present some particular request in favour of themselves or families. At the Doorga festival this goddess is also worshipped with many ceremonies and at a great expense. A few persons receive the initiatory rites of this goddess, and worship her as their guardian deity.

Vindhyŭ-vasinëē ".—This is the image of a yellow female, sitting on a lion, with either four or eight arms: she is worshipped in the month Voishakhŭ, on the 9th, or on the 7th, 8th, or 9th of the increase of the moon: at Benares she is worshipped daily. The destruction of several giants is ascribed to this goddess.

Mungulu-Chundika P.-This is the image of a yellow female, sitting on three skulls, clothed in red; having in her right hand a book, and in her left a roodrakshŭ bead-roll. She is mostly worshipped by females, or rather by bramhuns employed by them, in consequence of some particular distress in their families; when they make a vow to the goddess to worship her a certain number of times if she will deliver them. Even the wives of Musulmans sometimes send offerings to the house of a bramhun, to be presented to her with prayers. In the month Poushŭ a small festival is held in honour of this goddess.

Kumulé-kaminēē -This is the image of a female sitting on the water-lily, swallowing an elephant, while with the left hand she is pulling it out of her throat.-She is wor

• She who dwelt on mount Vindhyti.

P The fervent benefactress.

She who sits on the water-lily.

This image is said to owe its rise to a vision at sea ascribed to Shrēēmůntů, a merchant, the particulars of which are related in the Kŭvee-künkünů.

shipped on the 8th of Voishakhŭ, with the usual ceremonies and festivities.

Raju-rajés huurees.-This goddess is represented as sitting on a throne, the three feet of which rest on the heads of Brumha, Vishnoo, and Shivă. She is worshipped on the 7th, 8th, and 9th of Voishakhŭ, with the ceremonies common to all the female deities to whom bloody sacrifices are offered.


Yoogadya is represented as sitting on a lion, having ten arms.-A festival in honour of this goddess is held on the last day of Voishakhŭ, at Kshēēru, a village in Burdwan, where many animals are slain, and large quantities of spirituous liquors offered: the goddess at the time of worship is taken out of a tank near the temple. It is supposed that not less than 100,000 people assemble at this place on this occasion. Human sacrifices, I am informed, were formerly offered to this goddess.-So numerous are the sacrifices, that the water of the pool, in which the dead bodies are thrown immediately after decapitation, becomes the colour of blood. These bodies are taken out of the pool again in a little time after the sacrifice. The disciples of this goddess are very numerous.

Kuroonamuyēē".—In some places the image of this goddess is set up and worshipped daily. At the festivals of Doorga, Kalēē, &c. she is worshipped in a more splendid manner. Some persons make vows to this goddess in times of distress, and many receive the initiatory rites by which she becomes their guardian deity.

• The goddess who governs Brimha, Vishnoo, and Shivă.

• She who existed before the yoogus.

The compassionate,

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All these goddesses are worshipped at the festivals of Doorga, as well as at other times, before the proper representative of a god, as water, the shalgramů, &c. but their images are not now made in Bengal. Many persons receive the initiatory rites of these deities, and pay their devotions daily to the particular goddess whom they have chosen as their guardian deity. Bloody sacrifices, fish, and spirituous

She who governs the three worlds, heaven, earth, and the world of the hydras. She who speedily executes her will. z The everlasting. The destroyer of the giant Doorgů.

The praise-worthy. c She who wields the weapon of this name. a The great goddess of fortune. f The beauty of the three worlds. 8 The goddess The wrathful.

e The learned.

of forests.

The furious.

removes fear.

h The destroyer of the giant Chăndă.

She who is the colour of smoke.
n The wife of Shivă. • The yellow.

sits on the water-lily.
The cause of all.
heroine. y She who
b Ditto.
goddess of souls.

m She who P She who The wise. * The celestial

a She who tells the truth of all. The victorious. u Ditto. presides over the manes. * Ditto. The nourisher. d The patient. f She who presides over the generations of men.

• The

e The

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