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Mr. Cornelius was constrained to weep at hearing their manner of living, yet they look only to God and their own endeavors for support. What I saw and heard at Karadive, especially among the weavers, leads me to think that a genuine work of the Lord is in progress among them. On Monday I went from Karadive to Poongerdive, and spent two days. The catechist laboring there was my classmate in the seminary. The people of that island are so much isolated from other people and influences, and many of them are so simple-hearted, that a faithful scattering of the gospel seed promises to produce a rich harvest in due time.



Days of Sadness and Perplexity.

THE state of Mr. Howland's health renders it necessary, in the opinion of those best able to judge, that he should no longer delay to retire, for a season, from his labors in Ceylon, and visit his native land. How many pleasant anticipations must crowd upon the mind, when one who has been so long away is about again to look upon old scenes and meet old associates and friends. Yet these, to him, "are sad days?" To leave his work; to leave his flock; to leave his fellow-laborers, throwing upon them a still greater burden when they are already far too much oppressed with cares, and he can see no one who can properly take his position; all this is so try ing, that he loses sight of what might be anticipated pleasures, and "cannot allow his mind to dwell" upon the too painful fact that he must leave. So it very often is with missionaries called to retire from their fields of labor. To them it is sweet to labor for Christ, and trying, very trying, when the Master says, 'You must not labor longer here.' Mr. Howland writes:

These are sad days to me. The idea of leaving my beloved flock, and especially that of throwing my burden upon those who are already borne down with labor, sometimes half distracts me. I cannot allow my mind to dwell upon it,

and the hurry of making preparation to leave is, on this account, a merciful diversion of my thoughts. The brethren met at Manepy yesterday afternoon, to decide who should take charge of my work. It seemed to be impossible to meet the emergency. One plan and another was proposed, but none seemed practicable. It seemed disastrous to remove a single one from his present station, but more disastrous to leave all the interests at Batticotta without a resident missionary. Some one must be removed, but who it should be, was a question upon which we considered long, and finally gave it up and took up other business, hoping that light would come. I asked Dr. Green if it would not do for me to stay longer, but he gave me no encouragement. In the course of the evening, the question was taken up again. It was proposed to defer it till we should hear again from the Committee, with the hope that some relief might be found in the promise of a reinforcement; but as it appears to be necessary that I should begin at once to give over my work, it was at length decided that Mr. Sanders must leave his field at Tillipally and remove to Batticotta. One of the brethren felt that he could not vote for it, on the ground that he considered it a sacrifice of Mr. Sanders, in his present state of health. There is danger of this, and we all felt it; yet it seems the only alternative, and the indications of Providence appear SO plain, I have strong confidence that strength will be granted him equal to his day. Tillipally is to be left without a resident missionary at present. Mr. Sanders had entered with much interest into the work there, and it ought not to be thus left; but we thought that station would not suffer so much by being left as others would. The question as to who should take charge of it remains undecided for the present. No one has time or strength to spare from his present work. It will probably be decided at our coming annual meeting.


Wants of the Field.

I fear the Committee do not properly consider our need of reinforcement. This field is not like a new one which has never been occupied. The results of the labor already bestowed create a demand for an increase of labor, and a responsibility is thrown upon us to carry on what has been begun. I need not speak of the great difference between leaving the untouched jungle and forsaking the field which has been, with great labor, cleared and prepared for cultivation; especially when the enemy is so busy scattering tares in the mellow soil. The very fact that mind is so awakened in Jaffna, creates a demand for missionary influence to guide and direct it into right channels. The dead, unbroken calm of heathenism, which rests upon whole regions of country in some parts of India,

has here been disturbed. It is true that the objects sought by the mass of the people are not what we could wish. Money, government-office, and English

education as a means to these, are prominent objects of pursuit. Those who

are aroused to seek the truth are comparatively few; those who are on the alert to defeat its progress are many. But the minds of nearly all are apparently awakened to something, and I believe the destiny of this people is being rapidly determined. It is to meet this juncture that we want help, and that we all feel ready to sacrifice health and every thing, rather than that the work should not go on. And it is this that crushes one's spirit into the dust when the Lord lays his hand upon him and tells him his help is not wanted-he may go.

A Young Convert Opposed.

Mr. Howland speaks of the Sabbath, December 18, as a day of much interest. "It was probably the last season of communion which I shall enjoy with my beloved flock before leaving. We presented our youngest child to the Lord in the ordinance of baptism, which was administered by Mr. Meigs, the child receiving the name of Daniel Poor; and

the eldest daughter of A. Backus, my oldest native assistant, came forward and took the vows of God upon her; thus confirming, by her own act, the consecration made by her parents in her infancy." But another person, who designed also to make profession of his faith in Christ, was prevented from doing so under circumstances which excited much interest among the missionaries, and which serve to indicate, in some measure, how seri ous is the opposition which converts in Ceylon may still be called to encounter.

A young man, named Talcott H. Russell, who was a member of the seminary when it was suspended, and now studies in the English school conducted by the natives at this station, was expecting also to unite with the church, but was He is a prevented by his relatives. near relative of the Maniagar, (the highest government officer in this vicinity,) and of others who pride themselves on

their rank and heathenism. On Satur

day evening we heard that the brother and other relatives of the young man, having become acquainted with his intention, had endeavored to prevent him from coming forward, and that he was not to be found in his house. Our fears were increased on Sabbath morning, by the news that he had spent the night in the house of the Maniagar, and had yielded to the solicitations of his relatives. Not fully trusting the report of his having yielded, it was thought best that Dr. Green should seek an interview with him. He accordingly went for the purpose, accompanied by a native assistant, while a little company assembled for prayer. Dr. Green was permitted to see the young man in the presence of others, and he fearlessly declared before them all, that he wished to join the church, but was detained by force. Upon which the Maniagar said to Dr. Green, "His soul is with you, and his body with us." There were about fifty people present, one or two brahmins among the rest, and all were very much excited. They abused and reviled, and the brother of the young man attacked Dr. Green, but only pulled off his hat,

being restrained by the interference of the bystanders. It was a great comfort to us all to know that he still remained firm in his purpose, and we felt, that though detained from the table of the Lord, he would have the presence of his Savior with him, alone among the heathen.

His Sincerity Acknowledged.

On the following day he was allowed to attend school upon promising to inform them if he were to join the church. He wishes to take an early opportunity to do so. The occurrence is the subject of very general conversation among the heathen. I understand that they generally condemn the course taken by his relatives in detaining him. Some say, "He must be sincere. He has plenty of money, and there is no seminary now. He has therefore no necessity for seeking the favor of the missionaries. Surely this must be the work of God." A brahmin asked one of the assistants why the missionaries need to interfere with the religion of others, and try to turn them? Upon which an aged brahmin present replied: "They know the worth of the soul, and the danger to which it is exposed, and therefore they are earnest in their efforts to save others." We trust that God will make the event the means of good among this people.

He unites with the Church. January 3. The young man was received to the church at our weekly church meeting yesterday afternoon. For one or two weeks our fears were awakened, lest he might yield to the persuasions and threats of his relatives. He was so closely watched that it was with difficulty even his teacher could obtain an interview with him. week the teacher (R. Breckenridge, teacher of the English school) returned to Batticotta, having been absent at his own home for a week, during a part of the vacation in his school. He endeavored for one or two days to see Russell


alone, but without success. Yesterday morning he came to me and said he had had a long interview with him, and that he wished to join the church without further delay, and appeared to be prepared to meet any opposition or violence even, to which he might be exposed. Feeling satisfied with what Mr. Breckenridge stated concerning his feelings on the subject, we made arrangements to receive him at our usual church meeting in the afternoon. Nothing was said about his purpose, as it was feared that there might be an attempt to make disturbance, if it was known abroad before the meeting. Still, we were careful to avoid giving any opportunity to have it said that we received him secretly. The usual exercises of the meeting were suspended, and he came forward and entered into covenant with God, and received baptism. The Lord's supper was then administered, and it was indeed a pleasant season to all present who were the people of God, and an impressive one to those not connected with the church, of whom there were a number. We have not yet heard of any trouble on the part of his relatives.

Recent Intelligence.

ZULUS.-Letters from South Africa are in reference mainly to a fearful civil war which was raging among the Zulus, north of the Natal colony. The chief, Umpande, having become aged and infirm, there has been contention for some time among his sons in regard to the succession. On the 2d of

December, a battle took place near the Tukela river between the forces of two of these sons, Umbulazi, and Ucetywayo. Umbulazi was entirely defeated, and a fearful slaughter of men, women and children followed. The defeated party plunged into the river, to escape into the colony. The stream was very

high, and it is supposed that two thousand perished in the water. The whole number of

the slain and drowned is variously estimated at from 3,000 to 5,000. Some fears have been entertained that the Natal colony would become seriously involved in the difficulties. Probably nothing but "the high walls of the

Tukela" saved Natal from instant invasion by the victorious army; but it may now be hoped that no such invasion will take place, and that the colonial government will be able to remain neutral.


-The missionary company which sailed from Boston in the Henry Hill, January 5, Messrs. Wheeler, White, Morse, Coffing, and Winchester, with their wives, arrived at Smyrna, March 2. They had, Mr. Morse writes, a very pleasant voyage, 'the Captain doing every thing that they could desire,' although from Malta to Smyrna it was much prolonged by head winds and calms. They were to proceed immediately to Constantinople

NESTORIANS.-Again, in the wise and holy providence of God, not one mission only, but the missionary cause is stricken. An eminently faithful and much beloved member of the Nestorian mission has gone, it cannot be doubted, to "be forever with the Lord." Rev. David T. Stoddard died on the 22d of

January, after an illness of thirty-two days. His disease was typhus fever, and during its progress, as would be expected, his peace was "like a river."

About the first of February, a new order was received by Asker Ali Khan, from the Kâim Makâm, much more favorable to the missionaries than previous orders. It had been shown to the authorities at Oroomiah, and Mr. Breath writes, "They have offered us any number of soldiers we may require as guards at our gate, or to accompany us wherever we may desire to go about the country. Asker Khan also volunteers the offer to give

an order for the establishment of schools wherever we may desire to have them."

MADURA.-The annual meeting of the Madura mission was held January 7 to 10. A communication was received from the Bangalore Missionary Conference, proposing a convention of all the different Protestant missionaries in Southern India, to meet in Bangalore in January, 1858. The mission passed resolutions approving of the proposition, and expressing a readiness to send delegates. Mr. Rendall says: "The calling of this convention shows that very great interest is taken in those subjects which have been discussed so much by our own Board during the past two or three years. The evangelization of this country is exciting deep interest, and systems of labor will be examined and compared. I cannot but think that good will result from the meeting, should it take place. Southern India, as a missionary field, has not been appreciated heretofore in

England or America; but may we not hope that new interest will be taken as information is increased."

Three persons were added to the church of the native pastor, Henry Zilva, in January. One of them was a man more than eighty-six years of age. One man also was added to the church at Tirumungalum, February 1.

CANTON.-A line from Mr. Macy, dated at Macao, January 10, gives the following account of a serious loss sustained by the mission, in connection with the burning of the foreign factories by the Chinese.

The mission has been brought into practical connection with the hostile movement, by the destruction, on the night of the 14th of December last, of the foreign factories. The whole printing establishment of the mission, and most of its stock of books, were entirely consumed. The newly completed Dictionary and the Commercial Guide, I had early packed and removed to Whampoa; but as the whole available material for packing was thus absorbed, and as the factories were supposed to be safe, the other books were left; and so rapid was the spread of the flames that nothing could be saved. The total loss amounts to $14,000.

Mr. Williams, having accepted the post of Secretary in the legation of the United States, has resigned his connection with the mission. In his letter of resignation, addressed to the mission, he says: "I do not, however, regard this as a final separation from your body, far less as a dissolution of my connection with the work of Christian missions in China; and therefore desire you to look upon it as only a temporary interruption of a relation which has many probabilities of being resumed." "It seems scarcely necessary to add, that I hope you will still continue to regard me as your co-worker, and that I may have the privilege of assisting you in your labors among the Chinese, so far as time and opportunity may allow. May the Great Master of the vineyard bless and approve all our efforts to advance his glory and make known his truth."

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A friend, to cons. JOHN J. BULFINCH,


36 27-446 97

47 20

101 98

Warner, H. O. H.

1 00-150 18

[blocks in formation]

of Perry, Me. an H. M.

100 00

Bethel, 2d cong. ch. m. c. Bucksport, m. c.

12 00 25.00

Solon, M. B.

3 00

South Paris, cong. ch. m. c.

32 00

Washington, C. S.

5 00-177 00

1,020 75


21 00

79 42

15 00

25 03-140 45

67 39

172 31

81 00

Cheshire co. Aux, So. G. P. Drown, Tr. Jaffrey, East ortho. cong. ch. and

[blocks in formation]

South Westmoreland, Cong. so.

Hillsboro' co. Aux. So. J. A. Wheat, Tr.
Francestown, Cong. ch. and so.
Nashua, Pearl st. ch. 147,09; m.
c. 25,22;

New Ipswich, gent. 44,55; la.

Mont Vernon, Gent. 42; la. 48; 90 00 Temple, Gent. 23; la. 13,27;

Merrimack co. Aux. So. G. Hutchins, Tr. Concord, 1st cong. ch. and so.

26,4; East do. 20,80;

Henniker, Cong. so.

Rockingham co. Conf. of chs. F. Grant, Tr.

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