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received an order from the Kâim Makâm, | subject to him, but to the Persian gov

given after our arrival at Tabreez, urging him forward in the execution of his instructions relative to our missions, and threatening him with heavy penalties in case of neglect. The Persian agent had requested the Kâim Makâm to furnish a written document to Mar Gabriel and Mar Yoosuph, constituting them the heads of the people, and committing to them the supervision of all our labors. This document was not given; but the Kâim Makâm directed him to assure those Bishops, that in case they did the government good service in this matter, they would be remembered and rewarded. On the receipt of this order, the agent proceeded to act with new vigor. A teacher of one of our village schools was brought to the city, and beaten, because Mar Gabriel complained that he would not obey him. One of our preachers, located in a village, was severely beaten by a servant of the agent, without any reason except that he was in our employ. Our friends were summoned from all directions, and threatened with cruel penalties if they did not conform in all things to the usages of the church, as in former times.

So far from being led to relax his opposition by the order of the Kàim Makâm, Asker Aly Khan seems rather to have been stirred by it to take yet more decided measures against the missionary work; judging, rightly, that the Kâim Makâm had no desire to see him. change his course. Dr. Wright continues:

The day after our return, we sent to him the order of the Kâim Makâm, and the letter from the Russian consul, obtained at Tabreez. The next day was the Sabbath. Early Monday morning, he sent his secretary to us with the message, that he did not consider the order we brought as annulling previous orders, but only directing him to treat us civilly; and moreover that he had new instructions from the Kâim Makâm to proceed in breaking up our operations. As to the letter from the Russian consul, he directed his Secretary to say, that he was not

ernment. Thus it appeared, that he did not intend to regard these documents in the least, and that he did not consider the order of the Kâim Makâm as given in good faith.

The same day he summoned Deacon Yoosuph, of Degalla, our translator, who had ventured to preach in his village after he had forbidden it. He treated him with great indignity, threatening to put him in irons and send him to Tehran. He took a written obligation, with a penalty of a hundred dollars' fine, from the people of that village, that they would inform him in case any one there did not keep all the Nestorian fasts, or in any way did not live according to Nestorian usages. He demanded an obligation from Deacon Yoosuph, that he would not preach; but the demand was withdrawn when we requested it.

Most of our village schools are disbanded, and those few which are still in session will probably be broken up without much delay. We are daily expecting that a blow will be struck at our two seminaries. A threat has been made to gather the issues of our press, scattered among the people, and make a bonfire of them.


Death of General Asker Khan.

In a postscript to this letter, dated December 19, a new, and, as was supposed, somewhat important turn of affairs is mentioned.

An event has just transpired here, which must have an important bearing upon our matters. Asker Khan, the general of the Persian troops in this part of the country, was killed yesterday by a Koordish chief in Mergawer, eight hours from this city. The corpse was carried past our door only a few minutes ago. The event falls like a thunderbolt upon the community. The general was on the frontier with his troops, where he was destroying some old Koordish fortifications. A Koordish chief, the owner of one of these forts, came to the camp, as though to give in

= his submission; and while in the general's tent, fell upon him, plunging a dagger into his body, killing him on the spot. The Koord, before he could make his escape, was cut to pieces by the soldiers. This general, wily and deceitful, was no doubt at the bottom of all the annoyances we are at present experiencing from the Persian government. He was at court when the famous firman in relation to us was issued, and probably dictated it.

No Change of Policy.

Eight days later, December 27, Dr. Wright wrote again:

There is no change in the aspect of our affairs. Since the death of general Asker Khan, a letter has been received from the Kâim Makâm, addressed to the general, commending him for supporting Asker Aly Khan in breaking up our schools and in opposing our labors, and alluding to our having been at Tabreez, and to the order he gave the Turkish consul for us, as in no way to modify his previous instructions. Asker Aly Khan is, consequently, pursuing the same line of opposition to us as before the death of his supporter here. He firmly believes that he will be sustained by the central government.

Bombay Mission.-India.


MR. and MRS. HARDING, of the missionary company whose arrival at Bombay was announced in the last number of the Herald, have been convinced that it is their duty, in view of the necessities of the Bombay mission, to remain for a time at that place. Others of the company have gone on, Mr. and Mrs. Wood to Satara, and Messrs. Fairbank and Dean, with their wives, to Ahmed


First Impressions.

In this letter, in a few graphic sentences, Mr. Harding presents the impressions made

upon his mind by his first actual contact with a heathen population, his first intercourse

with the few native Christians to be found among that population, and his first connection with the missionary work on missionary ground.

It is three weeks to-day since we arrived; and to us, who look on these scenes of heathenism for the first time, they have been weeks of thrilling interest. I had made myself acquainted with the character and habits of the people, so far as books and converse with missionaries could furnish information; but one look at these crowded streets, one half hour in this region of mature heathenism, gives me a clearer idea of its terrible power, and makes a deeper impression, than all that I have ever read

or heard.


We landed soon after sunrise; and you will understand our feelings as we met that half-clad throng upon the wharf, and heard the strange jargon of many voices all around us, and the distant roar of busy life in the city. It really seemed like a second Babel. As we passed along, through the native town, I could not but ask myself the questions, What has Christianity done here? Where are the signs, that it exists at all?' And to the eye of a stranger, there hardly appeared a single eddy in the broad, deep current of heathenism. Everything seemed to speak of superstition, debasement and idolatry. But a brief residence in this place has given us pleasing and abundant evidence that Christianity has an existence, though its general effect hardly appears on the face of society. There are living witnesses of the power of the gospel here, and we have been much cheered in meeting with these native Christians. Their meek and Christlike deportment contrasts strangely with the haughty bearing of their countrymen generally. We have also received a most hearty welcome, by letter, from those native pastors, beloved for their work's sake, in Ahmednuggur. The good work seems to be progressing as rapidly as ever in all that region, and we long to be shar


ers with our brethren there, in their toils and their rejoicings.

Increased Interest in Missions.

I need not say that we are very happy in view of the work before us. I cannot conceive of a higher privilege than to spend a lifetime in such a field and in such a service. If I had any zeal and love for this work in America, it has been increased a hundredfold since coming to this land. And I verily believe, could American Christians but see with their own eyes what heathenism is, they would be astonished at their present apathy. I am sure, if they realized the condition of these perishing millions, there could be no lack of interest in the

missionary cause. A debt resting on the American Board would be an impossibility. The treasury would always overflow with grateful offerings. Selfdenial and personal sacrifice for the heathen, together with fervent prayer, would not be unusual in the daily experience of Christians. But alas! how anomalous, at present, are these characteristics in the church! Where are the men who are really making sacrifices, who even practice economy, that the gospel may be published in all lands! Meanwhile these souls are perishingprecious souls, made in the image of God, capable of an eternal weight of glory, and for whom Christ has diedand they perish without a knowledge of this amazing truth!

Madras Mission.-India.


Review of the Year.

LOOKING back upon the year which had passed, Mr. Hurd says the routine of his duties had been so regular and uniform that he had no striking incidents to relate. "My duties in the school, prohibited me from doing much among the masses around me. In the early part of the year, I went out daily in the morning to speak to such as

might gather around me, but was not able to continue this labor the whole year. I felt it my duty, under the circumstances, to give my whole time and strength to the English school." He is unable to report any conversions during the year in this school. "A few have apparently been more than convinced of the divine authority of the Bible, a few have had their consciences more or less awakened to the momentous realities of eternity, and I have thought, that could I have secured them that protection which they felt that they must have if they renounced Hindooism, more than one would have made a profession of Christianity. I was unwilling to protect them farther than this,-I would render them every assistance in my power, that their spiritual and legal rights, which the laws of Britain guarantee to all under their jurisdiction, should be preserved. I was willing to make my house a place of refuge till after the first storm of rage and persecution should have spent its force, and then I must insist that they should find a home in the house of some one of the Christian families of our church."


English School.

Respecting this school, to which, as stated above, he had devoted his time and strength, Mr. Hurd writes:

The most important change made in the English school during the year, was introducing, in the month of June, the system of requiring lads to pay for their tuition. The rate is little more than nominal, yet it is the establishing of a principle of no small moment in this country. The effect upon the school was considerable, reducing the daily regular attendance from 259 to 152. This reduction would not have been so great if all the mission schools in Madras had adopted the same plan; but this none of the schools in Black Town have as yet done. Though we lost in numbers, in several respects we have gained much. The daily attendance of the lads has been more regular, and they have applied themselves more diligently to their studies. In a word, the change has imparted a more permanent character to the school. No considerations would induce me to recede in this matter. The time has passed in Madras,



any necessity for giving an education gratuitously to the Hindoos. Christian schools may now take their stand by the side of the large heathen schools, in requiring the boys to pay for their education. Considering the important changes in the school, and the changes in the pupils, I have some reason to be satisfied with the result of the mere educational effort; and I have not been without hope, that more than one heart has been taken captive by the truth. But the Lord has not permitted us to see the captive freed from the chains of Hindooism.

The public examination of the school took place on the evening of December 16. A goodly number of Europeans were present, and Honorable Walter Elliot was in the chair. Mr. Hunt, of this mission, writes, that the chairman and others have expressed themselves as highly gratified with the improved appearance of the school. He adds: "Mr. Hamilton very kindly aided, and examined the larger class in Matthew, which gave much satisfaction. It was really interesting and encouraging to notice the views he elicited from them, by his nice mode of drawing them out. The native teachers joined in taking some of the classes and did well. The more I see of Lyman, the head teacher, the more he rises in my estimation as a scholar and a man.

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Vernacular Schools - The Church.

The vernacular schools, Mr. Hurd writes, "have remained much the same as when Mr. Winslow left. I have abolished one school, because a Christian teacher whom I employed could not succeed in obtaining pupils. I have grown skeptical in relation to the utility of heathen schools, unless the missionary can exercise over them a careful supervision, and place in them a faithful and reliable Christian teacher. I think of uniting, this year, three vernacular schools in one, so that I can look after them myself." The number of pupils connected with these schools during the year "has been about 229 boys and 48 girls." Five persons were admitted to the church in 1856, and Mr. Hurd says, "The first Sabbath of the new year, I had the pleasure of receiving to the church Chinnasauny, a young man who came to me in June last, expressing an earnest wish to become a Christian. He was of good caste, a member of the Roman Cath

olic church, and, at the time he came, was attending the Roman Catholic high school in Black Town. He broke his caste without the least hesitation." The friends of this young man have manifested a bitter feeling towards him, but he has not suffered active persecution. He is laboring to support himself in a printing office, learning the business of a compositor. "He has given me great satisfaction, and seems to be imbued with the Spirit of God. The members of the church, without an exception, gave their cheerful and unqualified approbation to his admission. He is about eighteen years of age, and will by and by come into possession of a little property. I have not seen the first indication, that he had a thought of support in his desire to follow Christ."

It was hoped that another person, a female employed in the girls' school, would unite with the church at the same time. Mr. Hurd says it is her full purpose to join the people of God at the next communion season, though her parents had told her that "if she united with the church they should cast her into the street."

Ceylon Mission.



THIS letter, which was long on the way, makes some report of matters connected with the Chavagacherry station and its out-stations, for the six months ending September 30. The work, Mr. Hastings says, "has been carried on as in previous months. One catechist has been removed to another station, in consequence of sickness in his family, and the portion of the field assigned to him has been left for the most part unoccupied. Regular services on the Sabbath have been continued in four places in the forenoon, and in six places in the afternoon. The attendance at these services has been somewhat less than during the preceding six months, but the congregations have been such as to encourage us. At Varany, though the catechist has continued his labors as usual, there has been no manifest progress, but we cherish the hope that the seed sown will take root and yet produce fruit."

Pleasing facts at Usan and its

There is still much that is interesting at


Usan, from which place encouraging facts were reported in April, 1856.

One individual there, mentioned in my last, has continued to give pleasing evidence of genuine interest in the truth, and we are encouraged to hope that he is a true child of God. A relative of his, to whom also I have alluded before, is still reading the Bible, and expresses a determination to take that as his guide. Of these two the catechist says, "They seem to be earnest in seeking the truth. They have together purchased a Bible and are regularly observing the Sabbath. The people of the village are greatly surprised at seeing such a change in them." He adds that "some of their relatives also are inquiring about religion." The Romanists in that vicinity, at times, have seemed to be somewhat aroused and disposed to give heed to the truth, but have again relapsed into indifference. Still, in one village, the catechist reports, "four or five among the Romanists freely confess that Romanism is false, and that the Bible, portions of which they have received and read, is true. They frequently attend our meetings." Of another he says, "he has scarcely been absent from our meetings on the Sabbath for the past year, and he has abandoned the practice of gambling and intemperance to which he was formerly addicted. He still, however, engages in secular work on Sabbath afternoon." The Romanists in that locality are very much addicted to gambling, intemperance and Sabbath-breaking.

At Kutchy, the Sabbath service has been continued, though the attendance has somewhat declined. The experiment was being tried at that place of sustaining a regular service without the aid of a school. "This

experiment, thus far, has succeeded better than was expected." The native pastor of the church at Chavagacherry has prosecuted his labors with little interruption, and Mr. Hastings thinks, "with increasing satisfaction to his congregation." One individual has been excommunicated from the church for heathenish practices. None have been admitted during the six months.

In July, Messrs. Sanders and Hastings, with three native assistants, visited the northern district of the main island, called the "Wanny." They were much interested in what they saw, and were impressed with the desirableness of supplying that hitherto neglected district with the preaching of the gospel.

At the close of his letter, Mr. Hastings mentions the sad case of Goodrich, who, after being for years a preacher of the gospel, had renounced the faith and labored to destroy the the influence of that truth which once he preached. There will be apostates as well as scoffers.



A LETTER has also been received from Mr. Hunt, the native pastor of the church at Chavagacherry, who reports his labors for the six months ending in September and says: "Though the state of things immediately around the station are not so cheering, yet there are enough signs of good to encourage us to more labor. The Lord continuing to bless us, we hope soon to see one and another casting his lot among the people of God." Much of his letter has reference to facts which are also spoken of by Mr. Hastings. He had visited Usan, and Mokammaz, and was encouraged by what he saw. At the latter place especially, he thinks "there is a real working of the gospel leaven."


Visit to Karadive.

In September he visited Karadive and other islands. He writes:

At Karadive I stopped over the Sabbath, and preached in the morning to the little church assembled, from the words of our Savior, "Remember Lot's wife." In the afternoon, in company with Rev. Mr. Cornelius, I attended a meeting in the house of a brother named Paul. There the drum used once in the service of idols came to the service of

Jehovah, and called the people to the meeting. While they were assembling, Mr. Cornelius was conversing in one corner with a female church member who was absent from the morning service for want of clothing. Her husband also was with her. Though their struggle with poverty has been so severe that

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