The Works of Ben Jonson...: With Notes Critical and Explanatory, and a Biographical Memoir, Tom 3G. and W. Nicol, 1816 |
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Arruntius Avoc Cæsar Caligula Centaure cittern Cler Clerimont Corb Corbaccio Corv Corvino court Cutbeard Daup doth Drusus Enter Eudemus Exeunt Exit faith fathers favours fear follow fool fortune friends gentlemen Germanicus give hast hath hear Hist honour hope humour ibid John Daw Jonson knight La-F La-Foole lady Latiaris Libanius look lord lviii Macro madam marry master doctor mistress Morose Mosca never noble Otter poet pray Re-enter Satrius SCENE Sejanus senate Senec servants Shakspeare shew Signior silence Silent Woman Silius sir Amorous sir Dauphine sir John Daw speak Suet Tacit tell thee there's thing thou thought Tiberius Tom Otter True unto Upton Venice Volp Volpone Volt Voltore WHAL Whalley wife woman word