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Egyptian Empire, entirely forgot the Hebrew. For this reafon the fcriptures, according to the Greek verfion, were univerfally read in that temple, in all the fynagogues, and in all the private families, of the land.

WHEN the gofpel was first preached in Egypt, Syria, and other provinces where the Greek language was fpoken, the apoftles, and other Chriftian miffionaries, went into the fynagogues, and preached the doctrine of the crofs. Wherever they found difciples, appeals were made to thofe Greck fcriptures which teftified of Chrift; because their hearers understood no other. Hence easy it is to account for the quick reception of the Septuagint Bible, and its univerfal ufe, both in the Jewish and Chriftian affemblies, difperfed over the kingdom of the Greeks.

IT is, however to be observed, that neither the one party, nor the other knew the diftinction between the chronology of the Hebrew original, and of the Greek verfion. Without the leaft fufpicion of an attachment, in the tranflators, to the exorbitant computations of the gentiles, they implicitly received the notations of years expreffed in that verfion.

THE Jews, who continued in Paleftine from the reign of Cyrus to the Christian era, natural it is to suppose, retained for a much longer space of time the use of their mother-tongue, and the reading of their original Scriptures; nor does it appear that they generally preferred the enlarged chronology of the Hellenifts, before the time of their total difperfion.

10. AFTER the overthrow of Jerufalem, Rome became the mother church. Before the end of the first

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century nearly the whole of the fcriptures was published in Latin *, which, under the title of the ITALIC VERSION, taken from the LXX. was most probably read in the Roman church from the Apoftolical age for feveral centuries. Hence is inferred the almost univerfal predilection of the Chriftian Fathers, in favour of the Greek chronology. In the fourth century Jerom, diffatisfied on this account, (perhaps, among others), with that version, prepared an entire new translation from the Hebrew, and consequently restored the primitive Mofaical computation. Thus was the ITALIC VERSION fuperfeded by a substitute, which the synod at Trent pronounced CANONICAL.

"THE whole Chriftian church, eaftern and western, and all the ancient celebrated writers of the church, neglected the Hebrew computations, and adhered to the Greek; till in the late century, fome, but not all of the Roman writers, in regard to the decree of the council of Trent about the vulgar Latin, took to the Hebrew computations, not because they were the Hebrew, but because the vulgar Latin agreed with them. Baronius obferves, that the church used anciently to compute the years from the creation, not according to the Hebrew, but according to the Septuagint, and cites many authors to confirm it. He might juftly have cited every ancient writer, except St. Jerom and St. Auftin. Among the moderns, Beza was the firft that had any doubts about the Greek chronology; I fay, had doubts, for he never abfolutely rejected it, though he feemed more

• Gregory's Church Hiftory, vol. i. p. 70.



inclined to the Hebrew. A few followed his opinion; and they are but a few, in comparison of the many that have gone the other way

IN times more liberal, and confequently lefs perilous, Usher brought the subject to the test of cool difpaf fionate .criticifm, and decided in favour of the Hebrew notations. This conclufion, the refult of proofs judiciously chofen, and fairly stated, was happily fatiffactory to the learned of every denomination: the protestant churches having concurred with the popish, in the article of a truly fcriptural chronology, without the least suspicion of fwerving from the principles of the reformation, which feems to account for the timid caution of Theodore Beza.

ABOUT the middle of the past century was the reformed chronology exemplified, in the worthy Primate's ANNALS of the OLD and NEW TESTAMENT. But after a few years Ifaac Voffius revived the controversy, and by the injudicious zeal of feveral learned and eminently good men, during the paffing century, is the erroneous system restored. As an antidote to the permanent and general prevalence of a scheme, so incompatible with the integrity of the Hebrew Pentateuch, the author of the RESEARCHES undertakes to produce direct hiftorical evidence that the protracted chronology was firft fabricated in the very formation of the Greek verfion;—and to evince, that the concife reckoning of Mofes allows fufficient time for the population requifite

Shuckford, vol. i. P. 61.


to conftruct the tower of Babel, if the difperfion be referred to the later years of Peleg's life, as the words of the facred hiftorian naturally admit this fenfe, and not to the time of his birth. On this principle too it will appear evident, that, in the 75th of Abraham's age, 427 years after the Flood, the account of great kingdoms, magnificent cities, &c. then faid to exift, is perfectly confiftent with the course of nature, and improvement in arts.-If these pofitions can be verified, no plaufible pretext will remain for the utility of the expanded computation.

IN the following fheets a fubject coeval with time, and wide as the planetary fyftem, is exhibited in miniature. It is an attempt to erect Ancient History on a firm and permanent basis, an original epoch in reckoning, and to ascertain the lengths of those fixed terms in computation, of which the fum defines the paft age of the world, at any given period. Thus are events, prior, co-exiftent, or fucceffive, difpofed in their natural order. For thefe ends the Hebrew books, the most ancient and beft attefted in the world, are prefumed to afford the most certain intelligence.

FROM the gradual improvements in natural knowledge, these oracles of infpiration derive an acceffion of evidence in every age. By critical skill in ancient tongues and ufages, the facred phrafeology acquires precifion and fignificance. Reason is congenial with faith, and even science gives her fanction to revealed truth. Aftronomy and Chronology, applied to the Sacred Hiftory are, happily fubfervient to establish the

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belief of a wife, merciful, and juft Providence fuperintending the Universe. If at any time, emergent perplexities occur, to furmount which these useful arts are inadequate, Genealogy fuggefts fuch arrangements, as correspond to the term of natural life, in the various periods of time.

By feveral authors of eminent abilities and learning, have the genealogies from the first to the second Adam been examined, but fuccefsfully adjusted by none. From Jacob to the diffolution of the Hebrew monarchy numerous are the fources of uncertainty and as far as the writer's knowledge extends, the period from Solomon to Jofiah has been overlooked by all the critics and expofitors. In this ANALYSIS the principal difficulties have been obviated, and, it is hoped, confiftently with the course of nature.

REVEALED religion is not now to be confidered as a matter of doubtful difputation ;—an inftitution which needs the benefit of an APOLOGY. This word implies, imperfection, if not demerit. It has ftood the test of TIME, which, aided by the increase of knowledge, never fails to expofe the fallacies of impofture, and set forth the lure of truth. If feveral parts of the historical fcriptures be not yet clearly understood, certain it is, that nature, providence, and grace, have one origin and Lord; and though myfteries occur wherever we direct our thoughts or eyes, we may truft, that TIME will yet unfold many fecrets of unfearchable wisdom, long before the final refult of things, when order and harmony fhall crown all the works of God.


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