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ED. LAT. 1563. intelligi possint, recitandas, esse iudicamus.

[XXXIV.] Catalogus Homiliarum. De recto ecclesiæ usu. Aduersus Idololatria pericula.

De reparandis ac purgandis ecclesijs.

De bonis operibus.
De ieiunio.

In gulæ atque ebrietatis uitia.

In nimis sumptuosos uestium apparatus.

De oratione siue precatione. De loco et tempore orationi


De publicis precibus ac Sacramentis, idiomate uulgari omnibusque noto, habendis.

De sacrosancta uerbi divini autoritate.

De eleemosina.


AMERICAN REVIS. 1801. therefore we iudge them to fore we judge them to be read in Churches by the be read in Churches by Ministers diligently, and the Ministers, diligently distinctly, that they may and distinctly, that they be vnderstanded by the may be understanded of people. the people.

[blocks in formation]

8 Of the place and time 8. Of the Place and Time of prayer. 9 That common prayer and Sacramentes ought| to be ministred in a knowen tongue.

10 Of the reuerente esti

mation of Gods worde.

11 Of almes doing.

and Sacraments ought to be ministered in a

known tongue. 10. Of the reverend Estimation of God's Word. 11. Of Alms-doing.

12 Of the Natiuitie of 12. Of the Nativity of

De Christi natiuitate.
De dominica passione.
De resurrectione Domini.
De digna corporis et san-
guinis dominici in cana 13 Of the passion of Christe.
Domini participatione. 14 Of the resurrection of

De donis spiritus sancti.

In diebus, qui uulgo Roga-15

tionum dicti sunt, concio.

De matrimonij statu.

De otio seu socordia.

De pœnitentia.




13. Of the Passion of Christ. 14. Of the Resurrection of Christ.

Ofthe worthie receauing 15. Of the worthy receiving of the Sacrament of the of the Sacrament of the

[blocks in formation]

16 Of the gyftes of the 16. Of the Gifts of the Holy

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18 Of the state of Matri- 18. Of the State of Matri


19 Of repentaunce.
20 Agaynst Idlenesse.
21 Agaynst rebellion.



19. Of Repentance.
20. Against Idleness.
21. Against Rebellion.

[This Article is received in this Church, so far as it declares the Books of Homilies to be an explication of Christian doctrine, and instructive in piety and morals. But all references to the constitution and laws of England are considered as inapplicable to the circumstances of this Church ;, which also suspends the order for the reading of said Homilies in churches, until a revision of them may be conveniently made, for the clearing of them, as well from obsolete words and phrases, as from the local references.]


and Ministers.

Of consecration of Bishops Of Consecration of Bishops

and ministers.

Libellus de Consecratione The booke of Consecra- The Book of ConsecraArchiepiscoporum & Episco- tion of Archbyshops, and tion of Bishops, and Orporum, & de ordinatione Byshops, and orderyng of dering of Priests and DeaPresbyterorum & Diacono- Priestes and Deacons, late- cons, as set forth by the rum æditus nuper tempo- ly set foorth in the time of General Convention of this ribus Edwardi sexti, & Edwarde the sixt, and con- Church in 1792, doth conautoritate Parlamenti illis fyrmed at the same tyme by tain all things necessary ipsis temporibus confirma- aucthoritie of Parliament, to such Consecration and tus, omnia ad eiusmodi con- doth conteyne all thinges Ordering; neither hath it secrationem & ordinationem necessarie to suche conse- any thing that, of itself, is necessaria continet, & nihil cration and orderyng: ney- superstitious and ungodly. habet quod ex se sit aut su- ther hath it any thing, that And, therefore, whosoever perstitiosum aut impium. of it selfe is superstitious are consecrated or ordered

ED. LAT. 1563.


AMERICAN REVIS. 1801. tum uanum & temerarium and rashe swearing is for- and rash Swearing is forà Domino nostro Iesu Chri- bidden Christian men by bidden Christian men by sto, & Apostolo eius Iacobo, our Lord Jesus Christe, and our Lord Jesus Christ, and Christianis hominibus inter- James his Apostle: So we James his Apostle, so we dictum esse fatemur: ita iudge that Christian relig- judge, that Christian ReChristianam religionem mi-ion doth not prohibite, but ligion doth not prohibit, nimè prohibere censemus, quin that a man may sweare but that a man may swear iubente Magistratu, in causa when the Magistrate re- when the Magistrate refidei & charitatis, iurare li- quireth, in a cause of faith quireth, in a cause of faith ceat, modò id fiat iuxta, Pro- and charitie, so it be done and charity, so it be done phetæ doctrinam, in iustitia, accordyng to the prophetes according to the Prophets' in iudicio, & ueritate.1 teaching, in iustice, iudge- teaching, in justice, judgment, and trueth.1 ment, and truth.

[The remainder of the English editions is omitted in the American Revision.]

The Ratification.

Hos Articulos fidei Chri- This Booke of Articles stianæ, continentes in uni- before rehearsed, is agayne uersum nouemde cimpaginas approued, and allowed to in autographo, quod asseru- be holden and executed atur apud Reuerendissimum within the Realme, by the in Christo patrem, Domi- ascent and consent of our num Matthæum Centuarien- Soueraigne Ladye Elizasem Archiepiscopum, totius beth, by the grace of GOD, Anglia Primatem & Me- of Englande, Fraunce, and tropolitanum, Archiepiscopi Irelande Queene, defender & Episcopi utriusque Pro- of the fayth, &c. Which uinciæ regni Anglia, in sa- Articles were deliberately cra prouinciali Synodo le- read, and confirmed agayne gitimè congregati, unanimi by the subscription of the assensu recipiunt & profi- handes of the Archbyshop tentur, & ut ueros atque and Byshoppes of the vpOrthodoxos, manuum sua- per house, and by the subrum subscriptionibus appro- scription of the whole bant, uicesimo nono die men- Cleargie in the neather sis Ianuarij: Anno Domini, house in their Conuoca

In the Forty-two Articles of Edward VI. there are four additional Articles—on the Resurrection of the Dead, the State of the Souls of the Departed, Millenarians, and the Eternal Damnation of the Wicked.


ED. LAT. 1563. Principibus, uidemus semper haue ben geuen alwayes to fuisse attributam, hoc est, all godly Princes in holy ut omnes status atque or- Scriptures by God him selfe, dines fidei suæ à Deo com- that is, that they should rule missos, siue illi ecclesiastici all estates and degrees comsint, siue ciuiles, in officio mitted to their charge by contineant, & contumaces ac God, whether they be Eccledelinquentes, gladio ciuili siasticall or Temporall, and

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Christianorum bona non

sunt communia.

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Of Christian mens goodes, Of Christian Men's Goods,

which are not common.

The ryches and goodes

which are not common.

The Riches and Goods

Facultates & bona Christianorum non sunt commu- of Christians are not com- of Christians are not comnia quoad ius & possessionem, mon, as touching the ryght, mon, as touching the right, et quidam Anabaptista falso title, and possession of the title, and possession of the iactant. Debet tamen quisque same, as certayne Anabap- same; as certain Anabapde hijs quæ possidet, pro fa- tistes do falsely boast. Not-tists do falsely boast. Notcultatum ratione, pauperi- withstandyng euery man withstanding, every man bus eleemosynas benigne dis- ought of suche thinges as ought, of such things as tribure. he possesseth, liberally to he possesseth, liberally to geue almes to the poore, give alms to the poor, acaccordyng to his habilitie. cording to his ability.

XXXVIII. (XXXIX.] Licet Christianis Iurare. Quemadmodum iuramen


Of a Christian mans othe.
As we confesse that vayne


Of a Christian Man's Oath.
As we confess that vain

ED. LAT. 1563...

Excusum Londini apud


25 Of the Sacramentes.

26 Of the vnworthynesse!

of the Ministers.

27 Of Baptisme.

28 Of the Lordes supper.

29 Of the wicked whiche

eate not the body of

30 Of both kyndes.

31 Of Christes one obla


32 Of the mariage of


33 Of excommunicate per


34 Of traditions of the


35 Of Homilies.

36 Of consecration of Min


37 Of ciuill Magistrates.
38 Of christian mens goods.

39 Of a christian mans othe.
40 Of the ratification.

¶ Imprinted at London REGINALDVM Wolfium, Re- in Powles Churchyard, by giæ Maiest. in Latinis ty- Richarde Iugge and Iohn pographum. ANNO DOMINI. Cawood, Printers to the


Queenes Maiestie, in Anno
Domini 1571.

* Cum priuilegio Regis


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