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are the gude warkes of the secund offendendi libidinem cohibere: hæc Tabill, quhilk are maist pleising and sunt opera posterioris tabulæ, Deo acceptabill unto God, as thir warkes imprimis grata ac accepta, utpote that are commanded be himselfe. ab ipso imperata. Horum autem The contrary quhairof is sinne contraria in vitiorum genere sunt, maist odious, quhilk alwayes dis- Deo invisa, ingrata, eumque ad pleisis him, and provokes him to iram incitantia; quale est, non anger: As not to call upon him cum solum invocare cum res postualone, when we have need; not to lat; nolle verbum ejus reverenter hear his word with reverence, to audire, aut etiam aspernari ac contemne and despise it; to have parvi pendere; idola aut venerari or worschip idols, to maintene and aut apud se habere; cultum idodefend Idolatrie; lichtlie to esteeme lorum fovere ac tueri; nomen Dei the reverend name of God; to pro- venerabile parvi facere; prophaphane, abuse, or contemne the Sac- nare, abuti, aut contemnere sacraraments of Christ Jesus; to dis- menta a Domino instituta; non obey or resist ony that God hes parere, ac etiam resistere iis quibus placed in authoritie (quhil they authoritas data est divinitus, præpasse not over the bounds of their sertim quamdiu intra juris et muoffice); to murther, or to consent neris sui terminos sese continent; thereto, to beare hatred, or to let cædem facere, aut quo fiat coire et innocent blude bee sched, gif wee consentire; odium conceptum conmay withstand it.2 And finally, tinere; pati ut innoxius fundatur the transgression of ony uther com- sanguis cum impedire possis: ac mandement in the first or secund breviter, quicquid adversus præTabill, we confesse and affirme to cepta prioris aut posterioris tabulæ be sinne, by the quhilk Gods an- committitur, id peccatum esse asseger and displesure is kindled against veramus, ac tale peccatum quod the proud unthankfull warld. So ram, odiumque Dei adversus hothat gude warkes we affirme to be minum ingratitudinem accendat. thir onlie, that are done in faith, Itaque juxta nostram sententiam, and at Gods commandment, quha ea opera bona sunt, quæ ex fide proin his Lawe hes expressed what the ficiscuntur, ac fiunt juxta præcepta

1 Thess. iv. 6; Rom. xiii. 2. 2 Ezech. xxii. 13, etc.

1 John iii. 4.



Rom. xiv. 23; Heb. xi. 6.

⚫ 1 Sam. xv. 22; 1 Cor. x. 31.

thingis be that pleis him. And evill Dei, qui, lege lata, quid fieri vellet warkis we affirme not only thir that diserte cavit. Contra, ea opera expressedly ar done against Gods dicimus mala, non modo quæ aperte commaundement: bot thir alswa cum verbo Dei pugnant; sed ea that in matteris of Religioun, and etiam quæ in rebus quæ ad pietaworschipping of God, hes na uther tem ac Dei cultum spectant, nulassurance bot the inventioun and lum aliud habent firmamentum, nisi opinioun of man: quhilk God fra ab hominis opinione et commento ; the beginning hes ever rejected, as hujus enim generis opera Deus ab be the Prophet Esay, and be our initio usque semper rejecit et adverMaister CHRIST JESUS we ar taught satus est, uti ex Esaia propheta, in thir words, In vaine do they wor- et his Christi verbis edocti sumus, schip me, teaching the doctrines Frustra me colunt, docentes docthe precepts of men.3 trinas et præcepta hominum.





The Law of God we confesse Legem Dei maxime justam, æquaand acknawledge maist just, maist bilem, et perfectam agnoscimus et equall, maist halie, and maist perfite, fatemur, ea jubentem quæ, si percommaunding thir thingis, quhilk fecte pleneque præstarentur, vitam being wrocht in perfectioun, were dare possent, et ad æternam nos abill to give life, and abill to bring perducere fœlicitatem. Sed noman to eternall felicitie. Bot our stra natura adeo est corrupta et nature is sa corrupt, sa weake, and infirma, ut nunquam ad opera legis sa unperfite, that we ar never abill perfecte præstanda simus idonei ; to fulfill the warkes of the Law in nam si peccatum nos habere etiam perfectioun.5 Zea, gif we say we post regenerationem negemus, noshave na sinne, evin after we ar re- metipsos decipimus, et veritas Dei generate, we deceive our selves, and non est in nobis. Propterea nethe veritie of God is not in us. cesse erat, ut Christum, qui legis

11 John iii. 4.

Esa. xxix. 13.

9 Matt. xv. 9; Mark vii. 7.

Deut. v. 29; Rom. x. 3.

1 Kings viii. 46; 2 Chron. vi. 36; Prov. xx. 9; Eccles. vii. 22; 1 John i. 8.

⚫ Lev. xviii. 5; Gal. iii. 12; 1 Tim. i. 8; Rom. vii. 12; Psa. xix. 7, 8, 9, 11.


And therfore, it behovis us to ap- est finis et consummatio, cum sua prehend Christ Jesus with his jus- justitia et satisfactione apprehentice and satisfaction, quha is the deremus; qui in libertatem nos end and accomplishment of the asseruit, ne in execrationem ac maLaw, be quhome we ar set at this ledictionem Dei incideremus, etiamsi liberty, that the curse and maledic- opera in lege jussa non omni ex tion of God fall not upon us, al- parte plene perfecteque faceremus : beit we fulfill not the same in al Deus enim Pater, in corpore Filii pointes. For God the Father be- sui Jesu Christi nos intuens, imholding us, in the body of his Sonne perfectam nostram obedientiam boni Christ Jesus, acceptis our imperfite consulit, et pro perfecta habet; obedience, as it were perfite, and operibusque nostris, quæ multis covers our warks, quhilk ar defyled maculis polluta sunt, Filii sui juswith mony spots, with the justice titiam prætendit. Neque tamen ita of his Sonne. We do not meane nos emancipatos dicimus, ut nulthat we ar so set at liberty, that we lam legi obedientiam debeamus, obeawe na obedience to the Law (for dientiam enim deberi supra aperte that before wee have plainly con- sumus confessi: illud autem affirfessed), bot this we affirme, that na mamus, neminem unquam præter man in eird (Christ Jesus onlie ex-unum Christum ita legi paruisse, cept) hes given, gives, or sall give parere, aut pariturum esse, quemin worke, that obedience to the Law, admodum lex exigit: sed cum omquhilk the Law requiris. Bot when nia fecerimus, procumbamus oporwe have done all things, we must tet, ac fateamur ingenue servos nos falle down and unfeinedly confesse, inutiles esse. Quapropter quicunthat we are unprofitable servands. que operum suorum merita ostentat, And therefore, quhosoever boastis aut in operibus supererogationis themselves of the merits of their ullam collocat fiduciam, is se sciat awin works, or put their trust in id jactare quod omnino nihil est, the works of Supererogation, boast et spem salutis in idololatria exitiathemselves in that quhilk is nocht, bili collocare.

and put their trust in damnable


1 Rom. x. 4; Gal. iii. 13; Deut. xxvii. 26.
* Phil. ii. 15.

3 Esa. lxiv. 6.

Luke xvii. 10.





Quemadmodum credimus in unum Deum, Patrem, Filium, et Spiritum Sanctum; ita firmissime tenemus, quod ab usque rerum initio fuerit, nunc extet, ac futura sit usque ad mundi finem una ecclesia, id est,

As we beleve in ane God, Father, Sonne, and haly Ghaist; sa do we maist constantly beleeve, that from the beginning there hes bene, and now is, and to the end of the warld sall be, ane Kirk, that is to say, ane company and multitude of men unus cœtus et multitudo hominum chosen of God, who richtly worship a Deo electorum, qui recte ac pie and imbrace him be trew faith in Deum venerantur et amplectuntur Christ Jesus,' quha is the only head per veram fidem in Jesum Chriof the same Kirk, quhilk alswa is stum, qui solus est caput ejus ecclethe bodie and spouse of Christ Je- siæ, quæ et ipsa corpus est et sponsa sus, quhilk Kirk is catholike, that is, Christi. Eademque est catholica, universal, because it conteinis the hoc est, universalis; quia omnium Elect of all ages, of all realmes, na- ætatum, nationum, gentium et lintions, and tongues, be they of the guarum electos continet, sive illi Jewes, or be they of the Gentiles, Judæi sint, seu gentes; iisque comquha have communion and societie munio est et societas cum Deo Patre, with God the Father, and with his cumque ejus Filio Jesu Christo per Son Christ Jesus, throw the sanc-sanctificationem Sancti Spiritus: tificatioun of his haly Spirit:2 and atque ideo non hominum prophanotherefore it is called the commun- rum vocatur communio, sed sanctoioun, not of prophane persounes, rum, qui etiam Hierosolymæ cœbot of Saincts, quha as citizenis of lestis sunt cives, fruunturque bonis the heavenly Jerusalem,3 have the maxime inestimabilibus, nempe uno fruitioun of the maist inestimable Deo, uno Domino nostro Jesu, una benefites, to wit, of ane God, ane fide, et uno baptismo. Extra hanc Lord Jesus, ane faith, and ane bap- ecclesiam nulla est vita, nulla ætertisme: Out of the quhilk Kirk, na fœlicitas; idcirco plane ex diathere is nouther lyfe, nor eternall metro abhorremus ab eorum blasfelicitie. And therefore we utterly phemiis, qui asserunt, cujusvis

Matt. xxviii. 20; Eph. i. 4.

2 Col. i. 18; Eph. v. 23, 24, etc.; Rev. vii. 9.

* Eph. ii. 19.


⚫ Eph. iv. 5.

abhorre the blasphemie of them sectæ, aut religionis professores fore that affirme, that men quhilk live salvos, modo vitæ suæ actiones ad according to equitie and justice, sal justitiæ et æquitatis normam conbe saved, quhat Religioun that ever formaverint: nam uti absque Jesu they have professed. For as with- Christo nulla est vita, nulla salus; out Christ Jesus there is nouther ita salutis ejus nemo erit particeps, life nor salvation; so sal there nisi quem Pater dederit Filio suo nane be participant therof, bot Jesu Christo, quique ad eum dum sik as the Father hes given unto tempus habet, adveniet, ejus doctrihis Sonne Christ Jesus, and they nam profitebitur, et in eum credet; that in time cum unto him, avowe cum adultis autem parentibus, puhis doctrine, and beleeve into him, eros etiam comprehendi intelligo. we comprehend the children with Hac ecclesia invisibilis est, uni the faithfull parentes.3 This Kirk Deo cognita, qui solus novit quos is invisible, knawen onelie to God, elegerit. Hæc æque continet electos, quha alane knawis whome he hes qui jam decesserunt, quos vulgo ecchosen; and comprehends as weill clesiam triumphantem appellant, (as said is) the Elect that be de- ac eos qui nunc vivunt, et adversus parted, commonlie called the Kirk peccatum et Satanam præliantur, Triumphant, and they that zit live eosque qui post nos futuri sunt. and fecht against sinne and Sathan as sall live hereafter.5





The Elect departed are in peace Electi qui jam decesserunt, laboand rest fra their labours: Not ribus liberi, pace et tranquillitate that they sleep, and come to a cer- fruuntur; non quod dormiant, aut taine oblivion, as some Phantas-oblivione sopiantur, ut fanatici quitickes do affirmne; bot that they dam affirmant; sed quod ab omni are delivered fra all feare and tor- metu, cruciatu, et tentatione sint ment, and all temptatioun, to quhilk exempti, quibus nos ac cæteri omnes we and all Goddis Elect are subject electi Dei sumus obnoxii quamdiu

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1 John iii. 36.

* John vi. 37, 39, 65; xvii. 6. 3 Acts ii. 39.

* 2 Tim. ii. 19; John xiii. 18.

5 Eph. i. 10; 1 Col. i. 20; Heb. xii. 4.

6 Rev. xiv. 13.

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