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inimica peccatis nostris erat Dei justitia, ut nulla per se caro ad Deum pervenire posset, Deum Filium oportuit ad nos descendere, et corpus e nostro corpore, carnem e carne, os ex ossibus assumere, atque ita idoneum mediatorem et

us in Christ Jesus his Sonne, befoir nos in Christo Jesu Filio suo elethe foundatioun of the warld was git, antequam mundi jacta essent laide,' appointed him to be our fundamenta, eum nobis caput, fraHead, our Brother, our Pastor, and trem, pastorem, ac magnum anigreat Bischop of our sauls. Bot morum nostrorum pontificem desigbecause that the enimitie betwixt navit. Sed quia tam aversa, atque the justice of God and our sins was sik, that na flesh be it selfe culd or might have attained unto God:5 It behooved that the Sonne of God suld descend unto us, and tak himselfe a bodie of our bodie, flesh of our flesh, and bone of our bones, and so become the Mediator be- pacificatorem inter Deum et hotwixt God and man, giving power minem fieri; qui potestatem daret to so many as beleeve in him, to be iis qui in eum crederent, ut filii the sonnes of God; as himselfe dois Dei fierent, quemadmodum ipse teswitnesse, I passe up to my Father, tificatur, Vado ad Patrem meum, and unto zour Father, to my God, et Patrem vestrum, Deum meum, and unto zour God. Be quhilk et Deum vestrum: ac per hanc maist holie fraternitie, quhatsaever sanctissimam fraternitatem, quicwee have tynt in Adam, is restored quid in Adamo amiseramus, iteunto us agayne. And for this rum nobis est restitutum; ideoque cause, ar we not affrayed to cal God Deum patrem nostrum appellare our Father,1o not sa meikle because non dubitamus, non tam quod ab he hes created us, quhilk we have eo creati sumus id enim nobis cum common with the reprobate ; as reprobis est commune, quam quod for that, that he hes given to us his indulserit, ut unicus ejus Filius onely Sonne, to be our brother, and frater nobis fieret; idque nobis given unto us grace, to acknawledge gratificatus est, ut hunc unum inand imbrace him for our onlie terpretem et pacificatorem, ut est

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Mediatour, as before is said. It be- superius memoratum, agnosceremus hooved farther the Messias and Re- et amplecteremur. Præterea nedemer to be very God and very cesse erat, ut qui verus Messias et man, because he was to underlie the redemptor esset futurus, idem verus punischment due for our transgres-homo et verus esset Deus: quippe siouns, and to present himselfe in qui panas esset pensurus, quas nothe presence of his Fathers Judg- stro delicto commeriti eramus; et ment, as in our persone, to suffer ante tribunal patris sese repræsen for our transgression and inobedi- taturus esset, ut in pana luenda ence,' be death to overcome him pro nostro delicto et inobedientia, that was author of death. Bot be- nostram sustineret personam, ac cause the onelie God-head culd not morte sua mortis autorem supesuffer death,2 neither zit culd the raret. Et quia nec sola divinitas onlie man-head overcome the sam- pati, nec sola humanitas vincere in, he joyned both togither in one mortem poterat, utramque in unam persone, that the imbecillitie of the coaptavit personam: ut alterius inane, suld suffer and be subject to firmitas morti, quam commerueradeath, quhilk we had deserved: mus esset obnoxia; alterius, id est And the infinit and invincible pow- divinitatis, invicta et immensa vis, er of the uther, to wit, of the God- de morte triumpharet, nobisque vihead, suld triumph and purchesse tam, libertatem, ac perpetuam pato us life, libertie, and perpetuall reret victoriam. Atque sic convictory: And so we confesse, and fitemur, maximeque indubitanter maist undoubtedly beleeve. credimus.






That our Lord Jesus offered him- Item asseveramus, et pro certo selfe a voluntary Sacrifice unto his persuasum habemus quod DomiFather for us, that he suffered nus noster Jesus Christus Patri contradiction of sinners, that he sese victimam ultro pro nobis obwas wounded and plagued for our tulerit: quod a peccatoribus contutransgressiouns," that hee being the meliis sit vexatus, quod pro nostris

1 Pet. iii. 18; Esa. liii. 8.

2 Acts ii. 24.

31 John i. 2; Acts xx. 28; 1 Tim. iii. 16; John iii. 16.

Heb. x. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12.
Esa. liii. 5; Heb. xii. 3.


cleane innocent Lambe of God,' peccatis vulnera passus, quod cum was damned in the presence of an purus et innocens Dei agnus esset, earthlie Judge, that we suld be ab- ad tribunal terreni judicis fuerit solved befoir the tribunal seat of damnatus, ut nos ante tribunal our God. That hee suffered not Dei nostri absolveremur: quod non onlie the cruell death of the Crosse, modo mortem incruce atrocem, et quhilk was accursed be the sentence Dei ore execratam subierit; sed, of God; bot also that he suffered quam peccatores meruerant, iram for a season the wrath of his Father,5 patris ad tempus tulerit. Nihilo quhilk sinners had deserved. Bot tamen minus asseveramus, quod in zit we avow that he remained the medio etiam dolore et cruciatu, quos only welbeloved and blessed Sonne animo pariter et corpore pertulit of his Father, even in the middest (ut peccata hominum plene lueret), of his anguish and torment, quhilk semper unice charus et benedictus hee suffered in bodie and saule, to patri filius esse perseveravit, Demak the full satisfaction for the inde fatemur atque etiam affirmasinnes of the people. After the mus, nullum post illud pro pecquhilk we confesse and avow, that cato restare sacrificium. Si qui there remaines na uther Sacrifice autem contra affirment, nihil dufor sinne,' quhilk gif ony affirme, bitamus eos blasphemos adversus we nathing dout to avow, that they Christi mortem, et æternam ejus ar blasphemous against Christs purgationem, ac satisfactionem, per death, and the everlasting purga- quam sua morte patrem nobis platioun and satisfactioun purchased cavit, asserere.

to us be the same.



We undoubtedly beleeve, that in sa mekle as it wes impossible, that



Pro certo etiam credimus, quod quatenus fieri non poterat, ut morthe dolours of death sulde reteine tis dolores perpetuam haberent poin bondage the Author of life, that testatem adversus autorem vitæ, our LORD JESUS crucified, dead and Dominus Jesus, qui cruci affixus,

1 John i. 29.


* Matt. xxvii. 11, 26; Mark xv.; Luke xxiii.

* Gal. iii. 13.

• Deut. xxi. 23.

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buryed, quha descended into hell, mortuus et sepultus fuerat, quique did ryse agayne for our Justifica- ad inferos descenderat, iterum surtioun,' and destroying of him quha rexit, ut nos justificaret: et autore wes the Author of death, brocht life mortis (cui æque ac morti eramus againe to us, that wer subject to obnoxii) devicto, vitam nobis restideath, and to the bondage of the tuit. Scimus etiam resurrectionem same. We knaw that his Resur- ejus fuisse confirmatam acerbissirectioun wes confirmed be the tes- morum ipsius inimicorum testimotimonie of his verie Enemies,3 be the niis; item resurrectione mortuorum, resurrectioun of the dead, quhais qui apertis sepulchris revixerunt, Sepultures did oppen, and they did ac in urbe Hierosolyma compluryse, and appeared to mony, within ribus se videndos exhiberunt: Conthe Cittie of Jerusalem. It wes firmata est etiam testimoniis angealso confirmed be the testimonie of lorum, item apostolorum, qui eum his Angels, and be the senses and viderunt et contrectarunt; aliorum judgements of his Apostles, and of item complurium, qui post resuruthers, quha had conversatioun, and rectionem, consuetudine ejus usi fadid eate and drink with him, after miliariter, cum eo ederunt et bihis Resurrection.







Neque dubitamus quin idem corpus, quod ex virgine natum, cruci affixum, mortuum, et resuscitatum fuerat, in cœlum ascenderit, ut omnia impleret nostro nomine, et ad nostri consolationem accepit om

We nathing doubt, bot the self same bodie, quhilk was borne of the Virgine, was crucified, dead, and buried, and quhilk did rise againe, did ascend into the heavens, for the accomplishment of all thinges: Quhere in our names, and for our nium potestatem in cœlo et in comfort, he hes received all power terra; et regno suscepto sedet ad in heaven and eirth, quhere he dextram patris, patronus et unicus sittes at the richt hand of the Fa- intercessor pro nobis. Atque hanc ther, inaugurate in his kingdome, gloriam, honorem et prærogativam

1 Acts iii. 26; Rom. vi. 5,9; iv. 25.

2 Heb. ii. 14, 15.

3 Matt. xxviii. 4.

* Matt. xxvii. 52, 53.

5 Matt. xxviii. 5, 6.

"John xx. 27; xxi. 7, 12, 13; Luke xxiv. 41, 42, 43. 'Luke xxiv. 51; Acts i. 9.

Matt. xxviii. 18.

Advocate and onlie Mediator for ille unus e fratribus tenebit, donec us.' Quhilk glorie, honour, and ponat inimicos suos scabellum peprerogative, he alone amonges the dum suorum. Ibique credimus brethren sal posses, till that all his usque ad ultimum judicium, futuEnimies be made his futestule,2 as rum; ad quod exercendum, credithat we undoubtedlie beleeve they mus constanter eundem Dominum sall be in the finall Judgment: To nostrum Jesum Christuin visibithe Execution whereof we certaine- lem, et qualis erat cum ascenderat, lie beleve, that the same our Lord venturum: ac tum omnia instauJESUS Sall visiblie returne, as that ratum et redintegratum iri, usque hee was sene to ascend." And then adeo, ut qui tolerarant [passi we firmely beleve, that the time of sunt] vim, contumelias, injurias, refreshing and restitutioun of all justitiæ ergo [propter justitiam], things sall cum, in samekle that beatæ illius quæ ab initio prothir, that fra the beginning have missa est immortalitatis fient hesuffered violence, injurie, and wrang, redes.

for richteousnes sake, sal inherit that blessed immortalitie promised fra the beginning.5

Contra protervi, inobedientes, crudeles, violenti, impuri, idololatræ, ac cætera impiorum genera conjicientur in carcerem tenebrarum

Bot contrariwise the stubburne, inobedient, cruell oppressours, filthie personis, idolaters, and all such sortes of unfaithfull, sal be cast in the dungeoun of utter darkenesse, where exteriorum, ubi nec vermis eorum their worme sall not die, nether zit morietur, nec ignis extinguetur : their fyre sall bee extinguished. cujus judicii exercendi dies, ejusThe remembrance of quhilk day, que memoria non solum nobis pro and of the Judgement to be exe- frano est ad voluptates carnis cocuted in the same, is not onelie to ercendas, sed inestimabilis etiam us ane brydle, whereby our carnal animi confirmatio, quæ nos ita corlustes are refrained, bot alswa sik roboret, ut neque minis principum inestimable comfort, that nether terrenorum, neque mortis hujus may the threatning of worldly momentanea admoto metu, nec

1 1 John ii. 1; 1 Tim. ii. 5.

'Psalm cx. 1; Matt. xxii. 44; Luke xx. 42, 43.

3 Acts i. 11.

4 Acts iii. 19.

* Matt. xxv. 34; 2 Thess. i. 4, etc.

Rev. xxi. 27; Esa. lxvi. 24; Matt. xxv. 41; Mark ix. 44, 46, 48; Matt. xxii. 13.

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