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" Arthur's out of their estates, and to take in all the knowing-ones on the turf at Newmarket. He accordingly bespoke his liveries, settled the fashion of his chariot, and had already pitched upon the lady, whose good luck it should be to fall in love with... "
Select British Classics - Strona 111
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The Connoisseur, by mr. Town, critic and censor-general [G. Colman, B ..., Tom 1

Connoisseur - 1757 - Liczba stron: 268
...that fince the drawing of the lottery he has advertifed for charitable contributions to a Diftrefled Gentleman, who knows the world, and has had the honour to be intimate with moft of the Nobility and Gentry in the kingdom. INEED not point out any particular inftances among...
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The Connoisseur. By Mr. Town, Critic and Censor-general. ...

Mr. Town - 1767 - Liczba stron: 270
...that fince the drawing of the lottery he has advertifed for charitable contributions' to a Diftrefied Gentleman, who knows the world, and has had the honour to be intimate with moft of the Nobility and Gentry in the kingdom. I NEED not point out any particular* inftance* among...
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The British Essayists: The Connoisseur

Alexander Chalmers - 1802 - Liczba stron: 1168
...drawing of the lottery he has advertised for charitable contributions to a distressed gentleman, wha knows the world, and has had the honour to be intimate with most of the nobility and gentry in the kingdom. I need not point out any particular instances among the other sex, with respect to their...
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The British Essayists;: Connoisseur

Alexander Chalmers - 1807 - Liczba stron: 270
...against him) came up 10,0001. The first thing to be done was to purchase » .ueuteel suit of clothes with his part of the prize, hire an equipage, intimate with most of the nobility and gentry in the kingdom. I need not point out any particular instances among the other sex, with respect to their...
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The British Essayists;: Connoisseur

Alexander Chalmers - 1807 - Liczba stron: 270
...liveries, settled the fashion of liis chariot, and had already pitched upon the lady, whose good hick it should be to fall in love with him: but so intimate with most of the nobility and gentry in th« kingdom. I need not point out any particular instances among the other sex, with respect to their...
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The British Essayists: Connoisseur

James Ferguson - 1823 - Liczba stron: 358
...against him) came up 10,000l. The first thing to be done was to purchase a genteel suit of clothes with his part of the prize, hire an equipage, be intimate with most of the nobility and gentry '•>' the kingdom. 93. THE CONNOISSEUR. 113 I need not point out any 'particular instances among the...
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Lionel Thomas Berguer - 1823 - Liczba stron: 278 dupe all the raw gamesters at Arthur's out of their estates, and to take in all the knowing ones on the turf at Newmarket. He accordingly bespoke intimate with most of the nobility and gentry in the kingdom. Before I conclude, I cannot but take notice of the great generosity of my own publisher...
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The British Essayists: Connoisseur

1823 - Liczba stron: 426 dupe all the raw gamesters at Arthur's out of their estates, and to take in all the knowing ones on the turf at Newmarket. He accordingly bespoke intimate with most of the nobility and gentry in the kingdom. ried ladles, they very well know the truth of that maxim in the ballad, that "in ten thousand...
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The British Essayists: Connoisseur

Lionel Thomas Berguer - 1823 - Liczba stron: 530 dupe all the raw gamesters at Arthur's out of their estates, and to take in all the knowing ones on the turf at Newmarket. He accordingly bespoke intimate with most of the nobility and gentry in the kingdom. I need not point out any particular instances among the other sex, with respect to their...
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The British essayists, with prefaces by A. Chalmers, Tomy 25-26

British essayists - 1823 - Liczba stron: 854 dupe all the raw gamesters at Arthur's out of their estates, and to take in all the knowing ones on the turf at Newmarket. He accordingly bespoke intimate with most of the nobility and gentry in the kingdom. 1 need not point out any particular instances among the other sex, with respect to their...
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