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and laid her under the surgeon's hands for three months; and at another, it took fire, and had like to have burnt the house down. To this account I should likewise set down the charge of our apothecary's shop, in preparing ointments for scalds, salves for burns, and other family medicines; in all which I know to my cost, the old saying was inverted, and we lost elevenpence out of a shilling.

You must know, Sir, that (besides her domestic economy) my provident dear is a most passionate admirer of a penny worth in any shape; and is one of those prudent good ladies, who will purchase any thing, of which they have no need, merely because they can have it a bargain. It would be doing much service to many other poor gentlemen as well as me if you could convince these thrifty females, that to purchase useless commodities at any price, can never be good housewifery, and that however nearly they may drive their bargains, there is just so much money flung away, as the purchase costs. We have as much linen by us as would set up a piece-broker, which my wife has purchased under prime cost of the Scotch pedlars, that came to our door; and I am sure we have cast off cloaths sufficient to furnish a sale-shop, which she has bought of ladies' maids for a mere trifle. She is a frequent customer to pretended smugglers, that slily whisper in your ear, and offer you right India handkerchiefs made at Spitalfields. But above all, she constantly attends the several auctions of the stock in trade of eminent tradesmen, that were never heard of, and the household furniture, plate, china, &c. of baronets and squires, that never existed but in the brain of the auctioneer. Here she meets with such excellent pennyworths, that, as my pantry is stored with more provision than we can dispense with, every room in my house is crammed up with useless beds, tables, chests of drawers, curiosities, peruke-pated beaux,

and fine ladies (beauties of their times) that are good for nothing but to hide the bare walls of a garret. In short, Sir, unless you can prevail with her to forego the wonderful advantages of making such exquisite purchases, as (she says) all the world would jump at, I shall very soon be quite a beggar: for if she goes on at this rate buying things for nothing, as she calls it, I shall shortly have nothing to buy withal.

As these valuable purchases are daily multiplying upon my hands, and as my house is become a repository for the refuse of sales and auctions, the only method I can think of at present to get rid of them, is to make an auction myself. For this purpose I have drawn out a catalogue; and have sent you the following specimen, that by it you may judge of the rest of my curiosities.

[blocks in formation]

In the First Day's Sale (among other Particulars equally curious) will be included,

A WHOLE-SHEET print of King Charles on horseback, by Mr. Henry Overton, finely coloured. Mary Queen of Scots, by the same master, done after the life, and painted upon glass; the right eye cracked, and the nose a little scratched.

A capital picture of Adam and Eve, in cross-stitch.

Noah's Ark, in tent-stitch, its companion. Fair Rosamond's Bower, in Nun's work, by the same hand.

A lively representation of Chevy Chase, in lignum vitæ, rose-wood, and mother of pearl, curiously inlaid. Several lesser pieces of birds, beasts, fruits, and flowers, copied from nature in coloured silks, stained feathers and painted straw.

Merlin's Cave, in shell-work; composed of above a thousand beautiful shells, with a cascade of looking-glass playing in the middle.

A most curious Tea-table of rare old Japan; with the edges broke off, and one of the legs wanting. A most rare and inestimable collection of right old China; consisting of half a punch bowl, three parts of a dish, half a dozen plates joined together with wires drilled through their middles, a sugar-dish with a piece broke off the side, a tea-pot without a spout, another without an handle, and five odd cups and saucers, the cracks neatly joined with white paint.

Some large and elegant Jars and Vases in papier machée.

Several figures of dogs, monkeys, cats, parrots, Mandarins, and Bramins, of the Chelsea and Bow manufactory.





POPE's Works, and all our best authors, published in ink-stands, tea-chests, and quandrille-boxes for fishes and counters.

Miss in her Teens. The Fool in Fashion. All for Love. The way to Win Him. She would if She Could. Much a-do about Nothing, bound together for the use of the fair sex, in a complete set of dressing-boxes.

A new Forn of Self-Examination, in a snuff-box with a looking-glass in the lid of it.

The Spiritual Comfort, or Companion for the Closet, in a small pocket volume containing a bottle of Cordial Water.

The Posthumous Works of the late Lord Viscount

Bolingbroke, in a close-stool.


I am, Sir,

[blocks in formation]

Brisk wine some hearts inspires with gladness,
And makes some droop in sober sadness;

Makes politicians sound to battle,
And lovers of their mistress prattle;
While with "potations pottle deep"
It lulls the serious sot to sleep.


DRINKING is one of those popular vices, which most people reckon among their venial failings; and it is thought no great blot on a man's character, to say he takes his glass rather too freely. But as those vices are most dangerous, and likely to prevail, which, if not approved, are at least commonly excused, I have been tempted to examine, whether drinking really deserves that quarter it receives from the generality of mankind: and I must own, that after a strict attention to the principal motives, that induce men to become hard drinkers, as well as to the consequences, which such excesses produce, I am at a loss to account for the received maxim, that " in good wine there is truth;" and should no more expect happiness in a full bowl, than chastity in the bar of a ta


The incentives to this practice are some of them very shocking, and some very ridiculous: as will perhaps appear from the following characters.

Poor Heartly was blest with every noble qualification of the head and heart, and bade fair for the love and admiration of the whole world; but was unfortunately bound in a very large sum for a friend, who disappeared, and left him to the mercy of the law. The distresses, thus brought upon him by the treachery of another, threw him into the deepest despair; and he had at last recourse to drinking, to benumb (if possible) the very sense of reflection. He is miserable, when sober; and when drunk, stupified and muddled: his misfortunes have robbed him of all his joys of life: and he is now endeavouring wilfully to put an end to them by a slow poison.

Tom Buck, from the first day that he was put into breeches, was always accounted a boy of spirit; and before he reached the top of Westminster school, knew the names and faces of the most noted girls upon town, tossed off his claret with a smack, and had a long tick at the tavern. When he went to Oxford, he espoused the Tory party, because they drank deepest; and he has for some years been accounted a fourbottle man. He drank for fame; and has so well es

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