The satires and epistles of HoraceGinn, 1888 - 306 |
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Strona viii
... nature and social life that they show , and the felicity of expression that abounds on every page , they have always ... natural consequence of a quick seizing and setting forth of salient points to an audience that could readily ...
... nature and social life that they show , and the felicity of expression that abounds on every page , they have always ... natural consequence of a quick seizing and setting forth of salient points to an audience that could readily ...
Strona 1
... natural con- struction , according with the origi . nal interrogative character of the Latin relative . Translate by chang- ing the order of the clauses : " with that lot which , " etc. - sibi : the use of the reflexive is due to a feel ...
... natural con- struction , according with the origi . nal interrogative character of the Latin relative . Translate by chang- ing the order of the clauses : " with that lot which , " etc. - sibi : the use of the reflexive is due to a feel ...
Strona 6
... nature sets to our wants . viventi , the usual construction is genitive , but it may be that the colloquial or popu- lar construction was dative . 51. at suave est , but it is so sweet , etc .; the miser's reply . 52. relinquas nobis ...
... nature sets to our wants . viventi , the usual construction is genitive , but it may be that the colloquial or popu- lar construction was dative . 51. at suave est , but it is so sweet , etc .; the miser's reply . 52. relinquas nobis ...
Strona 9
... nature gives you at the start without your taking any trouble . The read- ing an si could mean , " Do you think it would be useless labor to attempt to win friends ? " The first seems better . Notice Horace does not say get , but keep ...
... nature gives you at the start without your taking any trouble . The read- ing an si could mean , " Do you think it would be useless labor to attempt to win friends ? " The first seems better . Notice Horace does not say get , but keep ...
Strona 11
... natures like Horace . The high morality and rigid logic and pre- cepts of the Stoics made it easy for them to fall into cant , and one could profess and teach the tenets of the school without much mental or moral effort , using the high ...
... natures like Horace . The high morality and rigid logic and pre- cepts of the Stoics made it easy for them to fall into cant , and one could profess and teach the tenets of the school without much mental or moral effort , using the high ...
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Kluczowe wyrazy i wyrażenia
Æneid aetas allusion amicis ancients Aristippus atque bonus Brundisium character comedy common course curas dative dicere enim Ennius EPISTLE Epod erat ergo erit esto etiam expression frumenti Gabiis gives Greek haec hence Horace Horace's hunc idea idem ille illi implied insanity inter ipse Julius Cæsar Latin Lucilius ludicra Maecenas magis magna mala meaning melius ment mihi modo multa nature neque nihil nisi nunc olim omne omnis opposed pater pede person philosopher Plautus poet poetae poetry possis praetor probably pueri quae quam quia quibus quicquid quid quis quod quoque recte referring rerum Romans saepe sapiens satire satis sense sibi sine slave Stertinius Stoic style sunt supposed tamen Tarentum things tibi tion ultro verba verse verum Virg virtue word
Popularne fragmenty
Strona 187 - Vive, vale. Si quid novisti rectius istis Candidus imperti ; si non his utere mecum.
Strona 286 - Conversis studiis aetas animusque virilis quaerit opes et amicitias, inservit honori, commisisse cavet quod mox mutare laboret. Multa senem circumveniunt incommoda, vel quod quaerit et inventis miser abstinet ac timet uti, vel quod res omnes timide gelideque ministrat, dilator, spe longus, iners, avidusque futuri, difficilis, querulus, laudator temporis acti se puero, castigator censorque minorum.
Strona 296 - Munus et officium nil scribens ipse docebo, Unde parentur opes, quid alat formetque poetam ; Quid deceat, quid non ; quo virtus, quo ferat error.
Strona 285 - ... atque ita mentitur, sic veris falsa remiscet, primo ne medium, medio ne discrepet imum. tu quid ego et populus mecum desideret audi : si plausoris eges aulaea manentis et usque sessuri donee cantor 'vos plaudite' dicat, 155 aetatis cuiusque notandi sunt tibi mores, mobilibusque decor naturis dandus et annis.
Strona 270 - cui sic extorta voluptas et demptus per vim mentis gratissimus error.
Strona 294 - Aeschylus et modicis instravit pulpita tignis et docuit magnumque loqui nitique cothurno. 280 successit vetus his comoedia, non sine multa laude ; sed in vitium libertas excidit et vim dignam lege regi ; lex est accepta chorusque turpiter obticuit sublato iure nocendi.
Strona 281 - Homerus. versibus impariter iunctis querimonia primum, 75 post etiam inclusa est voti sententia compos; quis tamen exiguos elegos emiserit auctor, grammatici certant et adhuc sub iudice lis est.
Strona 276 - HIIMANO capiti cervicem pictor equinam Jungere si velit, et varias inducere plumas Undique collatis membris, ut turpiter atrum Desinat in piscem mulier formosa superne, Spectatum admissi risum teneatis, amici...
Strona 250 - ... antiquissimi doctorum qui idem et poetae et semigraeci erant — Livium et Ennium dico quos utraque lingua domi forisque docuisse adnotatum est — nihil amplius quam Graecos interpretabantur, aut si quid ipsi Latine ts 3 conposuissent praelegebant. nam quod nonnulli tradunt duos libros de litteris syllabisque, item de metris ab eodem Ennio éditas, iure arguit L.
Strona 86 - Ille velut fidis arcana sodalibus olim Credebat libris, neque si male cesserat usquam Decurrens alio, neque si bene: quo fit, ut omnis Votiva pateat veluti descripta tabella Vita senis.