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" These are admirable books, because they are constructed on a principle, and that the simplest principle on which it is possible to learn to read English. "
De vocabuli duo usu Homerico Hesiodeoque et Attico specimen i - Strona 17
autor: Friedrich Zander - 1834
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Aeschyli Eumenides

Aeschylus - 1853 - Liczba stron: 146
...LANGUAGE. 27 TAYLOR.— Works by the Rev. ISAAC TAYLOR, MA :ETRUSCAN RESEARCHES. With Woodcuts. 8vo. i4s. WORDS AND PLACES ; or, Etymological Illustrations...Ethnology. and Geography. By the Rev. ISAAC TAYLOR. Third Edition, revised and compressed. With Maps. Globe 8vo. 6s. GREEKS AND GOTHS : a Study on the...
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Rome devant l'Europe

Paul Sauzet - 1860 - Liczba stron: 832
...together by the author, readers of everv grade may take delight as well as philosophers and scholars." WORDS AND PLACES ; or, Etymological Illustrations...Ethnology, and Geography. By the Rev. ISAAC TAYLOR. Third Edition, revised and compressed. With Maps. Globe 8vo. 6s. Trench. — Works by R. CHFNEVIX TRENCH,...
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Pictures of Old England

Reinhold Pauli - 1861 - Liczba stron: 522
...together by the author, readers of every grade may take delight as well as philosophers and scholars." WORDS AND PLACES ; or, Etymological Illustrations of History, Ethnology, and Geography. By the Rav. ISAAC TAYLOR. Third Edition, revised and compressed. With Maps. Globe 8vo. 6s. In this edition...
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Spherical Trigonometry: For the Use of Colleges and Schools

Isaac Todhunter - 1863 - Liczba stron: 182
...Queen's College, Belfast, and WJSTEF.LE, late Fellow of St. Peter's College. Crown Svo. cloth, 10s. 6rf. TAYLOR.— Words and Places ; or, Etymological Illustrations...History, Ethnology, and Geography. By the Rev. ISAAC TAYLOIl, With a Map. Crown Svo. cloth, 12s. 6d. TAYLOR.— The Restoration of Belief. New and Revised...
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Thackeray and Modern Fiction. Cut from London Quarterly Review, Jul. 1864 ...

1864 - Liczba stron: 84
...Professor of Theology ; late Fellow of Lincoln College, Oxford. London : John Murray. 1863 408 V. 1. Words and Places : or, Etymological Illustrations...Ethnology, and Geography. By the Rev. Isaac Taylor, MA London and Cambridge • Macmillan and Co. 1864. AM. 2. History of Christian Names. By the Author of...
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Polish Experiences During the Insurrection of 1863-4

William Henry Hall - 1864 - Liczba stron: 428
...Queen's College.Belfast, and WJSTEF.IE, late Fellow of St. Peter's College. Crown 8vo. cloth, 1 Os. fid. TAYLOR.— Words and Places ; or, Etymological Illustrations...Ethnology, and Geography. By the Rev. ISAAC TAYLOR. With a Map. Crown 8vo. cloth, 12s. 6d. TAYLOR.— The Restoration of Belief. New and Revised Edition....
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Cookery for English households, by a French lady

English households - 1864 - Liczba stron: 374
...Queen's College, Belfast, aurt WJSTEF.LE, late Fellow of St. Peter's College. Crown Svo. cloth, 10s. 6d. TAYLOR— Words and Places ; or, Etymological Illustrations...Ethnology, and Geography. By the Rev. ISAAC TAYLOR. With a Map. Crown Svo. cloth, 12i. 6rf. TAYLOR.— The Restoration of Belief. New and Revised Edition....
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A Critical History of Christian Literature and Doctrine: From the ..., Tom 1

Sir James Donaldson - 1864 - Liczba stron: 364
...Queen's College, Belfast, and WJ STEELE, late Fellow of St. Peter's College. Crown Svo. cloth, IDs. 6rf. TAYLOR.— Words and Places ; or, Etymological Illustrations...Ethnology, and Geography. By the Rev. ISAAC TAYLOR. With a Map. Crown Svo. cloth, 12*. 6rf. TAYLOR.— The Restoration of Belief. New and Revised Edition....
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Words and Places, Or, Etymological Illustrations of History, Ethnology, and ...

Isaac Taylor - 1864 - Liczba stron: 624 or place." March 30. CK I remain, Sir, your obedient servant. '// / / . WORDS AND PLACES. WORDS AND PLACES: OR, ETYMOLOGICAL ILLUSTRATIONS OF...ETHNOLOGY, AND GEOGRAPHY. BY THE REV. ISAAC TAYLOR, MA jConbon jmb (Tamimbgc: MACMILLAN AND CO. 1864. [The Sight of Translation and Reproduction is restrved.]...
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The History of Normandy and of England: Richard-Sans-Peur. Richard Le-Bon ...

Sir Francis Palgrave - 1864 - Liczba stron: 722
...College, Belfast, and W. J .STEELE, late Fellow of St. Peter's College. Crown Svo. cloth, 10j. Sd. TAYLOR.— Words and Places ; or, Etymological Illustrations...Ethnology, and Geography. By the Rev. ISAAC TAYLOR. With a Map. Crown Svo. cloth, 12*. 6d. TAYLOR.— The Restoration of Belief. New and Revised Edition....
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