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Resurrectio Christi.

Christus vere a mortuis resurrexit, suumque corpus cum carne, ossibus, omnibusque ad integritatem humanæ naturæ pertinentibus, recepit; cum quibus in cœlum ascendit, ibique residet, quoad extremo die ad judicandos 5 homines reversurus sit.

De Spiritu sancto.

Spiritus sanctus, a Patre et Filio procedens, ejusdem est cum Patre et Filio essentiæ, majestatis, et gloriæ, verus ac æternus Deus.

Divinæ Scripturæ doctrina sufficit ad salutem.

Scriptura sacra continet omnia quæ sunt ad salutem necessaria, ita ut quicquid in ea nec legitur, neque inde probari potest, non sit a quoquam exigendum, ut tanquam


p. 193.), the prolocutor of the lower house reported that they had 15 appointed a committee from among their own members for the same purpose, and had placed in their hands copies of king Edward's Articles, to be reconstructed, and prepared for the future consideration of the whole body. On the following day, the 20th of January, the bishops appear to have been engaged upon the copy of the Articles 20 submitted to them by the primate; and on the 29th of the same month, after three intermediate sessions of secret discussion employed probably upon the same business, they agreed to a Form of Articles, and subscribed their names to it. It was transmitted by the archbishop to the lower house, and was returned to the bishops on the 5th of 25 February, bearing already several signatures, and accompanied with the request that every member of the house should be required to subscribe it.

This authentic document, armed with the subscriptions of both houses of convocation, and ordered to be left in the custody of arch- 30 bishop Parker, is still in existence, having been bequeathed by him, together with his other valuable papers, to Corpus Christi College in Cambridge, where it is still preserved. We may gather from the erasures made upon it, that in addition to the alterations previously introduced by the archbishop, the following changes were made in 35

articulus fidei credatur, aut ad necessitatem salutis requiri


Sacræ Scripturæ nomine, eos canonicos libros veteris et novi Testamenti intelligimus, de quorum auctoritate, in Ecclesia nunquam dubitatum est.

Catalogus librorum sacræ canonica Scripturæ veteris

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Prophetæ Majores.

Prophetæ Minores.

king Edward's Articles whilst they were under consideration in the house of bishops. In the 3d Article, "De descensu Christi ad inferos," they omitted the words "Nam corpus usque ad resurrectionem in 20 sepulchro jacuit, Spiritus ab illo emissus, cum Spiritubus qui in carcere sive in inferno detinebantur, fuit, illisque predicavit, quemadmodum testatur Petri locus." In the 8th Article, after "studium" was added the word "carnis." In the title of the 15th Article, the words "in Spiritum sanctum" were underscored, and the words "after baptisme" 25 written over them. In the 22d Article, the expression "verbis Dei" was altered to "verbo Dei." In the 29th Article, the sentence Quum naturæ — vel profiteri" had been altered by the archbishop; but both the original and the altered sentence were omitted. In the 33d Article, after "pro regionum," was added “ temporum," 30 the former word having been naturally suggested at the conference held with the foreign reformers in 1538, and the latter resulting naturally from the changes which the English divines had themselves witnessed. The 39th, the 40th, and the 42d Articles were omitted, the archbishop having himself previously omitted the 41st; so that after 35 all these alterations were adopted, the number of Articles was now reduced from forty-two to thirty-eight.

But this important document, although attested by the united

Alios autem libros (ut ait Hieronymus) legit quidem Ecclesia, ad exempla vitæ, et formandos mores; illos tamen ad dogmata confirmanda non adhibet; ut sunt

Tertius liber Esdræ.

Quartus liber Esdræ.

Liber Tobiæ.


Jesus filius Sirach.

Libri Machabæorum 2.


Liber Judith.

Novi Testamenti libros omnes (ut vulgo recepti sunt) recipimus, et habemus pro canonicis.

De veteri Testamento.


Testamentum vetus novo contrarium non est, quandoquidem tam in veteri, quam in novo, per Christum, qui unicus est Mediator Dei et hominum, Deus et homo, æterna vita humano generi est proposita. Quare male sentiunt, qui veteres tantum in promissiones temporarias 15

suffrages of both houses of convocation, is of no real authority. It has no token of having received the ratification of the crown, that act of sovereignty, without which the decrees of a convocation cannot become binding on the Church of England. The Articles doubtless were laid before the queen in February, 1563; but it was not till about 20 a year afterwards that there appeared the Latin edition of R. Wolfe, printed by her command, and declaring that they had her royal approval, after she had personally read and examined them. Sir E. Coke says expressly (Inst. P. 4. c. 74. p. 323.), that they were ratified at this time by queen Elizabeth under the great seal of England. 25 Here then, in this edition of Wolfe, is a book of Articles possessed of full synodical authority. And this is the more important to be observed, because the printed book differs in two remarkable instances from the document signed by the two houses of convocation; viz. by adding the memorable clause "Habet Ecclesia ritus statuendi jus, et 30 in fidei controversiis auctoritatem," at the beginning of the 20th Article, and by omitting altogether the 29th Article, whose title is, Impii non manducant corpus Christi in usu cœnæ." Considering the facts that have been stated, the character of Elizabeth, and the opinions then generally entertained of the ecclesiastical supremacy of 35 the crown, we cannot doubt that these alterations were made by the


sperasse confingunt. Quanquam lex a Deo data per Mosen, quoad cæremonias et ritus, Christianos non astringat, neque civilia ejus præcepta in aliqua republica necessario recipi debeant, nihilominus tamen ab obedientia mandatorum quæ moralia vocantur nullus quantumvis 5 Christianus est solutus.

Symbola tria.

Symbola tria, Nicænum, Athanasii, et quod vulgo Apostolicum appellatur, omnino recipienda sunt, et credenda; nam firmissimis Scripturarum testimoniis probari 10 possunt.

Peccatum originale.

Peccatum originis non est (ut fabulantur Pelagiani) in imitatione Adami situm, sed est vitium, et depravatio naturæ, cujuslibet hominis ex Adamo naturaliter propa-15

council with the concurrence, or more probably at the command, of the queen, and were probably required by her to be followed in the register of the convocation. It is evident from several other instances of the exercise of this power, and more especially from a letter of remonstrance addressed to her by archbishop Grindal at a subsequent 20 period, that she looked upon her supremacy as totally independent, not only of temporal but also of spiritual control. (Hist. of Conf. p. 21. Strype, Grindal, p. 449.)

The copy of Wolfe's edition from which this reprint has been taken, is preserved in the Bodleian, being part of the collection presented to 25 that library by the executors of Selden. Appended to the cover of it, but not in such a manner as to prove that it originally belonged to the book, is a piece of parchment containing the autographs of the lower house of convocation in the year 1571. This book was obtained by Selden from the library of archbishop Laud, and is doubtless the 30 standard to which the archbishop referred, confirming it by attested extracts from the original records, when he gave his reasons for introducing the memorable church-clause into the Articles ratified by king Charles I., and into all the editions published in his time. (Speech in the Star Ch. p. 72.)

The degree of authority and publicity which the clause had obtained, may be inferred from the following facts:


gati: qua fit, ut ab originali justitia quam longissime distet; ad malum sua natura propendeat; et caro semper adversus spiritum concupiscat; unde in unoquoque nascentium, iram Dei atque damnationem meretur. Manet etiam in renatis hæc naturæ depravatio: qua fit, ut af-5 fectus carnis, Græce Ópóvημa σapkòs (quod alii sapientiam, alii sensum, alii affectum, alii studium a interpretantur,) legi Dei non subjiciatur. Et quanquam renatis et credentibus nulla propter Christum est condemnatio, peccati tamen in sese rationem habere concupiscentiam, fatetur 10 Apostolus.

De libero arbitrio.

Ea est hominis post lapsum Adæ conditio, ut sese naturalibus suis viribus, et bonis operibus, ad fidem et invocationem Dei convertere, ac præparare non possit. 15 Quare absque gratia Dei, quæ per Christum est, nos præveniente, ut velimus, et cooperante, dum volumus, ad

The clause "Habet Ecclesia ritus [sive cæremonias] statuendi jus, et in fidei controversiis auctoritatem" appears in the following copies

Anno 1563. R. Wolfe.


Lat. Bodl.

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The clause appears constantly in all subsequent editions, as in those 30 of 1629, 1630, 1631, and others which may be seen in the Bodleian; and even in an edition of 1642 bearing this imprint, "Printed for the benefit of the Commonwealth," which however was probably put forth by a royalist. The words "sive cæremonias" are wanting in Wolfe's impression of 1563, but the equi- 35 valent English expression is in all the other copies noticed above.

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