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Καρύστιος ἐν ̓Απολειπούσῃ—τὴν ἐπωμίαν, φησὶ, πτύξασα διπλήν ἄνωθεν ἐνεκομβωσάμην: for both of which passages Photius was indebted to a Comic Lexicon similar to that which Suidas copied. Εγκομβώσασθαι· Απολλόδωρος Καρύστιος ̓Απολιπούσῃ. Τὴν ἐπωμίδα Πτύξασα διπλῆν ἄνωθεν ἐνεκομβωσάμην. Επίχαρμος εἶγε μὲν ὅτι κεκόμβωται καλῶς, ̓Αμύκῳ. Nor is this the only Lexicon which has been attributed to Photius. For to the same patriarchadsignabat Gudius Etymologon suum; v. Kgóνος.—οὕτως ἐγὼ Φώτιος ὁ πατριάρχης, says Sturzius Praef. ad Etymol. p. xxiii. and who there gives sufficient reasons for rejecting the opinion of Gudius.

Thus much for the Lexicon and its supposed author. We proceed to give some account of the present edition.

For upwards of 200 years this Lexicon has been known, to exist. During that long period, though many have intended to publish it, yet none have carried their intentions into effect, till within the last 14 years; since when we have seen two editions of the whole work, and one of a portion of it, together with the annotations of men of various climes, periods and talents; and had it fallen in with the plan of Mr. D. to give more than a faithful representation of the Galean Ms. he would easily have sent out an edition instar omnium; in which would have been found the readings of the Ms., the correction of its errors, and the assignment of each gloss to its proper source. As it is, he has left to a future editor, si quis futurus sit, to unite the fruits of others' industry and ingenuity, and to exhibit his own in gleaning in a field, which, even now, will be found to yield something to repay the labor of a search.

Independently of the claim which this edition possesses as the virtual representative of the Ms., it has the additional recommendation of containing the emendations of Porson. Of these, it is true, the number is not large; and as they are chiefly derived from Suidas and other sources, open to all students, are not very remarkable; still there are some peculiarly his own, although most of them have been published either with Porson's leave or else fraudulently obtained from his papers; and in a very few there is coincidence with Lobeck, against whom not the least charge of plagiarism can be attached. As Porson was, si quis alius, an adept in Greek metres, it was natural for him to pay particular attention to the disposition and correction of the various fragments of dramatic poetry scattered through the Lexicon. A notable instance of his sagacity is given in V. Pos Zeus which we are disposed to quote, not for its novelty, for it has been published thirteen years ago, but because it will afford.

us an opportunity of doing justice to more parties than one. The gloss is thus written in Photius:

Φίλιος Ζεύς· ὁ τὰ περὶ τὰς φιλίας ἐπισκοπῶν· Μένανδρος ̓Ανδρωγύ νῳ Μαρτύρωμαι τὸν φίλον ὦ Κράτων Δία· Φερεκράτης Κραπατάλλοις τοῖς δὲ κριταῖς τοῖς νυνὶ κρίνουσιν λέγω μὴ ἐπιορκεῖν μήδ' ἀδίκως κρίνειν ἢ νὴ τὸν φίλιον μῦθος εἰς ὑμᾶς ἕτερον, φιλοκράτης λέξει πολὺ τού του κακηγοριστότερον : Suidas readsΑνδρογύνῳ Μαρτύρομαι φίλιον- Κραπατάλοις—κρίνουσι — μῦθον— κακηγορικώτερον: while Pollux, i. 197. quotes κακηγορίστερον, which is approved by Mr. Elmsley ad Acharn. 730. who first gave the true disposition of the verses.

τοῖς δὲ κριταῖς

τοῖς νυνὶ κρίνουσι λέγω
μὴ ἐπιορκεῖν μὴ δ ̓ ἀδίκως
κρίνειν ἢ νὴ τὸν φίλιον,
μῦθον εἰς ὑμᾶς ἕτερον

Φιλοκράτης λέξει πολὺ τού

του κακηγορίστερον.

After Elmsley we find Mr. Gaisford publishing these verses according to Porson's distribution, to which Meineke in Cur. Crit. p. 41. also lays claim. It seems strange, however, that none of the three discoverers of the measure should have seen, 1. that Φιλοκράτης is a corrupt reading for Φερεκράτης. 2. that the words are taken not from the παράβασις, as Porson imagined, but from the ἐπίλογος, as is evident from the concluding scene of Aristoph. Ecclez. 1146. Σμικρὸν δ ̓ ὑποθέσθαι τοῖς κρι ταῖσι βούλομαι ; and a little further on, Μὴ 'πιορκεῖν ἀλλὰ κρίνειν τοὺς χοροὺς ὀρθῶς ἀεί ; and 3. that the verse of Pherecrates may be partly supplied from Hesychius and Photius, by reading Tois δὲ F . . . κριταῖς: where Ξ is to be understood as if written πέντε, in the sane manner as in the gloss Τρία καὶ δύο the Ms. of Photius thus represents the words of Eupolis: Αιξων Διόνυσε χαῖρε μήτι ε καὶ β. where Porson reads μήτι πέντε καὶ δύο, as it is quoted by Athenæus, and as in Suidas is written ἐμμελέστερον χέσαι πλεῖν ἢ λ ἡμέρας instead of τριάκονθ', as it exists in Aris toph. Eccl. 802. from whence one sees how to emend Aristoph. Lysistr. 104. Ο δ' ἐμός γα τελέους ἑπτὰ μᾶνας ἐν Πύλῳ by reading Ο δ ̓ ἐμός γ ̓ ἀτελὴς ἔπτα ῦ μᾶνας ἐν Πύλῳ: where u is to be read δύο, that being the number of months, during which the Spartans were besieged at Pylus, as appears from Thucydides, iv. 39.'

Another instance of the mistakes produced by an ignorance of the Greek method of numbers may be seen in Porson's note on Aristoph. Acharn. 858.

χρόνος δὲ ὁ ξύμπας ἐγένετο, ὅσον οἱ ἄνδρες οἱ ἐν τῇ νήσῳ ἐπολιορκήθησαν ἀπὸ τῆς ναυμαχίας μέχρι τῆς ἐν τῇ νήσῳ μάχης, ἑβδομήκοντα ἡμέραι καὶ δύο. With respect to the word ἔπτα, it is sufficient to quote Prom. 115. προσέπτα, Suppl. 547. διέπτα: and with regard to ἀτελής, the whole tenor of the passage requires a word, that may be taken in a double sense, nihil perficiens, neque in re Venerea neque Martiali; and, finally, with respect to the insertion of πέντε it is only necessary to quote Hesych. Πέντε κρι ταί· τοσοῦτοι τοῖς κωμικοῖς ἔκρινον, οὐ μόνον ̓Αθήνησιν ἀλλὰ καὶ ἐν Σικελία : where the words ἐν Σικελία are to be understood from Suidas. Εν πέντε κριτῶν γόνασι παρ' ὅσον τὸ παλαιὸν ἢ κριταὶ ἔκρινον τοῖς κωμικοῖς ὥς φησιν Επίχαρμος· σύγκειται δὲ παρ ̓ ̔Ομήρῳ θεῶν ἐν γούνασι κεῖται : from whence it appears that Epicharmus wrote Εν πέντε κριτῶν γόνασιν κεῖται : and from whence too the true reading is to be restored to Aristophanes: Σμικρὸν ὑποθέσε θαι τι τοῖσι ἐ βούλομαι κριταῖς.

Other instances of Porson's sagacity in the distribution of the verses might be adduced; and a few where his sagacity has failed him will be noticed in our next No. At present we can only add that we hope enough has been said to prove the necessity that every scholar must feel of purchasing a work, which, to its other intrinsic merits, possesses the claim of accuracy in printing and beauty of typography.


We had almost forgotten to observe that some lacunæ of the Leipzig are supplied in the present edition; and that Mr. D. has been the first to print Fragmentum Lexici Rhetorici,' which is found written on the margin of a Ms. of Harpocration's Lexicon preserved in the Public Library at Cambridge. This was considered by Taylor and Porson as a supplement of a more entire Harpocration; of which we at present have only an abridgment, but an abridgment in a more complete state, than was the copy of the same Lexicon which the compiler of Photius had access to and transcribed. Mr. D. designates the fragment of the Lexicon with the character optima nota, and not without reason. Among other new facts we gather from it that the Σωκράτους Απολογία, which is commonly attributed to Plato, is the production of Theodectus, one of his pupils. The question therefore between Astius and Morgenstern respecting the spuriousness of that dialogue is decided in favor of the former critic. The words of the gloss alluded to, are

Ἶσαι αἱ ψῆφοι αὐτῶν. ἐγένοντο δὲ ἶσαι ψῆφοι ὡς ̓Αριστοτέλης ἐν τῇ Αθηναίων πολιτεία· καὶ ἦσαν τοῦ μὲν διώκοντος αἱ τετρυπημέναι, τοῦ δὲ φεύγοντος αἱ πλήρεις· ὁποτέρω δ' αἳ πλείους γένωνται, οὗτος ἐνίκα· ὅτε δ ̓ ἴσαι, ὁ φεύγων ἀπέφευγεν· ὡς καὶ Θεόδεκτος ἐν τῇ Σωκράτους ̓Απολογία.




Iter ad MECCAM Religionis causa susceptum.

E populis Mahumeda suis præceperat olim
Servanda æternum officia; et quo more, quotannis,
Quo studio, variis diversæ e partibus orbis
Inter se cocant gentes, opulentaque Mecca
Delubra, et celebri stipent penetralia pompa,
Expediam; quæ tanta adeo per sæcula perstet
Relligio in seros longum deducta nepotes.

Non etenim leve nomen habes, quæ cara Prophetæ,
Quæ patria, imperiique andis sanctissima sedes,
Obluctata diu quamvis, atque ausa nefandis
Ipsum odiis vexare, adversaque bella movere,
Mox reducem primis cumulabas, Mecca, triumphis.
Quinetiam, ni vana fides, tibi maximus hospes
Successit, profugus patriam cum numine fausto
Linqueret Abramus, tuaque inter moenia fertur
Ipse aras posuisse novas, purisque litasse
Ritibus, et magno cultum instaurasse Jehova.
Ergo te sanctam ante alias, te rite colendam
Præstabat, regnique sui Mahumeda jubebat
Esse caput. Tibi rite ergo solemnia gentes
Dona ferunt; tantum venerandi jussa Prophetæ,
Et pietas valet, et promissi gaudia coli.

Contra autem quicunque tui neque limina templi Intrarit supplex, neque humum semel ore sacratam Attigerit; non sese illi cœlestia pandent Ostia, non illum ridentes suaviter Horæ Accipient venientem, et læta in sede locabunt; Sed lacrymis scelus ille suum, tristique piabit Supplicio, æternam in noctem, et pallentia missus Tartara, nec valles Paradisi aditurus amoenas.

Ergo omnes idem ardor agit; jamque omnia circum Littora-qua sese Byzanti regia moles Erigit, et late subjecti marmora ponti, Edomitamque Asiam Europes prospectat ab ora;Fervere agros turba innumera, mistumque videbis Effundi populum, et læto strepere undique plausu. Non aliter, quam si ipse viros in bella cieret

Othmanides, strueretque aciem, quæ maxima sese
Auderet, Catharina, tuis opponere cœptis,
Amissasque urbes, et rapta resposcere signa.

Nec minor-indigenis quondam regnata tyrannis
Qua tollit Memphis caput, et monumenta priorum
Vesta virum, antiquæ ostentat vestigia famæ,
Nunc Satrapæ imperiis, et sævo subdita Turcæ;—
Turba coït, quos centum urbes, atque ultima misit
Africa; queis lætas segetes, et ditia late
Pascua felici foecundat flumine Nilus;
Quique feram Barcen, et magni nominis olim
Cyrenen; sterilesque colunt Mareotidos agros,
Vexatamque urbem multo Ptolemaïda bello;
Quos Tripolis, vel quos Carthaginis aucta ruinis
Moenia Tuneti, aut flavescens Tingis arista
Mittit, et Angliacam spectantia littora Calpen.
Accensi pietate omnes, fremituque secundo
Incedunt, tardoque ingens pede flectitur agmen.
Jamque et Erythræi supremo in littore ponti
Arsinoën, claro quam nomine regia pellex
Ornavit, jussitque suam Cleopatra vocari,
Prætereunt: montes Melanum quoque, et ardua Sinæ
Culmina, ubi Amramidæ quondam dum armenta regebat
Pastor, Isacidum volvebat mente dolores,
Adfuit e cœlo præsens Deus; ipse vocantem
Audiit; ipse locum insolitis splendescere flammis
Vidit, et ardentem manifesto Ñumine dumum.

At neque per deserta phalanx Memphitica cursu Tendere, nec sacram properant contingere terram, Ante peragratis Syriæ quam finibus, arma Ferre, et per colles demum adventare propinquos Prospiciant Turcarum aciem, et socia agmina jungant. Illa quidem multo stipata Satellite dudum, Armorumque ferax graditur, totaque coacta Secum Asia; vel quos Byzantius alluit arcto Equore, et opposita secernit Bosporus ora; Vel quos Euphrates fluviorum maximus inter Volvitur, ingenti miscens cum Tigride fluctus Ambiguos. Ipse in medio Dux agmine, claros Enumerans a stirpe atavos, sanctumque Prophetam Stemmatis auctorem, et viridem de more tiaram Implicitus capiti, et magno se munere jactans, Palantes cohibet turmas, et rite locatis

Undique præsidiis, et fido milite servat.

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