dee is used even in the fifth place, and such a verse is then called versus daicus: Tiburis | umbra tuli. || Teucer Sala mina patremque. i. 7. 21. -Logaædic Verses. ogaædic verses (λογαοιδικοί, i. e. verses combining the rhythm of prose verse) are those in which a series of dactyls is succeeded by a series of hees. 3. Versus Alcaicus decasyllabus, composed of two dactyls and two tro es: Sardiniae segeltes fe races. i. 31. 4. 9. Versus Archilochius major, composed of the versus Alcmanius, or four tyls (see No. 16), and three trochees (see No. 4), with two cæsuras, one r the first syllable of the third dactyl, the other after the fourth dactyl. ny, especially older, editions have this verse divided into two, the first taining the dactyls, the second the trochees : Jam Cytherea chofros || dulcit Venus || imminente | Luna. i. 4. 5. f. Versus Asynartēti. Versus asynarteti (ἀσυνάρτητοι), that is, unconnected verses, are those ich consist of two or more members, connected, however, as loosely as › verse with another. The first and last syllables, therefore, of each memare doubtful, and no elision takes place, in case the last letter of one mber and the first of the other are vowels. Many are of opinion that se verses, being in effect separate verses, should be printed as such. 20. Versus iambelěgus, consisting of a versus iambicus dimeter acatelectus e No. 1), and a versus Archilochius minor (see No. 14): = Tu vilna Torquato | move || consule | pressa melo. Epod. 13.6. 21. Versus dactyliambicus, consisting of a versus Archilochius minor (see 1. 14), and a versus iambicus dimeter acatelectus (see No. 1) : Scribere | versiculos || amore per cussum | gravi. Epod. 11. 2. g. Verses of Different Feet. 22. Versus Alcaicus hendecasyllabus, consisting of an iambus, bacchius, and o dactyls, with a cæsura after the bacchius; a spondee is generally used stead of an iambus: Dulce et | decorum est || pro patrila mori. iii. 2. 13. The cæsura is neglected in i. 16.21; i. 37.5 and 14; ii. 17. 21; iii. 2. 5; iv. 14. 17. In ii. 20. 13 is a hiatus in the cæsura. 23. Versus Alcaicus enneasyllabus, consisting of an iambus, bacchius, and two trochees. A spondee dee is generally substituted for the iambus Aedem que votivam memento. ii. 17. 31. : In ii. 3. 27, elision takes place between the last syllable and the first of the succeeding verse, thus removing the syllable apparently superabundant. 24. Versus Ionicus a minore dimeter acatalectus: T 25. Versus Anacreonticus, which is a versus Ionicus a minore tetrameter acatalectus: IV. OF METRES. Of these various verses, nineteen metres or systems are formed by Horace. I. Metrum Asclepiadeum primum, μονόκωλον μονόστροφον, consisting of a versus Asclepiadeus minor (see No. 8) : i. 1; iii. 30; iv. 8. II. Metrum Asclepiadeum secundum, δίκωλον δίστροφον, consisting of a versus Glyconicus (see No. 7), and a versus Asclepiadeus minor (see No. 8): i. 3, 13, 19, 36; iii. 9, 15, 19, 24, 25, 28; iv. 1, 3. III. Metrum Asclepiadeum tertium, δίκωλον τετράστροφον, consisting of three versus Asclepiadei minores (see No. 8), and a versus Glyconicus (see No. 7): = 기 i. 6, 15, 24, 33; ii. 12; iii. 10, 16; iv. 5, 12. IV. Metrum Asclepiadeum quartum, τρίκωλον τετράστροφον, consisting of a versus Pherecratius (see No. 6), two versus Asclepiadei minores (see No. 8), and a versus Glyconicus (see No. 7) : i. 5, 14, 21, 23; ii. 7; iii. 7, 13; iv. 13. V. Metrum Asclepiadeum majus, μονόκωλον μονόστροφον, consisting of a versus Asclepiadeus major (see No. 9) : i. 11, 18; iv. 10. VI. Metrum Sapphicum minus, δίκωλον τετράστροφον, consisting of three versus Sapphici minores (see No. 11), and a versus Adonicus (see No 13): 10, 12, 20, 22, 25, 30, 32, 38; ii. 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 16; iii. 8, 11, 14, 18, 20, I. Metrum Sapphicum majus, δίκωλον δίστροφον, consisting of a versus III. Metrum Alcaicum, τρίκωλον τετράστροφον, consisting of two versus 16, 17, 26, 27, 29, 31, 34, 35, 37; ii. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19, X. Metrum Archilochium primum, δίκωλον δίστροφον, consisting of a ver- . . Metrum Archilochium secundum, δίκωλον δίστροφον, consisting of a ver- :- od. 13. I. Metrum Archilochium tertium, δίκωλον δίστροφον, consisting of a versus )) od. 11. XII. Metrum Archilochium quartum, δίκωλον δίστροφον, consisting of a XIII. Metrum Alcmanium, δίκωλον δίστροφον, consisting of a versus hexameter heroicus (see No. 17) and a versus tetrameter heroicus (see No. 15): i. 7, 28; Epod. 12. XIV. Metrum Iambicum primum, μονόκωλον μονόστροφον, consisting of a versus iambicus senarius (see No. 3) : Epod. 17. XV. Metrum Iambicum secundum, δίκωλον δίστροφον, consisting of a versus iambicus senarius (see No. 3) and a versus iambicus quaternarius (see No. 1): Epod. 1 - 10. XVI. Metrum Pythiambicum primum, δίκωλον δίστροφον, consisting of a versus hexameter heroicus (see No. 17) and a versus iambicus dimeter acatalectus (see No. 1) : Epod. 14, 15. XVII. Metrum Pythiambicum secundum, δίκωλον δίστροφον, consisting of a versus hexameter heroicus (see No. 17) and a versus iambicus senarius (see No. 3) : = Epod. 16. XVIII. Metrum Trochaicum, δίκωλον δίστροφον, consisting of a versus trochaicus dimeter catalectus (see No. 5) and a versus iambicus trimeter catalectus (see No. 2): 기 Some consider this metre as μονόκωλον μονόστροφον, in which case it is a versus trochaicus pentameter brachycatalectus; but, the last syllable of the trochaic line being evidently doubtful, we must consider the metre as δίστροφον, or at least as a versus asynartetus. ii. 18. XIX. Metrum Ionicum a minore, δίκωλον τρίστροφον, consisting of two versus Ionici a minore tetrameter acatalecti (sce No. 25) and one versus Ionicus a minore dimeter acatalectus (see No. 24): iii. 12. |