The Death of Abel: In Five BooksT. Heptinstall, 1797 - 275 |
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Strona 4
... altar . Thus nature celebrates the returning light , and pays to NATURE'S GOD the sacrifice of grateful praise . Praise him all things that exist ! praise him whose wisdom and goodness produc'd and preserves all . Ye springing flowers ...
... altar . Thus nature celebrates the returning light , and pays to NATURE'S GOD the sacrifice of grateful praise . Praise him all things that exist ! praise him whose wisdom and goodness produc'd and preserves all . Ye springing flowers ...
Strona 6
... altars shall blaze on every hill , and man shall cele- brate thy wond'rous works from the rising to the setting day . Thus sang ABEL , seated by his beloved THIRZA . He ceas'd ; yet she , fill'd with a divine transport , seem'd still to ...
... altars shall blaze on every hill , and man shall cele- brate thy wond'rous works from the rising to the setting day . Thus sang ABEL , seated by his beloved THIRZA . He ceas'd ; yet she , fill'd with a divine transport , seem'd still to ...
Strona 42
... altar on this hill , and offer on it a young lamb : I will , on my part , send down fire to consume the victim . This sacrifice thou shalt renew every year , and the flame shall annually descend to burn thine offering . I have now told ...
... altar on this hill , and offer on it a young lamb : I will , on my part , send down fire to consume the victim . This sacrifice thou shalt renew every year , and the flame shall annually descend to burn thine offering . I have now told ...
Strona 45
... altar , as the LORD had commanded , on the summit of the hill : EVE em- ploy'd herself in constructing around it a little pa- radise . She brought from the neighbouring plain the most beautiful and odoriferous flowers : these she ...
... altar , as the LORD had commanded , on the summit of the hill : EVE em- ploy'd herself in constructing around it a little pa- radise . She brought from the neighbouring plain the most beautiful and odoriferous flowers : these she ...
Strona 46
... altar , they seem'd , with drooping heads , to mourn their approaching fall . The latest fruits fell from the trees , and the sapless branches cast their leaves . The clouds pour'd down torrents of rain , and the highest peaks of the ...
... altar , they seem'd , with drooping heads , to mourn their approaching fall . The latest fruits fell from the trees , and the sapless branches cast their leaves . The clouds pour'd down torrents of rain , and the highest peaks of the ...
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Kluczowe wyrazy i wyrażenia
ABEL ADAM ALEXIS altar AMYNTAS ANAMELECH angels appear'd arms art thou beauty behold bless bosom bower brother CAIN charming cheeks children of heaven CHLOE clouds consolation cottage cou'd cover'd cry'd curs'd curse dæmon DAMETUS DAPHNE dear dearest death delight despair DIVINE dost thou dreadful dust dwelling earth EGLA embrace ERYTHEA eternal eyes father felicity FELIX fill'd fix'd Fleet Street flocks flowers form'd fruits gloomy gods grace grief grove hand happy hast hath heart heaven horror husband labour lips look LORD LYCIDAS MAHALA MENALCUS mercy misery morning mother nature night nosegay nymphs offer'd OLIVER pale pass'd praise rais'd rapture remain'd reply'd repose return'd RHEIMS rise SALVATOR ROSA seiz'd shade sighs silence sinner smile sorrow soul spouse sweet taste of joy tears tender tender mercies thee thine THIRZA thou art tivate trees trembling turn'd virtue voice weep wou'd wretched
Popularne fragmenty
Strona 274 - Troianum orditur ab ovo: semper ad eventum festinat et in medias res non secus ac notas auditorem rapit et quae...
Strona x - ENGLISH, are wrote in a kind of loose poetry, unshackled by the tagging of rhymes, or counting of syllables. This method of writing seems perfectly suited to the GERMAN language, and is of a middle species between verse and prose : it has the beauties of the first, with the ease of the last. It is not, however, peculiar to MR.
Strona 230 - Thus the weary mower reposes on the sheaves himself has made. I was carefully attended, I was cured, but never could find out the man to whom I owe my life. I have...
Strona 231 - They descended the hill together, and walked towards the old man's dwelling. He was rich in land and flocks, and a lovely daughter was his only heir. My child, he said to her, he that saved my life was the father of this young shepherd. If thou canst love him, I shall be happy to see you united.
Strona 230 - On every side, the enemy, both horse and foot, confounded in a most dreadful tumult^ overthrew each other to escape our rage. Grown furious by the combat, we trod under foot the dead and dying, to extend vengeance and death still further.
Strona 230 - ... unshaken as the rock by which we were protected. At last, reinforced by thirty Swiss warriors, we fell suddenly on the enemy, like the fall of a mountain, or as some mighty rock descends, rolls through the forest, and with a horrid crush lays waste the trees that interrupt its course. On every side the enemy, both horse and toot, confounded in a most dreadful tumult, overthrew each other to escape our rage.
Strona 251 - must be the fate of those who do not join an inflexible labour to aa habitual meditation ? Let the artist who despises or neglects these important means, make no pretension to the recompense due to active and sensible minds. There is no reputation for him, to whom a taste for his art does not become his ruling passion ; to whom the hours he employs in its cultivation, are not the most delicious of his life; to whom the study of it does not constitute his real existence and his primary happiness;...
Strona 230 - Take care, good father, of this warrior,' my deliverer cried ; ' he has fought like a son of liberty !' he said — and flew back to the combat. The victory was ours, my son, it was ours ! but many of us were left extended on the heaps of the enemy.
Strona ix - The rapidity of the sale does honour to the taste of the swiss and the GERMANS, it having passed through three editions in one year. The subject is THE DEATH OF ABEL, which is the most remarkable event recorded in the sacred history from the FALL to the DELUGE. The poet has had the art to interest us in the distresses of our first parents, and their immediate descendants, by the lively and affecting manner in which he manages the passions, and by the graces and truth he throws into his b paintings,...
Strona 228 - I come once a year to the top of this mountain ; but I perceive that I am now come for the last time. From hence I still behold the order of the battle, where liberty made us conquerors. See, it was on that side the army of the enemy advanced ; thousands of lances glittered at a distance with more than two hundred horsemen covered with sumptuous armour. The plumes that shaded their helmets nodded as they marched, and the earth resounded with their horses