| Samuel Johnson - 1781 - Liczba stron: 474
...exact computer, and knew the minutes required to every common pperation. It may be juftly fuppofed that there was in his converfation, what appears fo...eftablifhed as the barriers between one order of fociety 7 and. and another. This tranfgreffion of regularity was by himfelf and his admirers termed greatnefs... | |
| Samuel Johnson - 1781 - Liczba stron: 606
...exact computer, and knew the minutes required to every common, operation. It may be juftly fuppofed that there was in his converfation, what appears fo...by the neglect of thofe ceremonies which cuftom has eftablimed as the barriers between one order of fociety 7 and another. This tranfgreffion of regularity... | |
| SAMUEL JOHNSON - 1781 - Liczba stron: 254
...exact computer, and knew the minutes required to every common operation. It may be juftly fuppofed that there was in his converfation, what appears fo...equality fought and enjoyed, by the neglect of thofe cerenipnics \vhich cullom has eilablifhcd as the barriers between one order of fociety and another.... | |
| Samuel Johnson - 1781 - Liczba stron: 250
...exact computer, and knew the minutes required to every common operation. It may be juftly fuppofed that there was in his converfation, what appears fo...ambition of momentary equality fought and enjoyed by the neglecl of thofe ceremonies which cuftom lias eftablifhed as the barBarriers between one order of fociety... | |
| Samuel Johnson - 1781 - Liczba stron: 478
...knew the minutes required to every common, pperation. It may be juftly fuppofed that there was in Iris converfation, what appears fo frequently in his Letters,...ambition of momentary equality fought and enjoyed by the negledl of thofe ceremonies which cuftom has eftablimed as the barriers between one order of fociety... | |
| James Boswell - 1791 - Liczba stron: 606
...obfervation which Johnfon makes in Swift's life fhould be often inculcated: " It may be jutlly fuppofed, that there was in his converfation what appears fo...his letters, an affectation of familiarity with the oreat, an ambition of momentary equality, fought and enjoyed by the neglect of thofe ceremonies "which... | |
| 1794 - Liczba stron: 958
...fuppofcd, that there was in his converfation, what appears fo frequently in hii ktters, an affeftation of familiarity with the great, an ambition of momentary...and enjoyed by the neglect of thofe ceremonies which cuilom has eílabliíhcd as the barriers between one order of fociety and another. This tranfgrcflion... | |
| Samuel Johnson - 1794 - Liczba stron: 426
...exact computer, and knew the minutes required to every common operation. It may be juftly fuppofed that there was in his converfation, what appears fo...in his Letters, an affectation of familiarity with with the Great, an ambition of momentary equality fought and enjoyed by the negle& of thofe ceremonies... | |
| Jonathan Swift - 1798 - Liczba stron: 278
...only excepted,) mould rank himfelf in the number of his friends. Indeed it may juftly be fuppoled, that there was in his converfation what appears fo...by the neglect of thofe ceremonies which cuftom has eftablimed, as the barriers between one order of fociety and another. Dr. Johnfon obferves, and not... | |
| Samuel Johnson - 1800 - Liczba stron: 714
...every commoB operation. It maybe justly supposed that there was in his conversation, what appears so frequently in his Letters, an affectation of familiarity...with the Great, an ambition of momentary equality sought and enjoyed by the neglect of those ceremonies which custom has established as the barriers... | |
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