Obrazy na stronie

of Philip and the dancer Philinna, and Alexander the | pressly of a violent fever having been the cause of posthumous son of Alexander and Roxana, as kings, his decease) was contracted very probably in his visit and divided the provinces among themselves, under to the marshes of Assyria. The thirst which subsethe name of satrapies. They appointed Perdiccas, to quently compelled him, on a public day, to quit his whom Alexander, on his deathbed, had given his ring, military duties, proves that this fever was raging in his prime minister of the two kings. The body of Alex- veins before it absolutely overcame him. The carouander was interred by Ptolemy in Alexandrea, in a sals in which he afterward indulged must have serigolden coffin, and divine honours were paid to him, ously increased the disease. Strong men like Alexnot only in Egypt, but also in other countries. The ander have often warded off attacks of illness by insarcophagus in which the coffin was enclosed has been creased excitement; but, if this fail to produce the dein the British Museum since 1802. The English na- sired effect, the reaction is terrible. It is curious to tion owe the acquisition of this relic to the exertions observe, in Arrian's account of Alexander's last illness, of Dr. Clarke, the celebrated traveller, who found it in that no physician is mentioned. The king seems to the possession of the French troops in Egypt, and was have trusted to two simple remedies, abstinence and the means of its being surrendered to the English bathing. His removal to a summer-house, close to the army. In 1805, the same individual published a disser- large cold bath, shows how much he confided in the tation on this sarcophagus, fully establishing its iden- latter remedy. But the extraordinary fatigues which tity. No character in history has afforded matter for he had undergone, the exposure within the last three more discussion than that of Alexander; and the ex- years to the rains of the Pendjab, the marshes of the act quality of his ambition is to this day a subject of Indus, the burning sands of Gedrosia, the hot vapours dispute. By some he is regarded as little more than of Susiana, and the marsh miasma of the Babylonian a heroic madman, actuated by the mere desire of per- Lakes, proved too much even for his iron constitution. sonal glory; others give him the honour of vast and The numerous wounds by which his body had been enlightened views of policy, embracing the consolida- perforated, and especially the serious injury done to his tion and establishment of an empire, in which com- lungs by an arrow among the Malli, must in some demerce, learning, and the arts should flourish in com- gree have impaired the vital functions, and enfeebled mon with energy and enterprise of every description. the powers of healthy reaction. (Plut., Vit. Alex.Each class of reasoners find facts to countenance their Arrian, Exp. Alex. — Quintus Curtius. - Diod. Sic., opinion of the mixed character and actions of Alexan- 17 et 18.. Encyclop. Americ., vol. 1, p. 151, seqq. der. The former quote the wildness of his personal Biogr. Univ., vol. 1, p. 195.-Williams's Life of Aldaring, the barren nature of much of his transient mas- cxander the Great, p. 346, &c., Am. ed.)—After many tery, and his remorseless and unnecessary cruelty to dissensions and bloody wars among themselves, the the vanquished on some occasions, and capricious generals of Alexander laid the foundations of several magnanimity and lenity on others. The latter advert great empires in the three quarters of the globe. Ptolto facts like the foundation of Alexandrea, and other emy seized Egypt, where he firmly established himacts indicative of large and prospective views of true self, and where his successors were called Ptolemies, policy; and regard his expeditions rather as schemes in honour of the founder of their empire, which subof discovery and exploration than mere enterprises for sisted till the time of Augustus. Seleucus and his fruitless conquest. The truth appears to embrace a posterity reigned in Babylon and Syria. Antigonus portion of both these opinions. Alexander was too at first established himself in Asia Minor, and Antipamuch smitten with military glory, and the common self-ter in Macedonia. The descendants of Antipater were engrossment of the mere conqueror, to be a great and consistent politician; while such was the strength of his intellect, and the light opened to him by success, that a glimpse of the genuine sources of lasting greatness could not but break in upon him. The fate of a not very dissimilar character in our days shows the nature of this mixture of lofty intellect and personal ambition, which has seldom effected much permanent good for mankind in any age. The fine qualities and defects of the man were, in Alexander, very similar to those of the ruler. His treatment of Parmenio and of Clitus, and various acts of capricious cruelty and ingratitude, are contrasted by many instances of extraordinary greatness of mind. He was also a lover and favourer of the arts and literature, and carried with him a train of poets, orators, and philosophers, although his choice of his attendants of this description did not always do honour to his judgment. He, however, encouraged and patronised the artists Praxiteles, Lysippus, and Apelles; and his munificent presents to Aristotle, to enable him to pursue his inquiries in natural history, were very serviceable to science. Alexander also exhibited that unequivocal test of strong intellect, a disposition to employ and reward men of talents in every department of knowledge. In person this extraordinary individual was of the middle size, with a neck somewhat awry, but possessed of a fierce and majestic countenance. It may not be amiss, before concluding this sketch, to consider for a moment the circumstances connected with the death of this celebrated leader. His decease has usually been ascribed either to excess in drinking or to poison. Neither of these suppositions appears to be correct. The fever to which he fell a victim (for the Royal Diary whence Arrian has copied his account of the last illness of Alexander, speaks ex

conquered by the successors of Antigonus, who reigned in Macedonia till it was reduced by the Romans in the time of King Perseus. Lysimachus made himself master of Thrace; and Leonatus, who had taken possession of Phrygia, meditated for a while to drive Antipater from Macedonia. Eumenes established himself in Cappadocia, but was soon overpowered by his rival Antigonus, and starved to death. During his lifetime, Eumenes appeared so formidable to the successors of Alexander, that none of them dared to assume the title of king.

ALEXANDER IV., son of Alexander the Great and Roxana. He was born after his father's death, and was proclaimed king while yet an infant, along with Philip Aridæus, an illegitimate brother of Alexander the Great. Soon after, however, he was put to death, together with Roxana, by Cassander, who thereupon assumed the sovereign power. (Justin, 15, 2)

ALEXANDER V., son of Cassander. He ascended the throne of Macedonia along with his brother Antipater, B.C. 298. Antipater, however, having put to death Thessalonica, their mother, Alexander, in order to avenge his parent, called in the aid of Demetrius, son of Antigonus. A reconciliation, however, having taken place between the brothers, Demetrius, who was apprehensive lest this might thwart his own views on the crown of Macedon, slew Alexander and seized upon the royal authority. (Justin, 16, 1.)

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2. Kings of Epirus.

ALEXANDER I., surnamed Molossus, was brother of Olympias, and successor to Arybas. He came into Italy to aid the Tarentines against the Romans, and used to say, that while his nephew, Alexander the Great, was warring against women (meaning the ef

feminate nations of the East), he was fighting against ment. (Justin, 17, 3. — Liv., 8, 17, et 27.) As regards the circumstances connected with his death, vid. Acheron II

ALEXANDER II., son of the celebrated Pyrrhus. To avenge the death of his father, who had been slain at Argos, fighting against Antigonus, he seized upon Macedonia, of which the latter was king. He was soon, however, driven out, not only from Macedonia, but also from his own dominions, by Demetrius, son of Antigonus. Taking refuge, on this, among the Acarnanians, he succeeded, by their aid, in regaining the throne of Epirus. (Justin, 26, 3.—Id., 28, 1.Plut., Vit. Pyrr., 34.)

3. Kings of Syria.

6. Individuals.

ALEXANDER, I. tyrant of Phers in Thessaly, who seized upon the sovereign power, B.C. 368. He was of a warlike spirit, but, at the same time, cruel and vindictive, and his oppressed subjects were induced to supplicate the aid of the Thebans, who sent Pelopidas with an army. The tyrant was compelled to yield; but, having subsequently escaped from the power of the Theban commander, he reassembled an army, and Pelopidas having been imprudent enough to come to him without an escort, the tyrant seized and threw him into prison, whence he was only released on the appearance of Epaminondas at the head of an armed force. By dint of negotiation, he now obtained a truce, but renewed his acts of violence and cruelty as soon as the Thebans had departed. Pelopidas marched against and defeated him, but lost his own life in the action. Stripped upon this of all his conquests, and restricted to the city of Pheræ, he no longer dared to carry on war by land, but turned his attention to piracy, and had even the audacity to pillage the Piræus of main harbour of Athens. He was assassinated at last by his wife Thebe. (Val. Max., 9, 13.—Corn. Nep., Vit. Pelop-Pausan., 6, 5.)—II. Lyncestes, was ac

ALEXANDER I., surnamed Bala or Balas, a man of low origin, but of great talents and still greater audacity, who claimed to be the son of Antiochus Epiphanes, assumed the name of Alexander, and, being acknowledged by Ptolemy Philometor, Ariarathes, and Attalus, seized upon the throne of Syria. He was afterward defeated and driven out by Demetrius Nicator, the lawful heir; and, having taken refuge with an Arabian prince, was put to death by the latter. (Jus-cused of being one of the conspirators in the plot tin, 35, 1, seq.)

against Philip of Macedon, which resulted in the death ALEXANDER II., surnamed Zabina the Slave, a of that monarch. He was pardoned on account of his usurper of the throne of Syria. He was the son of a having been the first to salute Alexander, Philip's son, petty trader in Alexandrea, but claimed, at the insti- as king. Not long after, however, he was detected in gation of Ptolemy VII., to have been adopted by An- a treacherous correspondence with Darius, and put to tiochus VIII. Ptolemy aided him with troops, and death. (Justin, 11, 2.)—III. Son of Polysperchon, Demetrius Nicator was defeated at Damascus, and at first a general on the side of Antigonus, after the driven out of his kingdom. A few years after, how-death of Alexander the Great, and very active in driever, Alexander was himself defeated by Antiochus Grypus, aided in his turn by the same Ptolemy, and put to death. Grypus was son of Demetrius Nicator. (Justin, 39, 1, seq.)

4. Princes of Judæa.

ving out for him, from the Peloponnesus, the garrisons of Cassander. He afterward went over to Cassander, but was assassinated by some Sicyonians, after no long interval of time, at the siege of Dymæ.—IV. A famous impostor of Paphlagonia, who lived in the time of Lucian, under the Emperor Marcus Aurelius. ALEXANDER I., Jannæus, monarch of Judæa, son of By his artifices he succeeded in passing himself for a Hyrcanus, and brother of Aristobulus, to whom he suc-person sent by Esculapius, and prevailed upon the ceeded, B.C. 106. He was a warlike prince, and dis- Paphlagonians to erect a temple to this deity. As the played great ability in the different wars in which he priest and prophet of the god, he ran a long career of was engaged during his reign. Driven from his king- deception, a full account of which is given in the Supdom by his subjects, who detested him, he took up plement.-V. Severus, a Roman emperor. (Vid. Searms against them, and waged a cruel warfare for the verus.)-VI. An Athenian painter, whose portrait ap、 space of six years, slaying upward of 50,000 of his pears on a marble tablet found at Resina in 1746, and foes. Having at last re-entered Jerusalem, he cruci- stating the name and country of the artist. The age fied, for the amusement of his concubines, 800 of his in which he lived is not known.-VII. A native of Acar. revolted subjects, and at the same time caused their nania. (Vid. Supplement.)-VIII. Ætolus. (Vid. wives and children to be massacred before their eyes. Supplement.)—IX. A commander of horse in the army Being re-established on the throne, he made various of Antigonus Doson. (Vid. Supplement.)-X. A son conquests in Syria, Arabia, and Idumea, and finally of Marc Antony and Cleopatra. (Vid. Supplement.) died of intemperance at Jerusalem, B.C. 76, after a reign of 27 years. (Josephus, Ant. Jud., 17, 22, &c.) ALEXANDER II., son of Aristobulus II., was made prisoner, along with his father, by Pompey, but managed to escape while being conducted to Rome, raised an army, and made some conquests. Hyrcanus, son of Alexander Jannæus, being then on the throne, so licited the aid of the Romans, and Marc Antony being sent by Gabinius, defeated Alexander near Jerusalem. After standing a siege for some time in the fortress Alexandreion, he obtained terms of peace; but not long after, having taken up arms for Cæsar, who had released his father, he fell into the hands of Metellus Scipio, and was beheaded at Antioch. (Josephus, Antiq. Jud., 14, 13.)

XI. Brother of Molo. (Vid. Supplement.) — XII. A native of Cotyæum, in Phrygia, or, according to Suidas, of Miletus, who flourished in the second century of our era. He took the name of Cornelius Alexander, from his having been a slave of Corne lius Lentulus, who gave him his freedom, and made him the instructer to his children. He was surnamed Polyhistor, from the variety and multiplicity of his knowledge. The ancient writers cite one of his works in forty books, each one of which appears to have contained the description of some particular country, and to have had a separate title, such as AlyvлTiakú, Kapiakú, &c. Pliny often refers to him. It is probable that he was the author of a work entitled Θαυμασίων συναγωγή, " A collection of wonderful things," of which Photius speaks as the production of an individual named Alexander, without designating him any farther. This work contained accounts of animals, plants, rivers, &c. (Schöll, Hist. Litt. Gr., vol. 5, p. 276, seq.)-XIII. A native of Egæ in Achaia, the disciple of Xenocrates, and, as is thought, of Sosigenes. He was one of the instructers of the Emperor ALEXANDER I., II., III., vid. Ptolemæus IX., X., XI. Nero. Some critics regard him as the author of the

ALEXANDER III., son of Herod the Great, put to death by his father, along with Aristobulus his brother, on false charges brought against them by Pheroras their uncle, and Salome their aunt. (Josephus, Antiq. Jud., 16, 17.)

5. Kings of Egypt.

anus is a most judicious, elegant, and original author.
No medical writer, whether of ancient or modern times,
has treated of diseases more methodically than he has
done; for, after all the Nosological systems which
have been proposed and tried, we can name none
more advantageous to the student than the method
adopted by him, of treating of diseases according to
the part of the body which they affect, beginning with
the head and proceeding downward. The same plan
is pursued in the third book of Paulus Ægineta, who
has copied freely from Alexander. Of the ancient
medical writers subsequent to Galen, Alexander shows
the least of that blind deference to his authority for
which all have been censured: nay, in many instances
he ventures to differ from him; not, however, appa-
rently from a spirit of rivalship, but from a commenda-
ble love of truth. In his eleventh book, he has given
the fullest account of the causes, symptoms, and treat-
ment of gout which is to be met with in any ancient
writer; and as it contains many things not to be met
with elsewhere, it deserves to be carefully studied.
He judiciously suits the treatment to the circumstances
of the case. but his general plan of cure appears to
have consisted in the administration of purgative
medicines, either cathartic salts or drastic purgatives,
such as scammony, aloes, and hermodactylus. The
last-mentioned medicine was most probably a species
of Colchicum Autumnale, which forms the active in-
gredient of a French patent medicine called L'Eau
Medicinale d'Hyssop, much celebrated some years
ago for the cure of gout and rheumatism. Dr. Haden
lately published a small pamphlet, wherein Colchicum
was strongly recommended as an antiphlogistic remedy
of great powers. The writers, both Greek and Ara-
bian, subsequent to Alexander Trallianus, repeat the
praises bestowed by him upon the virtues of hermo-
dactylus. Demetrius Pepagomenos has written a pro-
fessed treatise to recommend this medicine in gout.-
The style of Alexander, although less pointed than
that of Celsus, and less brilliant than that of Aretæus,
is remarkable for perspicuity and elegance. It must
be mentioned with regret, however, as a lamentable
instance of a sound judgment being blinded by super-
stition, that our author had great confidence in charms
and amulets. Such weakness is to be bewailed, but
need not be wondered at, when we recollect that Wise-
man. one of the best English authorities on surgery,
had great confidence in the royal touch for the cure
of Scrofula. - XVII. Isius. (Vid. Supplement.) —
XVIII. Lychnus. (Vid. Supplement.)-XIX. Myn-
dius. (Vid. Supplement.)-XX. Noumenius. (Vid.
Supplement.)-XXI. A Greek rhetorician.
Supplement.)-XXII. Philalethes. (Vid. Supple-
ment.)-XXIII. A Roman usurper. (Vid. Supple-
ment.)-XXIV. Tiberius. (Vid. Supplement.)

commentary on Aristotle, which commonly passes un- | 1548; a Latin edition among the "Medica artis der the name of Alexander of Aphrodisia. (Schöll, Principes," fol., Paris, 1567, &c. Alexander TralliHist. Litt. Gr., vol. 5, p. 156.)- XIV. A native of Aphrodisia in Caria, who flourished in the beginning of the third century. He is regarded as the restorer of the true doctrine of Aristotle, and he is the principal peripatetic, after the founder of this school, who adopted the system of the latter in all its purity, without intermingling along with it, as Alexander of Agæ and his disciples did, the precepts of other schools. He was surnamed, by way of compliment, 'Enynns, Exegetes ("the interpreter," or "expounder"), and became the head of a particular class of Aristotelian commentators, styled "Alexandreans." He wrote, 1. A treatise on Destiny and Free Agency (IIɛpi Eiuapuévnç kaì ToÙ ¿' huiv), a work held in high estimatien, and which the author addressed to the emperors Septimius Severus and Antoninus Caracalla. In it ne combats the Stoic dogma, as hostile to free agency, and destructive, in consequence, of all morality. The best edition of this work is that printed at London, in 1658, 12mo. It is inserted also, with new corrections, n the 3d vol. of Grotius's Theological Works, Amst., 1679, fol. 2. A commentary on the first book of the first Analytics of Aristotle, Gr., fol., Venet., 1489, and 4to, Florent., 1521. Translated into Latin by Felicianus, fol., Venet., 1542, 1546, and 1560. 3. A commentary on the eight books of the Topica, fol., Venet., 1513 and 1526. A Latin translation by Dorotheus, which appeared for the first time in 1524, fol., Venet., has been often reprinted. In 1563, a translation by Rasarius appeared, fol., Venet., which is preferable to the other. 4. Commentaries on the Elenchi sophistici of Aristotle, Gr., fol., Venet., 1520, and 4to, Florent., 1552. Translated into Latin by Rasarius, Venet., 1557. 5. A commentary on the twelve books of the metaphysics of Aristotle. The Greek text has never been printed, although there are many MS. copies in the Royal Library at Paris, and other libraries. A Latin translation, however, by Sepulveda, appeared at Rome, 1527, in fol., and has been often reprinted. 6. A commentary on Aristotle's work De Sensu, &c., Gr., at the end of Simplicius's commentary on the work of Aristotle respecting the Soul, fol., Venet., 1527. 7. A commentary on the Meteorologica of Aristotle, Gr., fol., Venet., 1527, and in the Latin of Alex. Picolomini, fol., 1540, 1548, 1575. 8. A treatise Epì μişɛwę (De Mistione), directed against the dogma of the Stoics respecting the penetrability of bodies, Gr., with the preceding. Two Latin translations have appeared, one by Caninius, Venet., 1555, fol., and the other by Schegk, Tubing., 1540, 4to. 9. A treatise on the Soul, in two books, or, more correctly speaking, two treatises on this subject, since there is little if any connexion between these books. Gr., at the end of Themistius; and in Latin by Donati, Venet., 1502, folio. 10. Physica Scholia, &c. (vokov oxoλίων, ἀποριῶν, καὶ λύσεων, βιβλία δ'), Gr., fol., Venet., 1536, and in Latin by Bagolinus, Venet., 1541, 1549, 1555, 1589. 11. Problemata Medica, &c., the best Greek edition of which is in Sylburgius's works of Aristotle; this is attributed by some to Alexander Trallianus. 12. A treatise on Fevers; never pub-mention are the following: I. The capital of Egypt, lished in Greek, but translated by Vaila, and insert- under the Ptolemies, built B.C. 332. It was situate ed in a collection of various works, Venetia, 1488. about 12 miles to the west of the Canopic mouth of For medical works, vid. the Supplement. XV. A the Nile, between the Lake Mareotis and the beautinative of Myndus, quoted by Athenæus. (Compare ful harbour formed by the Isle of Pharos. It was the Meursius, Bibl., in Thes. Gronov., vol. 10, p. 1208, intention of its founder to make Alexandrea at once seqq.) He is supposed by some to be the same with the seat of empire and the first commercial city in the the writer mentioned by Athenæus under the name of world. The latter of these plans completely succeedAlexon. (Schweigh., Index Auct. ad Athen. - Op., ed; and for a long period of years, from the time of vol. 9, p. 24, seqq.)-XVI A native of Tralles, who the Ptolemies to the discovery of the Cape of Good lived in the sixth century, and distinguished himself as Hope, the capital of Egypt was the link of connexion a physician. He wrote several treatises on medicine, between the commerce of the east and west. The some of which are extant, and have been published goods and other articles of traffic were brought up the at different times; namely, a Greek edition, fol., Paris, | Red Sea, and landed at one of three different points.

ALEXANDREA (less correctly Alexandria, Burmann, ad Propert., 3, 9, 33.— Ursin., ad Cic., Ep. ad Fam., 4, 2, 10.-Fea, ad Horat., Od., 4, 14, 35), the name of eighteen cities, founded by Alexander during his conquests in Asia, among which the most deserving of

ing to Rosetta, the southwestern amphitheatre, the obelisk, or needle of Cleopatra, and Pompey's pillar, 88 feet 6 inches high, which, according to an English writer (Walpole's Collection, vol. 1, p. 380), was erected by Pompeius, governor of part of Lower Egypt, in honour of the Emperor Dioclesian. The equestrian statue on the top is no longer standing. (Mannert, 10, pt. 1, p. 611, seqq.-Encyclop. Americ., vol. 1, p 162, seqq.)-II. A city of Sogdiana, on the river lax. artes, to the east of Cyropolis. It was founded by Alexander on the farthest limits of his Scythian expedition, and hence it was also called Alexandreschata Αλεξανδρέσχατα, i. e., 'Αλεξάνδρεια ἐσχατη Alexandrea Ultima).—III. A city of Arachosia. near the confines of India; now Scanderie of Arokhage, or Vaihend.—IV. A 'city of India, at the junction of the Indus and Acesines; now, according to some, Lahor, but, according to others, Veh.-V. A city in the vicinity of the range of Paropamisus, on the east side of the Coas.-VI. A city of Aria, at the mouth of the river Arius; now Corra.-VII. A city of Carmania, near Sabis.-VIII. A city of Gedrosia ; now Hormoz, or Houz.-There were several other cities of the same name, called after Alexander, though not founded by him. Among these may be mentioned the following.-IX. Troas ('Aλežúvópera ǹ Tpwús), a city on the western coast of Mysia, above the promontory of Lectum. It was more commonly called Alexandrea; sometimes, however, Troas. (Act. Apost., 16, 8.—Itin. Ant., p. 334.) The place owed its origin to Antigonus, who gave it the name of Antigonia Troas. After the fall of Antigonus, the appellation was changed to Alexandrea Troas by Lysimachus, in honour of Alexander. Antigonus had already increased its population by sending thither the inhabitants of Cebrene, Neandria, and other towns; and it received a farther increase under Lysimachus. Under the Romans it acquired still greater prosperity, and became one of the most flourishing of their Asiatic colonies. (Strab., 593-Pliny, 5, 30.) In the Acts of the Apostles i is simply called Troas, and it was from its port tha St. Paul and St. Luke set sail for Macedonia (16, 11). We are informed by Suetonius (Vit. Cæs., 79), that Julius Cæsar once had it in contemplation to transfer the seat of empire to this quarter; a plan far from happy, since the port was not large, and the fertility of the surrounding country not at all such as to warrant the attempt. The same idea, however, is said to have been entertained by Augustus. (Faber, Epist., 2, 43.-Compare the commentators on Horace, Od., 3, 3.) In a later age, Constantine actually commenced building a new capital here, but the superior situation of Byzantium soon induced him to abandon the undertaking. (Zosimus, 2, 30, p. 151, seqq., ed. Reitemeier. - Compare Zonaras, 13, 3.) Augustus, when he gave over the design just alluded to, still sent a Roman colony to this place, and hence the language used by Strabo (13, p. 594, ed. Casaub.), νῦν δὲ καὶ Ῥωμαίων ἀποικίαν δέδεκται. (Compare Plin., 5, 30.-Caius, in leg. 7, dig. de Cens.) The ruins of this city are called by the Turks Eski (Old) Stamboul. (Mannert, 6, pt. 3, p. 473, seqq.-X. Ad Issum (Karà 'IGσov), a city of Syria, on the coast of the Sinus Issicus, about sixteen miles from Issus in Cilicia. The founder is unknown. The Itin. Hieros. (p. 580) gives it the name of Alexandrea Scabiosa. (Compare Chron. Alexandr., p. 170, where the appellation is given as Gabrosa) The modern Scanderoon, or Alexandretta, occupies the site of the ancient city.

Of these, the first was at the head of the western gulf of the Red Sea, where the canal of Neco commenced, and where stood the city of Arsinoë or Cleopatris. This route, however, was not much used, on account of the dangerous navigation of the higher parts of the Red Sea. The second point was the harbour of Myos Hormus, in latitude 27°. The third was Berenice, south of Myos Hormus, in latitude 23° 30'. What the ships deposited at either of the last two places, the caravans brought to Coptos on the Nile, whence they were conveyed to Alexandrea by a canal connecting this capital with the Canopic branch. Between Coptos and Berenice a road was constructed by Ptolemy Philadelphus, 258 miles in length. Ptolemy, the son of Lagus, who received Egypt in the general division, improved what Alexander had begun. On the long, narrow island of Pharos, which is very near the coast, and formed a port with a double entrance, a magnificent tower of white marble was erected, to serve as a beacon and guide for navigators. The architect was Sostratus of Cnidus.-The first inhabitants of Alexandrea were a mixture of Egyptians and Greeks, to whom must be added numerous colonies of Jews, transplanted thither in 336, 320, and 312 B.C., to increase the population of the city. It was they who made the well-known Greek translation of the Old Testament, under the name of Septuaginta or the Septuagint.-The most beautiful part of the city, near the great harbour, where stood the royal palaces, magnificently built, was called Pruchion. There was the large and splendid edifice, belonging to the academy and Museum, where the greater portion of the royal library (400,000 volumes) was placed; the rest, amounting to 300,000, were in the Serapion, or temple of Jupiter Serapis. The larger portion was burned during the siege of Alexandrea by Julius Cæsar, but was afterward in part replaced by the library of Pergamus, which Antony presented to Cleopatra. The Museum, where many scholars lived and were supported, ate together, studied, and instructed others, remained unhurt till the reign of Aurelian, when it was destroyed in a period of civil commotion. The library in the Serapion was preserved to the time of Theodosius the Great. He caused all the heathen temples throughout the Roman empire to be destroyed; and even the splendid temple of Jupiter Serapis was not spared. A crowd of fanatic Christians, headed by their archbishop, Theodosius, stormed and destroyed it. At that time, the library, it is said, was partly burned, partly dispersed; and the historian Orosius, towards the close of the fourth century, saw only the empty shelves. The common account, therefore, is an erroneous one, which makes the library in question to have been destroyed by the Saracens at the command of the Calif Omar, A.D. 642, and to have furnished fuel during six months to the 4000 baths of Alexandrea. This narrative rests merely on the authority of the historian Abulpharagius, and has no other proof at all to support it. But, whatever may have been the cause of this disastrous event, the loss resulting to science was irreparable. The Alexandrean library, called by Livy "Elegantia regum curæque egregium opus," embraced the whole Greek and Latin literature, of which we possess but simple fragments. In the division of the Roman dominions, Alexandrea, with the rest of Egypt, was comprehended in the Eastern empire. The Arabs possessed themselves of it in 640; the Calif Motawakel, in 845, restored the library and academy; but the Turks took the city in 868, and it declined more and more, retaining, however, a flourishing commerce, until, as has already been remarked, ALEXANDREA ULTIMA. Vid. Alexandrea II. the Portuguese, at the end of the 15th century, ALEXANDRI ARE, according to some, the limits of discovered a way to the East Indies by sea. The Alexander's victories near the Tanais. This, however, modern city, called in Turkish Scanderia, does not is all a mere fable of the ancients, who made Alexanoccupy the site of the old town, of which nothing re-der to have crossed the Tanaïs, and approached what mains except a portico in the vicinity of the gate lead- they considered the limits of the world in that quarter.




(Mannert, 4, p. 159 and 256. For the trae Alexan- | tinguishing character arises from this circumstance, dri Aræ, vid. Hyphasis. that, in Alexandrea, the eastern and western philosoALEXANDRI CASTRA ( 'Aλεžúvdpov ropeμboký), a phy met, and an effort took place to unite the two place in Marmarica, at the Oasis of Ammon, where systems; for which reason the Alexandrean philosothe Macedonian forces were encam.ped while Alexan-phers have often been called Eclectics. This name, der was consulting the oracle. (Ptol.) however, is not applicable to all. The new Platon

ALEXANDRI INSULA, an island in the Sinus Persi-ists form a distinguished series of philosophers, who, cus, on the Persian coast. (Ptol.-Plin., 6, 25.)

ALEXANDRI PORTUS, a harbour of Gedrosia, where the fleet of Nearchus was detained four weeks by adverse winds. (Arrian, Indic., 22.) It was in the immediate vicinity of Eirus Promontorium, or Cape Monze. (Compare Vincent's Commerce of the Ancients, vol. 1, p. 197.)

renouncing the skepticism of the New Academy, endeavoured to reconcile the philosophy of Piato with that of the East. The Jew Philo, of Alexandrea, belongs to the earlier New Platonists. Plato and Aristotle were diligently interpreted and compared in the 1st and 2d centuries after Christ. Ammonius the Peripatetic belongs here, the teacher of Plutarch. ALEXANDRINE AQUÆ, baths in Rome, built by the But the real New Platonic school of Alexandrea was Emperor Alexander Severus. established at the close of the 2d century after Christ ALEXANDRINA SCHOLA. When the flourishing pe- by Ammonius of Alexandrea (about 193 A.D.), whose riod of Greek poetry was past, study was called in to disciples were Plotinus and Origen. Being for the supply what nature no longer furnished. Alexandrea most part Orientals, formed by the study of Greek learnin Egypt was made the seat of learning by the Ptole-ing, their writings are strikingly characterized, e.g., mies, admirers of the arts, whence this age of liter- those of Ammonius Saccas, Plotinus, Iamblicus, Porature took the name of the Alexandrean. Ptolemy phyrius, by a strange mixture of Asiatic and European Philadelphus founded the famous library of Alexan- elements, which had become amalgamated in Alexandrea, the largest and most valuable one of antiquity, drea, owing to the mingling of the eastern and westwhich attracted many scholars from all countries; andern race in its population, as well as to its situation also the Museum, which may justly be considered the and commercial intercourse. Their philosophy had a first academy of sciences and arts. (Vid. Alexandrea.) great influence on the manner in which Christianity The grammarians and poets are the most important was received and taught in Egypt. The principal among the scholars of Alexandrea. These gramma- Gnostic systems had their origin in Alexandrea. The rians were philologists and literati, who explained leading teachers of the Christian catechetical schools, things as well as words, and may be considered a kind which had risen and flourished together with the ecof encyclopedists. Such were Zenodotus the Ephe- lectic philosophy, had imbibed the spirit of this phisian, who established the first grammar-school in Alex-losophy. The most violent religious controversies andrea, Eratosthenes of Cyrene, Aristophanes of By- disturbed the Alexandrean church, until the orthodox zantium, Aristarchus of Samothrace, Crates of Mallus, tenets were established in it by Athanasius in the conDionysius the Thracian, Apollonius the Sophist, and troversy with the Arians. Among the scholars at Zoilus. Their merit is to have collected, examined, Alexandrea are to be found great mathematicians, as reviewed, and preserved the existing monuments of Euclid, the father of scientific geometry; Apollonius intellectual culture. To them we are indebted for of Perga in Pamphylia, whose work on Conic Sections what is called the Alexandrean Canon, a list of the still exists; Nicomachus, the first scientific arithmetiauthors whose works were to be regarded as models cian: astronomers, who employed the Egyptian hieroin the respective departments of Grecian literature. glyphics for marking the northern hemisphere, and The names composing this Canon, with some remarks fixed the images and names (still in use) of the conupon its claims to attention, will be given at the close stellations; who left astronomical writings (e. g., the of the present article.-To the poets of the Alexan- Phænomena of Aratus, a didactic poem, the Sphærica drean age belong Apollonius the Rhodian, Lyco- of Menelaus, the astronomical works of Eratosthenes, phron, Aratus, Nicander, Euphorion, Callimachus, and especially the Magna Syntaxis of the geographer Theocritus, Philetas, Phanocles, Timon the Phliasian, Ptolemy), and made improvements in the theory of the Scymnus, Dionysius, and seven tragic poets, who were calendar, which were afterward adopted into the Jucalled the Alexandrean Pleiades. The Alexandrean lian calendar: natural philosophers, anatomists, as age of literature differed entirely, in spirit and charac- Herophilus and Erasistratus: physicians and surgeons, ter, from the one that preceded. Great attention was as Demosthenes Philalethes, who wrote the first work paid to the study of language; correctness, purity, on diseases of the eye; Zopyrus and Cratevas, who and elegance were cultivated; and several writers of improved the art of pharmacy and invented antidotes: this period excel in these respects. But that which instructers in the art of medicine, to whom Asclepiano study can give, the spirit which filled the earlier des, Soranus, and Galen owed their education: medipoetry of the Greeks, is not to be found in most of cal theorists and empirics, of the sect founded by their works. Greater art in composition took its Philirus. All these belonged to the numerous assoplace; criticism was now to perform what genius had ciations of scholars continuing under the Roman doaccomplished before. But this was impossible. Ge- minion, and favoured by the Roman emperors, which nius was the gift of only a few, and they soared far rendered Alexandrea one of the most renowned and above their contemporaries. The rest did what may influential seats of science in antiquity.-The best be done by criticism and study; but their works are work on the learning of Alexandrea is the prize-essay tame, without soul and life, and those of their disci- of Jacob Matter; Essai Historique sur l'Ecole d'Alples, of course, still more so. Perceiving the want of exandrie, Paris, 1819, 2 vols. (Encyclop. Americ., originality, but appreciating its value, and striving af- vol. 1, p. 164, seqq.)- We alluded, near the comter it, they arrived the sooner at the point where poe-mencement of the present article, to the literary Canon, try is lost. Their criticism degenerated into a dispo- settled by the grammarians of Alexandrea. We will sition to find fault, and their art into subtilty. They now proceed to give its details, after some prefatory seized on what was strange and new, and endeavoured remarks respecting its merits. The canon of classical to adorn it with learning. The larger part of the Al-authors, as it has been called, was arranged by Arisexandreans, commonly grammarians and poets at the same time, are stiff and laborious versifiers, without genius. Besides the Alexandrean school of poetry, one of philosophy is also spoken of, but the expression is not to be understood too strictly. Their dis

tophanes of Byzantium, curator of the Alexandrean library, in the reign of Ptolemy Euergetes; and his celebrated disciple Aristarchus. The daily increasing multitude of books of every kind had now become so great, that there was no expression, however faulty,

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