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AGATHOCLES, I. one of the boldest adventurers of through the resentment of Arsinoë, in consequence antiquity. His history is principally drawn from Dio- of his refusing to listen to certain dishonourable prodorus Siculus (books nineteen and twenty, and frag-posals made by her. (Pausan., 1, 9.—Id., 1, 10.)— ments of book twenty-one), and from Justin (books III. A brother of Agathoclea, and minister of Ptolemy twenty-two and twenty-three). They derived their Philopator. (Vid. Agathoclea.)—IV. A Greek histoaccounts from different sources, and differ, therefore, rian, a native of Samos, who wrote a work on the govespecially in the history of his youth. Agathocles ernment of Pessinus. (Vossius, de Hist. Græc., 3, p. was the son of Carcinus, who, having been expelled 158.- Ernesti, Clav. Cic. Ind. Hist., s. v.)—V. An from Rhegium, resided at Thermæ in Sicily. On ac- archon at Athens, Ol. 105, at the period when the Phocount of a mysterious oracle, he was exposed in his cians undertook to plunder Delphi.—VI. An historian. infancy, but was secretly brought up by his mother. (Vid. Supplement.) At the age of seven years the boy was again received AGATHODÆMON, or the Good Genius, I. a name apby his repentant father, and sent to Syracuse to learn plied by the Greeks to the Egyptian Cneph, as indicthe trade of a potter, where he continued to reside, ative of the qualities and attributes assigned to him being admitted by Timoleon into the number of the in the mythology of that nation. (Compare Eusebius, citizens. He was drawn from obscurity by Damas, a Præp. Ev., 1, 10, p. 41.-Jablonski, Panth. Ægypt., noble Syracusan, to whom his beauty recommended 1, p. 86.) It is the same with the Nous, and Pœmanhim, and was soon placed at the head of an army sent der, of the Alexandrean school; and the hieroglyphic against Agrigentum. By a marriage with the widow which represents this deity is the circle, or disk, havof Damas, he became one of the most wealthy men of ing in the centre a serpent with a hawk's head, or else Syracuse. Under the dominion of Sosistratus, he was a globe encircled by a serpent, the symbol of the spirobliged to fly to Tarentum, but returned after the death it, or eternal principle, male and female, that animates of the latter, usurped the sovereignty, in which he es- and controls the world, as well as of the light, which tablished himself by the murder of several thousand of illumines all things. (Creuzer's Symbolik, par Guigthe principal inhabitants, and conquered the greater niaut, vol. 1, p. 824.)-II. A name applied by the part of Sicily (317 B.C.). He maintained his power Greeks to the serpent, as an image of Cneph, the good twenty-eight years, till 289 B.C. To strengthen his genius. (Plut., de Is. et Os., p. 418.) The serpent authority in his native country, and to give employment here meant is of a harmless kind, and was also called to the people, he endeavoured, like Dionysius, to drive Uraus (Oipaioc), or the royal serpent (Zoega, Num. the Carthaginians from Sicily. Having been defeated Egypt., p. 400.-Id., de Obelisc., p. 431, n. 41), and by them, and besieged in Syracuse, he boldly resolved hence it is also the symbol of royalty, and appears on to pass over into Africa with a portion of his army. the heads of kings as well as of gods. (Compare reHere he fought for four years, till 307, generally with marks under the article Cleopatra.) The term Agathosuccess. Disturbances in Sicily compelled him to dæmon is said to be nothing more than a translation of leave his army twice, and at his second return into the Egyptian term Cneph. (Jablonski, Vocc., p. 112. Africa he found it in rebellion against his son Archa--Ouvaroff, Essai sur les Myst. d'Eleusis, p. 106, gathus. He appeased the commotion by promising seqq.-Creuzer's Symbolik, vol. 1, p. 505, of the Gerthe troops the booty they should win; but, being de- man work.-Champollion, Precis, &c., p. 91.)-III. feated, he did not hesitate to give up his own sons to the A name given by the Greek residents in Egypt to the vengeance of his exasperated soldiery, and expose these Canopic arm of the Nile. (Ptol., 4, 5.) The native latter, without a leader, to the enemy. His sons were appellation was Schetnouphi, i. e., “ the good arm of murdered; the army surrendered to the Carthaginians. the river;" from Schet, "the arm of a river," and He himself restored quiet to Sicily, and concluded a nouphi, "good," and was used in opposition to the peace 306 B.C., which secured to both parties their Phatnetic, or evil arm of the Nile. (Champollion, former possessions. He then engaged in several hos-l'Egypte sous les Pharaons, vol. 2, p. 23.) The words tile expeditions to Italy, where he vanquished the Cneph (Cnuphi) and Canobus (Canopus) were, Bruttii and sacked Crotona. His latter days were fact, the same; and we have in the following, also, saddened by domestic strife. His intention was, that merely different forms of the same appellation: Chnohis youngest son, Agathocles, should inherit the throne. phi, Anubis, Mnevis, &c.-III. (Vid. Supplement.) This stimulated his grandson Archagathus to rebellion. AGATHOTYCUS. Vid. Supplement. He murdered the intended heir, and persuaded Mænon, a favourite of the king's, to poison him. This was done by means of a feather, with which the king cleaned his teeth after a meal. His mouth, and soon his whole body, became a mass of corruption. Before he was entirely dead he was thrown upon a funeral pile. According to some authors, he died at the age of seventytwo years; according to others, at that of ninety-five. Before his death, his wife Texena and two sons were sent to Egypt. His son-in-law, Pyrrhus, king of Epirus, inherited his influence in Sicily and Southern Italy. Agathocles possessed the talents of a general and a sovereign. He was proud of his ignoble descent. His cruelty, luxury, and insatiable ambition, however, accelerated his ruin. (Justin, 22, 1, seqq.-Id., 23, 1, seqq.-Polyb., 12, 15.-Id., 15, 35.-Id., 9, 23, &c. II. A son of Lysimachus, taken prisoner by the Geta. He was ransomed, and married Lysandra, daughter of Ptolemy Lagus. His father, in his old age, married Arsinoë, the eldest sister of Lysandra, who, fearful lest her offspring by Lysimachus might, on the death of the latter, come under the power of Agathocles and be destroyed, planned, and succeeded in bringing about, the death of this prince. After the destruction of Agathocles she fled to Seleucus. Another account makes Agathocles to have lost his life


AGATHON, I. (Vid. Agatho.)-II., III. (Vid. Supplement.)

AGATHYRNA, or Agathyrnum, a city of Sicily, on the northern coast, between Tyndaris and Calacta. It appears to have been originally a settlement of the Siculi, and, owing to this circumstance probably, as well as to its remote position, would seem to have escaped the notice of the Greek geographers. Its name ap pears, for the first time, in the history of the second Punic war, where Livy (26, 40) states, that the Roman consul Lævinus carried away from the place a motley rabble, four thousand in number, consisting of abandoned characters, and brought them to the coast of Italy near Rhegium, the people of which place wanted a band trained to robberies, for the purpose of ravaging Bruttium. Livy writes the name Agathyrna, of the first declension: the more common form is Agathyrnum ('Ayú@vpvov). The modern St. Agatha stands near the site of the ancient city. (Mannert, Geogr., vol. 9, pt. 2, p. 411.)

AGATHYRSI, a nation respecting whom the accounts of ancient writers are greatly at variance. (Compare Vossius, Annot. in Hudson, Geog. Min., vol. 1, p. 79.) Herodotus (4, 49) places them in the vicinity of the Maris, the modern Marosch, in what is now Transylvania, and most writers agree in placing them

AGELASTUS ('Ayéλaoros), an appellation given to M. Crassus, father of the celebrated orator, and grandfa ther of Crassus the rich, from his extraordinary gravity. Lucilius said of him, that he laughed only once in the course of his life, while Pliny informs us that he was reported never to have laughed at all. Hence the name 'Ayéλaoroç, "one that does not laugh," or "that never laughs." (Cic., de Fin., 5, 30.-Douza, ad Lu

AGENDICUM, Agedincum, or Agedicum ('Ayndikov,
Ptol.), a city of Gaul, the metropolis of Senonia, or
Lugdunensis Quarta. Its later name was Senones,
now Sens. (Cæs., B. G., 6, extr.---.
--Eutrop., 10, 7.—
Amm. Marcell., 15, 27.)

in this country and in upper Hungary. (Compare Rennell, Geogr. of Herod., p. 83, seqq.-Mannert, 4, p. 102.-Niebuhr, Verm. Schrift., 1, p. 377, &c.) Scymnus of Chios, however, makes them to have dwelt on the Palus Mæotis. The name perhaps, after all, is a mere appellative, and may have been applied by different authors to different tribes. What serves to strengthen this opinion is the fact, that the latter half of the term Agathyrsi frequently occurs in other na-cil., Fragm., p. 20.-Plin., 7. 18.) tional designations, such as Idanthyrs Thyrsagctæ, AGELAUS, I. a king of Corinth, son of Ixion.-II. Thyssageta, Thyrsi, &c. The reference probably is A son of Hercules and Omphale, from whom Cræsuz to the god Tyr, another name for the sun. What was descended. (Apollod., 2, 7, 8.) Diodorus SicuHerodotus (4, 104) states respecting this race, that lus (4, 31) gives the name of this son as Lamus. they were accustomed to array themselves in very Herodotus, on the other hand, deduces the royal line handsome attire, to wear a great number of golden or- of Lydia from a son of Hercules and a female slave naments, to have their women in common, and to live, belonging to Jardanus, the father of Omphale. (Hein consequence of this last-mentioned arrangement, rod., 1, 7.) This last is generally considered to be the like brethren and members of one family, is received more correct opinion. (Consult Bahr, ad Herod., l. c. with great incredulity by many. (Compare Valcke--Creuzer, Hist. Græc. antiquiss., &c., p. 186.)—-III. naer, Herod., ed. Wessel., p. 328, n. 31.) All this, A servant of Priam, who preserved Paris when expohowever, clearly shows their Asiatic origin, and con- sed on Mount Ida. (Vid. Paris.-Apollod., 3, 12, 5, nects them with the nations in the interior of the east- and Heyne, ad loc., not. er.) ern continent. The community of wives seems to have been a remnant, in some degree, of an early Buddhistic system. The civilized habits of the Agathyrsi are, at all events, worthy of notice, and favour the theory of those who see in them a fragment of early civilization, emanating from some highly cultivated race, and subsequently shattered by the inroads of the Scythians and other barbarous tribes. (Ritter, Vorhal., 286, seqq.) AGAUE ('Ayavý), or, with the Reuchlinian pronunciation, AGAVE, I. daughter of Cadmus, and wife of Echion, by whom she had Penthens. Her son succeeded his grandfather in the government of Thebes. While he was reigning, Bacchus came from the east, and sought to introduce his orgies into his native city. The women all gave enthusiastically into the new religion, and Mount Citharon rang to the frantic yells of the Bacchantes. Pentheus sought to check their fury; but, deceived by the god, he went secretly and ascend--Hygin., Fab., 178.) Virgil (En., 1, 338) calls Cared a tree on Citharon, to be an ocular witness of their revels. While here, he was descried by his mother and aunts, to whom Bacchus made him appear to be a wild beast, and he was torn to pieces by them. This adventure of Pentheus has furnished the groundwork of one of the finest dramas of Euripides, his Baccha. (Apollod., 3, 4, 4.—Id., 3, 5, 1.—Ovid, Met., 3, 514, seqq.-Hygin., F., 184.- Keightley's Mythology, p. 298.)-II. A tragedy of Statius, now lost. (Juv., 7, 87.)-III. A daughter of Danaus. She slew her husband Lycus, in obedience to her father's orders. (Apollod., 2, 1, 5.)-IV. A Nereid. (Apollod., 1, 2, 7.)

AGDESTIS. I. a genius or deity mentioned in the legends of Phrygia, and connected with the mythus of Cybele and Atys. An account of his origin, as well as other particulars respecting him, may be obtained from Pausanias (7, 17). He was an androgynous deity, and appears to be the same with the Adagoüs of the ancient writers. (Creuzer, Symbolik, vol. 2, p. 48.-Compare the note of Guigniaut.)-II. One of the summits of Mount Dindymus in Phrygia, on which Atys was said to have been buried. (Pausan., 1, 4.) AGELADAS, I. an excellent statuary, and illustrious also as having been the instructer of Phidias, Polycletus, and Myron. His parents were inhabitants of Argos, according to Pausanias (34, 8), and he himself was born there, probably about B.C. 540. The particular time, however, when he lived, has given rise to much discussion. Sillig, after a long and able argum it, comes to the conclusion that Ageladas, the instructer of Phidias, attained the height of his renown about Olymp. 70, or 500 B.C. (Dict. Art., s. v.)-II. Another artist, probably a nephew of the former, assigned by Pliny to Olymp. 87, or 432 B.C., which can hardly be correct. He was thinking, perhaps, of the elder Ageladas. (Sillig, Dict. Art., s. v.)

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AGENOR, I. a son of Neptune and Libya, king of Phoenicia, and twin-brother of Belus (Apollod., 2, 1, 4); he married Telephassa, by whom he became the father of Cadmus, Phoenix, Cylix, Tharsus, Phineus, and, according to some, of Europa also. (Schol. ad Eurip., Phan., 5.-Hygin., Fab., 178.-Paus., 5, 25, 7. Schol. ad Apoli. Rhod., 2, 178; 3, 1185.) After his daughter Europa had been carried off by Jupiter, Agenor sent out his sons in search of her, and enjoined on them not to return without their sister. As Europa was not to be found, none of them returned, and all settled in foreign countries. (Apollod., 3, 1, 1. thage the city of Agenor, by which he alludes to the descent of Dido from Agenor. Buttmann (Mytholog, 1, p. 232, seq.) points out that the genuine Phoenician name of Agenor was Cnas, which is the same as Canaan, and upon these facts he builds the hypothesis, that Agenor or Cnas is the same as the Canaan in the Books of Moses.-II. A son of Iasus, and father of Argus Panoptes, king of Argos. (Apollod., 2, 1, 2.) Hellanicus (Fragm., p. 47, ed. Sturz.) states that Agenor was a son of Phoroneus, and brother of lasus and Pelasgus, and that, after their father's death, the two elder brothers divided his dominions between themselves in such a manner, that Pelasgus received the country about the river Eracinus, and built Larissa, and Iasus the country about Elis. After the death of these two, Agenor, the youngest, invaded their dominions, and thus became King of Argos.-III. The son and successor of Triopas in the kingdom of Argos. He belonged to the house of Phoroneus, and was father of Crotopus. (Paus., 2, 16, 1.-Hygin., Fab., 145.)— IV. A son of Pleuron and Xanthippe, and grandson of Etolus. Epicaste, the daughter of Calydon, became by him the mother of Porthaon and Demonice. (Apollod., 1, 7, 7.) According to Pausanias (3, 13, 5), Thestius, the father of Leda, is likewise a son of this Agenor.-V. A son of Phegeus, king of Psophis, in Arcadia. He was brother of Pronous and Arsinoë, who was married to Alcmeon, but was abandoned by him. When Alemæon wanted to give the celebrated necklace and peplus of Harmonia to his second wife, Callirrhoë, the daughter of Achetous, he was slain by Agenor and Pronous at the instigation of Phegeus. But when the two brothers came to Delphi, where they intended to dedicate the necklace and peplus, they were killed by Amphoterus and Acarnan, the sons of Alcmæon and Callirrhoë. (Apollod., 3, 7, 5.) Pausanias

18, 24, 1) who relates the same story, calls the children of Phegeus Temenus, Axion, and Alphesiboa. -VI. A son of the Trojan Antenor, and of Theano, a priestess of Minerva. (I, 6, 298.) He appears as one of the bravest of the Trojans, and as leader in the storming of the Grecian encampment. He hastens with other Trojans to the assistance of Hector when prostrated by Ajax, and, being encouraged by Apollo, he engages in combat with Achilles, whom he wounds. As, however, danger threatened him in this conflict, Apollo assumed Agenor's form, in order that, while Achilles turned against the god, the Trojans might be able to escape to the city. (Il., 21, sub fin.-Hygin., Fab., 112.) According to Pausanias (10, 27, 1), Agenor was slain by Neoptolemus, the son of Achilles, and was represented by Polygnotus in the great painting in the Lesche of Delphi.

AGENORIDES, a patronymic of Agenor, designating a descendant of an Agenor, such as Cadmus, Phineus, and Perseus.

Locrian, who conquered, when a boy, in boxing in the Olympic games. His victory is celebrated by Pinda? in the 10th and 11th Olympic Odes. The scholiast pla ces his victory in the 74th Olympiad. He should not be confounded with Agesidamus the father of Chromius, who is mentioned in the Nemean Odes (1, 42; 9, 99).

AGESILAUS, I. son of Doryssus, sixth king of the Agid line of Sparta, excluding Aristodemus, according to Apollodorus, reigned 44 years, and died 886 B.C. Pausanias makes his reign a short one, but contemporary with the legislation of Lycurgus. (Pausan., 3, 2, 3.-Clinton, Fast. Hell., 1, p. 335.)—II. Son by his second wife, Eupolia, of Archidamus II., succeeded his half-brother, Agis II., as nineteenth king of the Eurypontid line; excluding, on the ground of spurious birth, and by the interest of Lysander, his nephew, Leotychides. (Vid. Leotychides.) His reign extends from 398 to 361 B.C., both inclusive; during most of which time he was, in Plutarch's words, "as good as thought commander and king of all Greece," and was for the whole of it greatly identified with his country's deeds and fortunes. The position of that country, though internally weak, was externally, in Greece, down to 394, one of supremacy acknowledged: the only field of its ambition was Persia; from 394 to 387, the Corinthian or first Theban war, one of supremacy assaulted in 387 that supremacy was restored over Greece, in the peace of Antalcidas, by the sacrifice of Asiatic prospects; and thus, more confined and more secure, it became also more wanton. After 378, when Thebes regained her freedom, we find it again assailed, and again for one moment restored, though on a lower level, in 371; then overthrown forever at Leuctra, the next nine years being a struggle for existence amid dangers within and without.

AGESANDER, I. or AGESILAUS, from yεw and výp or 2a, a surname of Pluto or Hades, describing him as the god who carries away all men. (Callim., Hymn. in Pallad., 130.- -Spanh., ad loc.-Hesych., s. v. Eschyl. ap. Athen., 3, p. 99.) Nicander (ap. Athen., 15, p. 684) uses the form 'Hyɛoihaos.-II. A sculptor, a native of the island of Rhodes. His name occurs in no author except Pliny (H. N., 36, 5, 4), and we know of but one work which he executed; it is a work, however, which bears the most decisive testimony to his surpassing genius. In conjunction with Apollodorus and Athenodorus, he sculptured the group of Laocoon. (Vid. Laocoon.) This celebrated group was discovered in the year 1506, near the baths of Titus on the Esquiline Hill: it is now preserved in the Museum of the Vatican. A great deal has been written about the age when Agesander flourished, and various opinions have been formed on the subject. Winckelmann and Müller, forming their judgment from the style of art displayed in the work itself, assign it to the age of Lysippus. Müller thinks the intensity of suffering depicted, and the somewhat theatrical air which pervades the group, show that it belongs to a later age than that of Phidias. Lessing and Thiersch, on the other hand, after subjecting the passage of Pliny to an accurate examination, have come to the conclusion, that Agesander and the other two artists lived in the age of Titus, and sculptured the group expressly for that emperor; and this opinion is pretty generally acquiesced in. Thiersch has written a great deal to show that the plastic art did not decline so early as is generally supposed, but continued to flourish in full vigour from the time of Phidias uninterruptedly down to the reign of Titus. Pliny was deceived in saying that the group was sculptured out of one block, as the lapse of time has discovered a join in it. It appears from an inscription on the pedestal of a statue found at Net-mand in Sparta's aggression on Mantineia; but headtuno (the ancient Antium), that Athenodorus was the son of Agesander. This makes it not unlikely that Polydorus also was his son, and that the father executed the figure of Laocoon himself, his two sons the remaining two figures. (Lessing, Laokoon.-Winckelmann, Gesch. de Kunst, 10, 1, 10.-Thiersch, Epochen der Bildkunst, p. 318, &c.. Müller, Archæol. der Kunst, p. 152.)

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AGESIANAX, a Greek poet, of whom a beautiful fragment, descriptive of the moon, is preserved in Plutarch (De facie in orb. Lunæ, p. 920.) It is uncertain whether the poem to which this fragment belonged was of an epic or didactic character.

AGESIAS, one of the lambidæ, and an hereditary priest of Jupiter at Olympia. He gained the victory there in the mule-race, and is celebrated on that account by Pindar in the 6th Olympic Ode. Böckh places his victory in the 78th Olympiad.

AGESIDĀMUS, son of Archestratus, an Epizephyrian

Of the youth of Agesilaus we have no detail, beyond the mention of his intimacy with Lysander. On the throne, which he ascended about the age of forty, we first hear of him in the suppression of Cinadon's conspiracy. In his third year (396), he crossed into Asia, and after a short campaign, and a winter of preparation, he in the next overpowered the two satraps, Tissaphernes and Pharnabazus; and in the spring of 394 was encamped in the plain of Thebe, preparing to advance into the heart of the empire, when a message arrived to summon him to the war at home. He calmly and promptly obeyed, expressing, however, to the Asiatic Greeks, and doubtless himself indulging, hopes of a speedy return. Marching rapidly by Xerxes' route, he met and defeated at Coroneia in Boeotia the allied forces. In 393 he was engaged in a ravaging invasion of Argolis; in 392 in one of the Corinthian territory; in 391 he reduced the Acarnanians to submission; but in the remaining years of the war he is not mentioned. In the interval of peace, we find him declining the com

ing, from motives, it is said, of private friendship, that on Phlius, and openly justifying Phœbidas's seizure of the Cadmeia. Of the next war, the first two years he commanded in Boeotia, more, however, to the enemy's gain in point of experience than loss in any other; from the five remaining he was withdrawn by severe illness. In the congress of 371 an altercation is recorded between him and Epaminondas; and by his advice Thebes was peremptorily excluded from the peace, and orders given for the fatal campaign of Leuctra. In 379 we find him engaged in an embassy to Mantineia, and reassuring the Spartans by an invasion of Arcadia; and in 369 to his skill, courage, and presence of mind, is to be ascribed the maintenance of the unwalled Sparta, amid the attacks of four armies, and revolts and conspiracies of Helots, Perioci, and even Spartans. Finally, in 362, he led his countrymen into Arcadia: by fortunate information was enabled to return in time to prevent the surprise of Sparta, and was, it seems,


joint, if not sole commander at the battle of Mantineia. | the Roman fable of Mucius Scævola was borrowed
To the ensuing winter must probably be referred his (Vid. Agatharchides II.)
AGESIPÕLIS, I. king of Sparta, the twenty-first of the
embassy to the coast of Asia, and negotiations for mon-
ey with the revolted satraps, alluded to in an obscure Agids beginning with Eurysthenes, succeeded his fa-
He was placed under the
passage of Xenophon (Agesilaus, 2, 26, 27); and, in ther Pausanias, while yet a minor, in B.C. 394, and
performance, perhaps, of some stipulation then made, he reigned fourteen years.
crossed, in the spring of 361, with a body of Lacedæ- guardianship of Aristodemus, his nearest of kin. He
monian mercenaries, into Egypt. Here, after display- came to the crown just about the time that the confed-
ing much of his ancient skill, he died, while preparing eracy (partly brought about by the intrigues of the Per
for his voyage home, in the winter of 361-60, after asian satrap Tithraustes), which was formed by Thebes,
life of above eighty years, and a reign of thirty-eight.
His body was embalmed in wax, and splendidly buried
at Sparta.

Athens, Corinth, and Argos, against Sparta, rendered it necessary to recall his colleague, Agesilaus II., from Asia; and the first military operation of his reign was Referring to our sketch of Spartan history, we find the expedition to Corinth, where the forces of the conAgesilaus shining most in its first and last period, as federates were then assembled. The Spartan army commencing and surrendering a glorious career in was led by Aristodemus, and gained a signal victory Asia, and as, in extreme age, maintaining his prostrate over the allies. (Xen., Hell., 4, 2, § 9.) In the year country. From Coroneia to Leuctra we see him part- B.C. 390, Agesipolis, who had now reached his major ly unemployed, at times yielding to weak motives, at ity, was intrusted with the command of an ariny for the No invasion of Argolis. Having procured the sanction of times joining in wanton acts of public injustice. one of Sparta's great defeats, but some of her bad pol- the Olympic and Delphic gods for disregarding any aticy, belongs to him. In what others do, we miss him; tempt which the Argives might make to stop his march, in what he does, we miss the greatness and consisten- on the pretext of a religious truce, he carried his ravacy belonging to unity of purpose and sole command. ges still farther than Agesilaus had done in B.C. 393; No doubt he was hampered at home; perhaps, too, but, as he suffered the aspect of the victims to deter from a man withdrawn, when now near fifty, from his him from occupying a permanent post, the expedichosen career, great action in a new one of any kind tion yielded no fruit but the plunder. (Xen., Hell, could not be looked for. Plutarch gives, among nu- 4, 7, § 2-6.—Paus., 3, 5, § 8.) In B.C. 385 the Sparmerous apophthegmata, his letter to the ephors on his tans, seizing upon some frivolous pretexts, sent an exrecall: "We have reduced most of Asia, driven back pedition against Mantineia, in which Agesipolis underthe barbarians, made 'arms abundant in Ionia. But took the command, after it had been declined by Agessince you bid me, according to the decree, come home, ilaus. In this expedition the Spartans were assisted I shall follow my letter, may perhaps be even before it. by Thebes, and in a battle with the Mantineans, EpamFor my command is not mine, but my country's and inondas and Pelopidas, who were fighting side by side, her allies'. And a commander then commands truly narrowly escaped death. He took the town by divertThe basements, being according to right when he sees his own commander ing the river Ophis, so as to lay the low grounds at the in the laws and ephors, or others holding office in the foot of the walls under water." The walls soon began to totter, and state." Also, an exclamation on hearing of the battle made of unbaked bricks, were unable to resist the acof Corinth: "Alas for Greece! she has killed enough tion of the water. of her sons to have conquered all the barbarians." Of the Mantineans were forced to surrender. They were his courage, temperance, and hardiness, many instan- admitted to terms on condition that the population ces are given to these he added, even in excess, the should be dispersed among the four hamlets, out of less Spartan qualities of kindness and tenderness as which it had been collected to form the capital. The a father and a friend. Thus we have the story of his democratical leaders were permitted to go into exile. riding across a stick with his children; and, to gratify (Xen., Hell., 5, 2, § 1-7. Paus., 8, 8, § 5-Diod., his son's affection for Cleonymus, son of the culprit, 15, 5, &c.-Plut., Pelop., 4. — Isocr., Paneg., p. 67, he saved Sphodrias from the punishment due, in right a, De Pace, p. 179, c.) and policy, for nis incursion into Attica in 378. So, too, the appointment of Pisander. (Vid. Pisander.) A letter of his runs, "If Nicias is innocent, acquit him for that; if guilty, for my sake; any how, acquit him." From Spartan cupidity and dishonesty, and mostly, even in public life, from ill faith, his character is clear. In person he was small, mean-looking, and lame, on which last ground objection had been made to his accession, an oracle, curiously fulfilled, having warned Sparta of evils awaiting her under a "lame sovereignty." In his reign, indeed, her fall took place, but not through him. Agesilaus himself was Sparta's most perfect citizen and most consummate general; in many ways, perhaps, her greatest man. (Xen., Hell., 3, 3, to the end; Agesilaus-Diod., 14, 15.-Paus., 3, 9, 10. -Plut. and C. Nepos, in Vita.-Plut., Apophthegm.) -III. A Greek historian, who wrote a work on the early history of Italy ('Iraλkú), fragments of which are preserved in Plutarch (Parallela, p. 312) and Stobæus. (Florileg., 9, 27, 54, 49, 65, 10, ed. Gaisf.)-IV. A brother of Themistocles, who went into the Persian camp, and stabbed one of the body-guards instead of Xerxes, whom he intended to assassinate, but knew not. Upon being arraigned before Xerxes, he thrust his hand into the fire, and informed the monarch that Pluall his countrymen were prepared to do the same. tarch cites this incident on the authority of Agatharchides, in his Parallels. (Op., ed. Reiske, vol. 7, p. 217.) If the story be true, it shows the source whence

Early in B.C. 382, an embassy came to Sparta from the cities of Acanthus and Apollonia, requesting assistance against the Olynthians, who were endeavour.. ing to compel them to join their confederacy. The Spartans granted it, but were not at first very successful. After the defeat and death of Teleutias in the second campaign (B.C. 381), Agesipolis took the comHe then acted with great mand. He set out in 381, but did not begin operations till the spring of 380. vigour, and took Torone by storm; but in the midst of his successes he was seized with a fever, which carried him off in seven days. He died at Aphytis, in the peninsula of Pallene. His body was immersed in honey, and conveyed home to Sparta for burial. Though Agesipolis did not share the ambitious views of foreign conquest cherished by Agesilaus, his loss was deeply regretted by that prince, who seems to have had a sincere regard for him. (Xen., Hell., 5, 3, § 8-9, 18-19.-Diod., 15, 22.-Thirlwall, Hist. of Greece, 4, p. 405, 428, &c.; 5, p. 5, &c., 20.)—II. Son of Cleombrotus, was the 23d king of the Agid line. He ascended the throne B.C. 371, and reigned one year. (Paus., 3, 6, § 1.-Diod., 15, 60.)-III. The 31st of the Agid line, was the son of Agesipolis, and grandson of Cleombrotus II. After the death of Cleomenes he was elected king while still a minor, and placed under the guardianship of his uncle Cleomenes. (Polyb., 4, 35.) He was, however, soon deposed by his colleague Lycurgus, after the death of Cleomenes. We hear of


him next in B.C. 195, when he was at the head of the Lacedæmonian exiles, who joined Flamininus in his attack upon Nabis, the tyrant of Lacedæmon. (Liv., 34, 26.) He formed one of an embassy sent about B.C. 183 to Rome by the Lacedæmonian exiles, and, with his companions, was intercepted by pirates and killed. (Polyb., 24, 11.)


AGETOR ('AуTp), a surname given to several gods: for instance, to Jupiter at Lacedæmon (Stob., Serm., 42): the name seems to describe Zeus as the leader and ruler of men; but others think that it is synonymous with Agamemnon (vid. Agamemnon): to Apolio (Eurip., Med., 426), where, however, Elmsley and others prefer άynTwp to Mercury, who conducts the souls of men to the lower world. Under this name Mercury had a statue at Megalopolis. (Paus., 8, 31, (4.)

AGGENUS URBICUs, a writer on the science of the Agrimensores. (Dict. of Ant., p. 38.) It is uncertain when he lived; but he appears to have been a Christian, and it is not improbable, from some expressions which he uses, that he lived at the latter part of the fourth century of our era. The extant works ascribed to him are: Aggeni Urbici in Julium Frontinum Commentarius," a commentary upon the work "De Agrorum Qualitate," which is ascribed to Frontinus; In Julium Frontinum Commentariorum Liber secundus qui Diazographus dicitur ;" and "Commentariorum de Controversiis Agrorum Pars prior et altera." The last-named work Niebuhr supposes to have been written by Frontinus, and in the time of Domitian, since the author speaks of "præstantissimus Domitianus ;" an expression which would never have been applied to this tyrant after his death. (Hist. of Rome, vol. 2, p. 621.)

AGGRAMMES, called XANDRAMES (Eavdpúμns) by Diodorus, the ruler of the Gangaride and Prasii in India, was said to be the son of a barber, whom the queen had married. Alexander was preparing to march against him, when he was compelled by his soldiers, who had become tired of the war, to give up farther conquests in India. (Curt., 5, 2.-Diod., 17, 93, 94. -Arrian, Anab., 5, 25, &c.-Plut., Alex., 60.)

AGIAS ('Ayíaç), I. a Greek poet, whose name was formerly written Augias, through a mistake of the first editor of the Excerpta of Proclus. It has been corrected by Thiersch in the Acta Philol. Monac., 2, p. 584, from the Codex Monacensis, which in one passage has Agias, and in another Hagias. The name itself does not occur in early Greek writers, unless it be supposed that Egias or Hegias ('Hyíaç) in Clemens Alexandrinus (Strom., 6, p. 622) and Pausanias (1, 2,1) are only different forms of the same name. He was a native of Trozen, and the time at which he wrote appears to have been about the year B.C. 740. His poem was celebrated in antiquity, under the name of Nooro, i. e., the history of the return of the Achæan heroes from Troy, and consisted of five books. The poem began with the cause of the misfortunes which befell the Achæans on their way home and after their arrival, that is, with the outrage committed upon Cassandra and the Palladium; and the whole poem filled up the space which was left between the work of the poet Arctinus and the Odyssey. The ancients themselves appear to have been uncertain about the author of this poem, for they refer to it simply by the name of NoσTOL, and when they mention the author, they only call him ὁ τοὺς Νόστους γράψας. (Athen., 7, p. 281.-Paus., 10, 28, § 4; 29, § 2; 30, § 2. — Apollod., 2, 1, § 5.- - Schol. ad Odyss., 4, 12. Schol. ad Aristoph., Equit., 1332.- Lucian, De Saltat., 46.) Hence some writers attributed the Nóσrot to Homer (Suid., s. v. vóOTOL.- Anthol. Planud., 4, 30), while others call its author a Colophonian. (Eustath. ad Odyss., 16, 118.) Similar poems, and with the same

title, were written by other poets also, such as Eumelus of Corinth (Schol. ad Pind., Ol., 13, 31), Anticledes of Athens (Athen., 4, p. 157; 9, p. 466), Cleidemus (Athen., 13, p. 609), and Lysimachus. (Athen., 4, p. 158.-Schol. ad Apollon. Rhod., 1, 558.) Where the NooTot is mentioned without a name, we have generally to understand the work of Agias.-II. A comic writer. (Pollux, 3, 36.-Meineke, Hist. Comic. Græc., p. 404, 416.) He is by some considered as the same person with the writer of the 'Apyokukú, mentioned below. Casaubon, however, in his remarks on Athenæus, thinks that this is an error. (Ad Athen., 3, 10, p. 169.)-III. The author of a work on Argolis ('Apyonkú, Athen., 3, p. 86, f.), mentioned in connexion with Dercylus. Clemens of Alexandrea quotes him under the name of Aigias (Strom., 1, p 236), which is written Agis in Eusebius, who has also given Kerkylus incorrectly for Dercylus. (Casaub. ad Athen., lib. 3, c. 10, p. 169.) He is called ó μovakós in another passage of Athenæus (14, p. 626, f.), but the musician may be another person.-IV. Brother of Tisamenus, the renowned seer of the Spartans, who took part in the battle of Platea. Both of these were of the race of the Iamidæ, and received the right of citizenship at Sparta. Another Agias, son of Agelochus, grandson of Tisamenus, was the seer of Lysander, and predicted the victory of that commander over the Athenians at Egospotami. (Paus., 3, 11, § 5, 6.)—V. The Arcadian, one of the Grecian commanders in the army of Cyrus the Younger, when he marched against his brother Artaxerxes. He was entrapped, along with the other Grecian leaders, by Tissaphernes, and put to death by that treacherous satrap, together with his fellow-officers. Xenophon praises his courage and fidelity. (Anab., 2, 5, 31; 2, 6, 30.) AGIATIS. Vid. Agis IV.

AGIDE, or Eurysthenidæ, descendants of Agis, king of Sparta and son of Eurysthenes. This family shared the throne of Lacedæmon along with the Proclidæ, or, as they were more commonly called, the Eurypontidæ. According to Pausanias, the line of the Agidæ became extinct in the person of Leonidas, son of Cleomenes. (Pausan., 3, 2.-Id., 3, 6.-Id., 3, 7.)

AGINNUM OF AGINUM, also written Agennum (Hie


De Script. Eccles. in Sabadio, al. Phœbadio), a city of the Nitiobriges, who were the same as the Aginnenses, in Gallia Aquitania. It lay on the river Garonne, between Fines and Excisum. (Ptol., Itin., p. 461. Tab. Peut. Segm., 1. Auson., Ep., 24, 79.) There was a road leading from this city to Lactura, which was situated at the distance of 15 miles, mentioned in the Itiner. Antonini, for an account of which consult the remarks of Chaudruc de Crazanes, l. 1., p. 392. Numerous remains of ancient works of art, inscriptions, &c., have been found at this place, which are described in a dissertation published in the Mémoires de la Societé Royale des Antiq. de France, tom. 2, p. 368. It was the birthplace of Jos. Scaliger, who has written about it in his Lect. Auson., 1. 2, c. 10.

AGIS ('Ayıç), I. king of Sparta, son of Eurysthenes, began to reign, it is said, about B.C. 1032. (Müller, Dor., vol. 2, p. 511, transl.) According to Eusebius (Chron., 1, p. 166), he reigned only one year; according to Apollodorus, as it appears, about 31 years. During the reign of Eurysthenes, the conquered people were admitted to an equality of political rights with the Dorians. Agis deprived them of these, and reduced them to the condition of subjects to the Spartans. The inhabitants of the town of Helos attempted to shake off the yoke, but they were subdued, and gave rise and name to the class called Helots. (Ephor. ap. Strab., 8, 364.) To his reign was referred the colony which went to Crete under Pollis and Delphus. (Conon., Narr., 36.) From him the kings of that line were called 'Ayidai. His colleague was Sous. (Paus., 3, 2, ◊ 1.)-II. The 17th of the Eurypontid line (be

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