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"Gloria Patri" and "Sicut erat ;" with the Antiphon " Alleluya" repeated at the end, in the fame way as at the beginning.

Arrived at the Fonts, let the Cross-bearer stand first, then the Cerofers, then the Thuribler, then the Oil and Chrism, then the Secondary Rulers, then the three Boys, finging " Alleluya ;" then, at the Eaft fide of the Font, the Boy with the Book; at the Step on the Weft fide the Officiator, behind him the principal Rulers. The Thuribler fhould approach to incenfe the Fonts, and then return to his poft. At faying the Verfe and Orifon, the Cerofers should approach the Prieft, and then resume their poft. So let it be at the Station in returning before the Crofs, except that there the Secondary Rulers should stand next behind the Prieft, and the three Boys finging " Alleluya." At the end of the Pfalm, "In exitu," the Priest should go before the Crossbearer to incenfe the Crofs, and then return to his place, and say the Verse and Orifon of the Crofs. Now let the three Boys in Surplices at the Font, turning to the Altar, fing out, "Alleluya," the Choir chiming in with the final A. Then the Boys: "Praise the Lord, ye Servants," &c. Choir: “ Of the Lord." The Boys: "Alleluya." Let the Fonts now be incensed; then the Verfe, "The Lord hath rifen from the Sepulchre." R. "Who for us hung on the Crofs, Alleluya." "Let us Pray.' "Grant, we beseech Thee," &c., "Through the Same, Amen." Proceeding to the Cross, all the Rulers : "Alle-" Choir: "luya."

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Now let the Rulers on the Dean's fide begin all together the Pfalm, " In exitu Ifrael" ("When Ifrael went forth, &c."), and the Choir on that fide finish the Verfe with "Alleluya." The Choir on the other fide the next Verfe, with Alleluya ;" and fo on in turn; ending with "Gloria Patri" and "Sicut erat," and the Antiphon, "Alleluya," to be begun by all the Rulers, and finished by the Choir. Then the Verfe, "Tell ye unto the nations." R. "That the Lord hath reigned," &c., "Alleluya." Then let the Cerofers and Boy with the Book come forward to the Priest, returning when the Collect is finished. “Let us Pray." God, Who for our fakes," &c., "Through the fame." Then, as they re-enter the Choir, a Verse, Refponse, and Orison of S. Mary.

The fame Proceffion fhould fet forth at Vefpers every day during Easter week, the Precentor beginning the Antiphon, "The Angel fate;" but the Boys do not fing" Alleluya" at the Fonts; nor, in going, the Pfalm, " Laudate, pueri;" nor, before the Crofs, the Pfalm, "In exitu;" but when the Antiphon is finished, let the Fonts be incenfed, with a Verfe, "The Lord hath rifen," &c. R. "Who for us," &c. "Let us pray." "Grant, we befeech Thee," &c. Then, returning to the Cross, the Antiphon, "Chrift rifing again," &c.; then let the Crucified be incenfed. Verse: "Tell ye unto the nations." Orifon, "God, Who for our fakes," &c. Re-entering the Choir, " Verse and Orifon of S. Mary."

This Proceffion at Wells was fimilar. At Exeter it was very fplendid; the Boy in a Surplice with bleft Water preceded; there were two Cross

bearers in filk Copes, two Cerofers in Dalmatics, a Thuribler in Dalmatic, two Acolytes in Dalmatics with two Texts; the Deacons with Oil and Chrism, wore Albes, Stoles, and Maniples; a Boy in a Surplice carried a Collect Book; the Priest wore a filk Cope; the Choir following, with four Rulers; the two Secondary between the Clerks of the Second Form and those of the higher Grade; the two Principal Rulers behind the Dean and Precentor; the Principal Ruler affigned the Antiphon to be begun to one of the Choir of the highest Grade; which ended, the Pfalm "Laudate" was begun by the Principal Rulers as ufual. The reft as above mentioned.

The Exeter Confuetudinary adds a note: "Be it known that all Invitatories, and all Antiphons, and all Refponfories, Introits, Offertories, and Communions (except for the dead), from this day forth up to the Feast of the Holy Trinity, ought to be terminated with "Alleluya."

On Monday of Eafter Week, and every fucceeding Ferial in that week, at Mattins (i. e. Lauds), after the firft "Benedicamus," let the Proceffion fet forth, an Acolyte carrying the Crofs in a Surplice, with Cerofers and a Thuribler in Albes, and a Boy carrying the Book before the Priest through the midst of the Choir, finging, "Chrift arifing," &c.; the Choir in their ufual habits, with Vergers in linen Surplices, opening and clofing the Proceffion, each with a mace or wand. Let it turn and ftop before the Cross at the entrance of the Choir. Let two of the highest grade, turned to the Clergy, say the Verse, "Let the Jews now fay," &c. [In the next two days this should be faid by two of the fecond Rank, and on Thursday and two next days no Verse should be faid.] Then let the Crucified be incensed as before, and the Priest say the Verfe, "Tell ye among the nations," &c. Refponfe: "That the Lord hath reigned," &c., "Alleluya." Orifon: "God, Who for our fakes,” &c.; in re-entering the Choir of S. Mary, at the end of which and "The Lord be with you," let two Boys in Surplices at the step of the Choir fay, "Bless we the Lord, Alleluya." Response: "Thanks be to God, Alleluya.”

The above order was obferved at Rouen, A.D. 1070 (Migne, CXLVII. 55), and, up to the days of De Moleon (Voyage Lit. 325), at Siena, A.D. 1212 (Ordo Senenfis, 186, 187); fo according to Lanfranc (Edit. Giles), but this was "more monachorum," and not after the usual English rite.

On the following Saturday evening ("in Albis") the Proceffion fhould, after the firft "Benedicamus," fet forth without a Cross, with Cerofers and Thuribler only, through the midst of the Choir, finging the Antiphon, "Chrift arifing," &c., and in the Station before the Crofs let two Clerks of the fuperior grade, in Surplices, turned to the Clergy (on this and in all Double Feafts on Sundays or other Feafts with Rulers up to the Afcenfion), fing together the Verfe, Let the Jews now fay," In the intervening Sundays two of the fecond grade fhould fing this. Then let the Prieft, as before, incenfe the Crucified. After which let the Prieft fay, "Tell ye among the nations," &c., with the Orison, "God, Who


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for our fakes," &c.; then let them re-enter the Choir with the Antiphon, Verfe, and Orifon of S. Mary. The fame form fhould be followed at Second Vefpers of the Invention of the Crofs. However, if this "Invention of the Crofs," although a Double Feast, fall on a Saturday, there should be no fuch Proceffion at Second Vefpers; at First Vefpers, fcil. on the Vigil, the Proceffion fhould be in the fame form, but without any Verfe at the Crofs. If the Feast of the Invention fall on the Afcenfion it fhould be deferred to the morrow. A fimilar Proceffion took place on all these Saturdays at Vefpers from this day up to the Ascension (see also Lanfranc, Edit. Giles, 120; Ordo Senenfis, p. 193; De Moleon, 327; Migne, CXLVII. 56).

On Sunday in the Octave of Eafter the Proceffion should at Mattins be as above. At Vefpers it should go, as on Easter Day, through the midst of the Choir and round the Choir to the Cloifter, finging the Antiphon, "The Angel fate," &c. Let three Clerks of the higher Grade, in the Pulpit or Ambo, as on Eafter Day, fay the Verfe, "Crucified in the flesh," &c.; on re entering the Choir, "Chrift arifing again," with its Verfe, by the whole Choir, Verfe: "The Lord hath rifen again;" Orifon, "God, Who through Thine only begotten," &c.


S. Mark's Day, April 25 (the Greater Litany), if it fell within the Octave of Eafter, should be deferred to the next convenient day when it might have both Vefpers, and the ordinary Sunday or Easter Proceffion only should take place, with the Refponfory, "Clad in white," &c., as in the Commemoration of an Apostle within Eaftertide, with the Antiphon, Verficle, and Response of S. Mary on re-entering the Choir; and then the day should not be obferved at all as a Fast, or with the Litany in Proceffion, on account of the Sunday, in that year, but as a Festival (fee John of Avranches, Migne, CXLVII. 56).

If, however, it fall on any Ferial after the Octave of Eafter, the Proceffion fhould, as in ordinary Sundays, be formed in the Prefbytery after the principal Mafs, and whilft None is finging (it being a Faft). The Precentor fhould then, None being finished, begin the Antiphon, "Arife, O Lord," &c., which should be fung through by the Choir in their places before the Proceffion goes forth; and when fet forth all the Antiphons should follow in fucceffion, as on Monday in Rogations. After the Verger should come the two Standards of the Lion and the Dragon [the later Proceffional orders that they should not be in this Proceffion], then the Water, then the Cross-bearer and Cerofers in Albes, then the Thuriblers, the Reliquary carried by two of the fecond Grade in their ordinary habits, Deacon, Subdeacon, Priest in a Cope and Maniple, the Boy carrying the Book in a Surplice. The Clerks fhould walk two and two in their ordinary habits over Albes and Stoles.


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