The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus ChristLongman, Green, Longman Roberts, and Green, 1865 - 540 |
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Strona 6
... Pilate . 3 Judas hangeth himself . 19 Pi- late , admonished of his wife , 24 washeth his hands : 26 and looseth Barabbas . 29 Christ is crowned with thorns , 34 crucified , 40 re- viled , 50 dieth , and is buried : 66 his sepulchre is ...
... Pilate . 3 Judas hangeth himself . 19 Pi- late , admonished of his wife , 24 washeth his hands : 26 and looseth Barabbas . 29 Christ is crowned with thorns , 34 crucified , 40 re- viled , 50 dieth , and is buried : 66 his sepulchre is ...
Strona 7
... Pilate said unto them , Whom will ye that I re- lease unto you ? Barabbas , or Jesus which is called Christ ? 18 For he knew that for envy they had delivered him . 9 Then was fulfilled that which was spoken by Je- remy the prophet ...
... Pilate said unto them , Whom will ye that I re- lease unto you ? Barabbas , or Jesus which is called Christ ? 18 For he knew that for envy they had delivered him . 9 Then was fulfilled that which was spoken by Je- remy the prophet ...
Strona 8
... Pilate saw that he could prevail no- thing , but that rather a tumult was made , he took water , and washed his hands before the multi - a place of a skull , tude , saying , I am in- nocent of the blood of this just person : see ye to ...
... Pilate saw that he could prevail no- thing , but that rather a tumult was made , he took water , and washed his hands before the multi - a place of a skull , tude , saying , I am in- nocent of the blood of this just person : see ye to ...
Strona 9
... Pilate , and begged the body of Jesus . Then Pilate commanded the body to be delivered . 59 And when Joseph had taken the body , he wrap- ped it in a clean linen cloth , 60 And laid it in his own new tomb , which he had hewn out in ...
... Pilate , and begged the body of Jesus . Then Pilate commanded the body to be delivered . 59 And when Joseph had taken the body , he wrap- ped it in a clean linen cloth , 60 And laid it in his own new tomb , which he had hewn out in ...
Strona 10
... Pilate , 63 Saying , Sir , we re- member that that deceiv- er said , while he was yet alive , After three days I will rise again . 64 Command therefore that the sepulchre be made sure until the third day , lest his disciples come by ...
... Pilate , 63 Saying , Sir , we re- member that that deceiv- er said , while he was yet alive , After three days I will rise again . 64 Command therefore that the sepulchre be made sure until the third day , lest his disciples come by ...
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angel apostles Art thou baptized Barabbas beast behold believe Blessed blood brethren Cæsarea Caiaphas called Capernaum cast CHAPTER chief priests Christ Jesus church circumcision cometh commanded dead death devil disciples earth evil faith Father flesh Galilee Gentiles giveth glory goeth gospel grace hand hath hear heard heart heaven Herod high priest Holy Ghost Israel Jerusalem Jesus answered Jesus Christ Jesus said unto Jesus saith Jews John Judæa king kingdom kingdom of God lest Lord Jesus Christ Moses ness passover Paul PAUL THE APOSTLE peace Peter Pharisees Pilate pray preach prophets receive righteousness Sadducees saith unto say unto scribes sent servant shew Simon Peter sins spake speak Spirit synagogue temple ther thine things thou art thou hast thou shalt thren tion took truth Tychicus unto thee Verily I say voice Wherefore whosoever word ye know