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true that wars may consume any such aug. The civil-engineering work in India has, we mentations; but if peace be maintained, assume, a margin, whereupon curtailment, and if successive Governors-General shall if it were unavoidable, might be effected, and be as wise and as able as the one who now yet no great damage be sustained. lays down the reins, such an increase can scarcely fail to be the fruit of these new means of national wealth.

But, in the second place, they touch our immediate argument on another side; and to place it in the view of our readers, we ask their attention to another extract from Lord Dalhousie's Minute: speaking of the Indian Government generally, he says

Let it then be imagined, as we have already supposed, that, from whatever cause, the opium trade with China should come to be on the decline, and that even a total cessation of it should be in prospect ;-what course in such a case would be adopted and pursued by the Indian Government, or by the Court of Directors? This question seems to admit of a reply that is not very far to fetch.



The revenue, we are here told, namely, "During the years 1847-48, and 1848-49, the thirty millions sterling, is more than suffiannual deficiency which had long existed, still cient to meet the ordinary expenses of the continued to appear in the accounts. But in Government." Loans are contracted only each of the four following years the deficiency to give effect to "gigantic improvements.' was converted into a surplus, varying from This being the fact, a falling off in any one £360,000, to nearly £580,000. During the years branch of the public income would not im1853-54, and 1854-55, there has again been a heavy deficiency, and the deficiency of the pre- peril the Government, or render the maintesent year is estimated at not less than £1,850,000. nance of the army precarious. The only But these apparent deficiencies are caused by the effect would be, first, to bring to a close, for enormous expenditure which the Government is a time, some of the less urgently needed, or now actually making upon public works, design- more remote schemes of improvement; and, ed for the general improvement of the several secondly (if this were needed), to increase. provinces of the Indian empire. Wherefore, a large annual deficiency must and will continue to by a little, the loan requisite for carrying appear, unless the Government shall unhappily forward those public works which have the change its present policy, and abandon the duty strongest claim on the ground of their imwhich I humbly conceive it owes to the territories mediate utility. entrusted to its charge. The ordinary revenues of the Indian empire are amply sufficient, and more than sufficient, to meet all its ordinary charges; but they are not sufficient to provide for the innumerable and gigantic works which are necessary to its due improvement. It is impracticable to effect, and absurd to attempt, the material improvement of a great empire by an expenditure which shall not exceed the limits of its ordinary annual income."-Minute, Art. 23.

But it is by no means certain that either of these courses would, under the circumstances now supposed, be found unavoidable. If those who are conversant with fiscal and financial calculations, and who, moreover. are already pretty well acquainted with Indian affairs, will give close attention to the multifarious statements which are condensed within the five and forty pages of the Parlia mentary paper above cited, they will, as we think, soon convince themselves, that, if years of peace in India should ensue, and if no unusual calamity should fall upon the Eastern empire, the revenue, which is now in a course of augmentation, will, from year to year go on to increase, and with rapidity too, when those public works of which the Minute makes mention, shall have come fully to bear upon the agricultural and commercial resources of the country; we should say, of these many kingdoms.

That the Indian Government should, from whatever cause, find itself compelled to abandon the hopeful and enlightened course of" gigantic improvements" indicated in this Minute, would be a subject of profound regret to those among us at home, who, the most fervently, desire the welfare of our eastern fellow-subjects. But now, if we were to go through the details of the Report before us, we should bring our readers to the belief that there is a class of the great works which are now projected, or in progress, that are The opium culture, as we have seen, is of inferior importance, and which are less sustained by means of large advances made certain than others, as to any beneficial to the Zemindars and the Ryots, occupying result. Clearly a distinction of this sort the soil in the districts favourable to it. Let there is room for; or, to come to the point, it be imagined that the same outlay takes if there were a necessity for limiting these other channels, and is sent into the several operations, there is a field where retrench- districts above named, in which silk, cotton, ment might have place without the risk of and tea are produced with advantage. Asvisibly, or appreciably, bringing to a stand suming, as we ought, Lord Dalhousie's statethe material improvement of the people, or ments to be authentic, then it must be the commercial advancement of the empire. [regarded as a very reasonable expectation

that (if indeed any aid be needed in these has, for the most part, brought himself into instances) the amount of aid which is now a condition of poverty or even of abject afforded to the opium growth and manufac- indigence-so that if he purchases daily his ture, would yield a return not less remune-grains of opium, and with it the barest subrative than is yielded by this one pernicious sistence, it is all he can do. Higher up in drug. the scale there is still the wasteful expendiIn all this we are far from taking a position ture on this same luxury, limiting the means on the ground of romantic philanthropy, or of the middle and upper classes; and there supposing that the "Honourable Court" will pervades the upper and lower classes alike, spontaneously come forward, and will risk that listlessness, indifference, apathy, which its revenue by throwing away the opium slackens the desire for the comforts and trade, and will give its mind to other suppo- indulgences of life. Opium fumes dull the sable sources of income. What we are appetite for those articles with which the thinking of is this, that it may be compelled British manufacturer would tempt the Chito do so, as the result of some movements nese people-tempt them at once by the in China, that are not highly improbable, excellence of the article and by its extreme which may at once dry up this source, or greatly diminish it. We then say that the energy, the intelligence, and the vast means always at the command of the Indian Government, would very quickly make up the deficiency, and would probably realize, after a year or two, a much larger return. Let so much as this be granted us, for argument sake, and we then go on to ask, in what way would a change of this sort affect the commercial and the manufacturing interests of the British empire at large? How would it touch us here, near at home, in the manufacturing districts of England?

cheapness. If Manchester goods hang on hand at Shanghai, and elsewhere, it is because millions of the people are spending their all upon opium. This, on the ground of abundant evidence, we believe to be the state of the case.

But shall we be warranted in looking for a favourable change on this ground? That there is any reason to expect a spontaneous moral reform among the Chinese people, as to the habit of opium intoxication, is far more than we dare venture to affirm. If it were to take place, humanity would indeed have gained a triumph-a triumph most sigAt the conclusion of what we must call the nal! The Indian revenue would have sus"Opium war" (1842), and when the five tained a temporary check, which it would ports were opened to European commerce, speedily recover; and, of this there is no large expectations were entertained as to the reasonable doubt, the trade with China in demands of the millions of China for British articles of British manufacture would imme manufactures. With the hope of meeting diately feel the impulse; and if once, to some and of stimulating these demands, speculation large extent, a desire for such articles were ran before orders. But the actual demand to spring up among the people, a field—which fell far short of these bright surmises. The in a sense is boundless-would be opened on Chinese millions did not absorb the glut of which British enterprise, and industry, and goods provided for them at any such rate as skill would be free to enter. had been supposed likely to be called for. But we must be content at present to take From that time to this our Chinese customers a lower ground for our calculations of what have failed to realize even very moderate may be probable. We have already adand reasonable expectations. Various causes vanced the supposition that the Chinese for this disappointment have been alleged; people may come to see their interests just and foremost among them is the distracted so far as this:-That inasmuch as opium is state of the empire, and the spread of insur- and will be sought for, and will, in some rection from province to province, over a way, be obtained by the mass of the people, very large area of this vast surface. This, the wiser course would be to grow and maand other alleged reasons of the small demand nufacture it for themselves. The imperial for British goods, are no doubt valid; but government hitherto has shown its determithere is one in relation to which there can be nation to the contrary; but either it may little room for difference of opinion. In fact, come over to another mind, or, in the present there is a remarkable concurrence of the distracted state of the empire, its interdicevidence of all the best informed witnesses tions may be everywhere set at nought. who have lately given their testimony on Should a change of this kind come about, subjects connected with the trade with China. then, as we have said, the Indian revenue The enormous amount annually paid by fails in that one item; but the Chinese China for opium is a drain which exhausts people, obtaining what they will have, at a the means of the population as purchasers of fifth of its present cost, save themselves this manufactured goods. The opium smoker ruinous drain, and, so far, they come into a

condition for dealing with us in other and the nose. When the pipe has burned out, the better articles; that is to say, for the pro- smoker lies somewhat listless for a moment, while duce of the mills of Lancashire, and the the fumes are dissipating, and then repeats the shops of Sheffield and Birmingham. So far process until he has spent all his purchase, or it would be well, and there might be ground taken his prescribed dose." for hope that, if we could fairly stimulate and provide for a healthier taste among the people, some counteraction of the worse taste would be brought into play.

In either case the opium question, as affecting ourselves, is a question between the Indian revenue in one of its elements, and the incalculably larger interests of British commerce and manufacture.

But let us now understand what this opium smoking is, as prevalent in China. We shall condense the great body of evidence before us on this point within the compass of a page or two. It is to be collected from various

habits of the poorest classes, abound in the
Opium shops, adapted to the means and
towns and cities of China. These shops are
erable places imaginable.
represented as the most wretched and mis-


furnished with a greater or less number of bed"They are kept open day and night, each being steads, constructed of bamboo-spars, and covered with dirty mats and rattans. A narrow wooden stool is placed at the head of the bed, which answers for a pillow or bolster, and in the centre of cheerless light through this gloomy abode of vice. each shop there is a small lamp, which diffuses a and misery. quarters, but it is substantially accordant. Church missionary, "was there a nearer approach "Never, perhaps," says Mr. Squire, In this country, those who have fallen into to hell upon earth than within the precincts of a state of deplorable dependence upon the these vile hovels, where gaming is likewise carried excitement of opium are opium eaters. We on to a great extent. Here every gradation of do not know that opium smoking is to any excitement and depression may be witnessed." extent practised among us. But the people of China have found, or they believe it to be so, that the delirium which they seek is produced more readily, and much more effect ively, by smoking it; that is, by burning a grain or two in the bowl of a pipe, and, with a long inspiration, filling the lungs, and retaining the fumes as long as possible. Two or three whiffs, so taken, are enough for most smokers. The fumes, brought immediately into contact with the blood, as it is undergoing oxidization, affect the nervous. system and the brain, more quickly and more thoroughly, it is said, than when the drug passes into the system from the stomach. And if this mode of assimilation be more complete, and if it be quicker in its operation than the other, so is it believed to be far more pernicious in its consequences, as affecting the human constitution.

"The opium pipe consists of a pipe of heavy wood, furnished at the head with a cup, which serves to collect the residuum or ashes, left after combustion: this cup is usually a small cavity at the end of the pipe, and serves to elevate the bowl to a level with the lamp. The bowl of the pipe is made of earthenware, of an ellipsoid shape, and fits upon the hole, itself having a rimmed orifice on the flat side. The opium-smoker, lying upon a couch, holds the pipe, aptly called by the Chinese yen tsiang (smoking pistol) so near to the lamp that the bowl can be brought up to it without his stirring himself. A little piece of opium, of the size of a pea, being taken on the end of a spoon-headed needle, is put upon the hole of the bowl, and set on fire at the lamp, and inhaled at one whiff, so that none of the smoke shall be lost. Old smokers will retain the breath a long time, filling the lungs, and exhaling the fumes through

Mr. Pohlman, an American missionary, who resided several years at Amoy, states, that "there are as many as one thousand opium shops in that city alone, where the drug can be obtained, and facilities are furnished for smoking."

Opium smoking, so it is affirmed, destroys its victim in about ten years, reckoning from the time when the practice has become habitual. Opium

"holds its victim by a tighter grasp than does any kind of intoxicating liquid: the drunkard sometimes breaks his chain and escapes, the habit is formed, he has entered a cavern with a opium-eater or smoker scarcely ever. When the steep descent, and which allows of no turn." "There is no slavery on earth to be compared with the bondage into which opium casts its victim. There is scarcely one known instance of escape from its toils, when once they have fairly enveloped a man. The practice quickly destroys the appetite and the digestion, vitiates the blood, weakens the command of the mind over the voluntary muscles, as well as its command over itself, and ends in helpless insanity and death."

A Chinese in authority says:

"When the habit becomes inveterate, it is necessary to smoke at certain fixed hours. Men can no longer live without this poison. The symptoms are, difficulty of breathing, chalky pale ness, discoloured teeth, and a withered skin. People perceive that it hurries them to destruction, but it leaves them without spirit to desist."

"It is," says another Chinese, "a fearful, desolating pestilence, pervading all classes of the people, wasting their property, enfee

bling their mental faculties, ruining their The Chinese Government has long been bodies, and shortening their lives." Awell aware of these deplorable facts, and medical writer, long resident at Penang, alive to its duty to stop the plague by all says,means in its power. No man of any humanity can read without a deep and very "The hospitals and poorhouses are chiefly filled painful feeling what has been reported of with opium smokers. In one that I had the the grief, the dismay, the indignation of men charge of, the immates averaged sixty daily, fivesixths of whom were smokers of chandoo. The in authority, and of the Emperor, when findbaneful effects of this habit on the human consti- ing that their utmost efforts to save their tution are conspicuously displayed by stupor, for- people were defeated by the craft and the getfulness, general deterioration of all the mental superior maritime force of the European faculties, emaciation, debility, sallow complexion, dealers, and by the venality of their own lividness of lips and eyelids, languor, and lack- official persons, on the coast. From the lustre of eye; appetite either destroyed or deprav first year of the present century to this preed. In the morning these creatures have a most wretched appearance, evincing no symptoms of sent time, the Chinese Government has conbeing refreshed or invigorated by sleep, however tinued to remonstrate, to protest, to plead, profound. There is a remarkable dryness or burn- and, as to its own people, to enact severe ing in the throat, which urges them to repeat the laws, and to punish where it could, those opium smoking. If the dose be not taken at the concerned in the importation of the drug, usual time, there is great prostration, vertigo, and in its distribution among the people, as torpor, and discharge of water from the eyes. If well as those who indulged in the practice. the privation be complete, a still more formidable train of phenomena takes place : coldness is felt Small success had attended any of these enover the whole body, with aching pains in all deavours. At length, in the year 1839, the parts. Diarrhoea occurs; the most horrid feel- Imperial Commissioner LIN, a man of disings of wretchedness come on; and, if the poison tinguished ability and accomplishments, was be withheld, death terminates the victim's suffer- sent to Canton to attempt the "utter annihiings." The opium smoker may be known "by lation of the opium trade. It is reported his inflamed eyes and haggard countenance, by that the Emperor wept in delivering to this his lank and shrivelled limbs, tottering gait, sal-officer his instructions to this effect. low visage, feeble voice, and the death-boding glance of his eye. He seems the most forlorn sad history of this endeavour-so humiliating in its issue to England-is only too well known. The Canton merchants were comDr. Smith, bishop of Hong-Kong, Lord pelled to give up the opium in their possesJocelyn, Mr. R. W. Martin, and Sir John sion-20,283 chests-which, in the sight of Davis, late Governor of Hong-Kong, give spectators, were destroyed-the opium evidence to the same effect, and so Dr. Ball, macerated, and turned into the river. From many years resident in China. He express- the sale of these chests the Chinese Governes his belief that the practice of opium ment might have realized an amount of not smoking has extended itself along the sea-less than twenty millions of rupees. Tha Coast, and up the course of the large rivers; consequence of this strong measure wasthat is to say, just so far as the drug has been brought within reach of the people by the smugglers. Throughout these districts, and in all the towns, may be seen

creature that treads the earth."

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the Opium War; and the issue of it, among the other severe conditions of the treaty which ended it, was, to compel the Chinese Government to refund to the British merchants the full amount of the loss they had sustained. But let us stop short at this point. England used the customary argument of the strong against the weak, and gained her end. The wronged “barbarians"

these " pagans". -were wronged still further-they were taught a hard lesson;they were plundered, and abandoned without remorse to the ruin which this trade has brought upon them! So it has been and is, up to this present time.

Much more to the same effect might be cited; but it cannot be needful. All the evidence bearing upon the subject is nearly of the same complexion; nor is there room The Chinese people, our inferiors as they to doubt that the fatal infatuation which are in the higher elements of civilisation, opium produces is, at this time, spreading find themselves always the weaker party in itself, year by year, over the vast regions a quarrel-if a quarrel ends in blows; but occupied by the Chinese people: and is in they are fully our equals in shrewdness, and course, at a rapid rate, of bringing about in that sort of prompt reasoning which intheir perdition. terprets men's principles by their conduct.

Testimonies to the same effect might be adduced in abundance, did our space permit of it.

The more intelligent among them draw a the Bible to China. The same breeze that wafts sure conclusion from the part we have acted the missionary to that benighted land, brings on towards them these fifty years past, in this its wings the elements of moral destruction in that matter of the Opium Trade-as to the quali the country of Christian missions." illegal traffic, which stamps with inconsistency ty of the religion which some of us are labouring to propagate among them. These inferences, how wrong so ever they may be, if the entire facts are known and allowed for-are perfectly warrantable on the part A bare outline of the facts of the case we of the Chinese people. It would be inequi- have now placed before our readers, many table to expect from them any other judg- of whom are probably masters of the whole ment, either as to the religion which we offer subject. What is it then that remains to be them, or as to the motives which impel us said? We might fill pages, warrantably. to send them books and missionaries. They with expostulations, denunciations, pleadmust be left to look at the whole of the Eu- ings, appeals to principles and to consciences: ropean the British, scheme of intercourse there might be room for announcing Heawith themselves, as one scheme. A Chinese ven's coming judgment upon Britain. But must have been resident for many years in nothing of this sort would touch the point England, he must have acquired our lan- at issue, in a practical sense, or, in fact, guage, and read our books, and have come would reach those whose reason and conto understand much of the social system science need to be reached; for, as to the among us, before he could be asked to set humane-the right-minded-what we have off the opium traffic from Exeter Hall. But already stated, or what they themselves have · then it would be vain for him to attempt, on long known is enough, and more than his return, to convey to his countryman any enough, to move them to act if there were measure of his own better convictions con- any course of action before them. We pro cerning us. They must still be left to look at missionary stations, and at Bibles, as seen over that mountain of opium chests which is set down, furtively, every year upon their coasts: black dirt," they call it, and the fumes of this blackness darken all the objects that are seen through it.

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pose therefore, very briefly to state the case as it seems to be borne upon by reasons and motives of a lower sort, and the operations of which may be matter of calculation.

The light in which the subject will be looked at by practical men, by financiers, statesmen, members of the legislature, is "Almost the first word," says Dr. Medhurst, this:-They will grant you, perhaps, that "uttered by a Chinese, when anything is said con- the evils which are now in our view are incerning the excellence of Christianity, is, Why do Christians bring us opium, and bring it direct calculably great; but they will deny that it ly in defiance of our laws? The vile drug has can come within either the province, or the destroyed my son, has ruined my brother, and means, of the Indian Government, or of the well-nigh led me to beggar my wife and children. British Government, or of Parliament, to Surely those who import such a deleterious sub- find a remedy; or, if a remedy were found, stance, and injure me for the sake of gain, cannot to apply it. It will be said this is simply wish me well, or be in possession of a religion bet- a question of trade, and trade cannot be inter than my own. Go first and persuade your terfered with; a demand will get itself supown countrymen to relinquish this nefarious traffic; and give me a prescription to correct this vile habit, and then I will listen to your exhortations on the subject of Christianity.""

This kind of evidence has been frequently laid before English readers, and has been repeated on platforms very often, but it must, in brief, continue to be brought forward. The bishop of Hong-Kong says:

"If those who profess to doubt the magnitude of this obstacle to the progress of Christianity in China, could hear the more patriotic of the Chinese, frequently with a sarcastic smile, ask the missionaries if they were connected with those who brought them poison, which so many of their countrymen ate, and perished, they would perceive it is vain-I will not say it is vain-but it is certainly inconsistent in us as a nation, to send


plied, by fair means, or by foul means; and when it comes to this that millions of people are earnestly coveting an articlemeans of indulgence, for which they are ready to lay down their last penny, no laws, no restrictions, will avail to keep it from them. We may, if we please, throw away our own benefit, large as it is; but the trade, with its train of evils, and all the miseries it inflicts, will flourish as before; or perhaps will be doubled, after a brief interruption.

If there were no substance or reason in

these allegations, the whole question might speedily be brought to a conclusion; for we hold it for certain, as we have already said, in the first place-That the Indian revenue would quickly recover itself, and more than make good the defalcation arising from the

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