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of the native to. The result is that one may
occasionally hear such phrases as "I didn't go at
Plymouth." The American expression "to hum":
at home is evidently of Devonshire importation,
probably a relic of the Pilgrim Fathers.

JOHN PYM (8th S. ii. 507).-I have so many Pym wills and deeds that I might hope to be of some use to MR. PYM YEATMAN if he would say who his ancestor is whose portrait is in the Castle Museum. He is certainly not John Pym of Brymore, the celebrated Parliamentarian, for there is no connexion whatever between the Pyms of Brymore, Somerset, and the Pyms of the Hazels, Beds, to whose family MR. PYM YEATMAN belongs. Is the portrait in the Castle Museum perhaps that of a John Pym whose father Christopher was of Chilwell, Notts? If so, the other which resembles it may be one of his brothers, or the latter portrait may be that of a John Pym of Brill, Bucks, whose will is dated 1643, and proved 1645. The age would not suit, but the figures may not be sixtynine. The arms of this last John Pym are those of MR. PYM YEATMAN's family, and they are also those of Thomas Pymme, "Apposer of Forreyn Extracts of the King's Exchequyer," and of Thomas Pymme als. Fryer, one of the Barons of the Exchequer, "cosin and heire" of the first Thomas. VERNON.

"COMMENCED M.A." (8th S. iii. 8).-In the University of Cambridge the day on which masters of arts and doctors in all the faculties received their degrees was called the " Commencement," as being the day on which the degrees were commenced. Many changes have been made in the University of late years; and if the term "Commencement" still survives, as I suppose it does, it may be that the degrees which formerly were only

received then are now conferred at other times.


ment,' in 1861. I give this on the authority of an
American_edition of the poet's works (Lee &
Shepard, Boston, 1873). W. W. DAVIES.
Lisburn, Ireland.

POEM BY ARTHur Hallam (8th S. ii. 527). — A sonnet entitled 'A Scene in Summer,' beginning "Alfred, I would that you beheld me now," is to be found in 'Remains in Verse and Prose of A. H. Hallam,' printed (not published) in 1834. A. H. Hallam died Sept. 15, 1833. ROBERT WALlters.

Garrick Club.

BLOW FAMILY (8th S. iii. 8).-A family of Flemish origin, named Blaeu or Blaw, owned the estate of Castlehill, in the parish of Culross, co. Perth, in the seventeenth century, where was also a family of Johnsons (not Johnstones), probably of the same nationality originally. I can find no trace of the name Blow in Scotland. Culross, though in Perthshire, is on the coast of the Firth of Forth and close to the county of Fife. If J. C. M. B. will communicate with me I shall be happy to do my best to help him.

Alloa, N.B.


Is J. C. M. B. correct in his date, 1694? Temperley, in his 'Dictionary of Printers and Printing,' p. 605, says :

"James Blow first practised the art of printing in Belfast in 1714, where he printed the works of Sir David Lindsay, a Bible, Prayer Book, Psalmes in metre, and twenty or thirty other books." EVERARD HOME COLEMAN.

71, Brecknock Road.

MRS. M. GODOLPHIN (8th S. ii. 525).-The disphin's funeral seems explicable. Evelyn, in the in the dates assigned to Mrs. Godolcrepancy 'Life,' says it took place on Sept. 16. But in the extracts from his 'Diary,' in the notes to Mr. Harcourt's admirable edition, it is stated, under date Sept. 17, that her body was carried to Cornwall. If the procession set out on the 16th, it is quite conceivable that the interment did not take

"FESTUM PATEFACTIONIS" (8th S. ii. 366; iii. 15). If L. L. K. will kindly refer to my query he will see that I ask for a reference, not to Hampson, with whose 'Kalendarium' I am well acquainted, but to a Kalendar, that is of a Bre-place until the 27th. viary or Missal, or to a passage in any ancient author-for the which I have long searched in vain. W. COOKE, F.S.A.

"LA BLANCHE COMPAGNIE" (8th S. ii. 486).MR. W. F. WALLER will find the deeds of "the White Company" in Spain most thrillingly set forth in Dr. Conan Doyle's romance of that name. C. C. B.


The Brassey Institute, Hastings.

Two errors have crept into the note at the above reference. The heading, "Mrs. Mary Godolphin," should read Mrs. Margaret Godolphin; "Buried at should read Buried att.

DANIEL HIPWELL. HERALDIC (8th S. iii. 28).—The arms inquired TENNYSON AND 'THE GEM" (8th S. iii. 8).- about by Miss PEACOCK-Gules, a fess beOf the three short poems of Tennyson published tween three estoiles argent-are borne by three in The Gem,' two of them, No More' and families: Esterham, Everard, Harold. There have Anacreontics,' appeared in that annual in 1831, been several branches of Everard, who slightly as MR. HENDERSON states, and the other, 'A Frag-varied the charges. There was a baronetcy in the

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If MR. DAVID ROYCE will refer to John Aubrey, the Wilts antiquary, who wrote in the seventeenth century, he will find that that author gives a full account of church houses as they were in his time (Charles II.) and as they were in his youth. His description of them and their uses is most interesting and graphic. Up to 1868 the church house stood in St. Michael's Churchyard, Honiton, Devon. The building was of stone, with a roof of stone, and was 60 ft. by 20 ft., standing north and south, with the front to the east. When I knew it it contained no rooms at all, but the huge fireplace at the north end extended the whole width of the floor, and close beside, built out of the west wall, was a large oven for baking, floored with coarse red perforated tiles. During the French war prisoners marching through the town from Plymouth or other places were lodged in it for the night. When the upper floor existed access was obtained to it by a flight of steps outside the walls. Its last use was for a stable, and the sexton kept his tools there. In Dinton Churchyard, Wilts, the church house is tenanted by poor people. R. A. F. Reading, Berks.

See Somerset Record Society,' vol. iv.; also Athenæum, July 19, 1884, p. 77, and August 2, 1884, p. 146. A. L. HUMPHREYS,

187, Piccadilly, W.

REV. JOHN BLAIR, LL.D. (1723-82), CHRONOLOGIST (8th S. ii. 406).-There is a memoir of him in Chambers's 'Biographical Dictionary of Eminent Scotsmen,' in which it is said that he was related to the celebrated Dr. Hugh Blair, of Edinburgh, though the precise degree of consanguinity is not specified. Several errors occur in this notice-as,

for instance, it is stated "that the shock given to his system by the death of his brother, Capt. Blair, in Rodney's victory over the Compte de Grasse on the 12th August, 1782, occasioned his death on the 24th June following "-i. e., 1783. This action occurred undoubtedly on April 12, 1782, and is preserved in the following rhyme :Bold Rodney made the French to rue The twelfth of April, eighty-two. A large, conspicuous monument in the northern at the public expense, commemorates the three arm of the transept of Westminster Abbey, erected gallant captains who fell in the engagement, Capt. William Bayne, Capt. William Blair, Capt. Lord Robert Manners. In 'N. & Q.' (6th S. vii. 122) an interesting account of this monument appears, recording the inscription upon it at full length, and giving an account of the descent of Capt.

William Blair. No mention whatever is made in the account of Dr. John Blair. He is said to have had two brothers, Thomas Blair and Lieut.-General Sir Robert Blair, K. C.B., and to have been unmarried. It is unlikely that the news of the victory would have reached England in those days in two months' time, and to have shortened Dr. Blair's life, even supposing Capt. Blair to have been his brother. JOHN PICKFORD, M.A.

Newbourne Rectory, Woodbridge.

"CONSANGUINEUS REGIS" (8th S. ii. 368, 495, 538).-"Goscel' frater Regine" appears on the Pipe Roll for 18 Hen. II. (Kent). Unless it can be shown that some other queen about that time had an illegitimate brother of this name the entry can only refer to the brothe of Adelais of


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King Henry I. was the father of his people" in much the same sense as Charles II. The former is credited with a son named Henry, full brother to Robert the Consul, Earl of Gloucester, who originated a family of Fitz Henrys, known in Ireland for a hundred years. I doubt the Herbert FitzRoy, and think the name has been confused with the genuine Fitz Herberts in this way. One of King Henry's favourites was Sibella Corbet, mother of Reginald de Dunstanville, Earl of Cornwall. This lady married Herbert Fitz Herbert, the Lord Chamberlain. A branch of this house, known as Fitz Herberts, intermarried freely with the Welsh aristocracy, so that their ultimate representative, Sir William ap Thomas, alias Herbert of Raglan, father of the first Earl of Pembroke, was more Welsh than Norman by descent. I do not see that it is possible to prove any descent of these Herberts from King Henry I. in the male line. A. HALL.

CHESNEY FAMILY (8th S. ii. 387, 478).—Ches– ney, Cheney, Chesne, must be of French origin. Andrew Du Chesne and Joseph Du Chesne, both

French writers of note. Berry's Kentish Genea-
logies' has a pedigree of the Cheney family from
the fourteenth century. Arms, Erm., on a bend sa.
3 martlets or; crest, a bull's scalp or, attired ar.
K. G. T.



Anacreon. With Thomas Stanley's translation. Edited
by A. H. Bullen. Illustrated by J. R. Weguelin.
IN transferring for a time his attention from the lyrists
(Lawrence & Bullen.)
and dramatists of the Elizabethan age to the author of the
'Anacreontea' Mr. Bullen is keeping closer to his old
ground than is at first sight apparent. Whoever may be
the author of the facile and graceful lyrics attributed to
Anacreon, the translator, at least, is known, and is a deni-
zen of Mr. Bullen's special domain. Mr. Bullen's fine taste
and unerring instinct are indeed shown in selecting for
the sumptuous reprint he has produced the translation of
Thomas Stanley, the most poetical, as a whole, to which
England, or, indeed, most European countries can point.
Single poems have, of course, been rendered with more
or less freedom by Ronsard, Cowley, Greene, A. W.,
Herrick, and other poets of mark. One of the most
inspired of Cowley's poems is but an elaboration of
'Hyn péλaiva Tível. Stanley's translation, which first
saw the light in 1651, is not only the best, but the earliest.
in date, and belongs to that tuneful period with which
Mr. Bullen has long been concerned.

MORANT'S 'HISTORY OF ESSEX' (8th S. ii. 143, 234, 293, 418, 536).—MR. E. A. FITCH had already communicated to me privately the information which MR. GOULD now lays before your readers. By all means let the credit, such as it may be, of the compilation generally known as Muilman's History rest with the Rev. Henry Bate; but considering the character of his early life, during which he must have been engaged in this work, one may be pardoned for asking for some further proof of his authorship than a letter of his own. This, MR. FITCH tells me, was written to the Town Clerk of Maldon, Mr. Lawrence, and was bought by him in the latter gentleman's copy of the History'; but when he wrote to me he could not lay hands on it. The first volume of the 'History' appeared in 1770, when Bate was only twenty-five years old, and about this time, accord-be supposed, that has yet seen the light-presents the


ing to his biographer in the 'New Biog. Dict.,' he was becoming well known in London as a man of pleasure. The Morning Post was established in 1772, and Bate became one of its earliest editors. He gained the nickname of the "Fighting Parson," and "never lost an opportunity of keeping himself well before the public." It is, à priori, very unlikely that such a man would be the anonymous author of a county history, but not at all impossible that he might subsequently claim an honour which was going begging. One would be glad to know the date of the letter adduced in evidence of his authorship. Wild and reprehensible as was his early life, Sir Henry Bate Dudley afterwards did good work which entitles him to the gratitude of his County. Arthur Young (Agriculture of Essex,' ii. 254, 384) places him at the head of modern embankers and road-makers, and his biographer afore mentioned gives substantial proofs of his public merits, pace Dr. Johnson, who altogether refused him "merit," but allowed him "courage." One result of the discussion on the historians of Essex in these pages is that the editor of the Essex Review has arranged for a series of papers in that periodical upon the historians of the county, himself, I understand, dealing with Tindal and Salmon; Mr. C. F. D. Sperling, who kindly invites my co-operation, undertaking Morant certainly, and Muilman probably. The thorough investigation of all the material now accessible in the British Museum and the Colchester collections will be no slight task, but it will no doubt serve to clear up most of our present difficulties.

In reference to Bate's alleged authorship, it should be added that the first works attributed to him are comic operas and the like, dating from C. DEEDES.

1774 to 1794.

The new edition of 'Anacreon'-the bandsomest, it may Greek and English on opposite pages. In addition to the fifty-five pieces constituting the odes as given in the editio princeps of Henricus Stephanus, Mr. Bullen has supplied from the Palatine MS. a few poems which that editor excluded. As these were not translated by Stanley, he has been compelled to seek his versions elsewhere, drawing in one case from the Hesperides' of Robert Herrick, supplying sometimes his own renderings, and in one case, that of 'O dρaméras o xpvoóc, giving up the latter portion of the text as hopeless. At the close are printed the genuine fragments of Anacreon, according to the text of the fourth edition (1882) of Bergk's 'Poetæ Lyrici Græci. Of these no translations are given, none which are adequate being accessible.

Mr. Bullen's editorial labour displays his characteristic taste and ability. His introduction is admirably scholarly and happy, supplying all that is known concerning these strange poems, the source of which is so dubious. In his notes Mr. Bullen reprints the translations of the first three odes by A. W., Robert Greene's rendering of the third, Cowley's paraphrastic rendering of the fourth, and numerous versions, English and French, with which Mr. Bullen's singularly wide range of reading has made hin familiar. Among the works of extreme rarity from which poems are given are Barton Holyday's 'Technogamia and Thomas Bateson's 'Second Book of Madrigals.' Ronsard, Mathurin Regnier, Leconte de Lisle, and is sure of a warm welcome from scholars. Still more Goethe serve also the purposes of illustration. The book favourable is likely to be its reception from bibliophiles. By these it will be regarded as one of the choicest and most attractive volumes of the season. The text is large, clear, and handsome, and the paper, printing, &c., are worthy of all praise. A special recommendation will be found in the designs of Mr. Weguelin, which are exquisite. They have all the delicacy and inspiration of Greek art, and are free from the effeminacy which mars much French work similar in aim, and is painfully evident in the well-known compositions of Girodet. They may, indeed, challenge comparison with the plates of Eisen, first seen in the Paris edition of 1775, reimprinted in 1775, 1779, and 1780. Mr. Weguelin's frontispiece is perfect in delicacy, refinement, and beauty, and the nine illustrations which follow are all exquisite.

The Antiquary. By Sir Walter Scott, Bart. With Introductory Essay and Notes by Andrew Lang. 2 vols. (Nimmo.) EACH succeeding month brings duly forward another of the "Waverley Novels" in Mr. Nimmo's beautiful "Border Edition." The latest issue is "The Antiquary,' which, though a little behind its predecessors at first in the race of popularity, soon overtook the foremost, and is now held one of Scott's more characteristic and original works. We have still nothing but praise for the edition. Though presenting the doorway only, and a section of wall, The Antiquary's Sanctum of R. Herdman, R.S.A., is a fine piece of work. Mr. McWhirter's 'On the Shore, Sunset,' and Mr. Sam Bough's The Storm' are capital sea pictures. No less good are other etchings, including especially that of Edie Ochiltree in Prison,' which serves as frontispiece to the second volume. Mr. Lang's introduction and notes meanwhile have the customary and never-failing charm. None of the novels, Mr. Lang holds, is so intimate as The Antiquary' in connexion with Scott's personal history, and it has accordingly "been held in the very first rank." While not approving greatly of Dousterswivel, who has, it might be held, some points in common with Dirk Hatteraick, as Sir Arthur Wardour recalls Sir Robert Hazlewood, Mr. Lang thinks that The Antiquary' is among the most careful of the series as regards plot. A specially agreeable feature in the introduction is the reproduction of the criticisms which the work produced at its first appearance. The Edinburgh Review, it is pleasant to find, characterized the chapter on the escape from the tide as "the very best description we have ever met, in verse or in prose, in ancient or in modern writing." The British Critic meanwhile pledged its reputation that Scott was the author.


The Story of Nell Gwyn and the Sayings of Charles 11. Related and collected by Peter Cunningham, F.S.A. Edited by Henry B. Wheatley, F.S.A. (Gibbings.) AMONG the innumerable occupations to which an energetic and indefatigable nature thrusts Mr. Wheatley is, fortunately for scholarship, the task of amending, altering, and continuing the antiquarian labours of Peter Cunningham. To this zeal we owe London, Past and Present,' a work to which we have already drawn attention, founded upon and altogether surpassing and eclipsing the Hand Book to London' of the earlier writer. This is now followed by a new and improved edition of The Story of Nell Gwyn and the Sayings of Charles II.' Among recent biographies this work has been the most sought after. During many years it has been out of print, and the few copies that have turned upat public auctions have brought prices suggestive rather of early Shelleys or Brownings than of works of antiquarian research. For this the popularity of the subject is in part responsible. For reasons not wholly difficult to guess, Nell Gwyn was as popular with the crowd of London as Agnès Sorel a couple of centuries earlier had been unpopular with that of Paris. Nell was, as she

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said, using to qualify the appellation the last word it might be supposed she would apply to herself, English," and in being so obtained an easy victory over the foreign light o' loves with whom the Court of the Restoration was crowded. Charles himself, though it is difficult to find many redeeming qualities, inspired a sneaking regard among some of those who most severely condemned his actions. The Court, with one exception, that of the Regent of Orleans, the most corrupt of modern or comparatively modern times, inspires a certain amount of curiosity, which the pictures of artists such as Lely, and writers and observers such as Pepys and Hamilton have contributed to aug

ment. For some cause or other Cunningham's 'Life of Nell Gwyn' has been for years a complete and signal rarity. Mr. Wheatley's new edition will do something to aid the student without greatly relieving the demand. The six hundred copies, which are all that have been supplied to the English market, were, we are told, absorbed before the volume appeared, and the old scarcity continues. That the new edition is a great improvement upon the old needs not to be said. The illustrations are reproduced, and the type and paper are superior in all respects. What adds greatest value to the volume is, however, the new matter contributed by Mr. Wheatley. In this is included a bright, interesting, and trustworthy life of Cunningham, whose work is declared to be "excellent in itself," and "not likely to be superseded by the researches of others." Of even more importance is the introduction, embodying all that the latest researches have disclosed with regard to Nell. It adds, indeed, a special value to the volume, supplying much information not formerly possessed or accessible, is brightly and humorously written, and is a model of conscientious and competent work. A portion of its materials is naturally drawn from N. & Q. Last come the added notes, signed" Ed.," conveying very numerous particulars as to theatres and companies to which Cunningham had no access. Those interested in the Court and stage of the Restoration owe a heavy debt to Mr. Wheatley, who has brought within their reach, with greatly enhanced claims on attention, the most vivid and trustworthy record of both that the present century has supplied.

Notices to Correspondents.

We must call special attention to the following notices: ON all communications must be written the name and

address of the sender, not necessarily for publication, but as a guarantee of good faith.

We cannot undertake to answer queries privately.

must observe the following rule. Let each note, query, signature of the writer and such address as he wishes to or reply be written on a separate slip of paper, with the appear. Correspondents who repeat queries are requested to head the second communication "Duplicate."

To secure insertion of communications correspondents

Contributors will oblige by addressing proofs to Mr. Slate, Athenæum Press, Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, E.C.

ALICE ("I slept and dreamed that life was beauty," &c.). These lines, which first appeared in the Dial, published by the Boston Transcendentalists, are by Mrs. Ellen Hooper, of Boston, U.S. See 6th S. iv. 469, 525;

v. 139.

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