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Symon's Lesson of Mysedome for all
Maner Chyldryn.

[From MS. Bodl. 832, leaf 174.]

[The Rev. J. R. Lumby has kindly sent me the following amusing 'lesson of wysedome' to 'all maner chyldryn', signed Symon, which he found in the Bodleian. Mr G. Parker has read the proof with the MS. Lydgate sinned against most of its precepts. It makes the rod the great persuader to learning and gentleness.]

All maner chyldryn, ye lyften & lere

A leffon of wyfedome pat ys wryte here!

My chyld, y rede pe be wys, and take hede of

pis ryme!

4 Old men yn prouerbe fayde by old tyme

'A chyld were beter to be vnbore
Than to be vntaught, and fo be lore.'
The chyld þat hath hys wyll alway
8 Shal thryve late, y thei2 wel fay,
And per-for euery gode mannys chyld
That is to wanton and to wyld,
Lerne wel this leffon for fertayn,

12 That thou may be pe beter man.
Chyld, y warne pee yn al wyfe
That pu tel trowth & make no lyes.
Chyld, be not froward, be not prowde,

16 But hold vp þy hedde & fpeke a-lowde;
And when eny man fpekyth to the,

Do of þy hode and bow thy kne,

And wayfch thy handes & þy face,

20 And be curteys yn euery place.

1 Compare "Better vnfedde then vntaughte" in Seager's Schoole

of Vertue, above, p. 348, l. 725.

2 thee

Children, attend!

You'd be better unborn than untaught.

You mustn't have your own way always.

Tell the truth, don't be froward,

hold up your head,

take off your hood when you're

spoken to.

Wash your hands

and face.

Be courteous.

Don't throw

stones at dogs and hogs.

Mock at no one.

Don't swear.

Eat what's given you,

and don't ask for this and that.

Honour your father and mother:

kneel and ask

their blessing.

Keep your clothes clean.

Don't go bird'snesting,

or steal fruit,

or throw stones

at men's windows,

or play in church.

Don't chatter.

Get home by daylight.

Keep clear of fire and water,

and the edges of wells and brooks.

And where pou comyft, with gode chere
In halle or bowre, bydde "god be here!"
Loke pou caft to no mannes dogge,
24 With staff ne ftone at hors ne hogge;
Loke pat pou not fcorne ne iape
Noper with man, maydyn, ne ape;
Lete no man of þee make playnt;
28 Swere pou not by god noper by faynt.
Loke pou be curteys ftondyng at mete;
And þat men zeuyth pee, pou take & ete ;
And loke that pou nother crye ne crave,
32 And fay "that and that wold y have;"
But ftond pou ftylle be-fore pe borde,

And loke pou fpeke no lowde worde.

And, chyld, wyrfhep thy fader and thy moder,
36 And loke pat pou greve noper on ne oper,
But euer among pou fhalt knele adowne,
And afke here bleffyng and here benefowne.
And, chyld, kepe thy clopes fayre & clene,
40 And lete no fowle fylth on hem be fene.
Chyld, clem pou not ouer hows ne walle
For no frute, bryddes, ne balle;

And, chyld, caft no ftonys ouer men hows,
44 Ne caft no ftonys at no glas wyndowys;
Ne make no crying, yapis, ne playes,

In holy chyrche on holy dayes.

And, chyld, y warne pee of anoper thynge,
48 Kepe pee fro many wordes and yangelyng.
And, chyld, whan pou goft to play,

Loke pou come home by lyght of day.
And, chyld, I warne the of a-noper mater,
52 Loke pou kepe pee wel fro fyre and water;
And be ware and wyfe how pat pou lokys
Quer any brynk, welle, or brokys;

1 Cp. Lydgate's Tricks at School, Forewords, p. xliv.

And when pou ftondyft at any fchate', 56 By ware and wyfe pat pou cacche no stake, For meny chyld with-out drede

Ys dede or dyffeyuyd throw ywell hede. Chyld, kepe thy boke, cappe, and glouys, 60 And al thyng þat þee behouys;

And but pou do, pou fhat fare the wors,
And per-to be bete on pe bare ers.
Chyld, be pou lyer noper no theffe ;
64 Be pou no mecher2 for myfcheffe.

Chyld, make pou no mowys ne knakkes
Be-fore no men, ne by-hynd here bakkes,
But be of fayre femelaunt and contenaunce,
68 For by fayre manerys men may pee a-vaunce.
Chyld whan pou goft yn eny ftrete,

Iff pou eny gode man or woman mete,
Avale thy hode to hym or to here,

72 And bydde, "god fpede dame or fere!"
And be they fmalle or grete,

This leffon pat pou not for-gete,

For hyt is femely to euery mannys chylde,— 76 And namely to clerkes to be meke & mylde. And, chyld, ryfe by tyme and go to fcole, And fare not as Wanton fole,

And lerne as faft as pou may and can, 80 For owre byfchop is an old man, And per-for pou moft lerne faft Iff pou wolt be byffhop when he is paft. Chyld, y bydde pe on my bleffyng 84 That pou for-zete nat pis for no thyng,

But pou loke, hold hyt wel on by mynde,

meaning. Skathie, a fence. Jamieson. Skaith, hurt, harm.


'A mychare seems to denote properly a sneaking thief. Way. Prompt., p. 336. Mychare, a covetous, sordid fellow. Jamieson. Fr. pleure-pain: m. A niggardlie wretch; a puling micher or miser. Cotgrave.

(leaf 175.)

Take care of your book, cap, and gloves,

or you'll be birched on your bare bottom.

Don't be a liar or thief,

or make faces at

any man.

When you meet any one,

lower your hood
and wish 'em
"god speed."

Be meek to clerks.

Rise early, go to school,

and learn fast

if you want to be our bishop.

Attend to all these things,

for a good child needs learning,

leaf 175 b.)

and he who hates

the child spares the 101.

As a spur makes a horse go,

so a rod makes a child learn and be mild.

So, children,

do well, and you'll

not get a sound beating.

May God keep you good!

For pe beft pu fhalt hyt fynde;

For, as þe wyfe man fayth and preuyth, 88 A leve chyld, lore he be-houyth;

And as men fayth þat ben leryd,

He hatyth pe chyld þat fparyth pe rodde;
And as pe wyfe man fayth yn his boke

92 Off prouerbis and wyfedomes, ho wol loke,
"As a fharppe fpore makyth an hors to renne
Vnder a man that fhold werre wynne,
Ryzt fo a zerde may make a chyld

96 To lerne welle hys leffon, and to be myld."
Lo, chyldryn, here may 3e al here and fe
How al chyldryn chaftyd fhold be;
And perfor, chyldere, loke þat ye do well,
100 And no harde betyng fhall ye be-falle :
Thys may ze al be ryght gode men.

God graunt yow grace fo to preferue yow.



The Birched School-Boy

OF ABOUT 1500 A.D.

(From the Balliol MS. 354, fl. ij С xxx.)

[As old Symon talks of the rod (p. 400, ll. 90, 62), as Caxton in his Book of Curtesye promises his 'lytyl John' a breechless feast, or as the Oriel MS. reads it, a 'byrchely' one,' & as the Forewords have shown that young people did get floggings in olden time, it may be as well to give here the sketch of a boy, flea-bitten no doubt, with little bobs of hazel twigs, that Richard Hill has preserved for us. Boys of the present generation happily don't know the sensation of unwelcome warmth that a sound flogging produced, and how after it one had to sit on the bottom of one's spine on the edge of the hard form, in the position recommended at College for getting well forward in rowing. But they may rest assured that if their lot had fallen on a birching school, they'd have heartily joined the school-boy of 1500 in wishing his and their masters at the devil, even though they as truant boys had been 'milking ducks, as their mothers bade them.']

hay hay! by this day!

what avayleth it me thowgh I say nay?

I wold ffayñ be a clarke;

but yet hit is a strange werke;"

the byrchyn twyggis be so sharpe,

hit makith me haue a faynt harte.

what avaylith it me thowgh I say nay?

On monday in the mornyng whañ I shall rise
at vj. of the clok,3 hyt is the gise

1 See Caxton's Book of Curtesye, in the Society's Extra Series, 1868.

2 Compare the very curious song on the difficulty of learning singing, in Reliquiæ Antiquæ, i. 291, from Arundel MS. 292, leaf 71, back.

See Rhodes, p. 72, 1. 61; and Seager, p. 338, 1. 110.

Learning is strange work;

the birch twigs are so sharp.

I'd sooner go 20 miles than go to school on Mondays.

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