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Of what kyn pece þat he wylle etc;
And on hys trenchour he hit layes,
On þys maner with-out displayes;
In almesdysshe he layes yche dele,
800 bat he is with serued at po mele;
But he sende hit to ony strongere,

A pese pat is hym leue and dere,
And send hys potage also,

804 pat schalle not to be almes go.
Of keruer more, yf I shulde telle,
Anoper fytt þenne most I spelle,
Ther-fore I let hit here ouer passe,


To make oure talkyng summedelasse.

When pe lorde hase eten, po sewer schalle bryng po surnape on his schulder bryng,

A narew towelle, a brode be-syde,

812 And of hys hondes he lettes hit slyde;
be vssher ledes pat on hed ryzt,


bo aumener po oper away shalle dyzt.
When pe vssher comys to pe borde ende,
bo narow towelle he strecches vnkende;
Be-fore po lorde and be lady so dere,
Dowbelle he playes po towelle pere;
Whenne pay haue wasshen and grace is sayde,

820 Away he takes at a brayde;

Awoydes po borde in-to po flore,

Tase away po trestis pat ben so store.

De candelario.1

Now speke I wylle a lytulle whyle

824 Of po chandeler, with-outen gyle,

1 See the 'Office of Chaundlerye,' H. Ord. p. 82-3. Paris candles, torches, morters, tortayes, sizes, and smalle lightes, are mentioned there.

hat torches and tortes2 and preketes con make, He can make all Perchours, smale condel, I vnder-take;

Of wax pese candels alle pat brennen, 828 And morter of wax þat I wele kenne; po snof of hom dose a-way

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With close sesours, as 30w say;

be sesours ben schort and rownde y-close, 832 With plate of irne vp-on bose.

In chambur no lyzt þer shalle be brent,
Bot of wax per-to, yf ze take tent;

In halle at soper schalle caldels (so) brenne 836 Of parys, per-in pat alle men kenne;

Iche messe a candelle fro alhalawghe day
To candelmesse, as I 3ou say;

Of candel liueray squiyers schalle haue,
840 So long, if hit is mon wille kraue.
Of brede and ale also po boteler
Schalle make lyueré thurgh-out þe zere
To squyers, and also wyn to knyzt,
844 Or ellys he dose not his office ryzt.
Here endys the thryd speche.

Of alle oure synnes cryst be oure leche, And bryng vs to his vonyng place! 848 Amen, sayes 3e, for hys grete grace! ¶ Amen, par charite.

1 Torche. Cereus. P. Parv.

2 ? same as tortayes, p. 314, note; p. 326, n.

3 Pryket, of a candylstykke, or other lyke. Stiga, P. Parv. Candlesticks (says Mr Way) in ancient times were not fashioned with nozzles, but with long spikes or prykets. . . (See wood cut at the end of this book.) In the Memoriale of Henry, prior of Canterbury, A.D. 1285, the term prikett denotes, not the candlestick, but the candle, formed with a corresponding cavity at one end, whereby it was securely fixed upon the spike. p. 413, n. 1. Henry VIII.'s allowance 'unto our right dere and welbilovede the Lady Lucy,' July 16, 1533, included at our Chaundrye barr, in Wynter, every night oon preket and foure syses of Waxe, with eight Candells white lights, and oon Torche.' Orig. Letters, ed. Ellis, Serics I., 4 See note1, p. 311. vol. ii. p. 31.

kinds of candles, little and big,

and mortars of

He snuffs them
with short

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Bp. Grossetest's Household Statutes.

[Sloane MS. 1986, p. 193, ab. 1450-60. The last page mentions the 19th year of Henry VI.]

INcipiunt statuta familie bone Memorie dompni
Roberti Grossetest, lincolnie episcopi.



Et alle men be warned pat seruen zou, warnyng be 3eue to alle men that be of howseholde, to serue god and 3ou trewly & diligently and to performyng, or the wyllyng of god to be performed and fulfyllydde. Fyrst let seruauntis doo perfytely in alle thyngis youre wylle, and kepe they 30ure commaundementis after god and ry3thwysnesse, and with-oute condicion and also with-oute gref or offense. And sey 3e, that be principalle heuede or prelate to alle 3oure seruauntis bothe lesse and more, that they doo fully, reedyly, and treuly, with-oute offense or ayenseyng, alle youre wille & commaundement that is not ayeynys god. T the secunde ys, that 3e commaunde them that kepe and haue kepyng of 3oure howseholde, a-fore 30ure meynye, that bothe with-in and with-oute the meynye be trewe, honest, diligent, bothe chast and profitabulle. ¶ the thrydde commaunde ye that nomañ be admittyd in 30ure howseholde, nother inwarde nother vtwarde, but hit be trustyd and leuyd that 3e be trewe and diligent, and namely to that office to the whiche he is admyttyd; Also pat he be of goode maners ¶ The fowrethe: be hit sowzht and examined ofte tymys yf ther be ony vntrewman, vnkunnyng, vnhonest, lecherous,

quarrelsome, and

The must be turned


stryffulle, drunke*lewe, vnprofitabulle, yf there be ony [* p. 194] suche yfunde or diffamydde vppon these thyngis, that drunken servants they be caste oute or put fro the howseholde. fyft: commaunde 3e that in no wyse be in the howseholde men debatefulle or stryffulle, but that alle be of oon a-corde, of ooñ wylle, euen lyke as in them ys oon mynde and oon sowle. The sixte: commaunde ze

v. All must be of one accord,


above them,

that alle tho that seruen in ony offyce be obedient, and obedient to those redy, to them that be a-bofe them in thyngis that perteynyň to there office. The seuenthe: commaunde vii. ze that 30ure gentilmen yomen and other, dayly bere and were there robis in 3oure presence, and namely at dress in livery, the mete, for 3oure worshyppe, and not oolde robis and

and not wear old shoes.

that viii.

to be

and sick.

ix. Make all the together in the

household dine


not cordyng to the lyuerey, nother were they oolde schoon ne fylyd. The viij: Commaunde 3e 3cure almys be kepyd, & not sende not to boys and Order your Alms knafis, nother in the halle nothe oute of pe halle, ne be wasted in soperys ne dyners of gromys, but wysely, temperatly, with-oute bate or betyng, be hit distribute given to the poor and the[n] departyd to powre meñ, beggers, syke folke and febulle. The ix.: Make 3e 30ure owne howseholde to sytte in the alle, as muche as ye mow or may, at the bordis of oon parte and of the other parte, and lette them sitte to-gedur as mony as may, not here fowre and thre there: and when youre chef maynye be sett, then alle gromys may* entre, sitte, And ryse ¶ The x. Streytly for-bede 3e that no wyfe1 be at 3oure x. Let no woman And sytte 3e euer in the myddul of the hye borde, that youre fysegge and chere be schewyd to alle men of bothe partyes, and that ze may see ly3htly Let the Master the seruicis and defawtis: and diligently see ze that all. euery day in 30ure mete seson be two men ordeyned to ouer-se youre mayny, and of that they shalle drede 30u


[* p. 195]

⚫ [1 MS. wysel

dine with you.

show himself to

¶ The xi: commaunde 3e, and yeue licence as lytul xi.

tyme as ye may with honeste to them that be in zoure Let your servants howseholde, to go home. And whenne 3e yeue licence go to their homes.

J1 t. i. wroth] Don't allow grumbling.

to them, Assigne 3e to them a short day of comyng a yeyne vndur peyne of lesyng there seruice. And yf ony mañ speke ayen or be worthe,' say to hym, "what! wille ye be lorde? ye wylle pat y serue you after 30ure wylle." and they that wylle not here that 3e say, effectually be they ywarnyd, and ye shalle prouide other seruantis the whiche shalle serue you to youre wylle or plesyng. ¶ The xij is: command the panytrere Butler to come to with youre brede, & the botelare with wyne and ale, come to-gedur afore 3ou at the tabulle afore gracys, And let be there thre yomen assigned to serue the hye tabulle and the two syde tabullis in solenne dayes; And ley they not the vessels deseruyng for ale and wyne vppon the tabulle, but afore you, But be thay layid vnder pe tabulle. The 13: commaunde ye the

xii. Tell your

Panter and

the table before


Tell off three yeomen to wait at table.


[ p. 196]

to keep good order in the Hall,

and serve every

Tell the Steward stywarde pat he be besy and diligent to kepe the maynye in hys owne persone inwarde and vtwarde, and namely in the halle and at mete, that they be-haue them selfe honestly, with-out stryffe, fowlespekyng, and noyse; And that they that be ordeynyd to sette messys, bryng them be ordre and continuelly tyl alle [1 MS. affecciori] be serued, and not inordinatly, And thorow affeccion1 to personys or by specialte; And take 3e hede to this tyl messys be fully sett in the halle, and after tende ye to 3oure mette. The xiiij: commaunde se pat youre dysshe be welle fyllyd and hepid, and namely of entermes, and of pitance with-oute fat, carkyng that зе

one fairly.

xiv. Have your dish well filled

others to it.

that you may help may parte coureteysly to thoo that sitte beside, bothe of the ryght hande and the left, thorow alle the hie tabulle, and to other as plesythe you, thow3ght they haue of the same that ye haue. At the soper be seruantis seruid of oon messe, & by3th metis, & after of chese. And yf the[r] come gestis, seruice schalle be The xv: commaunde ye the officers that they admitte youre knowlechyd men,

xv. Always admit haued as nedythe.

your special


familiers frendys, and strangers, with mery chere, the

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