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And euer vse thou temperaunce,

whether you wake or wynke.

Fyll not thy mouth to full, leaste thou

perhaps of force must speake;

Nor blow not out thy crums

when thou doest eate.

Fowle not the place with spitting

whereas thou doest syt,

Least it abhore some that syt by:

let reason rule thy wyt.

If thou must spit, or blow thy nose,
keepe thou it out of sight,
Let it not lye vpon the ground,

but treade thou it out right.
Wyth bones & voyd morsels fyll not
thy trenchour, my friend, full:
Auoyde them into a Voyder,

no man will it anull.

Roll not thy meate wythin thy mouth

that euery man may it see,

But eate thy meate somewhat close,

for it is honestye.

If that thy Soueraigne profer thee
to drinke once, twyse, or thryse,

Take it gently at his hand;

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Don't fill your mouth too full,

or blow out your crumbs,

or spit all about


If you must spit or snite,

tread it into the ground.

Turn bones, &c. off your plate into a Voider.

Don't roll your food about in your mouth.

If your Sovereign offers you his cup,

take it from him,



When thou hast dronke, straighte set it downe, drink, and put it

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Stretch thee not at the Table,

nor leane not forth thy back. Afore thy meat, nor afterward,

with knyfe scortche not the Boorde; Such toyes are not commendable,

trust thou me at a woorde.

Leane not vpon the Boord when that your mayster is thereat,

For then will all your Elders thinke

you be with him Iack mate.
Be not ashamed to eate the meate

which is set before thee;
Mannerly for to take it, friend,

agreeth with curtesye.

Cast not thyne eyes to ne yet fro,

as thou werte full of toyes:

Vse not much wagging with thy head, it scarce becommeth boyes.

Scratch not thy head, nor put thou not

thy fynger in thy mouth :

Blow not thy nose, nor looke thereon ;

to most men it is loath.

Be not lowde where you be, nor at

the Table where you syt;
Some men will deeme thee dronken,

mad, or else to lack thy wit.
When meate is taken quyte awaye,

and voyders in presence,

Put you your trenchour in the same,

and all your resydence.

Take you with your napkin and knyfe

the croms that are fore thee;
In the Voyder your Napkyn leaue,

for it is curtesye.

Be gentle alway, and glad to please,
be it night or daye;










Wyth tongue nor hand, no rygor vse,

let reason rule alwaye.

When that the meate is taken vp,

and the Table cloath made cleane,
Then giue good eare to heare some grace,
to washe your selfe demeane.

And whyle that grace is saying, friend,
looke that ye make no noyse,

And thanke you God for your good fare,

him as your soueraigne prayse.
When ye begin from boorde to ryse,

say to your fellowes all,
"Much good do it ye," gently: then

they curteous will ye call.
Then goe you to your Soueraygne,

giue him obeysaunce duely:

That done, withdraw your selfe asyde ;

at no tyme prooue vnruely.

If ye see men in counsell set,

prease not to come to neare;

They will say that you are vntaughte

if you to them giue eare.

Whysper not thou with thy fellowes oft,

giue thou no euill language;

Men are suspicious found, and wyll

thinke it no good vsage.

Laugh not to much at the Table,

nor at it make no game:
Voyde slaunderous and bawdy tales,

vse them not for shame.

Or thou be olde, beware, I rid,

least thou doe get a fall:

If ye be honest in your youth,

in age ye may be lyberall.

When the cloth is cleared,

hear Grace,
and wash.

During Grace make no noise,

but thank God.

Rise from table,

say to your companions, "Much good do it ye,"

bow to your
Master, and

Go not too near men consulting together.

Don't whisper to people,

or laugh too much at table.

Tell no bawdy stories.

Take care lest

you get a fall.

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¶ For the Wayting Seruaunt.

IF ye will be a Seruingman,

with attendaunce doe begin : Fyrst serue God, then the worlde,

and euer flye from sinne.

Apparell thee after thy degree,

youth should be cleane by kynde: Pryde and disdayne goes before,

and shamefastnes behynde.

Aquaynte your selfe with honest men

that are in authorytye;

Of them may you learne in youth

to auoyde all necessitye.

Still search thou must for friendship pure,

and beware of flattery:

With lewde persons, I thee counsell,

haue no familyaryty.

Beholde not thy selfe in thy Apparell,

in church, ne in Streete ;

To gase on thy selfe, men will thinke

it is a thing vnmeete.

Crye, ne yet speake, with to lowd voyce whereas thou doest walke,

For lyght-witted or dronken, sure,

men will name thee in talke. Be not thou slothfull, for it is

the gouernour of all vyce; Nor be enuyous to any,

for then ye be not wyse.





Please thy friends; delight not in sloth;

that Vyce wasteth goods,

It dulleth wits, ranckleth flesh,

and palleth ofte fresh bloods.

If you come to another mans house

to sporte and to playe,

If the goodman be set at meate,

returne, and go your way.

If case thou be aduaunced, friend,

and plaste in high degree, Be lyberall and gentle found, beloued shalt thou bee.

Be not to liberall nor to scant,

vse measure in eche thing:

To get in one yeare, and spend it in
another, is no lyuing.

It is better to saue somewhat

with good prouysion,

Then to wish agayne for that is spent,

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Measure expence, spend warily,

and flye farre from excesse:

Inough is a feast; more then ynough.

is counted foolishnesse.
A dilligent seruaunt taking payne

for his mayster truth to show,
No doubt his mayster will consyder,
and agayne for him doe,

A mayster will know where he is,

and sometyme for his pleasure
A seruaunt to suffer in anger,
to his mayster is a treasure;
A seruaunt not reformable, that
takes to his charge no heede,
Ofte tymes falleth to pouertye,
in wealth he may not byde.

Avoid Sloth,

which makes flesh rank.

If he whom you visit

is at dinner,

go away.

If you are

be liberal,

but practise moderation in all things.

Don't spend all

your income;


Spend warily,

avoid excess.

Enough is a feast.

A truthful servant

will be rewarded,

and one who will put up with anger is a treasure.

A careless servant

cannot be rich.

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