SCOTS MAGAZINE, Monthly Memoranda in Natural His- Population of the Principal Cities and Towus in Scotland, according History and Description of the City Report concerning Forresteries, &c. Account of Books committed to the Flames, suppressed, or censured, 492 Letters from Gen. Washington, to a 490 ib. high literary Character in London, 495 Account of Maynooth College, . . 496 On the Characters of Plutarch and Observations on the Introduction of Moonlight Scenery into Poetry, and the Effects the Contemplation of Nature by Night has on the hu- man Mind, Vol. III. consisting of Thoughts on the Effects of the British Go- vernment on the State of India: with Hints cencerning the Means of Improving the condition of the Natives of that country,..... 517 New Works published in Edinburgh, 519 Scottish Literary Intelligence, ... ib. Literary Intelligence, English and Memoirs of the Progress of Manu. 505 ... On certain Forms of Despotism which Account of Fowls-Heugh, near Stone- 1. Srville's Dissertations on the Ex- istence, Attributes, Providence, 18081) (RECAP) State of the BAROMETER, in inches and decimals, and of Farenheit's THERMOMETER, in the open air, taken in the morning before sun-rise, and at noon; and the quantity of rain-water fallen, in inches and decimals, from June 26. to July 25. 1808, in the vicinity of Edinburgh. Thermom. Rain. Barom. Weather. Fr. 5 O 55 1 21 June 2 12 3 0 52 67 Clear 3 46 Ditto 4 31 Ditto 5 14 Ditto 5 58 30.2 Ditto 6 42 Ditto 7 28 30.1 8 14 9 2 5 30.02 50 9.52 70 Ditto W. 17 10 18 10 43 Showers 11 35 8 $0. Clear Fr. 19 0 1 Ditto 0.54 Ditto 1 46 Ditto 2 38 12 Ditto 3 30 Ditto 4 23 Ditto 5 17 15 30.11 58 6 12 16 30,05 58 64 77 Clear 19 29.9 58 67 0.02 Showers Tu. 30 9 32 10 0 20 29.8 59 70 0.5 Rain W. 31 10 27 10 55 21 29.75 55 MOON'S PHASES 22 29.8 52 60 1.55 Rain 25 29.84 Quantity of Rain, 2.45 cumstances appear to be,-1. The face of the country.-2. The number of inhabitants.-3. The number and strength of its fortifications. We shall view of these from the best authoriendeavour, therefore, to give a concise ties*. 'Playfair's Geography. Encyclopedie Methodique, Art. Geographie Moderne, Busching. the nearest to luit iniquamWA & W ses through Languedoc and Roussil lon into Catalonia. From the Pyrenees, on the Spanish directions. The first, beginning at side, immense chains take their rise, which traverse the kingdom in two Rouncevaux, int Navarre, passes thro Biscay, the Asturias, and Gallicia, almost entirely covering the whole of these provinces, and joins the Atlan |