Fleming, John, his tour to Arran, 19, 95 Forbes, Sir Wm. character of, 825
Forbes, Gen. John, me- morial to the Lyon Clerk respecting his coat of arms, 808 Forresteries, curious re- port concerning, 490 Fowlsheugh, account of, 512
Fraserburgh, new baths completed, 525 French flattery, specimen of, 88 French statesmen, cha- racter of eminent ones,
Frozen sea, account of a journey to, 23 Funding system, reflec- tions on it, 91 Gaelic etymologies and antiquities, 16, 105, 418, 564, 859
language, synopsis of, 414, 587 Gas from coal, its use, 819 Geological society, ac- count of, 337 Glasgow, improvement in the supply of water there, 727 Government, on the prin- ciples of, by Mr Adams,
Grammar, query respect- ing cases in, 548
the Grave, a poem, new edition of, 839 Hall, Sir John, his severe treatment of the Profes- sors in 1690, 16 Henry IV. of France, cha- racter of, 653 Highland Society, appa. rent contradiction in one of their essays, 117 Highlands of Scotland, tour thro', 182, 250, 348, 423, 569, 672, 735, 809, 889
India, the renovation of, a
poem, 438 Indian recreations, review of, 517 Irving, David, memoirs of
George Buchanan, by, 41
Island, a new one disco- vered, 114, 175 Italian nations, on their different characters, 167 James VI. curious procla. mation of, 731 Jamieson, Dr, review of his Dictionary of the Scottish language, 601 Keith, Bishop, letter from
Chev. Ramsay to, 888 Leslie, Geu. curious let- ter of, 649
Lisbon, sketch of, 643 Literary fame, observa- tions on, 170 Literary intelligence, 44,
45, 122, 203, 205, 284, 360, 443, 519, 603, 683, 764, 841, 923 Louis XIII. and XIV. of France, characters of,653 Lunatic asylum, plan for establishing one at Edin- burgh, 9, 163 Madagascar, account of, by R. Drury, 121 Mammoth, discovery of the remains of one, 23 Manufactures, on the pro- gress of, 38, 86, 166, 248 362, 445, 522, 567, 671, 750, 833, 913 Manuscripts in the Scots College of Paris, account of, 505 Marchmont house, de- scription of, 83
Marmion, a poem, review Poetical coincidence, 643
Ramsay, Chev. his letter to Bishop Keith, 888 Reason and speech consi- dered, 668 on Religious praises, by M. Thomas, 340
Renegado, singular vil- lany of a Spanish one,
Renny, the Rev. Mr, his
essays on peat moss, 39 Rio de Janeiro, descrip- tion of the plan of 3 Robertson of Fascaly, his application for the erec- tion of a forestery, 490 Rosiin, description of,657 Russian navy, history of, 326 Santorini, account of the new island of, 114, 175 Savile's dissertations, re- view of, 514 Science, on the progress of, 38, 86, 166, 248, 362, 445, 522, 567, 671, 750, 833, 913
Scots Preachers, remarks on, 172
Scots College of Paris, ac- count of the manuscripts in, 505
Scottish ballads, by J.Fin- lay, review of, 920 Seggieden, description of, 403
Shell-fish, curious species of, 169 Singing bird, queries con- cerning one, 29 Slave trade, history of its abolition, 664, 828 Slave trade in Germany, history of, 585 Slaves, cruel treatment of, in Barbary, 30 Spain, history of its mili- tary geography, 483 Spanish Itinerary, 645 Strachan, professor, de- prived of his office, 15 Tacitus, remarks on his character, 499 Tennant's Indian recrea- tions, review of 517 Thomas, M. character of his writings, 254
on the love of
M. character of French Kings, 653 Thomson, plan of a mo- nument to his memory, 589
Thought, on the freedom of, 191
Trades, humorous obser- vations on their new no- menclature, 261 Turgot, M. character of of, 111
University of Edinburgh, history of, 835
Ure, the Rev. Dav. sketch of his life, 903 Virtue on the foundation of, 815 Washington, Gen. letters from, 495
Waste land in Scotland, quantity of, 592 Weiss, Major, query con- cerning, 167
Wernerian Natural Histo- ry Society, established at Edinburgh, 203,325,803 proceedings of,
,203, 243, 403, 486, 565, 883 Witchcraft, murder, and credulity, 892 Women, on their employ- ments during the middle ages, 738 Woodlark, queries con- cerning it, 39
the Ear-ach, address to, 126 Edinburgh, views of, from Marmion, 128 Elegy on T. D. Brown, 926
Epigram on two medical
an Evening hymn, 365 the Exile, a song, 448
of Benmore,607 Glendonnen's raid, 125 Grace for a Hallowe'en supper, 608 the Guardian angel, 766 Haliburton, Patrick, ver- ses on his death, 365 Hamilton, Gen. verses on reading an account of his death, 446
Home, Mr, verses on his death, 686
Catullus, translation from, 368 Craigmillar castle, verses Inscriptions in a garden
Inscriptions in a rural grot at the Burn, 447 Jupiter and the Frogs, a fable, 527 the Kirn, 768
Latin verses, 127 Love concealed, 207 Marmion, extracts from,
AMERICA, motion for pa- pers relating to the dif ferences with, 374 Appeals, Scots, list of, 776 Arbroath, the Guildry of, petition the House of Lords for trial by jury in civil cases, 610 Army estimates, debate upon, 612
Bank of England advan- ces 3,000,000l. to Go- vernment, 370 Bark, Jesuits, debate on prohibiting its exporta- tion, 452, 610. The bill passed, 690 Bosquet, A. his applica- tion to Parliament for a reward for his invention to prevent ships sinking at sea, 452 Brazil, bill for regulating the trade to, 292 Budget opened, 692 Cathcart, Lord, receives the thanks of the House
of Lords, 209, Of the Commons, 213. Takes his seat in the House of
Lords, 209 Catholics of Ireland, de- bate on their petition in the Commons, 693. In the House of Lords, 774. Their petition rejected, ib.
Copenhagen, expedition. to, debate of the Lords respecting it, 210. Of the Commons, 215, Mo tion of Lord Sidmouth
for preserving the Da- nish fleet, 291, 294. Lung debate on a motion for censuring it, and another motion for its approval carried, 690
Court of Session, bill for regulating its procedure brought in, 609. Debate on it, and read a second time, 610 Dardanelles, expedition to, motion for papers res- pecting it, 373. The pa- pers presented, 690 Distilleries, motion for the suspension of distil
lation of corn, 769, 772 Droits of Admiralty, mo- tion respecting them,
Finance Committee, mo- tion for excluding Mr Wharton from it reject- ed, 691
Game duties transferred to the Stamp office, 691 Galloway, Lord, moves an address to the King on his speech, 129 Gambier, Lord, receives the thanks of the Peers
and Commons, 209, 213 Greenwich hospital, mo tion respecting the offi- cers belonging to it, 689 Hamilton, Lord, moves an address to the King on his speech, 134 Lake, Lord, a pension of 2000l. settled on his fa- mily, 452, 612.
Macdowall, Mr. duly é lected for Renfrewshire, 690
Militia, local, debate on the bill, 769
Mutiny bill, debate on the clause for the term of inlistment, 609. The optional clause for life, or for a term of years, agreed to, 690
Orders in Council relative to neutral traders, debate of the Lords upon them, 290, 293, 294. In the Commons, 369. Motion for an indemnity to per- sons acting under them, 375. Objected to on various grounds, 450.- Further debates on, 452, 609. Lord Lauderdale's resolutions against them rejected, 610. The bill passed, ib. Petition from Liverpool against them rejected, 616 Parliament meets, 129.- Lord Chancellor's speech to both Houses, ib. Ad. dress of the Lords moved by Lord Galloway, and voted without a division, 134 Address of the Commons moved by Ld. Hamilton, and likewise carried, 138. Ld. Chan- cellor's speech on closing the session, 775. Parlia ment prorogued, 776 Peace, petition for, from the inhabitants of Bolton, pre
ter a most desperate bat- tle, 946
AFRICA man of war, des- perate action with a fleet of Danish gun boats, S68 Ahrenberg, Duke of, mar- ries a relation of Bona- parte, 221 Algiers, earthquake at, Baird, Sir David, lands
America, North, an em- bargo on shipping laid on by Congress, 140.- Mr Rose arrives from England, and proceeds to Washington, 141- Hs reception favourable, but the embargo conti- nued, 295. The mer- chants discontented at its continuance, ib. Re- monstrance of the mer- chants of Boston against it, Sr. The President's answer refusing to re- move it, ib. The people much impressed with the intelligence from Spain, ib. America, South, neutral
ships ordered to depart from Buenos Ayres, 140 The people of Caraccas declare for King Ferdi- nand, 950. Seize all the French there, ib. Amethyst frigate, takes a large French frigate, af-
Austria suspected of hos- tile intentions by France, 790. Makes great mili- tary preparations, ib.
with a British army at Corunna, and is joyfully received, 861. Arrives at Astorga, but is order- ed to retreat, 939 Bayonne, see Spain, Bo- naparte Bentinck, Lord Wm. ar- rives from Madras, 69 Bonaparte arrives at Mi- lan, 57. Adds new Dig nitaries to the Iron Crown of Lombardy. ib. De- crees Eugene Beauhar nois heir to the Crown of Italy, ib. Makes a speech to the Senate, ¿S. Sets out for Venice, and arrives suddenly at St Cloud, ib. Issues a de- cree against Portugal, u- niting it with France, 222. Appears at Bay- onne, and has interviews with the Royal Family of Spain, 456, 529. Com- pels them to a surrender of their rights to the throne of Spain, 530.--
And sends them prison- ers into France 456. Ar- rives at St Cloud, 710. Determines to subdue Spain, 711. Appoints the Duke of Berg to the throne of Naples, ib.- Sets out to meet the Em- peror of Russia at Er- furth, 788. The two Emperors meet, and have many conferences, 789, $66. Speculations on their designs, ib. Aus- tria threatened, 790. Ob. tains a secret treaty for the division of Portugal, 855. Arrives at St Cloud, and pronounces a furious speech against England and Spain before the Le- gislative Body, 864. Re- ceives a fulsome address from the President, 865, Sends overtures for peace to England, $67. De- parts suddenly for Bay- onne, 868 Brazil, the Prince Regent of Portugal arrives there, Establishes his 382. Court at Rio de Janeiro, ib. Issues a proclama- tion for regulating trade, ib. Presents the British officers with the insignia
of the Orter of Fidelity, 383.
Prosperous state
of the country, 850 British men of war, seven frozen up in the harbour of Gottenburgh, 305
large fleet sails for the Baltic, 305. Takes a number of Danish store- ships, 381 Brunswick, Pr. Wm. gets a pension from Bona- parte, 222 Caledonia smack totally lost, with a number of
passengers, 305 Campbell, Major, tried at Armagh for mu der,871. Condemned and execu- ted, 872
Cevallos, Don, his expo- sition of the machinations of Bonaparte against the royal family of Spain, 855,929
the Childers sloop of war engages a French priva- teer, which escapes, 230. Afterwards engages Dane, 303
Comet sloop of war takes a large French corvette, 869
Convention of Cintra, the city of London's remon- strance to the King a- gainst it, 869 Covent Garden theatre burnt down, 870 Curieux sloop, Capt. She- riff, taken by a French privateer, after a long ac- tion, 303
Dalrymple, Sir H. takes
the command of the Bri- tish army in Portugal, 777. Concludes a con- vention with the French army, 778. Which is much censured, 780 Davison, Alex. tried for
fraud, found Guilty, 952 Declaration, British, in answer to that of Rus- sia, 61. Of a cessation of hostilities with Spain, 544. To the Spanish envoys of Asturias, 626. On the overtures for
peace from France and Russia, 948 Denmark.-The Crown Prince prepares for the conquest of Sweden, 228. Confiscates all English property, ib. Estimate of the loss by the English expedition, ib. Her de. claration against Sweden, 3CI. Refuses a letter from the Marquis de la Romana 944. Cruel treatment of two Spa- nish regiments, 945 Dillon, Capt. severely wounded in an action with a Danish man of
war, 303 Dyer, Sir Thos. arrives in
Spain, and is received with enthusiasm, 542 Earthquake at Algiers,
East-Indies, the fort of Cumoona taken by storm, with heavy loss to the British army, 383. A dreadful hurricane at Ma- dras, 384. The Danish settlements taken, $49. Destructive inundation at Penang, ib. The whole Dutch shipping at Batavia destroyed by Sir Edward Pellew, ib. Emerald frigate, gallant enterprize on the Spa- nish shore, 301 Emigrants, singular fate of sonie from Scotland,
Erfurth, meeting of the Emperor Alexander and Bonaparte there,789,866 Etruria,-ceded by the Queen to Bonaparte, 143. Distress of the merchants of Leghorn, 144 Eugene Beauharnois, cre- ated Duke of Venice, 58 Fire, dreadful one at Co-
vent Garden theatre, 870 the Flora frigate lost, 230 Forbes, General, embarks with the Royal Family of Portugal for Brazil, 55 France, Bonaparte's de- cree against all trade
with England, 144. Pro jects an expedition to India by land, 221. A- merican ships confisca. ted, 222. Colonial pro- duce extremely dear, ib. Vaccination very suc cessful, ib. Napoleon issues a decree for estab lishing a new order of Nobility, 297. Kidnaps the Prussian prisoners into his service, 298.— The Minister's report re- specting the affairs of Spain, 711. A quantity of valuable statues ar- rive from Italy, 865.- An army assembles at Boulogne, 941. The Royal Family of Spain in close confinement, ib. New French dignities, ib. French squadron escapes from Rochefort, 147. Pur- sued by two British squa- drons, but escapes, 229 Frere, Mr, arrives at Cor- runna, 861. Sets out for Madrid, $62 Hamburgh, serious distur bances occasioned by the French troops, 383 Hardinge, Capt. takes the Piedmontaise French fri- gate, but is killed in the action, 712. Highland Society of Lon- don, hold a grand anni- versary meeting, 306 Holland,-King Louis ad- dresses the Senate, 59. The Minister's exposi tion of the state of the kingdom, 60. Decree against Sweden, 145.- Prohibition of all trade with England, ib. The port of Flushing ceded to France, ib. Fatal ef. fects of an inundation at Flushing, ib. Decree uniting Kniphausen, Je- vers, and Varel to the kingdom of Holland, 25. Neutral flagsabolish'd, ib. Rigorous treatment of an English flag of truce, 229 More commercial res trictions
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