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killed were Mr White, 2d Lieutenant, and Mr Martin, Master. Among the wounded were Capt. Cathcart, severely, and Mr Hatton, 1st Lieutenant, dange rously. Letters have been received from Capt. Cathcart, which state that the wounded men were resovering fast. Capt. Cathcart of the Seagull, and bis officers and men, have been tried by a Court martial, for the loss of the vessel. The acquittal was of course as honour. able as the conduct of Capt. C. and his brave associates was gallant and glorious. Capt. C. is quite recovered from his wounds, and has been made post from the date of the action.

The Unite frigate, Captain Campbell, has captured in the Mediterranean, the Nettuno and Teulie, Italian brigs, of sixteen 32 pounders, brass carronades, and 115 men each; a third was in company, but escaped. These three vessels had been sent from Zara, for the purpose of attacking the Unite, having heard that she had so many men absent and sick, that she must fall an easy prey; but as soon as chased by the Unite, they wore, and stood for the channel of Zara. Notwithstanding the intricacy of the channel, and his unacquaintance with it, Capt. C. determined to follow them. The first was knocked up by a single broadside, and struck without firing a gun, the people having run from their quarters. The other, after receiving a few shot, fired her broadside, struck her colours, and ran on shore, but was got off without the least damage. The Unite had not a man hurt; the enemy had r2 killed, 2 drowned, and 29 wounded! The Guerriere frigate has also taken the Peraty French privateer, of twelve 18 pounder carronades, and 90 meh. She was discovered in the track of the valuable Jamaica fleet, of the strength, number, and situation of which she had obtained most correct information from the master of an American brig, who had himself claimed and received the protection of that convoy, which he betrayed to the enemy in 24 hours after parting company.

Another of a little squadron of French corvettes fitting out at Bourdeaux with stores and provisions from the West Indies, has been lost. The Minerva frigate discovered her about the roth Oct. crossing the bay, and gave chace. After a short run before the wind, the French

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man, seeing no chance oféscaping, hove his ship too, all sails standing, when she upset and sunk. About 16 or 17 of her men were picked up by the frigate; the remainder, about 30, went down with the ship.

The Brazil Committee have received the important communication from Ministers, "That it is their intention to allow all goods, the growth, produce, or manufacture of countries or colonies in amity with us, to be imported in British ships, or ships of the countries or colonies so in amity, without being made liable to the export duty, under the order in council act."-This measure will tend to make Great Britain the general depot for the transfer of the produce of the greatest part of the world; and is unquestionably a most wise and enlight ened proceeding.

Last summer the Danes captured a number of British ships, which had lost their convoy, the crews of which were sent to prison, and treated with much severity. The following narrative of the miraculous escape of Capts. Miller, of Kirkcaldy; Raitt and Stewart, of Dundee; Kidd, of Arbroath; Freeman, of Hull, and Davidson of Sunderland, from Helstersbro' prison, in North Jutland, contains many interesting particulars :

"They made their escape on the evening of the zoth of June, by rolling themselves down the bank of the field in which they were permitted to walk, and thus eluding the vigilance of their guards. After travelling westward for two nights, and hiding themselves a mong the corn by day, they reached the beach, not far from Bovenbergen, and found a boat about thirty feet long, by seven feet. In this they put to sea, having with them only about a gallon of water, and a small quantity of bread brought off in their pockets. They had neither compass nor sails; but the latter they supplied by taking six shirts to pieces, and sewing them together with the yarn of their stockings. Their allowance of food was half a penny-loaf of bread a day, and half a tea cup full of water night and morning, each man. On the 24th, they found a haddock floating in the sea, which they divided among them. The weather being at times very forgy, they were compelled to steer along at no great distance from


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the shore, intending to make Heligo. '2 land. On the evening of the 26th, they ran within an island, and two of them landed on the continent, and made, with their bottles, towards a house about a mile distant, in search of water and food, but had only proceeded a short way, when they were chased back to the boat by two French dragoons. Put ting off towards the island, they lay to, near it, during the night, being in a most distressing state, having had no water .for 16 hours, and suffering so much from thirst that they could not swallow a morsel of bread. Fortunately it began to rain, and by the help of their shirts and sail, they collected about a gallon of dirty water, which prevented them from delivering themselves up to the enemy, as otherwise they must have been ne cessitated to do.

"After suffering much from the cold and rain, and the weather being unfavourable, and their provisions nearly expended, they made Newark Island in the afternoon of the 27th, and ran past it to within half a mile of the shore, where they lay to, intending to land to procure water in the evening.-Being greatly exhausted, however, they all fell asleep in the night, and were awakened by a Cuxhaven fisherman, who had waded to them from the shore. On stating their case to him, he advised them to put off immediately, as otherwise they, would be in imminent danger of being made prisoners by the French, and re. commended their landing on Newark Island, where there were no troops. They accordingly landed near a single house, where they replenished their bottles with water, but could not prevail upon the people to supply them with any bread. They put off again from the island at one o'clock in the morning of the 28th, and at seven the same evening got aboard a vessel lying on the banks to the eastward of the Elbe, load ing shells for Hamburgh. On board this vessel there were only two men, who supplied them with water, a small com pass, and about two pounds of bread. At two next morning they left this ves sel, and about seven in the morning of the 30th, to their great joy, came in sight of Heligoland, where they arrived the same evening, and were treated with the utmost kindness, by the governor, council, and inhabitants."

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The Right Hon. Lord Mayor.

THE overtures made to his Majesty by the Governments of Russia and France have not led to negociation ; and the intercourse to which those overtures gave rise being terminated, his Majesty thinks it right thus promptly and publicly to make known its termination.

The continued appearance of a negociation, when peace has been found to be utterly unattainable, could be advantageous only to the enemy.

It might enable France to sow distrust and jealousy in the Councils of those who are combined to resist her oppression: and if, among the nations which groan under the tyranny of French alliance, or among those which maintain against France a doubtful and precarious independence, there should be any which even now are balancing between the certain ruin of a prolonged inactivity, and the contingent dangers of an effort to save themselves from that ruin; to nations so situated, the delusive prospect of a peace between Great Britain and France could not fail to be peculiarly injurious. Their preparations


might be relaxed by the vain hope returning tranquility, or their purpose shaken by the apprehension of being left to contend alone.

That such was, in fact, the main object of France, in the proposals trans mitted to his Majesty from Erfurth, his Majesty entertained a strong persuasion. But at a moment, when results so awful from their importance, and so tremendous from their uncertainty, might be depending upon the decision of peace or war, the King felt it due to himself to ascertain, beyond the possibility of doubt, the views and intentions of his


It was difficult for his Majesty to be lieve, that the Emperor of Russia had devoted himself so blindly and fatally to the violence and ambition of the power with which his Imperial Majesty had unfortunately become allied, as to be prepared openly to abet the usurpation of the Spanish Monarchy; and to ac knowledge and maintain the right, as sumed by France, to depose and imprison friendly Sovereigns, and forcibly to transfer to herself the allegiance of independent nations.

When, therefore, it was proposed to his Majesty to enter into negociation for a general peace, in concert with his Majesty's allies, to treat either on the basis of the uti possidetis (heretofore the sub. ject of so much controversy), or on any other basis, consistent with justice, honour, and equality, his Majesty determined to meet this seeming fairness and moderation, on his Majesty's part, real and sincere.

1. The King professed his readiness to enter into such negociation, in concur. rence with his allies; and undertook forthwith to communicate to them the proposals which his Majesty had received. But as his Majesty was not connected with Spain by a formal treaty of alliance, bis Majesty thought it necessary to declare, that the engagements which he had contracted, in the face of the world, with that natióu, were considered by his Majesty as no less sacred, and no less binding upon his Majesty, than the most solemn treaties; and to express his Majesty's confidence that the Government of Spain, acting in the name of his Catholic Majesty Ferdinand VII. was understood to be a party to the negociation.

The reply returned by France to this proposition casts off at once the thin disguise which had been assumed for a momentary purpose, and displays, with less than ordinary reserve, the arrogance and injustice of that Government. The universal Spanish nation is described by the degrading appellation of the "Spanish Insurgents," and the demand for the admission of the Government of Spain as a party to any negociation, is rejected as inadmissible and insulting.

With astonishment, as well as with grief, his Majesty has received from the Emperor of Russia a reply, similar in effect, although less indecorous in tone and manner. The Emperor of Russia also stigmatizes as "Insurrection" the glorious efforts of the Spanish people in behalf of their legitimate Sovereign, and in defence of the independence of their country; and thus giving the sanction of his Imperial Majesty's authority to an usurpation which has no parallel in the history of the world.

The King would readily have embraced an opportunity of negociation, which might have afforded any hopes or prospect of peace, compatible with justice and with honour. His Majesty deeply laments an issue, by which the sufferings of Europe are aggravated and prolonged. But neither the honour of his Majesty, nor the generosity of the British nation, would admit of his Majesty's consenting to commence negocia tion, by the abandonment of a brave and loyal people, who are contending for the preservation of all that is dear to man; and whose exertions in a cause so unquestionably just, his Majesty has solemnly pledged himself to sustain.

Westminster, December 15. 1868.


On Thursday August 4. a most splended entertainment was given in the London Tavern, in Bishopsgate street, to the Deputies from the Spanish nation, in honour of their country, which was in all respects worthy of the Great Capital in which it took place. Never, perhaps, was there a more respectable, opulent, and dignified meeting, on any similar occasion. Indeed, the cause which produced this meeting gives it a pre-eminence over almost every other, since it was to celebrate the efforts of

a virtuous and gallant people, to resist the yoke of oppression, while that yoke has been fixed upon so many surrounding states, and while so many others are obliged to remain in timid submission, lest they too should be brought into the same ignominious bondage.

The expectation of this honourable festival had a powerful effect upon the public feelings, and a vast crowd began to assemble early in the day before the house in which it was to be given.

Among the chief persons present at this noble feast were the Lords Bathurst, Cambden, Hawkesbury, Sidmouth, Mulgrave, Castlereagh, Erskine, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr Canning, Mr Dundas, Mr Sheridan, Mr Wind. ham, Sir Thomas Dyer, the Lord Mayor, Messrs. Shaw, Comb, Mellish, Thornton, Sir Charles Price, Sir William Curtis, and many other Gentle. men well known to the Public, the company amounting to 400 persons.

The Chair was taken by Sir Francis Baring, and near him were placed the Spanish Deputies, Viscount Materosa, Don Diego de la Vega, Admiral Apodaca, General Jacomie, and six others. The Portugueze Ambassador was also placed in 2 distinguished situation.

The dinner consisted of one full service, with removes-a plan of dinner for so large a company infinitely better adapted to comfort than that of division into several courses. It was served with the regularity of a private Board. There was dressed for the day 2500 lbs. weight of turtle, and the intervals between the tureens had every delicacy in season-the removes were haunches of venison. The desert was extremely magnificent in ices and fruits, and contained about 600 pines.

The parterre, or sand-work, represented in one place Britannia offering her assistance to Spain; in another, Fame supporting a medallion, on which was inscribed the names of the different provinces of Spain who have stood the foremost in resisting the common enemy; in another, the figure of Time crowning the Spanish Patriot's flag with Laurel; in another, the figure of Hope leaning on the Rock of Justice; in other parts, the Arms and Standards of Spain intermixed with those of England, with dif ferent mottos, such as Vincero Morir!" "Success to the Spanish Heroes,"

&c.: the ornaments stood from seven to eight feet high, pourtraying in one part the Battle of the Nile, with the blowing up of L'Orient; in another, trophies of Flags, &c.; at the tops of all, the Royal Standards of England and Spain: the whole finished with garlands and bouquets of flowers, China figures, vases, &c. &c.

The dinner was served exactly at seven o'clock, and consisted of every luxury that the season could supply; but the chief gratification arose from the feelings of the company connected with the glorious cause that brought them together. As soon as the cloth was removed, the Chairman gave the following toasts:

"The King. The Queen. — The Prince of Wales and Royal Family.Ferdinand the VIIth King of Spain.

The Prince Regent of Portugal, and the House of Braganza."-The King of Sweden. The King of the two Sicilies. The president of the United States of America;"-all of which were received with the warmest applause, but the last, which excited deep murmurs of general disapprobation; a loud hiss was heard from every part of the room; and it was not till a Glee was sung by Dignum, that good humour was restored.

During the dinner the company were gratified by the exertions of an excellent Band, who played several well known martial and popular strains.-Messrs. Taylor, Dignum, Gibbon, and other performers, gave Non Nobis Domine with fine effect, as well as God save the King, and Rule Britannia, which were received with the warmest applause.

The following Song, written for the occasion, was sung by Dignum, and highly applauded :

'Mid the tempest that o'er her horizon is spread,

'Mid the bolts that around her in thun

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The Queen of the Indies and Queen of the Waves,

They honour their King, their Creator adore,

And of Tyrants the scourges, will never

be slaves.

The Chairman then proposed the following sentiments, which were drank with an enthusiasm which it is impossible to describe.

pressive obeisance, and Mr Canning im mediately rose to manifest their feelings on the occasion. He said he was desired by the Noble Representatives of a gallant people to return their warmest acknowledgements of respect and gratitude. They were anxious to assure the company, that the reception which they had met with from the British nation, which is so honourable to that nation, was in the highest degree gratifying to them and to their country. Nor could they doubt that such disinterested generosity as Britain had displayed, would operate effectually in procuring ultimate success to the cause in which it had been exerted, as it will give increased animation to the heroic struggles of their countrymen. " They will not,' said Mr Canning, "be guilty of adulation, in saying that their countrymen would not have embarked in the common cause, without the assistance of Great Britain; but they might fairly say, that Great Britain, by that noble assistance, was intitled to share in the honours of the expected triumph, as it had been an additional stimulus to the pa triotism and loyalty which animated the hearts of their countrymen. Their countrymen must have continued the struggle unaided; but whatever might have been the issue, they were proud of the co-operation of so great, so honourable an ally as Great Britain. Finally, they looked for success to that co-operation, and hoped both Nations would find an ample reward in an unextinguishable friendship.

"The sense of acknowledgement and gratitude with which they were filled made them anxiously desire to express their respect for his Majesty in the most marked way. They wished to disbur den themselves of their feelings, and to embody them in a sentiment the most congenial to those of the Companyand they therefore prayed him to propose again as their toast-The King"which was again drunk with enthusiasm "The health of our illustrious visi--and God save the King played by the tors, and may their courage and loyalty be crowned with success; and when they return to their country, may they be rewarded by its affection and gratitude."

"Success to the Patriots of Spain, our brave associates in liberty and arms.'

As soon as these sentiments were explained to the Noble Spaniards, they testified their gratitude by the most ex

band, for the second time.

The President then gave :—

"May the united efforts of Great Britain, Spain, and Portugal, rescue the Continent from degradation and tyranny."


May the Spanish, Portuguese, Bri. tish, and Swedish Powers, ever unite for


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