"I had not time, and indeed it would have been a work of great labour, to make an accurate inquiry, and comparison; but, to hazard a guess, I should be disposed to say, that, setting aside our two Rebellions, the above number of criminal trials in England, in one year, is nearly equal to the whole number which has occurred in Scothand since the Union. "Supposing this calculation to be accu rate, or in any remote degree accurate, it calis upon us for very serious reflections, and to consider, if we can discover the causes of this proud inferiority-allowance must, no doubt, be made for a difference which has always existed in the population of the two countries-for it would be unreasonable to suppose that the number of crimes must not, in a great degree, be in proportion to the number of people in any two countries. "It may be said also, that Commerce and Manufactures hardly existed in this country during the earlier period of the last century-true, but now at least, in those respects, we are treading fast on the heels of England, and yet, thank God, the same consequences do not follow. In this very city and district where I now sit, Com merce and Manufactures of all kinds have been long introduced, to an extent equal to any place or district of the kingdom, the capital alone excepted-and yet it was stated by a political writer but a few years ago, that one Quarter Sessions at Manchester sends more criminals to transportation than all Scotland in a year. "We must, therefore, look to other causes for the good order and morality of our people, and I think we have not far to look. In my opinion, that cause is to be found chiefly in our Institutions for the education of Youth, and for the maintenance of Religion. "The institution of Parochial Schools, in the manner and to the extent in which they are established in Scotland, is, I be lieve, peculiar to ourselves; and it is an institution, to which, however simple in its nature, and unobstructive in its operation, I am persuaded we are chiefly to ascribe the regularity of conduct by which we are distinguished--the child of the meanest peasant, of the lowest mechanic in this country, may (and most of them do) receive a virtuous education from their earliest youth. At our Parochial Schools, they are not on ly early initiated in the principles of our Holy Religion, and in the soundest doctrines of Morality, but most of them receive different degrees of education in other respects, which qualify them to earn their bread in various ways, and which, independent even of religious instruction, by enlarging the understanding, necessarily raises a man in his own estimation, and sets him above the mean and dirty crimes, to which the temptations and hardships of life might otherwise expose him. "But this is not all; the children of our poor no sooner leave the Parochial School, than their improvement and confirmation in every virtuous and religious principle is taken up by the Clergyman of the parish. Here, to be sure, we cannot boast of the same superiority over England as in the article of Parochial Schools, for England has also the same Holy Religion, and a most learned, pious, and respectable body of Clergy-But even here, I think, we have reason to pride ourselves in the comparison. God forbid that I should say, that our Clergy, in piety, in learning and in ge neral respectability, are superior to the Clergy of England! I neither say so, nor do I think so-but this, at least, I may say, that in every quality which can adorn the character of a Clergyman, and qualify him to be useful to his flock, the Clergy of Scotland never have been surpassed by any order of Priesthood since the world began. "But where I think our superiority over England in this respect consists, is this that holding our form of Church Govern ment-our mode of worship-the respecta bility of our Clergy to be respectively equal, we have the advantage in this, that every Clergyman here must, by the indis pensable provisions of the law, reside with in his own parish, and discharge the duties of his sacred function in person. This must necessarily create a parental affection in a Minister towards his flock, a respectful at tachment in the people towards their Minister, which, in the nature of things, can not exist, where non-residence to any con siderable degree is indulged to the principal Minister, and where frequent removals happen among the Curates, and of course, but a precarious connexion can subsist between them and their people. Between two orders of Clergy, thus differently constituted, however equal in other respects, it is not difficult to see which of their la bours are most likely to be successful. "Let us then, Gentlemen, be thankful for the blessings we enjoy. While we ve nerate the general Constitution of England, by our Union with which our Liberties have been secured on a surer basis than by the old Constitution of Scotland, let us not undervalue our own local Laws and Institutions, by which essential advantages are given to us, and which we ought not rashly to endanger by attempting violent innovations, the full bearing of which it is im possible to foresee. "Let us feel our way in our improvements, ments, and be quite certain that we have not, by improvement, endangered the ad vantages we already have, before we grasp at more. "Above all, Gentlemen, let it be our first resolution to defend our Constitution as it stands, and to take care, at least, that it shall not be endangered by external aggression. “And here, Gentlemen, I am proud to think, that I am uttering these sentiments to men whose feelings are congenial with my own-that I am addressing the Magistrates and people of a city, who have set an example of genuine Patriotism, which can never be forgotten while the Independence of Britain is preserved. Let us never hear again of the selfish spirit of Trade. Let us never again be told that Merchants look only to their Immediate Interest. You were the first to prove, that, applied to this Empire, those contracted maxims are as false, as they are illiberal and rude. You were the first to prove, that Commerce, fostered by Liberty, inspires the purest principles of Patriotism, and that the Merchants of Britain are indeed the Ho nourable of the Earth. The first to feel, as being the most exposed to, all the difficulties of the present moment, you were the first to declare your determination never to compromise the Interests and Independence of your Country. Laying aside all private difference of opinion-rising a bove the miserable bickerings of party putting to shame the turbulent virulence of contending factions, you were the first to raise the voice of an United People, expressing to your King your unalterable resolution to suffer all privations, to undergo all hardships, to brave all dangers, in defence of his Crown, and of the Indepen. dence of your Country. "It is not to be disguised, that our very Existence as a Nation is at stake. Our enemy has sworn to accomplish the ruin of Great Britain. It is the object nearest to his heart, and, luckily for us, he has wanted art and temper to disguise it. The question of peace or war is not, as he once pretended, a question with one party in this country. It is not, that he favours one party in the country, which I am confident they would scorn. It is not that he hates another, which I am sure they despise; No! It is Great Britain which he hates. Not so much, that he envies our prosperity, that he is afraid of our power-it is our Constitution which he dreads-it is our Liberty which he hates-and no wonder-for he feels, that the Liberty of this people is a living satire on his own subjects for submitting to his Usurpation-he feels that, while the British Constitution exists, it must for ever remind his subjects of the Liberty at which they once aspired, but which they lost in the pursuit of vain and unattainable perfection, till they now find themselves the slaves of a low born Usurper-sacrificed to promote his personal ambition-consoling themselves by external military renown, but inwardly groaning under the horrors of a despotism ten times worse than that from which they endeavoured to escape, "Such has been the end of Reform, and Revolution in France! Let it be a salutary warning to us. Whether there are any among us, who still-think, with all the arrogance of Philosophic resumption, that it is possible to make great improvements on our Constitution, I know not-but let this be our answer, That whether our Constitution be perfect in Theory, or not, practically it confers on us a degree of Liberty and Happiness beyond what any other nation has enjoyed since the world began ; and, I think, it deserves to be well considered, whether human nature, unless regenerated, be capable of enjoying more. "Let us then all maintain our Constitution as it stands, satisfied with the Liberty we have, and dreading, from the example of France, that an attempt at Perfect Freedom, may land us in the extreme of Slavery and Debasement. Above all, let us maintain our Constitution from Foreign Invasion. If subjection to a foreign foe be, and it is, the most dreadful calamity which can befal a people, even when its own government is bad, think what would be the misery of conquest to us-language never uttered-imagination never conceived-humanity never endured the horrors which await us if subdued by the arms of France! To be utterly extirpated would be mercy, compared with the outrages we must suffer! Let then the resolution of us all be fixed as yours--to bring this contest to a happy termination, or perish in the attempt. Hardships and privations we may expect; but, when we compare them with those we shall avoid, when we consider them as the price, and the cheap price, of Liberty such as ours, for ourselves and our children, I trust that we shall bear them with chearfulness, and receive our reward in the gratitude of Posterity Briton is the noblest of created beings, and this contest, if we continue true to ourselves, will make us the noblest of Britons." This elegant and energetic, Address was heard with the profoundest attention by all present; and at the earnest request of the Lord Provost and Magistrates, his Lordship consented that it should be printed. April 27. At Edinburgh, John Pigot, Esq. eldest son of John Pigot, Esq. of Kilworth, to Susan, daughter of the late Alex. Smollet, Esq. of Bouhill.-See Deaths. July 8. At London, John Sanderson, Esq. of Glasgow, to Janet, youngest daughter of Mr William Wilson, Dumfries. 15. At Edinburgh, George Greenlaw, Esq. writer to the signet, to Katharine, daughter of George M'Gill of Kemback Esq. 15. At Rosedoe, Dumbartonshire, John Campbell of Stonefield Esq. to Wilhelmina, daughter of the late Sir James Colquhoun of Luss, Bart. 22. Vice-Admiral Sir Thomas Graves, K. B. to Miss Blacknell, of Parham, Suffolk. 25. At Linlithgow, Mr James Wilson, writer in Edinburgh, to Mary Ann, daughter of the late Mr Thomas Watkins, Linlithgow. 26. At Liverpool, William M'Call, Esq. merchant there, to Agnes, youngest daughter of the late Rev. Robert Liston of Aberdour, Fifeshire. 25. Mr Mortimer Drummond, of Charing Cross, to Lady Emily Percy, youngest daughter of the Earl of Beverley. 26. At East Reston, Mr Thomas Logan, tenant of Hutton-Hall Barns, to Elizabeth, daughter of Abraham Logan, Esq. of Burnhouses. 28. At Birmingham, Mr Samuel-Allan Wheeler, merchant, to Mary, only daughter of Henry Thomas, Esq. 29. At Edinburgh, Mr George Watson, jeweller, to Miss Helen Cleland, daughter of the deceased Mr John Cleland, watch maker. 30. Joseph Gordon, Esq. writer to the signet, to Miss Anne Clunes, youngest daughter of Gordon Clunes, Esq. of Crak The Right Hon. Lord Louth, to the Hon. Margaret Plunket, eldest daughter of Lord Dunsany. At London, Dan. Robertson, Esq. to Amelia Helen, daughter of the Rev. Dr Clarke. H. Shank, Esq. of the East India Company's civil service, to Anna-Maria, daughter of the late J. R. Carnac, Esq. Member of Council at Bombay. Major Barclay, of the 59th regt. to Miss Lawton of Woburn Place. Lately, at Luffness, Adám Bogue, Esq. jun. of Woodhall, to Miss Marian Yule, daughter of James Yule, Esq. of Gibslees. Lately, Mr William Littlejohn, merchant, Aberdeen, to Ann Littlejohn of Lan caster. August 1. At Paisley, Mr Robert Cochrane, jun. manufacturer, to Jean, daughter of Mr Robt. Jamieson, manufacturer there. 1. Mr William Lindsay, writer in Glasgow, to Eliza, daughter of the late Rev. Robert Leslie, minister of Fordoun. 2. At Edinburgh, Capt. William Landless, of the royal navy, to Miss Charles, York Place. 2. At ditto, Mr Alexander Milne, Roy-, al Bank, to Mary, eldest daughter of Mr John Marnoch, Edinburgh. 5. At Bo-ness, Mr Duncan Stuart, surgeon, to Eleonora, second daughter of Mr John Short, surgeon there. 8.At Harrington House, London, by special licence, by the Archbishop of Dublin, the Marquis of Tavistock, eldest son of the Duke of Bedford, to Lady Anna-Maria Stanhope, daughter to the Earl of Harring ton. His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales (who came to town for the express purpose,) gave the fair bride away. The bride-maids were, Ladies Charlotte and Caroline Stanhope, the bride's sisters. 8. At Ayton, Berwickshire, Lieut. Col. Balfour, younger of Balbirnie, to Eglantine, daughter of John Fordyce of Ayton, Esq. 11. At Fornighty, Capt. D. Macpherson, 78th regiment, to Miss A. B. Campbell, eldest daughter of Capt. Campbell of the Inverness shire Militia. 12. Viscount Lismore, to Lady Eleanor. Butler, sister to the Earl of Ormond. 16. At Dundee, Mr William Gallaway merchant in Edinburgh, to Anna-Maria, only daughter of the late William Davenport, Esq. Londonderry. 16. At Douglas, Isle of Man, William Scott, Esq Receiver General of the isle of Man, to the Hon. Miss Murray, eldest daughter of the late Lord Henry Murray. and niece to his Grace the Duke of Athol. 18. At Edinburgh, Mr Thomas Johnston of Underwood, to Sarah Harriet, eldest daughter of Mr William: Allan, merchant there. DEATHS. DEATHS. Dec. 21. 1807. At Calcutta, Thos, Charters, Esq. youngest son of the late Samuel Charters, Esq. Solicitor of the Customs. Jan. 9. 1808. At Elsineur, Mr Alex. Howden, many years resident agent there. Feb. 11. At Bombay, Major-General Bellasis, commanding officer of the forces, by a very unexpected attack of illness, as he was in the discharge of his duty at the ni litary board, thereby terminating a long ca reer of zealous and faithful services. April 13. At Colding, in Jutland, aged 59, his Majesty Christian VII. King of Denmark and Norway. His Majesty was born in January 1749, and succeeded to the throne in January_1766. In the same year he came over to England, and (when only 17 years of age) was espoused to the Prin cess Caroline Matilda, youngest sister of his Britannic Majesty. The entertainments given at the Court of St James's upon this occasion, were the most splendid which London had witnessed for many years. Her Majesty was delivered at Copenhagen of her first son, Frederick, Prince Royal, or Crown Prince, in January 1768; and of a Princess in July 1771, who married in 1786, (when only 15 years of age) Frederick Christian, hereditary Prince of Holstein Sunderbourg. In 1771, a very serious accusation was brought against her Majesty, who was seized and carried to the castle of Elsineur. Counts Struensee and Brandt, her Majesty's physicians, who were implicated in her guilt, were tried, convicted, and executed. But by the interference and firm conduct of Sir Robert Murray Keith, the British ambassador at Copenhagen, the Queen was delivered up to his care;-and by orders of the British Court, she was carried to the Castle of Zell in Hanover, where she died in 1775. The King had for many years been in a very imbecile state of mind, and the Crown Prince had exercised all the functions of royalty. May 20. Near the entrance of the Gulph of Darien, of the yellow fever, Patrick Proctor, midshipman on board the Argo, youngest son of Patrick Proctor, Esq. at Glammis. 27. At Barbadoes, Robert Dalrymple, Esq. son of the late David Dalrymple, Esq. of Westhall, one of the Senators of the Col lege of Justice. 30. At St Lucia, of an abscess in the breast, after six weeks illness, James M'Dowall, Esq. second son of the late William M'Dowall, Esq. of Castlesemple, and Auditor of Excise in Scotland. June 4. At Tobago, Donald, son of Hugh Morison, late in Kilbeg, Mull. 15. At Halifax, Capt. Robert Simpson, of his Majesty's ship Cleopatra. 24. At Clifton, near Bristol, Lady Dunbar, widow of the late Sir George Dunbar, of Moch.um, Bart. 25. At Saltash, Cornwall, Lieut. William Trail of the marines. At Barbadoes, Lieut. Col. Bowyer, Deputy Adjutant General, and nephew of General Bowyer. Royals. At ditto, Major M'Donnell of the July 6. At Falkirk, Dr John Corbet, physician, in the 49th year of his age: Possessed of on active mind, and impressed with a strong sense of the dignity and utility of his profession, he prosecuted, with unweared assiduity, medical science in all its parts. Botany, of which he had acquired an exten. sive knowledge, afforded him at all times a most agreeable relaxation from severer stu. dies. He bore a conspicuous part in promoting the vaccine inuoculation, the practice of which he greatly contributed by uncommon exertion to establish in his neighbourhood, soon after that happy discovery was communicated to the public. He has left a widow and seven children to lament in his too early death the loss of a most af fectionate husband and father; his loss is also deeply felt by a numerous circle of respectable friends and employers, who could at all times depend upon his exertions in their service, and placed the utmost confidence in his integrity and professional skill. In short, he was humane and upright in his whole deportment, and the death of few persons has ever produced more general regret. 8. At Edinburgh, Mr John Leyden, lapidary. He has left 501. to the parish of Cavers, in which he was born. 8. At Ayton, Mr Robert Liddel, wine and spirit merchant. 14. At Springfield, Jas. Mowbray, Esq. 17. At the house of his brother, the Hon. Wm Maule, in Spring Garden, London, the Hon. Henry Ramsay. This amiable young gentleman was in the naval service of the India Company: and when last in China was drawn into a duel with a brother officer, in which he received a wound in the head, that on his return to England required the operation of the trepan. It was performed by Mr Home, with every prospect of success, but inflammation ensued, and baffled all medical skill. He only survived four days. 17. At Libberton Tower, Mrs Elizabeth Still, wife of Mr Patrick Cunningham, far mer. 18. Near Londonderry, Sir Andrew Ferguson, Bart. As he and his son Harvey, were returning home the preceding night about 12 o'clock, in a gig, they came to bridge, which the servant knowing to be very very much broken, called to his master to top a moment till he would lead the horse long it. Before the servant, however, had got hold of the reins, Sir Andrew whipped the horse, and in a moment the whole were precipitated over the bridge. Sir Andrew was killed on the spot, but his so did not receive the smallest injury Jay 18. At Westquarter, Elizabeth Miller, sister of the late Jas. Miller of Halthin, Esq. 18. At London, Mrs. Levy, of Mount Street, Whitechapel. Her death was 'occased by inc. utiously eating ice-cream when overheated, which brought on an inflammation, and suddenly terminated her life, when she had scarcely attained her 21st year. 18. At Dumfries, Nichol Shaw, Esq. of Shawfield, Land Surveyor of the Customs at the port. 20. At Aberdeen, Mrs Mary Chivers, wife of Lieut. William Chivers, RN. 21. At Balhary, Forfarshire, Mrs Cecilia Kinloch, widow of the deceased - James Smyth, Esq. of Balhary, writer to the signet. 22 At Tuam, Ireland, Quarter-master John McLean, of the 92d regiment. 24 At Newburgh, Fife, Mr Andrew Pirie, nephew of the Rev. Mr Pirie. 25. At Elgin, aged 82. Mrs Cruikshanks, 25. At Balm kewan, Thomas Gillies, Esq. of Balmakewan. 26. At Glasgow, Mrs Mary Bogle, relict of the Rev. Dr John Hamilton, minister of the High Church, Glasgow. 27. At Dublin, after a long and painful 27. At Edinburgh, Mr David Ross, late 28. At Randolphfield, near Stirling, Ma- 29. At Comely Garden, aged 76, Mr Jas. 30. At Airdmarneck, Argyllshire, Mrs 30. At the manse of Logie Easter, Miss Sibilla Ross, eldest daughter of the Rev. 31. At Greenock, at an advanced age, 31. At the manse of Fenwick, Mr John Boyd, son of the Rev. William Boyd, minister of that parish. 31. At Carronhall, Miss Anne Whitley Dundas, daughter of the late Major Gen. Toomas Dundas, of Fingask. At Passage, in Spain, Lieut. John Tulloch, Royal Navy." At London, at an advanced age, Mr Barthelemon, the celebrated performer on the violin At ditto, Janet, daughter to the late Rev. Dr Wishart, Principal of the University of Edinburgh, and widow of Mr Maxwell, merchant in Dundee. Lately, Mr John Watson of Unthank, near Berwick, aged 71 Aug. 1. In her 107th year, Dorothy Turnbull, of the Wall Knoll in Newcastle. She was born on the 4th of July 1702, in the reign of Q. Anne, and until within three days of her death, possessed her faculties in an amazing degree. Her memory being little impaired, she could relate, with astonishing exactness, a variety of events which happened during the rebellion in 1715, and almost every subsequent occurrence of any importance. 1. At Edinburgh, Mrs Isabella Kynneir, relict of Mr Thomas Rattray, writer in Edinburgh. 1. At ditto, Mr Alex. Redpath,upholsterer. 1. At Gullan Lodge, Master Francis Dundas, eldest son of Lieut. Gen. Francis Dundas. 2. At Snughall, Miss Sophia Drysdale, a young woman whose singular excellence of character made her deservedly beloved and esteemed by all who knew her. 3. At Bucklyvie, in the 76th year of his age, and 40th of his ministry, the Rev. John France, minister of the associate congregation, Buckly vie. 5. At London, William, youngest son of Heory Davidson of Tulloch, Esq. 5. John Morton, Esq. of Greenbank. 5. Mr Thomas Buchan, late cabinet-maker in Edinburgh. 6. At Blackwood, Dumfries-shire, Wm. Copland, Esq. of Colliston, 7. At Ballantrae, Mr Hew McIlwraith, vintner. 7. At Forfar, much regretted, Mr Wm. Ireland, land-surveyor, at Middletown. 7. At Edinburgh, Mr John Rennie. 7. At Cromarty, Mrs Forsyth. 7. At Ellrigg, Robert, second son of Wm. Cowbrough, Esq. of Ellrigg. Aug: |