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Spanish General Cuesta had advanced from Asturias, with about 14,000 men, regulars and new levies, 800 cavalry, and 26 pieces of cannon, followed by a body of peasants, totally undisciplined. The French had possessed themselves of Valladolid, aud having notice of the approach of the Spaniards, were aware of the importance of keeping the place if possible. They therefore marched to give the Patriots battle. The two armies met at Rio Seco. On the morning of the 14th of July, (according to the Spanish accounts,) the Patriots attacked the French at the point of the bayonet with such fury, that they cut four battalions to pieces, and took four cannon. A column of Gallicians under Count de Mazeda, attacked another column of French, and put them to the rout with great loss. In about two hours the victory was in favour of the Spaniards, who began the pursuit of the enemy with too great ardour, and thereby fell into disorder. The French perceiving this, rallied, and giving a tremendous discharge of grapeshot, followed it up with a general charge of cavalry, which made such havock among the left wing of the patriots, as obliged them to retreat in considerable disorder. At this moment Gen. Blake came up to their assistance with a strong column of carabineers, and a corps of flying artillery, which put a stop to the progress of the French, and the battle ceased about 12 o'clock, having lasted four hours. The Spanish General retreated in good order, in the afternoon, to Beaavente; the French not attempting to pursue him. The loss of the Patriots in this action, is said to be only about 1500 in killed and wounded, while they magnify the loss of the enemy to thrice this number. It is positively stated that one half of the French cavalry suf. fered in the first attack, and in the last charge which they made. The French catered Rio Seco about four hours after the battle, and so enraged were they at their loss, that they committed the most cruel excesses upon the innocent inhabitants. According to the Spanish accounts, upwards of 400 were murder ed, among whom were five Franciscan friars, Eve Carmelites, and three Domini cans. A poor curate, while elevating the host to protect himself from outrage, August 1808.

had his hand struck off with a sabre, and the cup taken from him.

Lord Collingwood's last dispatches are merely a reference to the preceding report of Capt. Whittingham. But the same Gazette which contained those also exhibits the following article:

Downing-Street, August 16. 1808.

By a letter received from LieutenantColonel Doyle at Corunna, and from Major Roche at Oviedo, of the 8th and 9th instant, addressed to Viscount Castlereagh, one of his Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, it appears that various letters from respectable authorities at Madrid, and also public Gazettes had been received, both at Corunna and Oviedo, stating, that on the 29th ultimo, in the evening, the French began the evacuation of Madrid. Upon the 30th the evacuation continued ; and upon the 31st, Joseph Bonaparte, with the remainder of his troops, quitted the capital for Segovia. This measure was attributed to the French having received the account of the surrender of General Du pont's army in Andalusia. The French carried with them all the artillery and ammunition they could find means to convey, and spiked the cannon, and damaged the powder, they left behind they also plundered the Palaces and the Treasury; they were followed by the Spanish Ministers who had acted under the French, and, in general, by all the French who were settled in business at Madrid. Upon the 31st of July it was believed there was not a Frenchman re. maining in the capital.

The Dutch papers, and their extracts from the Moniteur, are still silent respecting the transactions in Spain. One of the minor journalists, however, after repeating the old story of King Joseph's joyous reception in Madrid, admits that rumours have somehow got into circulation in Paris, of reverses sustained by the French arms in Spain and Portugal, but he sturdily denies that there is one word of truth in them. The intrigues of the English, he says, have completel ly failed in both countries. They made proposals to the Russian Admiral in the Tagus, but they were rejected with scorn and indignation. That we may at once dismiss all the little French in formation in our possession, we may of


'fer the following as the substance of se veral letters of General Dupont, which were intercepted and fell into the hands of General Castanos, previous to the battle of Baylen; they are addressed to General Beliard, and to the Duke de Robego, (the former General Savary) commander in chief of the French ar mies in Spain:

Dupont, after giving some details of skirmishes with the Spaniards, expresses his apprehensions of a more serious at tack from them, as they were posted on the heights in front of Andujar, as they manifested a regular plin in their at tacks, and as his inaction had given them courage. He requests that efficient reinforcements may be sent him, to en able him to resume the offensive, other wise the flame of insurrection might spread from the southern to the other provinces, and the regular troops which were dispersed might be drawn to take part with the rebels. He states the hardships to which his troops had been subjected from the want of subsistence. The peasants having left their cottages and harvests to join the army, the soldiers had been constantly employed in reaping the wheat, and making their own bread; but as they were now obliged to be constantly under arms, this had ber come impracticable, and they were compelled to subsist on the most disgusting and loathsome food. He .requests that medicines and linens for bandages may be sent him immediately, as the enemy had intercepted in the mountains all the moving hospitals and the supplies, &c. “All motives," he adds, "concur to induce us instantly to fight a decisive battle" and again," a decisive blow in Andalusia will contribute much to the subjugation of all Spain." This last expression will not escape observation. In his public addresses to the Spaniards, Dupont affected to deplore the infatua tion of the people in rising against their best friends, whose only object was to secure to them the integrity and indepen dence of their country; but in their letters the total subjugation of Spain is avowed to be the real object.

How will the journalists of Paris reconcile the exit with the entrance of their imperial Joseph-His abandoning a city which they assure us was enraptured with his presence; his running away from a people who had nothing but

"Long live King Joseph" in their mouths and that too without any pro clamation or public act whatever;-not a word of farewell, nor a promise of re turn!

What must the high-minded Castili ans have thought of such conduct in a man calling himself a king!-He enter ed Madrid as a monarch-he quitted it as a petty thief;-pride and insult accompany his arrival-fear and felony attend his departure, Some of the letters state that Joseph, while at Madrid, on account of his being in a perpetual state of intoxication, was nick named " Pepe Cuba,"-Joe Butt ;-Pepe signifying Joe, and Cuba butt of wine. The same letters state, that this redoubted monarch was so completely panic-struck, that he escaped into the country by a subterraneous passage upwards of a mile from the palace of Madrid, at four o'clock in the morning of the 1st, in company with O'Farrel, and a few other faithful followers. He set off in disguise, being dressed in black, and wearing a patriotic cockade. It was generally intimated to the Spaniards, that the object of his removal was to take a more eligible military position at Segovia, where it was given out that he meant to fortify himself; but there is reason to believe that he did not even think it prudent to halt at Segovia, but continued his flight to France.

St Yago, Asturias, June 29. The Supreme Junta of this principality hasten to communicate to the kingdom the information they have received from their Deputies in Great Britain, whose Government offers a succour not only to this principality, but every other principality of the kingdom, as will be seen by the annexed copy of the letter of the English Minister to our Deputies.



Office of Foreign Affairs, 12th June. My Lords I have laid before my So. vereign the letter which you were authorised by the Junta of the principality of Asturias to deliver to me, together with the powers entrusted to you by the Junta, entreating in their name his Majesty's assistance. His Majesty has desired me to assure your Excellencies, that he feels the warmest interest in the


resolution of the principality o: Asturias, to sustain, against the atro 1ous usurper of France, a contest in favour of the independence of the Spanish Monarchy: That his Majesty is disposed to grant every kind of assistance to ef forts so magnanimous and praiseworthy. His Majesty has, therefore, ordered me to declare, that no time shall be lost in embarking for the port of Gijon the succours that you require, as being the most pressingly necessary; he will be. sides send a naval force, capable of protecting the coast of Astur as against any attempt which France may make, and of introducing troops by sea into the country. His Majesty will make further efforts in support of so just a cause. His Majesty has also ordered me to declare to your Excellencies, his readiness to extend the same succours to every other part of the Spanish Monarcay which may be animated by the ne spirit as the inhabitants of Asturias, as well as his Majesty's sincere desite to renew those ties of friendship which subsisted so long between the two antio, and to direct his united efforts against any power which may evince hostile intentions against Spain, as well as Great Britain..

I recommend to your Excellencies to communicate, as soon as possible, to the Junta the manner in which his Majesty has received the proposals transmitted by your Excellencies. A vessel has been got ready at Portsmouth, to carry any person you may think proper to dispatch.

I beg your Excellencies to accept the assurances of my high consideration.



The accounts from Portugal are becoming equally interesting with those from Spain, and we trust the exertions of the Portuguese to rid themselves of French despotism will be equally sucCessful. It was on the 6th of June that this spirit of resistance first appeared at Oporto, and was excited by the Spanish troops quartered there (amounting to about 6000,) who hearing of the rising of their brethren in Spain, seized a French General with his staff, consisting of 26 persons, and carried them off. They then disarmed and imprisoned all the

French, amounting to about 300. The following account of their future success, is given in a letter from Capt. Creyke, of the Eclipse sloop of war, to Sir Chas. Cotton, dated Oporto, June 20.

"SIR,-Since the 10th of June, Opor¬ to has undergone two revolutions, and has been successively in the hands of the French and the subjects of the Prince Regent. After the Spaniards had delivered the forts into the custody of the Portuguese, and the national colours were every where hoisted, the French were again able to establish their authority, in consequence of the weak and undetermined measures of the Governor, Louis D'Oliveira, who is now confined as a traitor, and maintained it till the 16th, the day of Corpus Christi, a great national festival, when it had been usual for the Portuguese regiments to attend with colours flying. The Governor, D'Oliveira, in consequence of orders from Junot, attempted to establish the French flag instead of the Portu guese at the procession. This violent attack on the national custom drew forth the murmurs of the populace to so great a degree, that an attempt to compromise on the part of the Governor had no effect; and on the 18th, in the evening, the day before my arrival here, they were excited to such a degree of fury, that, countenanced by the priests, the people rose in masse, broke open the depots, and supplied themselves with twenty-five thousand stand of arms, and, together with the regulars, formed a most determined and enthusiastic army. From this moment all French authority ceased; and every man, either French, or suspected of being inclined to the French interest, was arrested.

"The Bishop of Oporto, was elected as the new Governor, and an army of twenty thousand men sent to meet the French, who had advanced, to the amount of nine hundred, within six leagues of Oporto.

"The enthusiasm has communicated from one to the other, and the Portuguese provinces of Tralos Montes, Minho, and the northern part of Beira, in imitation of the Spaniards, have risen in arms, determined to extirpate the French from their kingdom. From the most moderate accounts, besides what are at Oporto, I may estimate them at upwards of one hundred thousand men.


"All the regular regiments disband ed by the French are forming again with the greatest alacrity, and will soon join them. I have this day had an interview with his Excellency the Governor, conducted to him amidst the shouts and huzzas of the populace.

"To-morrow I send a party of men to mount the guns of a large Brazil ship, the command of which is given to an Englishman, and destined as a float ing battery to defend the bridge, in case the French should have the temerity to approach, though such an event is not to be apprehended. If any requisition is made for powder, I shall comply with it; but they have at present abundance of arms, ammunition, and provisions.

"The detestation of the Portuguese to the French is so great, that Captain Jones and myself, after having begged the life of the French Intendant of Police, had the greatest difficulty in conveying him a prisoner to the boat, and the unbounded love and respect for the English alone prevented the enraged populace from tearing him in pieces. I have the honour to be, &c. (Signed)


After this favourable turn of affairs, the port of Oporto was declared open to all British vessels, and an invitation given to resume their former course of trade. The house of Mr Warre, the British consul, which had been occupied by the French Corregidor, Mor, had been restored, with all the furniture and books untouched. A body of French troops, said to be about 4000, under Gen. Loison, which was proceeding from Braganza to Oporto, hearing of the rising of the people, changed his route, and pushed on for Lisbon to join Junot, but before he reached Santarem, he was so harrassed, on his march, by the Portuguese patriots, that one half of his men were either killed or wounded.

Respecting the state of the French at Lisbon, we learn by the last accounts, that Junot, the French Governor General of Portugal, was sensible of his precarious situation, and was preparing for a desperate defence. He had called in all his outposts, and was provisioning and fortifying forts St Julien, Belem, &c. It is even said that he had ordered 1000 Russian sailors from their ships

to construct batteries for the defence of the city, and which would command the roads. We learn also, that hearing of the successful progress of the patriots in Spain, Junot, distrusting the division of Spanish troops attached to his army, said to amount to 4000 men, ordered them all to be disarmed, and sent on board hulks on the river. Junot's force has been variously estimated ; at most, it cannot exceed 20,000 men. But what can this number effect against the immense army now on their march to surround him. The British army under Sir Arthur Wellesley, will amount to 20,000. The Portuguese regular troops assembled at Coimbra, amount to as many; and the Spanish General Jones is on his march to Lisbon from Estremadura with 10,000 picked men, flushed with their victories over Dupont, Moncey, and Lefevre. Deprived of all prospect of relief from France, we must consider Junot's situation perfectly hopeless. PROCLAMATION BY SIR CHAS. COTTON, Bart. Admiral of the Blue, &c. Commander in Chief,

"Inhabitants of Portugal-Deputations having reached me from all parts of the kingdom, soliciting succour, aid, and assistance, and stating to me the loyal, brave, and manly determination of the people of Portugal to establish the Government of their lawful Prince, and to emancipate their country from French oppression :

"I send, agreeable to your requests, ships, troops, arms, and ammunition; and I have directed the standard of his Royal Highness the Prince Regent of Fortugal to be reared, round which every loyal Portuguese is hereby invited immediately to rally, and to take up arms in so just and glorious a cause.

"To be successful, Portuguese, you must be unanimous; and, joined by your brave neighbours and friends, the Spaniards, you must not be intimidated by menaces, nor seduced by promises.

"Some months experience must have convinced you of the effect of French friendship; it is now to British faith and assistance, aided by your own energy and efforts, that you will, I trust, be indebted to the restoration of your Prince, and the independence of your country.

(Signed) C. COTTON." Hibernia, off the Tagus, July 4. 1808.


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Coimbra, July 18. 1808. PROCLAMATION OF ADM. COTTON. 徵 "The undersigned Admiral, comed with the destruction of the most manding the fleet of his Britannic Ma loyal and populous cities, and their injesty on the coast of Portugal, loses not habitants doomed to the point of the a moment to make known, that he has sword, by a handful of men, amounting received an express from the loyal in- at most to ten thousand, bearing no habitants of Sines, and to assure them, comparison to the population of Portuas well as every true and loyal Portugal. Woe to the criminal oppressors, if guese, engaged in a just, honourable, the loyal Portuguese encounter them and glorious cause, such as the re-estab. fearless; the righteousness of their cause lishment of its rightful Prince, that all must triumph. Noble enthusiasm perthe support lying in the power of his vading the ranks can never be daunted, Britannic Majesty shall be given. if all access to seduction be precluded. "Capt. Smith, commanding his Bri- A vigorous resistance, conjoined to the tannic Majesty's ship Comus, is charged energetic efforts now exerting by your to deliver this express, and instructed valorous neighbours and friends, the to proceed to Sines, in order to lend a Spaniards, resolutely engaged in the prompt and immediate assistance. same glorious cause, must have the hap"The British Admiral undersigned piest issue; as yet there are thousands Can assure the inhabitants of Sines, and in Portugal anxious to emulate the the whole kingdom of Portugal, that deeds of their forefathers in loyalty and the most energetic, valorous, and deci- glory. I repeat it to each loyal Portu, sive efforts have been displayed, with guese, that all the aid of which his Bri the completest success, to frustrate the tannic Majesty's fleet is capable shali perfidious designs of the French against be given in behalf of a cause so just, the independence and even the existence glorious, and honourable, as the restoof this nation. The French ships in ration of its lawful Prince, in whose name Cadiz have been battered, and compelled the standard ought to have been raised to surrender to the brave Spaniards: in the south, as has been done in the The people are in every part risen in north, for all the loyal to repair to. arms, and the result cannot fail proving glorious. Similar energy must be at, tended with the same success in Portugal, and thus will the inhabitants of both Kingdoms hold an equal right to the Esteem, applause, and admiration of Eu

most sanguinary threats against the inhabitants of Portugal; they are threaten


"The undersigned has received deputations from the provinces of the north of Portugal, already in arms, swearing to re-establish the Government of their egitimate Prince, and to resist their oppressors. At Oporto, Viana, in Entre Minho e Douro, and part of Beira, one hundred thousand Portuguese have risen nams; and if their gallant countryten in the South unite themselves to them, they cannot fail overthrowing the small band of Frenchmen now occupying the capital: But to vanquish, unani ity is requisite; let them not be intimidated by menaces, or be corrupted by promises; let them bravely and resalutely determine to rescue themselves from oppression, and to restore the Go. vernment of their lawful Prince.

"General Junot has, even in his last trict, of the 16th of June, fabricated the

"Given on board his Britannic Majesty's ship Hibernia, anchored at the mouth of the Tagus, July 16.


(Signed) CHARLES COTTON "Admiral of the Blue, and Com

mander in Chief of his Britannic Majesty's fleet."

On the 12th of July, an expedition sailed from Corke to the assistance of the Portuguese patriots. It is commanded by Lieut. Gen. Sir Arthur Wellesley, Major Gens. Hill and Ferguson, and Brig. Gens. Fane and Crawford.The troops are the 5th, 9th, 36th, 38th, 40th, 45th, 5th batt. of the 60th, 71st, 91st, 95th, and 4th royal veteran batt. 20th light dragoons,-besides artillery. and engineers, in all about 12,000 men, occupying 80 transports. Another large body of troops, said to be 15,000 men,

and under the command of Lieut. Gen. Sir Harry Burrard, also sailed from Portsmouth, on the 1st of August, in 130 transports, for the same destination. We have no accurate list of the officers or regiments employed in this second

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