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"The proclamation of Joseph took place in this capital on the day of St Jago, a circumstance which ought to make every good Spaniard remember the exertions that were shewn by our ances tors, in former times, to shake off a yoke certainly less severe than that which is now sought to be imposed on us. The ceremony took place amidst the most unequivocal symptoms of universal dis. gust. The grand Standard Bearer of the Court, and his eldest son, who would on a proper occasion have been so zealous of the honour of officiating in their places, fled precipitately from the town, that they should not be obliged to wave the royal banner. The place was supplied by the infamous Duke, who sold the nation in the treaty of the 27th of October last. Campo Alange, and his son, names for ever to be detested in the records of our peninsula, were the only grandees that assisted in that ridiculous farce. The people of the surrounding towns and villages, who are always eager to accompany such scenes with their acclamations, now kept themselves tranquil at home. The inhabitants of Madrid, so fond of public amusements, left the theatres deserted, notwithstanding the entrance was free, and there was particular study in the representation and decorations. The houses, instead of presenting a magnificent appearance, with exquisite ornaments and splendid illuminations, ci. ther remained unornamented, or there were only seen on them some shabby decorations, sufficient to preserve the inmates from the military commission with which they were threatened in case of disobedience. One of the principal houses in the middle of the great street disregarded ail fear, and refused to make any demonstration. The Cor regidor, who, at the accession of our beloved Ferdinand, employed all his zeal

and authority to restrain the popular enthusiasm, was obliged, on this occasion, to pass from habitation to habitation to back obedience and compliance, The public money from the national treasury, scattered thro'out the streets and squares, was not picked up by a single person, because it served the purposes of so odious a being, and was, as it were, transformed into French money with the stamp of Napoleon. Such, Emperor of the French, are the auspices with which your gentle brother was crowned in the capital occupied by the remnant of your armies. If this true relation reaches your ear, it ought to be sufficient to deter you from your mad and criminal projects. The resistance you meet in al the provinces, all the towns, roused in all their courage, have they not convinced you of a truth already generally recognised, that the nation which exerts itself to shake off a foreign yoke, is invincible? Do you desire to perpetuate a war so unjust in its object, so bloody in its successes, and from which no result can arise but infamy, dishonour, and perhaps your own ruin? Make us not to abhor the nation over which you rule, and which nature and state connections have for above a century made our allies and friends. Restore to us our amiable Ferdinand, restore to us our au. gust Royal Family, deliver up the monster that has devoured us, that the na tion may do itself justice upon him. Respect the rights of generous England. Treat us, in fine, like a great, free, and independent nation, and peace will immediately be made."

The stay of the new King in the capital of his new kingdom has been of short duration. He was giving daily grand entertainments, and it is even said was daily in a state of intoxication. These merry meetings were suddenly discomposed by the arrival of the news of Dupont's surrender, on the evening of the 27th of July. Things began now to wear a different appearance. All was bustle among the French, whose countenances were greatly changed. The army, said to be only 12,000 men, were ordered to be ready to march; while Joseph was busy in collecting all the plate belonging to the royal palace and churches, and the money in the treasury, all of which was packed up in waggons, In the evening of the 29th, the first di


vision of the army marched, another division on the 30th, and late in the evening of the 31st, Joseph himself, with the rear guard, set off from Madrid, and took the road to Segovia. On the 1st of August not a Frenchman was to be seen in Madrid. They destroyed 300 pieces of cannon, and 30,000 muskets, and wetted all the powder in the maga. zines. It is said that all the grandees who had accompanied Joseph from Bay. onne, had filed from Madrid into differeat provinces.

The retreat of Joseph back to France, protected by such a small force as 11,000 men, will at least be a matter of some hazard; and hopes are entertained, that unless he is joined by Marshal Bessieres, who was likewise retreatag from Burgos to Pampeluna, with about 15,000 men, he may yet be intercepted. According to the last accounts from Corunna, an army of 40,000 Galli. cians and Asturians had been put in motion under the command of Generals Blake and Ponte (accompanied by an English officer, Major Roche,) who were to execute some grand plan formed by the Council of Oviedo. By an intercepted dispatch from Gen. Savary to Gen. Dupont, we learn that the latter is ordered to retreat to Madrid if possible, as a great force was advancing to the capital from Gallicia.

Having mentioned Gen. Savary, who distinguished himself by his intrigues with the Emperor of Austria after the battle of Austerlitz, (and who has no doubt been employed in the same honourable way with the Spanish Nobles at Bayonne) we may be permitted to notice, that it is announced in the Madrid Gazette of the 13th of July, that King Joseph had created Gen. Savary Duke of Rovego, with the honours of a Grandee of Spain, and Generalissimo of

his armies.


THE SPANISH PATRIOTS. We now come to the details of the various successes obtained by the Spanish Patriots over the French armies ;the most important of which is the

SURRENDER OF DUPONT'S ARMY. ANDALUSIA. The Patriots have obtained in this province the most important success which has yet crowned

their arms;-no less than the surrender, of Gen. Dupont's army at Andujar, (as was predicted in our last numb. p. 543) besides that of a corps of 6000 men under Gen. Wedel, who was coming from Madrid to reinforce Dupont. The following official account of this important event, is given in a letter from Captain Sam. Whittingham, who was sent by Gen. Sir Hew Dalrymple, Lieut. Gov. of Gibraltar, to attend the Spanish Gen Castanos in the field, and which has been transmitted by the General to Lord Castlereagh, and inserted in the London Gazette of August 16,

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I had the honour to inform you, in my letter of the 17th of July, that in a council of war, held on that day at headquarters, it was resolved that the division of Marquis de Coupigny should join that of Major General Reding, and that the attack upon Baylen should be undertaken with the united force of the two divisions, whilst the third division and the reserve should occupy the attention of the enemy by a feigned attack upon Andujar. Major-General Reding entered Baylen on the morning of the 18th, at nine o'clock: He met with little opposition. The enemy retreated towards La Carolina. The General wrote to the Commander in Chief for orders, either to advance against Andujar, or pursue the column which was retiring upon La Carolina. General Castanos ordered him to advance upon Andujar without delay.

On the 19th, at two o'clock in the morning, the General received information of the retreat of the French from Andujar. Lieut. General Pena, with the reserve, was ordered to advance immediately towards Baylen. The French began their retreat at nine o'clock P. M. 18th July.-A letter from General Reding informed the Commander in Chief, that he intended commencing his march from Baylen towards Andujar at three o'clock A. M. 19th July. At two o'clock P. M. the advanced guard of General Pena's division came up with the enemy. At this moment an express arri ved from Major General Reding, to inform the Lieut. General, that he had been engaged with the division of Ge


neral Dupont from three o'clock in the morning till eleven; that he had repulsed the French, and remained master of the field of battle. The guns of the ad vanced guard of Lieut. General Pena's division had scarcely begun to fire, when a flag of truce arrived, to treat upon the terms of a capitulation. The discussion did not last long. General Dupont I was told he must surrender at discresion.

Lieut. General Pena halted and formed his division upon the heights of Umbla, distant three miles from Bay. len; between four and five o'clock General Casterick, aid-de camp to Bona. parte, was sent by General Dupont with orders to treat with General Castanos in person.

At nine o'clock P. M. Major-Gene⚫ ral Reding informed the Lieut-General, that during the truce, he had been treacherously attacked by General Wedel, who was just come from La Carolina with a reinforcement of 6ooo men; and that the battalion of Cordova had been surprised and taken prisoners, together with two field-pieces.

The negotiations lasted till the evening of the 20th, and the glorious result I have the honour to enclose, as also as exactanaccount of the killed and wound. ed on both sides, as I have been able to collect in the hurry of the moment.

The French themselves acknowledge the bravery and steadiness of the Spanish troops; their firmness, constancy, and perseverance, under the greatest possible privations, are worthy of the admiration of the world, particularly when it is remembered that half the army is composed of new raised levies.

The Marquis de Coupigny is detached with his division to take immediate pos session of the passes of Sierra Morena.

French Force.-Division of Dupont, 8000 rank and file, ditto of Wedel, 6000,


Spanish Force.-Reding, 9000, Coupigny, 5000, Pena, 6000, Jones, 5000,25,000; of this total one half peasantry. Nearly 3000 of the French killed and wounded.

From 1000 to 1200 of the Spaniards killed and wounded.

Terms of Capitulation.-The division of General Dupont prisoners of war. The division of General Wedel to deliver up their arms till their arrival at Cadiz, where they are to be embarked and sent to Rochefort.

There no longer exists a French force in Andalusia. (Signed) S. WHITTINGHAM, 13th Light Dragoons.

According to the Spanish accounts, the Patriots have made a valuable acquisition of military implements by Dupont's surrender. They have got 3000 horses, a fine train of artillery, 10,000 muskets, great quantities of clothing of all kinds, &c. besides 75 waggons loaded with gold and silver plate, and other valuable articles, the plunder of the churches and houses in Cordova and Andujar.

On the 23d of July, the Supreme Junta of Seville sent the following congratulatory letter, on the surrender of Dupont's army, to Lord Collingwood:

“Most Excellent Lord-It is with the greatest satisfaction that the Supreme Junta informs your Excellency of the happy success which our arms have had over the French army under Generals Dupont, Wedel, and Gobert, they having laid down their arms, as is set forth in the enclosed papers, which accompany this for your information, being persuaded of the noble interest your Excellency has in our most just cause. The victory could not have been more complete, and there does not remain one Frenchman in Andalusia; there not be

General Castanos deserves the highest praise for his well conceived plan, and for the cool determination with which he has carried it into execution, in spite of the popular clamour for an immediate attack on the position of Andujar. Whilst the negotiations were carrying a single individual of the three diing on, General Castanos received an intercepted dispatch from the Duke of Rovego to Dupont, ordering him to retreat immediately upon Madrid, as the army of Gallicia was rapidly advancing. This determined the General to admit the capitulation of General Wedel.

visions, which, by their own statements, amounted to more than twenty thou sand men, that has not been either kil ed or taken prisoner.

"The rejoicing is so general and so lively, that an idea of it cannot be given; and we expect it will be the same


in your Lordship's squadron, through the favour which the Spanish nation owes to British generosity.

God save your Excellency. (Signed) FRANCISCO DE SAAVEDRA. VICENTE HORE,


Secretary of State.

Palace of the Alcares of Seville.
July 23, 1808.

To bis Excellency Adm. Collingwood.

General Castanos, who has been appointed Commander in Chief of the royal armies, after the surrender of Dupont, addressed the following most animated proclamation to the Andalusians, inciting them to perseverance in the common cause, and to complete the work so gloriously begun.

GEN, CASTANOS TO THE ANDALUSIANS. Valiant Andalusians -The flame of patriotism has in a few days burst forth with such brilliancy, that it has consumed the oppressors of the nation.

fly to your brethren on the Ebro, the Douro, and the Xucar; fly to break the chains of the captives of the Tagus, of Manzanares, ar of Lobregat.

Blot out from the Spanish soil, even to the last footstep of these perfidious wretches-Avenge in their blood the insults they have offered to the shade of a weak and cowardly Government-Hear you not the cries of the murdered on the 2d of May? Do you not listen to the lamentations of the oppressed? Are you not moved by the secret sighs of our Ferdinand, weeping his separation from his countrymen?

War and vengeance!-Tremble, tyrant of Europe, upon your throne, where you are covered with all sorts of crimes. fice too great that is to recover your King and restore your independence. You possess a country-Be a great nation-Follow the paths of glory and of virtue, which, under the God of Armies, have led you to this first victory!

Valiant Andalusians! think no sacri


A supplement to the Seville Gazette of the 6th July contains an official confirmation of the defeat of Gen. Moncey.

You desired to be free, and in a moment you found a protecting Government, and an army anxious for battle-It shortly states that Moncey, having and for triumph.

Those legions of Vandals, who for a time surprised some of your cities, which they delivered up to plunder; the insolent men, puffed up with the victories they had gained over nations that were not united; who sold by wholesale the plander of Europe, and laid waste the most fertile fields with fire and the sword, have felt what the love of country and religion can do.

Valiant Andalusians, yours is the glory of Marengo, of Jena, and of Austerlitz. The laurels that adorned the brows of those conquerors are at your feet.

Immortal glory to the hero who has renewed in the Sierra Morena the exploits of Fabius Maximus. Our children will say "Castanos triumphed ever the French, and his glory did not S the houses of our fathers with mourning."—Unfading laurels to the brave heroes who destroyed the insolent op. pressors of the human race! Blessings apon the wise Government that defended our rights, and prepared our triumphs!

Yet you are not Andalusians alone, you are Spaniards--Fly, children of Spain

advanced to the walls of Valencia, made a very spirited attack, but it was so well answered by the fire from the city, that, on the following morning, the enemy struck their tents, and quitted the environs of the city, leaving a great number of dead, and the fields covered with their wounded, and, after much hesitation, took the road to Almanza, on the frontiers of Murcia. This relates merely to the last attack, which deter mined the enemy's retreat. An article from Granada, which accompanies the gazette, contains the following more detailed account. The attacks commenced on the 23d of June, and the French were in the outset successful, defeating the army of the patriots, and making good their march to the walls of Valencia. The inhabitants, aware of their ap proach, took every step which vigour, courage, and promptitude required;arming the whole population, planting batteries at the gates, blocking up the entrances of the streets, cutting trenches across the roads, and filling the ditches with water. On the 27th, the Spanish General Caro attacked Moncev a


bout a league from the city, but was unable to retard his approach. On the 28th, he sent in a flag of truce, offering respect to persons and property, if he were permitted to enter peaceably, but threatening fire and sword, if any resistance were offered. Receiving a determined refusal, he commenced the attack. The defence was long and obstinare, and completely successful. The enemy successively attempted to force the gates of Quarte and St Vincent, but they were repulsed with dreadful slaugh. ter, and their dead lay heaped in the streets, while the patriots, protected by the walls and heavy artillery, lost very few men. In the evening, the enemy retreated, leaving five pieces of artillery, and the troops sent in pursuit brought in eight more, but they were spiked';7000 of the enemy found their graves under the walls of Valencia. The remainder, between 2 and 3000, retired across the Xucar, and took the road to Almanza, and measures had been adopted to cut off their retreat.


The success of the patriots in this province also, according to the Corunna Gazette, has been decisive. A French corps of gooo men marched from Barcelona to Taragon to join another corps, which had failed in an attempt to enter Manresa, and was forced to fall back. Both corps then proceeded along the sea coast, from Barcelona to Arens, levying contributions, and committing various excesses; but being at last met by the patriots, they were forced to retreat with great loss, leaving behind them their artillery, ammunition, and money. They retired to Barcelona, where, of 15,000 men who formed the army of observation of the eastern Pyrennees, only Sooo remained, and many of them severely wounded. The defeat of the French near Barcelona, and their being obliged to retire to the forts, are mentioned in dispatches from Lord Col. Ingwood; and an article in the Oviedo Gazette adds, that after they had thrown themselves into Fort Montjuci, which commands the harbour of Barcelona, the patriots carried it by storm, and put the whole garrison to the sword, but suffered most severely themselves, their loss being estimated at from 4cco to scoo



The failure of the French in all their attempts against Saragossa, is also further confirmed by Lord Collingwood's dispatches; and in a Saragossa gazette extraordinary, we have a journal of the military operations before Saragossa, from the 23d of June to the 5th of July in clusive. The attacks on the city were incessant; after an action on the 23d of June, in which the French suffered considerably, Gen. Lefevre retired to Epila, where he was attacked, and would have been totally defeated, but for the flight of two divisions of peasants; he, however, lost 1000 men. On the 27th, baving been reinforced by General Verdier with 2400 men, the French advanced to the walls of Saragossa and Torrero. Of the latter place they made themselves masters, by the treachery of the commander of artillery, who ordered back all his canuon, and who was afterwards shot as a traitor; but they were driven from Saragossa, with the loss of Sco men killed, a great number wounded, six pieces of artillery, five cases of ammunition, &c. &c. The possession of Terrero, however, afforded them an opportunity of battering the city. On the 28th, a powder magazine blew up, by which 14 houses were destroyed, and 203 persons killed, and the enemy took advantage of this circumstance, and of the night, to attack the city in three places, but they were repulsed in every quarter, and one of their columns was completely destroyed. On the 29th and 30th, and on the ist, zd, and 3d July attacks were made every day, but they all failed; and on the 3d, the important post of Torrero was retaken from the French, whose cavalry was reduced to 13 horses, and their infantry nearly destroyed. The remnant retreated to Tu. dela, and the wounded were sent off to Pampeluna. The French appear to have been tampering with Palafox; but that loyal and gallant commander rejected their propositions with contempt.

LEON. The first check which the arms of the Patriots have met with, has been in this province. Marshal Bessieres had detached a body of French troops, from Pampeluna, to proceed by Burges, and to take possession of Valladolid. They consisted of 10,000 intantry, 2000 cavalry, and a great quantity of artillery, under Gen. Lasolles. The


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