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sidered Ministers perfectly sincere in the professions they had made, nor did he see any possible motive they could have in being otherwise. Peace, he thought, would not be rejected, if it could be obtained on safe and honourable terms; and the Minis ter who could procure it on such terms would be entitled to the gratitude of the people. Though some classes might suffer by the war, yet it was not by embarrassing Ministers that they could hope to obcain peace. He conjured Gentlemen, therefore, not to press at present a question so fraught with national disadvantage, and implored the people to bear a little longer the inconveniencies of the war, in the reasonable hope of being ultimately rewarded with an honourable and permanent peace. Mr Blaxford, in a maiden speech, most powerfully engaged the attention of the House He lamented the prejudice and perversion of opinion and talent to which a spitit of party and faction seemed capable of delivering over some descriptions of men. There were those who turned with indifference or scorn from the hardships of their own countrymen, while struggling in the cause of the honour and independence of the country, and who shewed themselves tenderly alive only to the sufferings of America and Denmark. But such men misinterpret the opinion and feelings of the country. The country values wealth, and mach of its power and energies depend upon that wealth; but under circumstances like the present, this nation knows that wealth must be subservient to honour. That sentiment neither Bonaparte, nor the friends of Bonaparte, wherever they move, For all the violence of his sanguinary decrees, will ever be able to extinguish. It is not to be extinguished by the partial sufferings of some of our manufacturers, no, nor could it be extinguished by the complete stagnation of our whole trade. Those who hold a different language of the character of their country, can be only the indisposed few who endeavour to blow every spark of disaffection and discontent into a flame, and to place in an odions light the conduct of the present Administration, chiefly because they feel the damning contrast which it exhibits with their own. Men who, while in opposition, were clamorous, while in government were impotent; whose apathy was called moderation, and whose attempts to delude the people were dignified with the name of patriotism. Give him much sooner the inflexible firmness, the persevering fortitude, even the generous despair of the men who now guided the destinies of the nation, than the pusillanimous precaution of those who would week for comfort and ease at the expence

of honour and security. Fresh aggressions, and new in their form, called only for fresh resistance, and more determined resolution. Such, at least, he trusted were the sentiments with which

his Majesty's Ministers were nerved, and that he might venture to say of them, what the poet said of the resolute and just :

Si fractus illabatur orbis,

Impavidum ferient ruinæ.

Lord Mahon expressed his decided approbation of the resolutions of the Hon. Member below him.

Mr J. Smith depicted, in strong lan. guage, the deplorable state of the commerce of the country; and declared, that in voting for the Hon. Gendeman's resolutions, he was actuated by no party motives, but by a desire to serve his country, as an independent Member of that House.

Mr Canning rejoiced that the question had been this night argued on its own merits, and not upon the principles and spirit of a party. He admitted the general proposition, that peace was desirable; but did Hon. Gentlemen recol lect the spirit in which the enemy had made war against our commerce and manufactures? Had they forgotten that, even in the time of peace, a vessel had been seized because it was laden with British commodities? He then entered into a defence of the conduct of Ministers in their conduct towards Austria and Russia on the business of their mediation for a general peace; and maintained, that the moment Ministers heard of the fatal battle of Friedland, they sent off a messenger to Lord Levison Gower, to instruct him to convey to the Emperor of Russia their anxiety to bring about a general peace, and offering the unbroken strength of this country to be used by Russia in bringing about that desirable object.

Mr Sheridan declared his resolution to vote for all the propositions. He contended that Ministers had rejected 'two offers for peace, and that they ought not to be trusted to reject another.He moved for adjourning the debate, but at the request of Mr Adam, withdrew the motion.

Mr Adam said, he would vote for all the three propositions. His opinion was, that Ministers had by their conduct


put a bar to any overture towards peace being proposed by them, or to them, and until that bar was removed by a declaration of that House, he very much feared there would be no hope of peace for the country.

After a few words from Mr J. Smith and Mr Wilberforce, and a reply from Mr Whitbread, the House divided on each of the resolutions in order. 1st Division-Ayes 70-Noes 210. -Ayes 67-Noes 211. 3d -Ayes 58-Noes 217. Adjourned at five o'clock in the morning. Thursday, March 3.


Sir J. Newport moved for certain papers respecting the restoration of Mr Gifford to his office of Accountant General of the Customs in Ireland, from which he had been dismissed by Lord Hardwicke. He considered that gentleman as having been a principal instrument in fomenting the differences between the Protestants and Catholics.After a long conversation, the motion was negatived by a majority of 103 to 57. M Calcraft then rose to move for certain papers relative to the force and equipment of Sir R. Strachan's squadron, which, he alleged, had been under the necessity of quitting its station from a want of provisions, in consequence of which the French squadron had escaped from Rochefort.

Mr Wellesley Pole gave a flat contradiction to this statement. The first authentic intelligence, he said, which Sir R. Strachan received of the escape of the enemy, was on the 29th of January, and Sir Richard did not delay a moment going in pursuit of them—on the 18th, the day after the enemy sailed, each line of battle ship had on board ten weeks provisions of bread, 13 or 14 of other provisions, and six weeks and five days provision of water. The Mediator, a cut-down 74, had been got ready to sail with provisions for the fleet on the 21st of December. Had she been able to have sailed at that time, she would have reached Sir Richard Strachan long before the enemy sailed; but the wea ther was so tempestuous, that she could not sail before the 6th January, and was not cleared of her provisions by our squadron before the 19th. Before, however, the Mediator had been got ready, the Adrian cutter had sailed with victuallers for the squadron on the 14th of

November, and had joined on the 30th. The Right Hon. Gentleman, in the course of his speech, entered into a short statement of the disposition of our naval force. A sufficient naval force, he said, was in the Mediterranean; Cadiz was properly blockaded-so was Brest; Madeira was looked at; the West Indies safe; and we had a suffici ent force to have an eye on those gentle men in America, if they were at all disposed to be troublesome. The papers moved for were ordered.

Friday, March 4.

A second motion for receiving a petition from Liverpool against the orders in council, was negatived by a majori ty of 111 to 57. Mr Adam then made his promised motion relative to the rea ding of extracts from official papers not before the House, the object of which was to censure the conduct of Mr Secretary Canning, for the official quotations he made in his luminous speech on the late motion of Mr Ponsonby respecting the Copenhagen expedition.

Mr Canning said, the Hon. Gentleman had said the least upon that part of his argument which required the most; he alluded to official misconduct. In all the instances quoted by the Hon. Gentleman, the parties who complained of a breach of duty when papers were read without any message from his Majesty, objected at the time to those who attempted to read such papers. Mr Canning particularly alluded to the articles which charged him with stating transactions at Foreign Courts, and wished to know whether it was the intention of the Hon. Member to criminate him, on the ground of having made any improper disclosures. The dispatches to Lord Howick were not withheld on the 3d and 8th of February, as the Hon. Member had described. Under all the circumstances of the motion, he could not avoid saying, that whatever objections might be made to his conduct, in a constitutional sense, or on any other ground, the resolutions moved by the Hon. Gentleman could answer no possible good, as they merely expressed personal enmity. Mr Canning then made a profound obeisance to the chair, and to both sides of the House, and retired amidst loud and continued cheering. The motion was negatived by a majority of 163 to 67.

Historical Affairs.


THE HE intelligence from this quarter continues to be of the highest im portance. But before giving any detals of the successes of the Spanish Patriots, we shall (according to the order adopted in our last Magazine) proceed with the continuation of the transactions of the traiterous Junta at Bayonne, or rather of Bonaparte himself, by whose orders, it evidently appears, all their measures were previously planned and published. A paper, entitled the Bay oane Gazette, was established in that cay, on the arrival of Bonaparte, for the sole purpose of giving publicity to the foul proceedings which he had influenced the Spanish Nobles to adopt in regard to his concerted revolution of their monarchy. For we understand that after his departure from Bayonne on the 16th of July, the paper was discontinued. It is from this publication we now give

Further Proceedings of the Junta at Bayonne. On the 27th June, the Junta at Bayonne held their 12th meeting. It was the day appointed for the acceptance of the new celtitution. In the chamber where they xat were erected a magnificent throne and arichly decorated altar, the service of which was performed by the Archbishop of Burgos His Majesty, being seated on the throne, delivered the following speech

Gentlemen Deputies-I was desirous of presenting myself in the midst of you, previous to your separation from each o ther. Assembled in consequence of one of the extraordinary events to which all nations in their turn, and at particular conjunctures, are subject, and in pursuance of the dispositions of the Emperor Napoleon, ear illustrious brother,-your feelings have been those of his age.

The result of these sentiments will be consolidated in the constitutional act, which will be forthwith read to you. It will preerve Spain from many tedious broils which were easily to be foreseen, from the disquietude wherewith the nation has been so Long agitated.

The turbulence which still prevails in some of the provinces will cease, as soon as Angust 1808.

the Spaniards shall have been apprised that
their religion, the integrity and indepen-
dence of their country, and their dearest
rights are secured; as soon as they shall
discover the germs of their prosperity in
the new institutions-a blessing which the
neighbouring nations have not obtained,
but at the expence of bloodshed and cala-
mities of various kinds.

"Were the Spaniards assembled here in
one body, all of them, as having the same
interests, would be animated with the same

sentiments. Then should we not have to bewail the misfortunes of those, who, misled by foreign intrigues, must be subdued by the force of arms.

"The enemies of the Continent, by the disturbances which they have excited in our country, expect to become masters of our colonies. Every honest Spaniard must open his eyes, and all must crowd round the throne.

"We carry along with us the act which ascertains the rights and reciprocal duties of the King and his people. If you are disposed to make the same sacrifices witla us, then shall Spain be speedily tranquil and happy at home, and just and powerful abroad. To this we solemnly pledge ourselves in the presence of God, who reads the hearts of men, and rules them according to his good pleasure, and who never forsakes those who love their country, and fear nothing but their own consciences."

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The act of constitution was then read over in a loud voice and the members of the Junta, on the question being put, unanimously declared their acceptance of it.

The President delivered a short address in answer to the King's speech, after which the several Members took the following oath" I swear obedience and fidelity to the King, the Constitution, and the Laws."

The Junta then attended his Majesty's levee to pay him their respects upon this occasion. His Majesty gave them the most gracious reception, and conversed with them more than an hour.

The following proclamation has been published at Bayonne :

"The illustrious Emperor of the French and King of Italy, our dearest and most well-beloved brother, has transferred to us all his right to the Crown of Spain, conveyed to him by the conventions entered into with King Charles IV. and the Princes of his House, by treatics of the 5th and 10th of

May. Doubtless Providence has given its sanction to our intentions, as it has opened to us so wide a career; it will also furnish us the necessary strength to establish the happiness of a noble people, whom it has committed to our care. It alone can read our soul, and we shall then be fortunate when we, in answer to so many hopes, shall be able to give a proof of having ac, complished the glorious task which has been imposed upon us. The maintenance of the holy religion of our forefathers, in the happy state in which we find it, and of the integrity and independence of the monarchy, shall be our first duties. Assisted by the good spirit of the clergy, the nobles, and the people, we hope again to restore the time when the whole world was full of the glory of the Spanish name; and we also hope to establish tranquillity in the circle of every family, and to confirm the happiness of the people by a well regulated organization. The establishment of public prosperity, with as little injury as possible to private interests, shall be the spirit of our administration. May our people be made happy, then shall we glory in their prosperity. What offering can be more pleasing to us? We shall reign, not for ourselves, but for the Spaniards.

I, THE KING. "Bayonne, June 10. 1808."

His Majesty the King of Spain set out from Bayonne at six in the morning of the 9th July, on his journey to Madrid. His Majesty the Emperor accompanied him for the first post. On the separation of the two Sovereigns, the King took into his carriage M. D'Azanza, Minister of the Indies, and the Duke del Parque, Captain of the Life Guards. His Majesty entered Spain by Irun, and was expected to reach St Sebastian's at two o'clock on the same day, the 9th, where he was to remain until the following day. His Majesty has near a hundred carriages in his suite. The members of the Junta set off in three divisions; the first on the 8th, the second on the 9th, and the third on the 10th; each of which will alternately accompany his Majesty on his journey.

If we were to accredit the French accounts of his reception, from the moment of passing the frontiers to his arrival on the 12th of July at Vittoria, it might be said that few sovereigns ever found a more cordial welcome among affectionate and devoted subjects than himself, From Vittoria, which is about twelve leagues from Bilboa, and one hundred miles from Bayonne, he proceeded to Burgos, in Old Castile, where

he arrived on the 14th. He was greeted with the most enthusiastic acclamations, and every possible proof of loyalty, during the whole of his journey. Illuminations, fire works, the congratulations of the civil and spiritual authorities, and the fervent effusions of a happy and contented people, were all united to grace his triumphant career. In a proclamation issued at Vittoria by the new Monarch, who derives his right to govern from Providence, he does not conceal his feelings at the unexpected and vigorous confederacy formed by the Patriots. He is evidently affected by ed, and by the obstacles which he has to the dangers with which he is threatensurmount. He must have been acquainted with the capture of the French fleet at Cadiz, and with the victories of the Patriots in Arragon and Valencia; but upon these points both the Moniteur and his Catholic Majesty are equally silent.

The following is the proclamation above alluded to. "Don Joseph Napoleon, by the grace of God, and the Constitution of the State, King of Spain and the Indies :

❝Spaniards-On entering the territory of a people, the government of whom Providence has confided to me, I feel it my duty to explain the sentiments which I entertain.

"On ascending the throne, I rely upon finding among you some generous souls, who will second my efforts to restore this people to the possession of their ancient splendour. The constitution, to the observance of which you are about to pledge yourselves by your oaths, secures the exercise of your holy religion, and of civil and political freedom. It establishes a national representation, and restores your ancient Cortes in an ameliorated form. It appoints a Senate, forming the guarantee of individual liberty, and the support of the throne in critical circumstances, and constituting also an honourable asylum and reward to those who shall have performed signal services to the state.

"The courts of justice, the interpreters of the laws, divested of passion and favour, shall, in pronouncing judgment, be impartial, free, and independent.

"Merit and virtue shall be the only claims to the holding of public offices.


"Unless I am disappointed in my wishes, your agriculture and commerce shall flourish, free from those restraints which have hitherto retarded their prosperity.

Desirous of ruling according to the laws, I will be the first to give an example of the honour which should be paid to them.

"I enter among you with the greatest confide.ce, surrounded by those meritorious individuals, who have concealed from me nothing which they have thought necessary for your inte


"Blind passion, false rumours, the intrigues of the common enemy of the Comment, anxious only to separate the Indies from Spain, have plunged some of you into the most dreadful state of anarchy. My heart bleeds at the view of it; but this evil, however considerable it may be, may instantaneously


Spaniards only unite around my throne. Conduct yourselves so as that internal disturbances shall not deprive me of that time which I wish to employ in labouring for your happiness, nor deprive me of the means of accomplishing that object. I esteem you enough to persuade myself, that you will make every exertion to obtain and merit that happiness, which is the dearest object of my wishes. I, THE KING. "Vittoria, 12th July 1808.

"By order of his Majesty, the Minister Secretary of State. "MALIANO LUIS DE URQUIJO." On the 20th of July King Joseph ar rived at Madrid, where he was received (according to the French accounts pub. lished in the Madrid Gazette) with the same acclamations and rejoicings which be met with at Vittoria ;—but the following very different account of his reception is given in private letters from that city.

Madrid, July 23. "On the 13th of this month, at 12 'clock, was announced by the discharge of artillery, which was not at all attended to, and by the ringing of bells, which were scarcely heard for an instant, the approach of Joseph I. King of Spain. The bell-ringers were threatened with most severe chastisement; but they would not perform the duty required. During this interval, patroles

of French, attended by cannon and ammunition, paraded the streets of the city to prevent disorder, by inspiring terror. On the oth the new Monarch made his triumphal entry, with his officers and troops; a day for us the most imlancholy and distressing. Orders had been given that banners should be displayed from the windows; but this command was not merely disregarded, but all the doors, windows, and balconies, were closed; no one quitted his house, except in the neighbourhood of Puerto del Sol, where some few came out to see what was passing. At the time the King approached any street where a few people might be collected, orders were given to be uncovered; but instead of obedience, the Spaniards turned their backs, and left the place. Not one native complimented the stranger with huzzas; some small number before the royal carriage, hired for the purpose among the adherents of France, grumbled rather than applauded. Some few French courtiers followed, rather to gain admittance to the Sovereign, than to congratulate him on his reception.

"We are surprised and disgusted on seeing the acclamations and rejoicings with which Joseph was welcomed, according to the false statements of the Madrid Gazettes. According to these, the streets were brilliantly illuminated, and filled with Grandees and company of high rank and distinction; no such exhibitions were admitted, and no persons of title and honour were present, for scarcely an individual of family remained in the city to witness the cere mony.

"To-day it has been directed that the Counsellors of State attend to swear allegiance to Joseph and his new-fangled constitution. This ceremony is to be forced upon them. I am also informed that the same command has been given to the Secretaries, to comply with which they were very reluctant; but nothing would satisfy the Government; they were constrained to assent, and in the same spirit every submission will be exacted. I need not say in what degree such compliance is obligatory upon them.

"Orders have also been given for the display of banners, illuminations, free theatrical performances, and bull

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