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"By virtue of a mandate of his Imperial and Royal Highness the Grand Duke of Berg, dated the 22d of May, the existing Commission of Consolidation of the Royal Vales is abolished. The commission is in future to be com posed of the President of Government, of the Supreme Council of Castile, two Ministers of the same Council, a Minister of the Council of the Indies, and of the Council of the Factory, and a Se. cretary. The functions entrusted to this commission are to secularise and sell, as far as is requisite, the church lands, and to dispatch all other pressing business."

The Bayonne Gazette gives the following account of the introduction of the Spanish Deputation to their new


"On the 2d of June, his Majesty received at his levee the Deputation of the Grandees of Spain, and had a very long conference with them. Among the Members who constitute this deputation, are mentioned Prince Castel Franco, the Duke del Parque, the Duke of Ossuna, the Marquis of Santa Cruce,and the Count of Santa Colonna. On the 3d, his excellency Don d'Azanza, Minister of Fi. nance, presented to his Majesty the Deputation of the Council of the Indies and of the Council of Finance. His Majesty conversed two hours with the Members of this deputation, concerning the changes and improvements which the welfare of Spain requires, in the o pinion of all intelligent persons. The Deputies of the Extraordinary Junta are daily arriving."

On the 16th of June, the day after the Assembly of the Notables was held, the following extraordinary Proclamation was published at Bayonne, in name of the Supreme Junta of the Govern. ment, (as it is termed,)-a composition the most insulting to the Spanish nation, and evidently the manufacture of one of Napoleon's secretaries :


By the Superior Junta of the Government. SPANIARDS!-The Superior Junta of the Government, consisting of the first Magistrates of the nation, this day assembled, address you in order to remove the errors which the evil disposed and the ignorant endeavour to make you believe and cherish. Wretched er

rors, which might produce incalculable evils, if the supreme authority did not hasten to destroy them in the birth.The Junta are confident, that those who, at all times, and on all occasions, have listened with respect to the voice of their Magistrates, will not less incline their ear, and display submission, when the question is for them, either to se cure their prosperity for ever, by uniting themselves with the first authorities of the State, or to labour for the destruction of their native land, by lending themselves to those commotions, into which the eternal enemies of the glory and prosperity of Spain seek to throw them.

At a moment when, in Spain, a country so highly favoured by nature, but impoverished, exhausted, and disgraced in the eyes of all Europe, by the defects and misrule of its Government, the period of its complete annihilation was approaching; when the very efforts which had been made for the renewal of its debilitated powers had only served to aggravate its disasters, and to plunge it in new misfortunes; when, in short, no longer any hope remained, Providence had presented us with the means, not only of averting the destruction of our country, but even of raising it to a degree of prosperity and splendour which it never reached, even in the most illustrious periods of its history. By one of those political revolutions which a maze those only who are inattentive to the progress of events, the House of Bourbon saw itself driven from those thrones which it possessed in Europe, except that of Spain, the only one which it still retained. After having reduced the nation to the last stage of weakness and decay, deprived of that support which they have hitherto derived from the other branches of their family, those relations could not be maintained which had before united them with France it became impossible for the Bourbon to maintain themselves on a throne, from which all the intervening changes of the political system obliged them to des cend. The mightiest Prince in Europ has received the abdication of the Bour bons, not to incorporate your territory with his own kingdom, which is alrea dy so extensive, but to establish th Spanish Monarchy on a new basis, thu employing his irresistible power for th


purpose of operating those wholesome reforms which we have long wished for. It it with this view that he has summoned the Deputies of the cities, of the provinces, and of the State Councils, into his illustrious presence, in order to consult them with regard to those fundamental laws which must form the se Gurity of sovereign authority, and of the fidelity of the subjects. He will place the Crown of Spain on the head of a noble-minded Prince, who will know how to attach to himself all hearts by the worth of his character: He will exert means which no other man has in his power, and soon place Spain in that rank from which she has fallen, by the weakness alone of those Princes who have hitherto governed her. When the morning of our prosperity dawns, is it possible to conceive that men, incapabe of the high destiny prepared for them, who lay claim to the honourable tie of true Spaniards, and upright ends of their country, should seek to deceive you, and give us up to all the horrors of civil war, at the very moment when the hero, who is the author of our present blessings, and must be the wonder of posterity, was fully employed in the developement of those plans which he had formed for the prosperity of Spain. Certainly the Junta of the Government wish to remove this error on the part of the Spaniards, so praiseworthy for their patriotism; and, In the mean time, they at present see with pain, that some persons, led away by an inconsiderate zeal, and by the anxieties of a mistaken loyalty; that others, misled with respect to the true situation of their country, and above al, by the secret agents of a hostile nation, actuated by envy of the prosperity of the Continent, have been able to lead into a spirit of error a part of the good inhabitants of some of the provinces, and to sow the seeds of disunion and insurrection. Brave Spaniards! you permit yourselves to be deceived by their deceitful pretences? Understand you not, that those who in ach critical circumstances become the apostles of insurrections, and counsel you to disobey your superiors, are the true enemies of your country? What do these exciters of uproars and dissenso aim at? Is it the restoration of your old Monarchs ? These are out of


Spain; what can they expect from your impotent efforts?Is it to defend the laws on which you make your future prosperity to depend? Who then thinks of annulling them? On the contrary, is it not in contemplation to restore to the nation its ancient freedom and original constitution, a blessing which it has only been permitted us within these few days to think of? Mistaken inhabitants of the provinces, what are you doing? Will you bring down upon your heads all. the horrors of war, see your fields laid waste, your cities burnt, your inhabitants destroyed? Think you that a tumultuous levy of brave inhabitants, without military skill, without chiefs, without money, without magazines, without provisions, will be able to withstand experienced armies, and soldiers grown old in the habits of victory?— The Junta still flatters itself that you will reflect on the fatal consequences which your first steps must infallibly produce, if unfortunately a foolish ob stinacy prevent your quickly returning to the path of submission and patrio tism, which a moment of terror has per mitted you to desert. And to convince you that this only object is the better to instruct you, that the Prince who adores them, that the Emperor of the French, who holds our destinies in his hands, has no other view than to promote your prosperity, the Junta will make known to you the intentions of the new Sovereign who comes to rule you. Hear and judge:-The Cortes, these ancient sureties of your freedom, will be re-established, more powerful and better constituted than they had ever been; they shall be assembled at least every three years, and as often as the wants of the nation shall make their assembling necessary. The yearly expenditure of the Royal Establishment shall be limited; the sum taken out of the Royal Treasury for that purpose shall never be encreased; it shall only be half of what has hitherto been appropriated to the same purpose. The Roman Catholic religion shall be exclusively that of Spain; no other worship shall be permitted. Finally, the Junta of Government have strong reasons to hope, that the personal contributions, levied during the present war, will be considerably diminished, in consequence of the improvements which the


new Government intends to make in the mode of its collection; and while the warlike and political situation of Europe will require the greatest exer. tion for encreasing our marine, the diminution of our land forces may be hoped for. Add to this, that useful reforms will be gradually made in all the departments, public credit shall be restored, the debt shall be fixed, and paid off in a few years.

The administration of justice shall be made certain by invariable rules. The sovereign authority shall not be permitted to influence its course. Agriculture will be encouraged, commerce animated, and population increased. The army and navy will resume their ancient lustre; all the means calculated to secure general prosperity will be put in motion. Judge then, whether it is your interest to draw your swords, in order that your own happiness and that of your posterity may be prevented, and whether those who light up the fire of discord among you are true Spaniards, and friends of their country. You know, Spaniards, the destiny which awaits you, if you preserve among your selves tranquillity and order. If you heartily unite with your Government, every thing tends to your benefit, and approximates the moment when your happiness shall commence; but if you forget this wholesome advice of the Junta, you may justly dread the wrath of a Monarch, who will punish a blind and obstinate criminality with as much severity as he would nobly forgive the error of a moment. Are you ignorant that numerous French armies are already in Spain? Do you not know that still more numerous armies are now crossing the frontiers? The provinces which do not immediately return to their duty will be occupied by French troops, and treated with all the severity of martial law. The Lieut.-General has already given orders for several divi sions to advance and punish the rebellious; but the Junta of the Government, wishing to save several provinces, in which disturbances have commenced, from the danger which threatens them, have, on the application, and in the name of these provinces, acknowledged their error, and promised to return to order, his Imperial Highness has graciously accepted their request. He has

suspended the punishment of the guilty but that punishment will be terrible, if the traitorous suggestions of the evildisposed should have more power over the minds of the Spaniards, than the paternal voice of their magistrates, their clergy, and all their authorities, civil and military.

We come now to the arrival at Bayonne of that illustrious person who (according to Bonaparte's phrase) resembles him, and who is to receive the Crown of Spain. This is no less than his brother Joseph, King of Napies. He set out from Naples on the 6th of May, at six o'clock in the morning, but the object of his journey was kept a secret ;--he only gave out that he was going to Milan for the sake of his Queen's health, the air of Naples being too hot. Joseph arrived at Bayonne on the 8th of June, and the following account is given of his reception by the Grandees of Spain:

His Majesty King Joseph Napoleon arrived on the 7th June at nine o'clock at Pau. As soon as the Emperor was informed of it, he repaired from the Castle of Marrac to meet his Serene Brother. His Majesty met the King two miles from Bayonne, and brought him in his carriage to Marrac, where he passed the evening. Her Majesty the Empress, attended by her ladies in waiting, met the King on the steps of the palace. Immediately afterwards, the Deputation of the Grandees of Spain, with the Duke del Infantado at their head, had the honour of being presented to King Joseph Napoleon, by his excellency M. Azanza, Minister of Finance for the kingdom of Spain. The President of the deputation made the following speech to the King:


"We feel the most lively joy in presenting ourselves before your Majesty. The presence of your Majesty is necessary to the re-establishment of our country.-The Grandees of Spain have at all times distinguished themselves bỷ their fidelity towards their sovereigns. Your Majesty shall meet with the same integrity and the same fidelity towards your person. May your Majesty be pleased to accept our homage with the same benignity of which you have given so many testimonies to your subjects of the kingdom of Naples."


To this his Majesty answered :— "That he should devote himself altogether to the government of Spain; that all his endeavours should be employed to bring order into the finances, and re-organise the naval and military force; that Spain might rely upon the preservation of her rights; that he would rule only by virtue of the laws; and finally, the Grandees of Spain might be assured of his especial protection."

Messieurs Urquijo and Zevallos were then admitted to an audience of his Majesty, who conferred with them a considerable time concerning the affairs of the kingdom.

The Deputation of the Council of Castile was afterwards introduced, and made the following speech:

"SIRE the Council of Castile, the first of the Supreme Courts of Justice of the Spanish nation, having at their head Don Manuel de Lardizabal, Don Joseph Colon, the eldest of the deputation, has the honour to offer its homage to your Majesty, and to testify its especial joy at the happy and wished for accession to the throne of Spain of the Serene Brother of the Great Napoleon, whose fame has eclipsed the glory of anquity. Your Majesty has merited his chaice, and your Serene Person unites the sublime qualities which support and strengthen thrones.

"Your Majesty constitutes a part of the family destined by providence to govern. The fame of your deeds has stretched itself over the Pyrennees, and spread over all Spain.

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Noble Spaniards indulge in hope. The Catholic worship shall not suffer the least wrong. It shall retain all its purity, and be the sole religion in the country. The laws, the lawful cus: toms, the Courts of Justice, the Clergy, the national Colleges shall be maintain rd, and ameliorated for the benefit of the church and state. The various orters of the kingdom, the necessary supparts of every true monarchy, shall continue in the enjoyment of their prerogatives. The poor shall be relieved. The integrity of Spain and the property of every one shall be inviolably respected, "These are the services which we expect from the known beneficence of Your Majesty. Such are the wishes *ich the Council of Castile, under the present circumstances, forms. Heaven

grant that these wishes may be fulfilled, and that your Majesty may be the happiest monarch in the whole world!"

His Majesty discoursed a considerable time with the Deputation, concerning the various establishments of the kingdom. He remarked a great resemblance between the laws of Spain and those of the kingdom of Naples.

The deputations of the Council of the Inquisition, of the Indies, and Finances, were presented to the King of Spain.

His Majesty said to the Deputies of the Inquisition, that "he considered the worship of God as the basis of all morality, and of general prosperity; that other countries allowed of different forms of religion, but that he considered it as the felicity of Spain that she had but one, and that the true one."

His Majesty answered the Council of the Indies, that "he should not consider America as a colony, but as an integral part of Spain, and that its welfare would be as dear to him as that of his European states.'

His Majesty answered the Council of Finances, that "he well knew he had much to effect in this branch; that the pay of the soldiers and sailors was several months in arrears, but that he hoped, with the help of his faithful Spa niards, that he should be able to provide a remedy for all these evils."

The Deputation of the Military Force of Spain, with the Duke del Parque at its head, then addressed the King, who answered, that he had confidence in the fidelity and attachment of the Spanish soldiery." I consider it (he added) an honour to be the first soldier of the army, and were it necessary, as in ancient times, in your conflicts with the Moors, you should see me at your head, in every danger, advance to repel the unjust attacks of the eternal enemies of the Continent. You may assure all who have served the state under my predecessors, that they shall enjoy their pay, pensions, titles, and emoluments; and that I pledge my honour to reward ancient services, as if they had been performed under my govern. ment."

After this audience, his Majesty, at ten in the evening, repaired to his apartments, and supped with their Majesties the Emperor and Empress.


ADDRESS FROM THE CITY OF MADRID. To his Imperial and Royal Highness

the Serene Grand Admiral of the French Empire, Grand Duke of Berg and Cleves, Lieutenant-General of the Kingdom of Spain.


The city of Madrid has been informed that its illustrious Sovereigns have resigned the Crown of Spain into the hands of the great Emperor, and that the Supreme Junta of the Government, as well as the Council of Castile, have notified to his Imperial and Royal Majesty their wishes for the well-being of this Monarchy; since they think it certain that his Imperial and Royal Ma. jesty intends to place the said crown upon the head of his illustrious brother, Joseph Napoleon King of Naples.

The city, Monseigneur, distinguished for its love of and obedience to its Sovereign, and desirous of the happiness of the people whom it contains, cannot omit joining its homage to that of the Supreme Junta of Government, and of the Council, and to request your Highness will have the goodness to notify the same to his Imperial and Royal Majesty, if your Highness thinks proper. The city avails itself of this opportunity to assure your Highness of its res. pect and submission.

Madrid, May 15. 1808.

(Here follow the signatures.)

Napoleon, by the Grace of God, Emperor of the French, King of Italy, Protector of the Confederacy of the Rhine, to all men to whom these presents shall come, sends greeting :The Junta of the State, the Council of Castile, the city of Madrid, &c. &c. having notified to us, by their addresses, that the well-being of Spain requires a speedy stop to be put to the provisional Government; we have resolved to proclaim, and we do by these presents proclaim, our well-beloved brother Jo. seph Napoleon, the present King of Naples and Sicily, to be King of Spain and India.

We guarantee to the King of Spain the independence and integrity of his states in Europe, as well as in Africa, Asia, and America, charging the Lieu. tenant-General of the kingdom, the Mi

nisters, and the Council of Castile, to and publicly announced, according to cause this proclamation to be expedited, the usual custom, that none may plead ignorance hereof.

Given at our Imperial Palace at Bay-
onne, the 16th of June 1808.
(Signed) NAPOLEON.

H. B. MARET, Minister of State.

We shall close this account of the transactions at Bayonne with the following statement respecting the affairs of Portugal :

The favourable reception which his Majesty the Emperor and King has given to the Portuguese Deputies at Bayonne has, according to letters from Por tugal of the 21st of May, revived the hopes of the Portuguese of a happier futurity. This is known by the following extract from a letter made public by the Duke of Abrantes, (Gen. Junot,) Governor-General of Portugal, and written at Bayonne, on the 27th of April, by the Portuguese Deputies, to his Majesty the Emperor and King.


"The confidence with which you honoured us in sending us to the Great Monarch, to be the interpreters of your wishes and sentiments, was granted, that we might submit our dearest interests in the fate of our country, to the decision of the mighty genius who is to renovate Europe. On our arrival at the frontiers of France, we were witnesses of the continual rejoicings of the subjects of the Great Napoleon. This expression of universal joy in France afforded us a presentiment of our felicity.

"His Imperial and Royal Majesty devoted the first day of his residence at Bayonne to the reception of his subjects. He was pleased to grant us the second day. He entered into the minutest details respecting all our desires and concerns. Nothing can equal the extent of his genius, the sublimity of his mind, and the generosity of his principles. At the same time that his Majesty condescended to discourse with us, with paternal affability, on the present state of affairs, he made the most important observations upon every thing that could insure our prosperity, and spoke to us with a noble indifference concerning the rights which events have given him over the country. The Emperor observed,


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