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ocean, within range of the gunnery now in use, what, with the continued improvements, will not be done? Five or six miles for projectiles will not secure any fort, while armored ships will in defiance make an attack, and will be secure from danger by the power of steam. Mr. Speaker, I have said that the greatest requisites for the location of a navy-yard for the construction of iron-clads are to be found more fully at League Island than at New Loudon. I will go on further in my endeavor to prove this from the report of the commission.


Mr. JENCKES. I desire to interrupt the gentleman from Pennsylvania, and say to him that the final vote on the passage of the bankrupt bill was postponed from last session until to-day. I ask the consent of the gentleman from Pennsylvania, and of the House, to take up that matter, and put the bill upon its passage to-day.

There being no objection, the bill (H. R. No. 424) to establish a uniform system of bankruptcy throughout the United States was taken up for action.

Mr. JENCKES. By reason of the postponement, it becomes necessary to make an alteration in the last section of the bill in reference to the time when it shall take effect. I move to amend by striking out the words "1st of September, 1864," and inserting "1st of June, 1865."

The amendment was agreed to.

Mr. CRAVENS. L'ask the gentleman from Rhode Island to let this bill be postponed till this

day week.

Mr. JENCKES. I decline to yield the floor, and I move the previous question.

The previous question was seconded, and the main question ordered, which was on the passage of the bill.

Mr. CRAVENS demanded the yeas and nays on the passage of the bill.

The yeas and ways were ordered.

The question was taken, and it was decided in the affirmative-yeus 76, nays 56, not voting 50;

as follows:

YEAS-Messrs. Alley, Allison, Ames, Arnold, Ashley, Augustus C. Baldwin, John D. Baldwin, Baxter, Beaman, Blow, Boutwell, Brandegee, Brooks, James S. Brown, Chanler, Ambrose W. Clark, Cole, Cresweli, Henry Winter Davis, Thomas T. Davis, Dawes, Deming, Dixon, Driggs, Eliot, English, Farnsworth, Frank, Ganson, Gooch, Grinnell. Griswold, Herrick, Hooper, Asahel W. Hubbard, John II. Hubbard, Hulburd, Jenckes, Kasson, Kelley, Francis W. Kellogg, Orlando Kellogg, Kernan, King, Knox, Littlejohn, Longyear, Marvin, McBride, McIndoe, Samuel F. Miller, Daniel Morris, Norton, Odell, Pike, Pomeroy, Pruyn, Radford, Alexander II. Rice, John II. Rice, James S. Rol lins, Scofield, Scott, Shannon, Spalding, Sweat, Thayer, Townsend, Upson, Van Valkenburgh, Ward, William B. Washburn, Webster, Williams, Windom, and Benjamin


NAYS-Messrs. James C. Allen, William J. Allen, Baily, Blaine, Blair, Bliss, Boyd, Cobb, Cox, Cravens, Dawson, Denison, Eckiey, Eden, Edgerton, Eldridge, Finek, Garfield, Grider, Harding, Harrington, Holman, Ingersoll, Lazear, Le Blond, Loan, Long, Mallory, Marey, McClurg, McDowell, McKinney, Morrill, James R. Morris, Morrison, Leonard Myers, Noble, Charles O'Neill, John O'Neill, Orth, Pendleton, Perbam, Price, Samuel J. Randall, William H. Randall, Rogers, Edward II. Rollins, Ross, Schenck, Smithers, Wil liam G. Steele, Stevens, Tracy, Wadsworth, Whaley, and


NOT VOTING-Messrs. Ancona, Anderson, Broomall, William G. Brown, Freeman Clarke, Clay, Coffroth, Donnelly, Dumont, Fenton, Hate, Hall, Benjamin G. Harris, Charles M. Ilarris, Higby, Hotchkiss, Hutchins, Philip Johnsou, William Johnson, Julian, Knibfleisch, Knapp, Law, McAllister, Middleton, William H. Miller, Moorhead, Amos Myers, Nelson, Patterson, Perry, Robinson, Sloan, Smith, Starr, Jolin B. Steele, Stiles, Strouse, Stuart, Thomas, Voorhees, Elihu B. Washburne, Wheeler, Chilton A. White, Joseph W. White, Wilder, Winfield, Fernando Wood, Woodbridge, and Yeaman-50.

So the bill was passed. During the roll-call,

Mr.WILLIAMS stated that his colleague, Mr. MOORHEAD, was detained at home in consequence of sickness in his family.

Mr. ORTH stated that his colleague, Mr. JULIAN, was confined to his room by sickness. The vote was announced as above recorded. Mr.JENCKES moved to reconsider the vote by which the bill was passed, and also moved to lay the motion to reconsider on the table.

The latter motion was agreed to.

Mr. O'NEILL, of Pennsylvania, resumed the floor on the question of the naval depot for ironclads, but yielded to

Mr. J. C. ALLEN, who moved that the House do now adjourn.

Mr. GRINNELL. I ask the gentleman to yield to me for a moment. Mr. J. C. ALLEN. Certainly.


Mr. GRINNELL. I ask unanimous consent to introduce a bill to amend section five, chapter one hundred and seventy-three, of the laws of the Thirty-Eighth Congress, to increase the tax on whisky to be manufactured.

Mr. HOLMAN. Let the bill be read.

The bill was read. It enacts that the act referred to shall be so amended as that there shall be levied, collected, and paid, on all spirits that may be distilled and sold, or distilled and removed for consumption or sale, of first proof, on and after July 1, 1864, and prior to December 15, 1864. a duty of $1 50 on each and every gallon, and on and after December 15, 1864, a duty of two dollars on each and every gallon.

Mr. HOLMAN. I object.


Mr. KELLOGG, of Michigan, by unanimous consent, introduced a bill to provide for the establishment of a navy-yard and naval depot at Grand Haven, in the State of Michigan; which was read a first and second time, and referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs.

IMPROVEMENT IN THE HARBOR OF ERIE. Mr. SCOFIELD, by unanimous consent, introduced a bill making an appropriation for continuing the improvements in the harbor of Erie, in the State of Pennsylvania; which was read first and second time, and referred to the Committee on Commerce.




I ask unanimous consent

to offer the following resolution:

Whereas under the exhaustive plea of military necessity a new and burdensome system of taxation has been imposed upon the laboring classes and consumers throughout the country: Therefore,

Resolved, That the Committee of Ways and Means be, and are hereby, requested to take prompt and efficient means to lessen the sufferings of the industrial classes by reducing the tax on mineral coal, now become one of the prime necessities of life, and to report by bill or otherwise. Objection was made.

BOUNTY LANDS TO SOLDIERS, ETC. Mr. SPALDING, by unanimous consent, introduced a bill granting a quarter section of land to every soldier, sailor, and marine, whether citizen or alien, who shall have served one year in the Army or Navy of the United States during the war of rebellion; which was read a first and second time, and referred to the Committee on Public Lands.


Mr. DAVIS, of New York, by unanimous consent, introduced a bill relative to the construction and maintenance of a bridge across the Hudson river, at Albany, in the State of New York, and the establishment of the same as a post route; which was read a first and second time, and referred to the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads.


Mr.BLOW, by unanimous consent, introduced a bill making a grant of public lands to aid in the construction of the St. Louis and Iron Mountain railroad; which was read a first and second time, and referred to the Committee on Public Lands.


Mr. HOLMAN. I ask unanimous consent to offer the following resolution:

Resolved, That it would be just and expedient to set apart a portion of the public lands for the benefit of such soldiers of the United States as have been or shall be permanently disabled during the present war, and whose circumstances may require the generous aid of their country; and that the committee on Public Lands be instructed to report a bill granting to the several States portions of the public lands, the proceeds of which shall be applied to the exclusive benefit of such soldiers, either in founding homes for them in their respective States, or otherwise, as the several State Legislatures may determine; and that the said committee also inquire into the expediency of permitting the several States to apply the proceeds of the publie lands granted to them by the act of Congress approved

July 2, 1837, to the same purpose, or to the support and education of the orphan children of such soldiers as have died or shall die in the service of the United States during the present war, and to report by bill or otherwise.

Mr. FARNSWORTH. That resolution instructs the committee absolutely to report such a bill. I would suggest to the gentleman to so modify it as to direct the committee to inquire into the expediency of so doing.

Mr. HOLMAN. As to the diversion of the lands which have been appropriated for the purposes of agricultural colleges in the several States, that is to be merely a matter of inquiry. But as to the grant of lands for homes to disabled soldiers in the several States, I have made it impera-, tive, and I would prefer to have it go to the committee in that form.

Mr. FARNSWORTH. It is the usual practice of the House, I believe, especially at such a time as this, when we have no time for full consideration, not to instruct a committee absolutely to report a bill. I refer to this as a mere matter of courtesy to the committee.

Mr. MORRILL. As the Secretary of the Treasury has referred to the public lands as a matter of considerable importance, in relation to a sinking fund, I must object to the introduction of this resolution at the present time.

Mr. HOLMAN. Is not the gentleman from Vermont [Mr. MORRILL] too late with his objection?

The SPEAKER. He is too late. But the gentleman from Illinois (Mr. FARNSWORTH] was in time with his objection.

Mr. FARNSWORTH. I must object, unless the resolution is modified as I have suggested. Mr. HOLMAN. I will not press it at this time; I will withdraw it.


Mr. DAILY. I ask unanimous consent to offer the following resolution:

Whereas it is charged by Joseph H. Burbank, who was a bidder at the last letting of the overland California mail service, that the late Postmaster General did him gross injustice in this, that he refused or failed to offer him the contract for more than thirty days after he could have easily done so, (when there were only ninety days given to prepare for so large a contract,) and after the Postmaster General did make to said Burbank a direct and explicit offer of said contract, both by telegraph and letter, said Burbank accepted the offer immediately and unconditionally, and at a large expense commenced preparation for the service, but when he sent his agent to Washington fully empowered to formally close up the contract, the late Postmaster General told him that the contract was given to Ben. Holladay: Therefore,

Resolved, That, if not inconsistent with the public service, the Postmaster General be requested to furnish this House with a full statement of all bids and bidders, letters, and telegrams, showing to whom and how the letting of the contract for the overland California mail was made, and the evidences of which may be in the Post Office Department.

Mr. BROOKS. It is not for me to defend the Administration; but it seems to me that the phraseology of that resolution is objectionable.

Mr. BENNET. I must object to the introduction of this resolution until it is so modified as to be addressed to the President or directly to the Postmaster General.

And then, on motion of Mr. B. WOOD, (at twenty minutes past three o'clock,) the House adjourned.

TUESDAY, December 13, 1864.

Prayer by Rev. THOMAS BOWMAN, D. D., Chaplain to the Senate. The Journal of yesterday was read and approved.


Mr. SPRAGUE presented the credentials of Hon. HENRY B. ANTHONY, chosen by the Legislature of the State of Rhode Island a Senator from that State for the term of six years, commencing March 4,1865; which were read and ordered to be



Mr. SUMNER. I present the petition of Blake, Brothers & Co., bankers in Boston and New York, in which they set forth that they were the owners of certain certificates of indebtedness of the Government of the United States, amounting to the sum of $10,000; that these certificates were lost; that evidence was furnished to the Treasury Department of the loss, but that down to this day they have not received full compensation for the loss. They pray Congress to provide a remedy in their special case, and also by further legislation to protect the interests of persons in such situation. As the questions involved in this petition concern the finances and credit of the country, I move that it be referred to the Committee on Fi


The motion was agreed to

Mr. HOWARD. I beg leave to present the petition of the grand and petit jurors of the eastern judicial district of Michigan, praying for additional compensation for their travel and attendance. They complain that the compensation at present allowed by law is not adequate to pay their expenses in attending court, and that they are obliged to pay a large balance out of their own pockets. I move the reference of the petition to the Committee on the Judiciary.

The motion was agreed to.

Mr. HOWARD. I present also the memorial of N. G. Isbell, collector of the port of Detroit, praying relief against the operation of the joint resolution of April 29, 1864, increasing the rate of duties upon imported articles fifty per cent., which I ask may be referred to the Committee on Finance.

It was so ordered.


Mr. SUMNER, from the Committee on Foreign Relations, to whom was referred so much of the President's annual message as relates to our foreign relations, reported a bill (S. No. 356) to authorize the President of the United States to transfer a gunboat to the Government of the republic of Liberia; which was read and passed to a second reading.

REVENUE CUTTERS ON THE LAKES. Mr.SHERMAN. The Committee on Finance, to whom was referred the bill (S. No. 350) to authorize the purchase or construction of revenue cutters on the lakes, direct me to report it back with an amendment, and, as there are reasons for its immediate consideration, I will ask the Senate to act upon it now.

There being no objection, the Senate, as in Committee of the Whole, proceeded to consider the bill, which proposes to authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to construct or purchase not exceeding six steam revenue cutters for service on the lakes, and appropriates $1,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for that purpose.

The amendment of the Committee on Finance was to insert the words "and alter" after the word "purchase."

The amendment was agreed to.

The bill was reported to the Senate as amended, and the amendment was concurred in.

Mr. SHERMAN. I will ask for the reading of a letter from the Secretary of the Treasury on this subject.

The Secretary read the letter, as follows:

TREASURY DEPARTMENT, December 8, 1864. SIR: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your lefter of the 7th instant, requesting information as to the number of revenue entters now on the lakes, their efficiency, and the necessity for their increase.

The number of cutters heretofore maintained on the northern lakes was six. They were sailing vessels, and of such build and rig as to prevent their cruising with efficiency. In 1861 five of them were directed to be brought down the St. Lawrence to the Atlantic coast, in the hope that they might be used advantageously in the preventive service. One was leit upon the lakes, but found to be worthless, and sold. During the last wintera contract was made with parties to build an efficient steamer for revenue service on Lake Erie, which vessel is so nearly completed that her trial trip has been ordered for to day. This is the only steamer belonging to the Government applicable to revenue purposes on all the lakes.

The necessity, however, for preventing smugglingalong our northern frontier, which the Government has satisfactory evidence is carried on to a great extent, induced the Seeretary to charter two steamers for temporary service, one on Lake Erie and one on Lake Ontario. One of these vessels was lost on entering the harbor of Cleveland, and the charter of the other has expired and she has gone out of


I therefore recommend that authority be given to build or purebase five efficient steam vessels for the use of the revenue department on the northern lakes, which, in addition to the one just completed, will make the number of cutters previously employed.

It is possible that the number here recommended may not all be required. The great length of the coast to be guarded, and in some parts its close proximity to the Canadian shore, demand constant vigilance, and the proper authority should be conferred to meet all contingencies.

It possible such vessels should be completed and commissioned by the opening of navigation. 1 am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,


W. P. FESSENDEN, Secretary of the Treasury.

Mr. FOSTER. I will ask the honorable Senator, the chairman of the Committee on Finance, if these are to be armed vessels.

Mr. SHERMAN. I understand that revenue cutters are usually armed with a pivot gun. They are not vessels of war, nor are they armed like naval vessels. They are not in the descriptive words of our treaty with Great Britain. They are usually armed, as I understand, with a light pivotgun, sufficiently powerful to answer the purpose of a revenue cutter, to stop a vessel or anything of that kind; nothing more.

Mr. FOSTER. The reason of my inquiry was that by an arrangement between the Government of the United States and the British Government, if I mistake not, in April, 1817, there were stipulations in regard to the armed forces which the Governments of Great Britain and the United States should have upon the lakes. If these vessels were armed, they would be contrary to the provisions of that arrangement. I made the inquiry simply with a view of understanding the


Mr. SHERMAN. The Committee on Finance considered the arrangement referred to carefully before reporting the bill. I have it now before me. It provides:

"The naval force to be maintained upon the American lakes by his Majesty and the Government of the United States shall henceforth be confined to the following vessels on each side; that is:

"On Lake Ontario, to one vessel not exceeding one hundred tons burden, and armed with one 18 pound cannon. "On the upper lakes, to two vessels, not exceeding like burden each, and armed with like force.

"On the waters of Lake Champlain, to one vessel not exceeding like burden, and armed with like force.

"All other armed vessels on these lakes shall be forthwith dismantled, and no other vessels of war shall be there built or armed."

Under this arrangement both parties, both the United States and Great Britain, have kept revenue cutters on the lakes. We had six sailing revenue cutters there, but recently they have been inefficient, and within the last year

Mr. JOHNSON. Were they armed?

Mr. SHERMAN. They were armed, as I have mentioned, with one light pivot gun. Five of them, under the direction of the Secretary, were brought to the sea coast, and found unsuitable for the service there, and the other was sold. This bill simply substitutes steam revenue cutters for sailing revenue cutters. I presume they will be armed in the ordinary way that revenue cutters on the ocean are, with some light arm.

I will state that the necessity for immediate action is that two vessels were chartered during the last summer for service on the lakes; the charter has expired; and the Secretary of the Treasury desires to either purchase or construct vessels, so that they may be ready for service at the opening of navigation.

The bill was ordered to be engrossed for a third reading, read the third time, and passed.


Mr. WILSON asked, and by unanimous consent obtained, leave to introduce a joint resolution (S. No. 82) to encourage enlistments, and promote the efficiency of the military forces of the United States; which was read twice by its title, referred to the Committee on Military Affairs and the Militia, and ordered to be printed.


On motion of Mr. LANE, of Kansas, it was Ordered, That so much of the President's message as relates to foreign immigration be referred to the Committee on Agriculture.


Mr. FOSTER. I move that the Senate proceed to the consideration of House bill No. 465. It came to the Senate during the last session, was referred to the Committee on Pensions, and has been reported back. It was my impression that it passed during the last session. It is a very short bill, and there is a short report connected with it.

according to the provisions of the act to grant pensions, approved July 14, 1862, which pension is to commence from the 6th of November, 1862.

Mr. FOSTER. A short report accompanies the bill which states the facts. I ask for the reading of the report.

The Secretary read it. It appears from the affidavits and other papers accompanying the memorial of the petitioner that the late Captain Ezekiel Jones began recruiting a company for the one hundred and forty-sixth regiment New York volunteers in the month of August, 1862; that he labored incessantly at this duty, and by his overexertion brought on a fever, with which he was seized on the 5th of October, 1862, and of which he died on the 6th of November following; that he was not mustered into the service of the United States until the 10th of October, and, therefore, although he was technically in the service at the date of his death, and actually, though not technically, in the service when his disease was contracted, his case falls without the provisions of the pension laws. Had he been mustered in five days earlier, or had his system withstood the approach of the disease for five days longer, his widow, the petitioner, would have been entitled to a pension under existing laws.

The bill was reported to the Senate without amendment, ordered to a third reading, read the third time, and passed.


A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. MCPHERSON, its Clerk, announced that the House had passed the following bill, in which the concurrence of the Senate was requested:

A bill (H. R. No. 424) to establish a uniform system of bankruptcy throughout the United States.


The message also announced that the Speaker of the House had signed the following enrolled bill and joint resolutions, which thereupon received the signature of the President pro tempore, namely:

A bill (H. R. No. 563) in addition to the act respecting quarantine and health laws, approved February 25, 1799, and for the better execution of the third section thereof;

A joint resolution (H. R. No. 106) authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to dispose of certain moneys therein mentioned; and

A joint resolution (H. R. No. 114) authorizing the Secretary of the Navy to expend a portion of the contingent fund for enlarging the Navy Department building.


The bill (H. R. No. 424) to establish a uniform system of bankruptcy throughout the United States, was read twice by its title, and, on motion of Mr. FOSTER, referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.


Mr. CARLILE. A bill (S. No. 238) to ascertain and settle certain private land claims in the State of California, reported from the Committee on Public Lands, was, before the adjournment of the last session, made the order of the day for this day. I understand from the Senator from California, [Mr. CONNESS,] whom I have consulted, this being a California matter, that he would prefer the bill should go over and be made the special order for some subsequent day of the session; and, with the approbation of the Senate, I suggest, if it meets the views of the Senator from California, that the 10th day of next month be fixed for its consideration.

Mr. CONNESS. I am informed this morning by a citizen of that State, deeply concerned in the passage of this bill, that he comes here with important facts and papers that relate directly to it, which were not before the Senate last year, when it was considered, and have never been before the committee which reported it. For this reason, I prefer at present, if the Senator will consent, that the bill be taken up and recommitted to the Committee on Public Lands, before which committee this gentleman, and indeed both parties to the case can appear, and by which it can be reëxamined. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The first question will be on taking up the bill.

The motion was agreed to, and the Senate, as in Committee of the Whole, proceeded to consider the bill (H. R. No. 465) for the relief of Deborah Jones. It authorizes the Secretary of the Interior to place the name of Deborah Jones, the widow of the late Captain Ezekiel Jones, of the county of Oneida, New York, upon the penision roll, at the rate of twenty dollars per month, || say to the Senator, and to the Senate, that I feel SELECTIONS OF LAND IN CALIFORNIA. Mr. COLE, of California, by unanimous consent, introduced a bill to confirm to the State of California selections of land made in part satisfaction of donations by Congress; which was read a first and second time, and referred to the Com-vote-yeas 66, nays 66, not voting 50; as follows: mittee on Public Lands.

Mr. CONNESS. While I am up, I desire to upon this question that I have performed nearly my whole duty in the premises. The Legislature of the State that I in part represent here passed resolutions against the passage of the bill, and those resolutions were presented, and I caused them to be read to the Senate, and in all other respects I feel that I have executed my daty in the premises; but in view of the new facts that are to be presented, I think it is the duty of the Senate to refer the bill, and my own duty to move that it be referred again to the committee, so that it may be fully examined and reported upon again.

Mr. JOHNSON. I agree with the Senator from California. No doubt he is right in saying that there are papers before the Senate now which were not before the committee on the former occasion, and that the bill had better be referred back to the Committee on Private Land Claims or the Committee on Public Lands, that the whole matter may be again examined.

The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The question is on the motion that the Senate take up the bill. The motion was agreed to.

The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Now the Senator from Virginia moves that the bill be postponed

Mr. CARLILE. I withdraw that motion. Mr. CONNESS. I move to recommit the bill

to the Committee on Public Lands. The motion was agreed to.


On motion of Mr. TEN EYCK, the Senate proceeded to the consideration of executive business; and after some time spent therein the doors were reopened, and the Senate adjourned.

TUESDAY, December 13, 1864.

The House met at twelve o'clock, m. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. W. H. CHANNING. The Journal of yesterday was read and approved.


The SPEAKER, by unanimous consent, laid before the House a report of the State Department, transmitting returns of United States collectors relative to the relief and protection of American seamen; which was referred to the Committee on Commerce, and ordered to be printed.


The SPEAKER also laid before the House a letter from the Clerk of the House, explanatory of his reasons for failing to execute a resolution of the House adopted on the last day of the last session, relative to additional compensation of employés of the House; which was read, referred to the Committee of Ways and Means, and ordered to be printed.


Mr. WASHBURNE, of Illinois. I ask unanimous consent to record my vote on the passage of the bankrupt bill, on which the vote was taken yesterday.

Leave was granted; and Mr. WASHBURNE, of Illinois, voted in the negative.

Messrs. STILES, ANCONA, MILLER of Pennsylvania, KNAPP, Law, and A. MYERS, obtained similar leave, and voted in the negative.

Messrs. SLOAN, WILDER, and STARR, obtained similar leave, and voted in the affirmative.


Mr. ELIOT, by unanimous consent, introduced a joint resolution declaring that the State of Louisiana may resume its political relations with the Government of the United States; which was read a first and second time, and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

in the construction of certain railroads in the State of California; which was read a first and second time, and referred to the select committee on the Pacific railroad.


Mr. COLE, of California, asked unanimous consent to introduce a bill to establish a Mining Department, and moved its reference to a select committee on mining, to consist of seven members.

Mr. BROOKS. I ask for the reading of the bill. The bill was read.

Mr. BROOKS. I have no objection to the subject being taken under consideration by a special committee, if there can also be referred an inquiry as to the modes and means of obtaining a revenue from the mines, as well as the whole question of mining. If the whole subject can go to a special committee I think it should have the consideration of the House. We ought not to incur expenditures without obtaining some revenue.

Mr. WASHBURNE, of Illinois. I ask the gentleman from California to send it to the Committee on Public Lands. What is the use of a reference to a special committee when we have a standing committee on the same subject? But I am opposed to the whole scheme.

Mr. COLE, of California. There is no purpose in this bill to take charge of the mineral lands, but only to promote the development of the minerals, and a special committee should have charge of it.

Mr. WADSWORTH. I object. The SPEAKER. Then the bill is not before the House.


Mr. A. W. CLARK, by unanimous consent, submitted the following resolution; which was read, considered, and under the rules referred to the Committee on Printing:

Resolved, That fifteen hundred copies of the report of the Secretary of the Treasury, with the accompanying documents, and one hundred and fifty copies of the estimates of appropriations be printed for the use of the Treasury Department.


Mr. SLOAN, by unanimous consent, introduced a bill to provide for the establishment of a navy-yard and naval depot at Milwaukee, in the State of Wisconsin; which was read a first and second time, and referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs.

POLITICAL RELATIONS OF LOUISIANA-AGAIN. Mr. J. C. ALLEN. Mr. Speaker, I move to reconsider the vote by which a joint resolution, introduced by the gentleman from Massachusetts, [Mr. ELIOT,] declaring that the State of Louisiana may resume its political relations with the Government of the United States was referred this morning to the Committee on the Judiciary. I only ask that the motion be entered. I do it for the purpose of having the resolution referred to the committee on the rebellious States, where I think it properly belongs.

Mr. ELIOT. I would say in reply that there has been a bill on the same general subject already referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, and it is highly desirable that examination should be had by that committee of a matter of so much importance. It is one of the standing committees of this House. I move that the motion to reconsider be laid on the table.

Mr. J. C. ALLEN demanded the yeas and


The yeas and nays were not ordered, there being, on a division, only eighteen in the affirmative.

Mr. J. C. ALLEN demanded tellers on the nays and nays.

Teilers were ordered, and Messrs. J. C. ALLEN and ELIOT were appointed.

The yeas and nays were ordered, the tellers having reported thirty-three in the affirmative, more than one fifth of those present.


Mr. COLE, of California, also, by unanimous consent, introduced a bill granting lands to aid

The question was taken, and there was a tie

YEAS-Messrs. Alley, Allison, Ames, John D. Baldwin, Baxter, Blaine, Blair, Boutwell, Boyd, Ambrose W. Clark, Freeman Clarke, Cobb, Cole, Dawes, Deming, Dixon, Donnelly, Eckley, Eliot, Farnsworth, Garfield, Gooch, Grinnell, Highy, Hooper, Asahel W. Hubbard John H. Hubbard, Hulburd, Ingersoll, Jenekes, Kasson, Kelley,

Francis W. Kellogg, King, Knox, Loan, Marvin, McBride, MeClurg, Meindoe, Moorhead, Morrill, Daniel Morris, Amos Myers, Leonard Myers, Charles O'Neill, Orth, Patterson, Perham, Pike, Price, William H. Randall, Alexander 11. Rice, John H. Rice, Edward 11. Rollins, Scofield, Stanton, Spalding, Tracy, Upson, Van Valkenburgh, Elihu B. Washburne, William B. Washburn, Wheeler, Wilson, and Windom-66.

NAYS-Messrs. James C. Allen, Ancona, Ashley, Augustin C. Baldwin, Beaman, Bliss, Blow, Brooks, Broomall, James S. Brown, Chanler, Cox, Henry Winter Davis, Dawson, Denison, Eden, Edgerton, Eldridge, English, Finck, Ganson, Griswold, Harding, Harrington, Herrick, Holman, Julian, Kernan, Knapp, Law, Lazear, Le Blond, Long, Longyear, Mallory, Marey, McAllister, McDowell, Samuel F. Miller, William H. Miller, James R. Morris, Noble, Odell, John O'Neill, Pendleton, Pomeroy, Radford, Samuel J. Randall, Rogers, Ross, Schenck, Scott, Sloan, Smith, Smithers, Starr, Jolin B. Steele, William G. Steele, Stevens, Stiles, Townsend, Wadsworth, Wiltinims, Wilder, Benjamin Wood, and Yeaman-66.

NOT VOTING-Messrs. William J. Allen, Anderson, Arnold, Baily, Brandegee, William G. Brown, Clay, Coffroth, Cravens, Creswell, Thomas T. Davis. Driggs, Dumont, Fenton, Frank, Grider, Hate, Hall, Benjamin G. Harris, Charles M. Harris, Hotchkiss, Hutchins, Philip Johnson, William Johnson, Kalbfleisch, Orlando Kellogg, Littlejohn, McKinney, Middleton, Morrison, Nelson, Norton, Perry, Pruyn, Robinson, James S. Rollins, Strouse, Stuart, Sweat, Thayer, Thomas, Voorhees, Ward, Webster, Whaley, Chilton A. White, Joseph W. White, Winfield, Fernando Wood, and Woodbridge-50.

The SPEAKER recorded his vote in the negative, so that the motion to reconsider was not laid on the table.

Mr. J. C. ALLEN. I desire to state to the House my reason for moving to reconsider. It embraces a subject which, I think, properly belongs to the committee on rebellious States, as well in reference to Louisiana as any other of the rebellious States. I hope, therefore, the House will reconsider its vote of this moring.

Mr. ELIOT. In this connection I desire simply to say that, when I selected the Committee on the Judiciary as the proper committee to which this resolution should be referred, it was done for two reasons:first, because as a standing committee it seemed to be the proper one for an examination of this question; and, secondly, because a bill, looking to the same subject, had been referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

I had no reason to suppose, nor have I any reason to believe, that the resolution will receive any other treatment than the kindest at the hands of the committee on the rebellious States; nor have I any reason to believe that there are gentlemen upon that committee who would be opposed to the principles of the resolution. I am as well satisfied to have the resolution referred to the committee on the rebellious States as to the Committee on the Judiciary. It was determined in my own mind to refer it to the Committee on the Judiciary for the reasons I have stated. As I have no objection, I therefore hope the House will at once refer the matter to the committee proposed by the gentleman from Illinois.

The question recurred on reconsidering the vote by which the bill was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, and being put, it was decided in the affirmative.

The question recurring on the motion to refer the resolution to the Committee on the Judiciary, Mr. J. C. ALLEN moved that it be referred to the committee on the rebellious States.

The motion to refer to a standing committee of the House having preference, it was first put and decided in the negative.

So the House refused to refer the resolution to the Committee on the Judiciary.

The resolution was then referred to the select committee on the rebellious States.

Mr. J. C. ALLEN moved that the vote last taken be reconsidered, and also moved that the motion to reconsider be laid on the table. The latter motion was agreed to.



Mr. YEAMAN. I rise to a privileged ques1 yesterday voted distinctly in the negative on the passage of the bankrupt bill, as some of the clerks distinctly remember. My vote is not recorded, and I ask that it may be done.

No objection being made, the vote was recorded as requested.

Mr. MOORHEAD. I was detained from the House yesterday by sickness in my family. I ask consent to have my name recorded in the affirmative on the bankrupt bill.

No objection being made, the vote was recorded as requested.


Mr. CHANLER asked unanimous consent to introduce the following resolution:

Resolved, That the Committee of Ways and Means be, and is hereby, requested to take prompt and efficient means to reduce the tax on mineral coal, which bears with unduc severity on the laboring classes throughout the country, and report by bill or otherwise.

Mr. STEVENS. If the gentleman will modify his resolution so as to instruct the committee to inquire into the expediency of doing so, I will not object.

Mr. CHANLER. Certainly I will. Mr. STEVENS. If the resolution absolutely instructs the committee, I object.

The resolution being modified as requested, was received, and adopted by unanimous consent.


Mr. WILSON, by unanimous consent, introduced a bill to amend an act entitled "An act for the punishment of crime in the District of Columbia," approved March 2,1831; which was read a first and second time by its title.

The bill provides that the second section of said act shall be so amended as to provide that every person duly convicted of manslaughter, or any assault with intent to kill, shall be sentenced to imprisonment at labor for the first offense, for a period not less than two nor more than eight years; and for a second offense, not less than six nor more than fifteen years.

The bill was ordered to be engrossed and read a third time; and being engrossed, it was accordingly read the third time, and passed.

Mr. WILSON moved that the vote last taken be reconsidered, and also moved that the motion to reconsider be laid on the table.

The latter motion was agreed to.


Mr. BROWN, of Wisconsin, asked unanimous consent to introduce the following resolution:

Resolved, That there be appointed by the Speaker a select committee of seven, to whom, during this session, shall be referred all motions, resolutions, and petitions relative to a naval depot on the lakes, whose duty it shall be to select

the most suitable site on the lakes for such naval depot, and report by bill or otherwise.

Mr. SPALDING and Mr. STEVENS objected.


Mr. STEVENS asked unanimous consent to introduce a bill to extend the time allowed for the withdrawal of certain goods therein named from the public stores.

The bill was read for information.

Mr. BROWN, of Wisconsin. I object to that. The SPEAKER. Then the bill is not before the House.


Mr. POSTON, by unanimous consent, introduced a bill to provide for the settlement of private land claims in the Territory of Arizona; which was read a first and second time by its title, and referred to the Committee on Private Land Claims.


A message from the Senate, by Mr. FORNEY, its Secretary, informed the House that the Senate had passed, without amendment, bill of the House No. 465, for the relief of Deborah Jones; also, that the Senate had passed a bill (No. 350) to authorize the purchase or construction of revenue cutters on the lakes; in which he was directed to ask the concurrence of the House.

Mr. HOLMAN called for the regular order of business.


The House resumed, as the regular order of business, the consideration of the bill (H. R. No. 536) authorizing a survey at and near New London, Connecticut, and the establishment of a navy-yard for iron-clad vessels thereat, the pending question being upon the following substitute proposed by Mr. KELLEY:

Strike out all after the enacting clause, and insert: That the Secretary of the Navy be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to accept from the city of Philadelphia a title to League Island on behalf of the Government, if said title be perfect, and to establish thereat a navy-yard and depot for the construction, docking, and repair of iron, iron-clad, and other vessels.

Pennsylvania, was entitled to the floor for twentythree minutes.

Mr. O'NEILL, of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, made yesterday were on the

the few remarks I point of the indefensibility ty of the harbor of New London and the entire defensibility of the Delaware river, especially at League Island. I shall endeavor to-day to prove, almost entirely from the report of this commission, that League Island is better in every respect, as a location for a navyyard for the construction of iron-clads, than any other point which has been named for that purpose before the Committee on Naval Affairs of the House.

Mr. Speaker, let me call your attention and that of the House for a moment to the report of the Secretary of the Navy. I shall then go on and endeavor to establish my view of this case from the report of the naval commission. This House, I know, is ready to do justice to the integrity, the patriotism, and the unselfishness of the Secretary of the Navy. He, I am proud to say, stands above any local prejudices, and is influenced only by a desire to subserve the interests of the country and to promote the efficiency of the naval service, and to do whatever may lie within his power to bring us out of this war with a naval power sufficient for any purposes of any war hereafter to come upon us.

Now, Mr. Speaker, it cannot be urged that Philadelphia has any selfish view in desiring to have this naval station within her municipal limits. She made the tender to the Government of this territory of League Island after it had been suggested by the Secretary of the Navy in his earlier reports that a naval station for iron-clads was necessary. It was made not with any view of promoting the interests of private speculators; it was not made at the promptings of private interests; it was a noble and disinterested offer of that great metropolis to the Government of the United States for the purpose of having this navyyard established in the location best fitted for it. I believe the people of New London afterwards tendered a portion ortion of territory of that city or in the neighborhood of it for the same purpose. No gentleman upon this floor has protested against that. I say again that I cannot consent to the question of locality controlling the minds of members. I cannot consent that we shall bring into this House the issue of where the members of this commission came from, or where the interests of the members of the Naval Committee might lead them. I stand above all that, and I hope the House will decide this measure solely upon its merits, and not in view of the interests of any section of the country.

argued by my friend from Connecticut [Mr. BRANDEGEE] very extensively. The majority decides that the depth of water at both places-New London and League Island-is sufficient for the accommodation of any vessel of our Navy. My colleagues, [Mr. KELLEY and Mr. MOORHEAD,] in their very convincing minority report from the Committee on Naval Affairs, tell you of this abundant supply of water at League Island. The Secretary of the Navy, in his annual report which has been so much referred to, tells you also of its twenty-three feet of depth of water. What better testimony than this does the House need? We do not pretend to say here that the Delaware river is the deepest river on the continent. Nor do I pretend to assert that it can be navigated a distance of eighty or ninety miles as quickly and easily as the five or six miles that intervene between New London and the ocean.. No one makes such an allegation before the House.

But we tell you that now, when steam and iron are driving wooden and sailing vessels out of the Navy, a distance of seventy or eighty miles of navigation is of very little practical consequence. I say I will not argue that that distance can be navigated as quickly as a distance of five or six miles; but I do argue that, in view of its greater defensibility, League Island is a better location for a naval depot than New London. I have heard, and I believe, that a high officer in the engineering department of the Government-an officer at the very head of that department, if not its very head-after having looked over the majority and minority reports of the Naval Committee, and having investigated the subject, has stated to a distinguished member of Congress that New London harbor cannot be defended unless by the construction of a line of defenses extending five or six miles continuous and unbroken to the ocean. Let us, therefore, come down calmly and reasonably to the facts of the case, and not allow ourselves to be turned away from them by any side questions as to local interests.

I will now pass to another point, and will yet ask the attention of members to the report of the commission, the report of the Secretary of the Navy, and the report of my colleagues from the minority of the Naval Committee, and the report, in some respects, of the majority of that committee. They will satisfy the House, I am sure, that the Navy Department has taken the proper view of the case in endeavoring, within the last three years, to locate the naval depot for iron-clads at a place where there is no salt water. Well, Mr. Speaker, as to the freshness of the water. The majority of the commission on this subject say that the supply of fresh water at League Island is unquestionable. The report speaks of New London having an abundant supply near it a mile north; but the shores of League Island are washed by fresh water. It is at the confluence of two streams, the Delaware river and the Schuylkill river, having also at the north of it a channel two hundred feet in width.

Upon turning to a paragraph in the recent report of the Secretary of the Navy it will be seen that it is not the design of the Navy Department to recommend that any new navy-yard shall be located, much less that it is the intention of the Department to locate a new yard where none already exists. This is a question of extending a navy-yard, not of creating a new one. Congress is only asked to authorize the transfer of the Philadelphia navy-yard from its present location to League Island for the purpose of erecting there a naval station for building ironclads. It is a question of substitution and transfer, and not one of a new yard, and the gentleman from Connecticut [Mr. BRANDEGEE] is well aware of that fact. It is not remarkable that the Secretary of the Navy, who knows what the wants of the Navy are, and is constantly in consultation with those who know its requirements, should have recommended the selection of this location at League Island in the river Delaware.carried to New London also. You can have them

Almost from the date of his first report down to this time he has urged upon Congress the actual necessity of establishing such a naval depot, and has not wavered from his earliestimpressions as to the proper site for its establishment. I take it for granted that he has examined thoroughly the majority and minority reports of the naval commission; that he has not overlooked the majority and minority reports of the Committee on Naval Affairs, and that from other testimony he has year by year become more fully confirmed in his opinion that League Island is the desirable locality.

But, Mr. Speaker, on page 13 of the report of this commission a proposition in reference to

The SPEAKER stated that Mr. O'NEILL, of il depth of water is discussed. That point has been

Then look at the facilities presented by League Island in regard to the supply of materials used in the building of ships. There you have the Schuylkill region emptying its treasures of iron and coal. You have the Delaware river bringing there the timber and coal of the Lehigh valley; while from the Susquehanna you carry to it the same exhaustless resources of Pennsylvania. By railroad, canal, and river everything required in the building of iron-clad vessels can be brought to the very point where the Secretary of the Navy recommends the establishment of this depot.

To be sure you can have all these materials

carried there from New York, a distance of at least one hundred and fifty miles. The distance between New York and New London is greater, I believe, than that between Philadelphia and New York by some fifty miles. But will this House go into the business of "carrying coal to Newcastle?" Will it vote in favor of putting the country and the Navy Department to an extraordinary expense for transporting hundreds of thousands of tons of coal from its natural bed in the State of Pennsylvania to New London, some three hundred miles away? Will you favor such a proposition? Why, in that one item alone, the expense involved, at the present rate of charges for transportation, would be enormous.

So, Mr. Speaker, in regard to iron; you may take it from any part of Pennsylvania. I speak of Pennsylvania in that respect, being better acquainted with its resources, perhaps, than with those of other States. And you must of necessity carry it either by railroad or canal from one hundred and fifty to two hundred miles further in going to New London than in going to League Island; to the latter place you have the two rivers, besides railroads and canals. This is looking at the financial view of the subject.

Now, Pennsylvania does not ask anything of this House; Philadelphia does not ask anything of this House; we do not come here to solicit this as a boon. No member of the delegation will crave this of you will beg for this thing. It is the location decided upon by the Navy Department; it is the location almost recommended in plain words by those who have been attempting to impress upon you erroneous views of this subject by the naval commission.

And I again ask you to read the documents which have been placed before you for the last two or three years. I think they alone would convince the House that the country needs League Island. Sir, there have been other questions raised by these gentlemen, and I will beg leave to say here that I do not know whether a commission of naval officers is the best means of information in this instance, and from which we can receive the most practical ideas. I will take the testimony of a naval officer as to the propriety of building this or that kind of vessel, of using steam or sails, or of constructing iron or wooden ships; but when it comes to the matter of fact of selecting a site for a building, of testifying whether such or such soil is proper or not proper for laying foundations for buildings, I think the view of practical men, men living on the land, who have passed their lives on it, builders, might perhaps be more qualified to give a clearer judgment than the officer.

Now, in regard to the soil of League Island. I know what it is from having been on that island many times. It is located within the limits of the second congressional district of Pennsylvania. Many of my constituents live upon it, and have farms upon it. It is farming land. There is the soil, where it has been for years, and for a long period of time never has had any of the water of the Schuylkill or of the Delaware flowing upon it. Those who live there know this; and such is the experience of men who, for a lifetime, have farmed it, and gathered yearly crops from it.

And then its distance from the working population is another argument which has been forced upon us. Why, sir, many a man now employed at the navy-yard in Philadelphia walks that distance to his home in other directions. The city is vast in its extent; it covers a vast territory, perhaps a vaster territory than any other city in this country. Men who get their living by labor walk miles to perform it, excepting when they are aided by the street-car system; and if you build this navy-yard at League Island, just as is the case near the present yard, you will soon have the neighborhood built up with cottages such as are built in Philadelphia, in which our working people live and have their homes. It is but two and a half miles from the Baltimore depot. You can walk the distance in an hour, or in less than an hour.

Then, in regard to the objection relating to the health of the people living on that island, and in that vicinity. Why, sir, the health of those pеоple is proverbial. It is not an unhealthy district of Philadelphia. I have never heard of any prevailing sickness in this locality, and I think my colleagues will bear me out in the statement. We do not know how such an idea could have got into the heads of this commission, or the minds of this Naval Committee. The workingmen of Philadelphia will find their health at and near League Island, the same as those have found it who have lived in that vicinity heretofore, uniformly good.

And, Mr. Speaker, more than ten thousand skilled workmen live near there; skilled workmen in every respect, especially in all the metals and in wood. They constitute a body of men perhaps as skilled as any body of men in the country, ten thousand of them, equal to the entire population of New London. Oh, yes; the skilled workmen of the country would go to New London! New London is fifty miks further front

New York than Philadelphia is. It is only one hundred and fifty miles removed from the skilled workmen of New York. My friend, and the majority report of this naval commission, say that skilled workmen will go to New London. You will build a large city at New London, in time, no doubt. So you may. It has taken nearly

Mr. Speaker, there is one other point to which I wish to refer-that with regard to the building of docks and wharves. Sir, you cannot have a navy-yard upon the shore line of a river. If you select New London, you will not bring your vessels to the rough shore line. You must have docks and wharves for their reception. Wherever navy

two hundred years to build the city of Philadel-yards have been established, either at Philadel


phia; two hundred years has its population been increasing, until it now numbers over six hundred thousand souls. I will not attempt to demonstrate how long it will take New London to become a great city, and to contain a population in which will be found ten thousand skilled workIt will take you a long while to get up this great city; the present rebellion will be crushed, wars with England and France and the continental Powers will be fought out before New London will grow to the size of a respectable city, or grow to such an extent as to attract workmen from Philadelphia, with the comforts of life which they can obtain there, or even to draw them from New York.

Now, Mr. Speaker, I desire to say something as to the alleged difficulty of vessels getting in and out of the Delaware river to and from League Island, should it be selected as the location. Why, sir, you cannot, of course, get large vessels up a long river in an hour or two. You cannot rush to the city of Philadelphia with a fleet in a few hours. But I will tell you what you can do. When you have built iron-clads at Philadelphia, you can get them out; you can get them to their destination; you can save just one hundred and twenty miles of the rough coast of New Jersey, along which you must take them to the southern waters, if they be built at New London; you can save the anxiety of the families of officers and men in monitors and iron-clads, who in times past have in some instances looked in vain for the arrival of those ships at their destined ports. You can take them down this quiet, placid river, and take them out of it through twenty-three feet of water, over bars which, as the gentleman says, we have in that river. You have never failed to do it. My word for it, you have never failed to bring to the city of Philadelphia any vessel which, for purposes of commerce or trade, or for national purposes, it was desirable to bring there.

It is true, of course, that a few inches of water may make a difference. If the bed of the river is of rock it would make a material difference. But, sir, here is the bed of this Delaware river of soft mud or clay that will yield five or six or seven inches. If you have a vessel drawing twentythree feet of water, or even more, you can bring it safely to the Philadelphia navy-yard, and someLeague League Island. The naval commission, whose majorit majority report seems to have been the basis of the action of the majority of the Naval Committee, does not deny this.

what easier to

Mr. Speaker, I cheerfully take anything into consideration which has been said by the older officers of the Navy. I will not cease to admire those men; I will not cease to think that they are among the heroes of this country. I will not forget the services of Rear Admiral Smith, of Rear Admiral Paulding, of Rear Admiral Gregory, of Rear Admiral Stringham. But the experience of those men in their active lives was with wooden vessels with sails, of which our Navy a few years ago consisted, as did all the navies of the world. They perhaps might not have liked to come up the Delaware river with a sailing ship, for in doing so they may have been delayed.

The river is long and winding. I do not wonder that these officers may have a prejudice in their minds against the Delaware river, and that therefore they may have been disposed to throw their influence against League Island as a location for a navy-yard. Sir, those are men whose experience has not been with vessels constructed largely of steel and iron. The views of those gentlemen are views adopted forty or fifty years ago. They are gallant men all of them. I hope they may continue to live to adorn the Navy, and that they may have the opportunity of rendering service at our various naval stations, and in other positions of responsibility. I honor those men; but, sir, I cannot, at this day, in view of the modern improvements in naval architecture, deem it an important question whether their opinions are favorable or unfavorable to the location

of the proposed navy-yard at League Island.

phia, Brooklyn, or Charlestown, all have docks, wharves, and other artificial facilities. There must be means of protection for vessels building or repairing, conveniences for getting to and from them all kinds of facilities must be placed there by artificial means. What, then, when you come to dig fifty and sixty feet into hard rock, will be the result? When you begin to excavate the solid rock at New London for wharves and docks, how enormous will be the expense in comparison with the expense of filling up two or three feet upon the soil of League Island, should that be necessary! Is not the statement of the facts an unanswerable argument?

Compare, sir, the cutting down of solid rock fifty and sixty feet, with the expense of filling up a few feet! Men who have been interested in railroads will tell you that rock excavation is costly to a great degree. The cost of filling up these two or three teet on League Island would be merely nominal in comparison, and no one will deny that at New London there will have to be excavation of rock for docks and wharves and other necessary works for a navy-yard.

Mr. Speaker, I do not and I have not looked upon this proposition from a mere local point of view. I have not been elected, or reëlected, to Congress, nor have my colleagues, on any issue connected with the establishment of a navy-yard at League Island. There is, and has been, no local issue on the subject. We and the citizens of Philadelphia are only interested in its establishment there because we are well satisfied that it is the very best place. I do not think we can do better than accept the reports of the Secretary of the Navy as to the desirability of League Isiand for a naval station. He has insisted upon it again and again, and if we adopt his views I think we will satisfy the whole country.


I believe, sir, every private ship-yard in the land has been building iron-clad vessels for our Navy. Some which have been ordered by the Government are yet unfinished. The gentleman from Connecticut [Mr. BRANDEGEE] asks, why was not this naval depot years ago? Why was it not done within the last two years? Why have we not had a navy-yard for iron-clads before? Because, sir, of such arguments as have been used in the majority report of the naval commission and the report of the majority of the Committee on Naval Affairs. It was because of an effort to persuade members of Congress that we have no place for a naval station except New London. If Congress two years ago had passed an act authorizing the construction of a navy-yard for ironclads at the point indicated by the Secretary of the Navy nearly all of these unfinished vessels would have been completed or near completion, and we would be able to bring this war sooner to a termination. But this has not been done, no navy-yard has been built, and Congress is responsible, and not the Navy Department, for the neglect.

Now, Mr. Speaker, I am merely going to repeat a few of the arguments I have advanced. My intention has been to present the matter in a practical point of view. There has been before the House agreat deal of scientific discussion. I do not propose to enter into it. I propose to leave that out entirely. I need not inform the members of the House of the necessity that iron ships should be built for the Navy. I do not think any one controverts that fact. Now we can have such a navy-yard only in fresh water, in deep water, and for economy, near the materials used in the construction of the proposed vessels. We must have that navy-yard for iron-clads near a population which can rapidly furnish the requisite mechanical skill. We must look to all of these means, and, so far as I have seen and been able to examine, we can secure them better at League Island than at any other point named. There, within the city of Philadelphia, you have nearly six hundred acres of land, nearly every acre of which is suitable for being built upon. It may be neces

|| sary to drive piles, but it is better to drive piles

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