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of the many Clamours I heard raised against them, was ftill held in fufpenfe. I enquired of every body I met with, but their Accounts were fo different they afforded me no Satisfaction. I often wifh'd for an opportunity of hearing one or other of them, and of acquainting myself more throughly with their Doctrine and Ways, that I might the better be enabled to judge for myfelf; but none offer'd till the other Day that my Bufinefs led me down to Brifol.

My Stay there was fhort; however hearing that Mr. Charles Wesley would preach in the Afternoon, just out of the City, I got a Guide and went to hear him. I found him standing on a Table, in an erect Pofture, with his Hands and Eyes lifted up to Heaven in Prayer, furrounded with about a thousand People; fome few of them Perfons of Fashion, both Men and Women, but most of them of lower Rank. I know not how long he had been engag'd in the Duty before I came, but he continued therein, after my coming, fcarce a quarter of an Hour; during which time he prayed with uncommon fervency, fluency and variety of proper Expreffion. He then preach'd about an Hour on the five laft Verses of the fifth Chapter of 2 Cor. in fuch a manner as I fcarce ever heard any Man preach, i. e. though I have heard many a finer Sermon, according to the common Taste or Acceptation of Sermons, yet I never faw or heard any Man difcover fuch evident Signs of a vehement Defire, or labour fo carneftly to convince his Hearers, that all Mankind are by Nature in a state of Enmity and Rebellion against God, and confequently in a damnable State; that God is willing to be reconciled to them, and in order thereto hath imputed their Sins to Chrift, who hath fulfilled all Righteoufnefs, hath Suffered and fhed his precious Blood, in our Nature and Stead, that his Righteoufness might be imputed to as many as believe in him for their Juftification in the fight of God, and final Salvation; and that none are excepted but fuch as refufe to come to him as loft, undone, yea as damned Sinners, and truft in him alone, i. e. in his meritorious Righteoufnefs, and atoning Sacrifice, for Pardon and eternal Life. All which Points he backed, all along as he went on, with many pertinent Texts of Scripture, which he explained and illustrated. He then freely invited all, even the chief of Sinners, to come to Chrift; and at the fame time that he fhewed there is no Doctrine, no Terms, to which the corrupt Heart of Man makes a greater Difficulty to comply and fubmit, than Salvation by Grace, or by Faith in the fole Righteoufnefs of another, he laboured by a variety of the moft forcible Motives, Arguments and Expoftulations, to perfuade, allure, quicken, and, if poffible, compel all and every of his Hearers to believe in Chrift, in order to their Redemption and Salvation through


Nor did he fail to inform them row ineffectual their Faith would be, unless it wrought by Love, purified their Hearts, and were productive of good Works; for tho' he cautioned them, with the utmost Care, not to attribute any Merit to their own Performances, nor in the leaft degree reit on any Works of their own, yet he truly appriz'd them, at the fame time, that it is but a dead Faith which is not operative, which doth not produce an holy Life, and cause them to abound in the Fruits of Obedience, doing all the good in their Power.

Now let any Man fhew me in what refpect this Doctrine differs from that held forth in the Articles of the Church of England, or from that


contain'd in the New Teftament. If the Articles do not contain the fundamental Doctrines of the Gospel, why is every Christian Minister required to fubfcribe to them? But if they do, why is our Clergy fo generally, fo notoriously departed from them? And why fo loud an Outery against the Men who preach up thefe and no other Doctrines?

If it be not their Doctrine that is objected to, but their new Method of preaching in the Fields, &c. I answer, That is an old Method; and beg leave to demand, What Command or Precept of the Gospel is tranfgrefs'd thereby? Our bleffed Saviour preached not only in Synagogues, but likewife on a Mountain, in a Ship by the Sea fide, or wherefoever the St. Paul, with Silas and Timotheus, went People were affembled to hear. out of the City Philippi on the Sabbath, by a River-fide, where Prayer was wont to be made, and spake (i. e. preached) to the Women that reforted this ther. And are we not affured, that where two or three are met together in the Name of Chrift, there he is in the midst of them?

Afterwards I went with them to a religious Society, and found the Place fo thronged that it was with great difficulty we got to the center of it, where was a convenient Place provided for Mr. Wesley. When we came to them they were finging an Hymn, but ceafed as foon as he had taken his Place. He first prayed, then expounded good part of the 12th Chapter of St. John's Golpel, then fung an Hymn, then proceeded a while in his Expofition, fang another Hymn, prayed over more than 20 Bills, which were put up to him by the Society, all except two respecting their fpiritual Concerns, and concluded with the ufual Benediction. But never did I hear fuch Praying! never did I fee and hear fuch evident Signs of fervency of Spirit in ferving the Lord! The People hung upon the Preacher's Lips: At the end of every fingle Petition a serious Amen run through the whole Affembly, with an air of fuch Solemnity and Fervour, as quite diftinguished it from whatever of that kind I have heard attending the Refponfes at Church. Their Singing was not only the most harmonious I ever heard, but feemed to be done with uncommon emotions of divine Joy. I never before fo well understood that Expreffion which often occurs in Mr. Whitefield's Journals, where he speaks of " finging "Pfalms luftily and with a good Courage." It is impoffible for one to try the Hearts of others, nor would I dare invade the divine Prerogative; but this I will venture to fay, Such manifest Tokens of a lively, genuine Devotion, in every part of religious Worship, I never before, in any place, or on any Occafion, have been witnefs to. If there be fuch a thing as heavenly Mufick on Earth, I heard it there; If fuch an attainment as Heaven upon Earth, numbers in that Society feemed to poffefs it. As my own part, I do not remember my Heart at any time to have been fo elevated in Prayer and Praife, either in Collegiate, Parochial, or private Worship, as it was then and there.


I found alfo, upon Enquiry, that great numbers in and about Bristol, by attending on thefe religious Exercifes, have been reform'd from a vitious to a virtuous course of Life, who, without neglecting their necelfary Employments (as has been fuggefted) now make Religion the principal bufinefs of their Lives. That this is remarkably the Cafe alfo with a great number of the Colliers at Kingwood, whofe Wickedness, not many Years fince, was notorious: One Man in particular told me, that his Wife, with whom he had lived fome Years very unhappily, who us'd


daily to curfe him, by attending daily the Miniftrations of the Waleys, was now become the best of Wives, which was the firft occafion of his joining himself to them. If therefore any, with Nathandel, ask, “ Can "any good thing come out of Nazareth?" Can any good come out of Methodifm? I only anfwer, as Philip, Come and fee.



Upon the Doctrine of the Methodists.

Mr. Urban,

J. S.

Think it the Duty of every serious Man, to ftudy at all times to promote the welfare and growth of Christianity, upon national and fcriptural Principles; and a fcheme of Religion founded on fuch Principles cannot be too vigilantly defended against Novellifts and Innovators; for doubtlefs nothing can more prejudice the Enemies of Christ against his Gospel, than the want of Concord and Unanimity amongst its Profeffors. Are then the Ministers of the establish'd Church to be condemn'd of want of Love and Christian Charity, if they endeavour, by all lawful Means, and by found Reasoning, to prevent the multiplication of Sects, and growth of Herefies? Nay, is it not incumbent on them moft heartily to endeavour it, that they may appear watchful of the Charge entrusted to them? This Confideration, I think, fufficiently juftifies the Oppofition made to the new-fashioned pinions and Practices of the Methodists, a fet of People that seem to be in a fair way to establish a Sect of as obftinate Diffenters as any in the Nation: It looks indeed as if it was the thing they aim'd at, elfe why do they affect to distinguish themselves by the particular denomination of Methodists? Could they not have been contented with the Name of Chriftians, without taking to themselves an additional and peculiar Title ?

To oppofe this Evil feveral worthy Minifters of the Gospel have fet themselves, particularly Dr. Trapp and Dr. Stebbing, who have accordingly done it in fome Difcourfes publifh'd by them, entirely just and conclufive against the Errors they are pointed at. Mr. Seagrave, a Methodist, has attempted an Anaver to Dr. Trapp, in which he discovers a good deal of Rancour and Hatred to the prefent Clergy, but little of Argumentation or found Reasoning of efficacy enough to invalidate what the Doctor has faid. But as for the Sermon of the Reverend Dr. Stebbing, 'tis a Difcourfe fo entirely founded on Truth and just Reasoning, that one might venture to affirm, an unprejudic'd Perfòn could not read it without Conviction. But fo it is, when Men have once taken it in their Heads, that they feel the Spirit at their Hearts, every whimsical Notion and idle Opinion they run into is then the Dictates of it, and all that can be faid against them, the fuggeftions of the Devil, or at beft, vain Babblings, or the unhappy effects of a carnal Mind. For this reason I did not in the least expect that what Dr. Stebbing has faid, or any other Man can fay, would at all convince these People of their Error; but I believe it must have fo good an effect upon those who are not yet deluded, as to make them Proof against any future Attacks. But fince, Sir, you have publifh'd a Letter in your laft Magazine, * in oppofition to that excellent Difcourfe of Dr. Stebbing,

→ Vol. IX. p. 415.


and vindicating the Conduct of the Methodists, be fo good as to allow the fame Favour to this Answer to that Letter.

Whenever a Company of overwife People fet themselves up, in oppofition to confirm'd Doctrines and Practices, as the only true Standard of theological Opinions and Manners, their Declarations and Apologies in defence of themselves never fail to be ftuff'd with loud Exclamations against the Doctrines and Practices of the Minifters of the Church: And indeed in this the Men are right, for without it their Undertakings would not appear at all plaufible; they must first crufh their Opponents before they can establish their own Notions. This Gentleman, we see, fets out in the fame manner, and the first Words in his Letter are thefe: "That the generality of the Clergy of the Church of England have de"parted from the Doctrines of the Reformation, is a Truth too notorious "to be denied; and the great and fublime Doctrines of the Gospel are "not only disbeliev'd, but every where violently oppos'd, and loudly "spoken against." This is a heavy Charge indeed upon the whole Body of the Clergy; but the Misfortune is, that it has very little Truth in it, and lefs Modefty and good Nature, which are Virtues the Methodists feem to have no pretence to. Well, but how does he make this out? Why, by feveral Inftances; firft, That they have entirely difcarded the Doctrine of Three Perfons in the Unity of the Godhead. For the truth of this we have nothing more than the Gentleman's Word; and, begging his Pardon, the Afperfion is both falfe and fcandalous. I have been often prefent at Sermons preach'd by Minifters who were Strangers to me, but never in my Life heard this Article decry'd by any of them, but often affirm'd in moft pofitive Terms: And as for those with whom I am acquainted, I dare affirm, to a Man, they are zealous for it: Moft too of our eminent Divines (fome Particulars only excepted) whofe Works have been printed for the Benefit of the World, are ftedfait in the fame Doctrine. What Ground then does there appear for this fcandalous Charge upon the Clergy? Scandalous I call it, for fince all the Clergy have fubfcrib'd to this Article, to fay they have all difcarded it, is, in my Opinion, faying, That they have no segard to what they Subfcribe or what they Affirm. 'Tis true, there are fome, tho' I believe not one in a hundred, who have fallen off from the Faith in this Article: A true Inftance of human Frailty! But even these, tho' guilty of Error, are not chargeable with that Nonfenfe and Self-contradiction which this Writer lays upon them. "The true Deity of our bleffed Saviour, fays he, is openly decry'd, and the Notion of a Created God every where embrac'd." A Created God is a Contradiction in Terms, and an Appellation which no Oppofer of the Trinity ever was fo filly as to apply to the Son of God, tho' your Correfpondent roundly charges all the Clergy in the Nation as guilty of it.

Original Sin, which he farther tells us "the Clergy have fneer'd out of the Church," does not confift in the Imputation of Adam's Tranfgreffion to his Pofterity, as ne fuppofes; for 'tis as much impoffible that the Action by which Adam finned fhould be mine, as that my Sins fhould be his: But Original Sin is this: Adam being the Stock from which all Men were so fpring, and having corrupted himself by Sin, the Offspring of a Root thus vitiated must be corrupt, and like its Parent; and therefore Men are born into the World fubject to Death and Diseases, fill'd too with evil Difpofitions and Affections, fo that their Works, proceeding from imper

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fect Principles, have not the nature of true Holinefs, and confequently are not in themselves acceptable to God: And for this Reafon a Sacrifice for Sin, and a Mediator, were neceffary to make our weak Endeavours receiv'd as Unfinning Obedience. This I take to be the Sum of Original Sin, and the true Senfe of the Article on that Head; and this is a Doctrine which the Clergy conítantly maintain. The Election of particular Perfons to Salvation, and the Paffing by of others, which the Methedifts condemn the Clergy of the Church for denying, is a Doctrine. contrary to the Divine Attributes, deftructive of all Religion, affirm'd in no part of Scripture, but denied in numberless; all which Particulars are eafily prov'd. The Clergy do not deny that Salvation is freely by God's Grace, but they deny that this Grace is given unconditionately, and that it leaves nothing to be done by ourselves. Our own Good Works are indeed not meritorious in our Salvation, but yet they are abfolutely neceffary Conditions of it, and without which we cannot be fav'd. Chrift did not die to fave Men the trouble of Repentance and Amendment, but to make them acceptable to Pardon; he that fees not this in Scripture, knows nothing of them as he ought. To his laft Objection I answer, That there is nothing like irrefiftible Grace talk'd of in Scripture, Men there are always treated as free Agents; God does not tell us he'll make us do right or wrong as to him feems good, but Counfels and Perfwades us to do one rather than the other, always leaving it to our own Choice to follow or neglect his Advice. Was it not fo, no Man need be troubled about his Sins, what he does he can't help: If every one's Will was not free, our Lord could have little reafon for the following, and many other Expreffions which he uses: O Jerufalem! Jerufalem! thou which killeft the Prophets, and stoneft them which are fent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy Children together, even as a Hen gathereth her Chicken under her Wings, but ye would not. If Deifm does daily get ground, as this Writer fuppofes, I wish the occafion of it does not, in a great meafure, lie upon fuch Men as Mr. Whitefield and his Followers, who deftroy the unanimity of the Church, and breed Schifms in it, by that means giving occafion to the Enemies of Chrift to blafpheme.

I have now done with the Introduction to his Letter, which I have remain'd the longer upon, to fhew the falfity of thofe general Reflections contain'd in it. Upon the Sequel, which relates to Dr. Stebbing, I fhall be more concife, for there is no danger that any one's Efteem for the Doctor's Difcourfe can be leffen'd by what this Gentleman has faid, there being nothing in the Letter, as far as I can perceive, that any way affects the general Doctrine of his Sermon. But let us a little obferve how well he has vindicated Mr. Whitefield's Conduct from what he calls the falfe Afperfions of Dr. Stebbing. Boastings, fays he, Mr. Whitefield difclaims. But can he really be of that Opinion, when he reads that Preacher's Journals? In which he ftiles the Minifters of the Church Falfe Prophets, and himself the only true one; and tells us, there is no Gospel preach'd in England but by him and his Followers, who being fill'd with the Holy Ghoit ettablish their Doctrines with demonftration of the Spirit. I don't fay that these are Mr. Whitefield's very Words, but 'tis the direct Meaning of them; and if this be not the height of Boaftings and fpiritual Pride, I would defire to be told what it is. In order to vindicate Mr. Whitefield's want of Charity in his Cenfures, he tells us, that none Cen


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