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and carried an uncle of his away captive. After dinner he entertained me with some toake, and a dram of brandy, and then dismissed me with some presents to the captain, desiring we would return as soon as conveniently we could, for he was going to war with Unter Morrow Cherock to the northward, and hoped soon to have more slaves for us.

On the twentieth I came on board, and then we weighed, leaving four men and the natal slaves behind us. Here we purchased one hundred and thirty, and sailed with them to the Mattatanna-road; and on the twenty-sixth we made the Thumb-cap off Mattatanna, and came to an anchor within a league distance. Here is no going on shore in our boats, by reason of the great bar that is there, and the sea always breaking upon it; the canoes, however, came off to us, and I went on shore with them; and after that to the king's town, which was a great way up the river. One ran before to inform him that the captain's ambassador was coming: whereupon he put himself in great order, and appeared in state. He speaks English and French very well, and so do several of his family. He told me I was welcome. But as captain Macket had been before us, and bought three hundred and thirty slaves in less than twenty days, he endeavoured to raise the price upon us. I soon informed him, however, that I knew the country; and that if he had none to dispose of, I could tell where to go to market. At last we agreed, and I sent the captain word of what I had done. It was so dangerous going over the breakers, that I did not care how seldom I went. I did not like the place, for they were so harassed with a neighbouring enemy, that they were always on their guard, and could not sleep in safety, nor get even common necessaries; the country being in much the same state and condition as was Feraignher when I lived there. The captain, notwithstanding this, was obstinate; and after he had sent me a cargo on shore, as also a man to assist me, sailed away to Don Mascareen, an island then belonging to the French, and about one hundred leagues to the eastward.

As soon as he was gone, I removed my factory to the king's town, as thinking it more safe. I often lent the natives guns and ammunition to repel their enemies, and once I went with them. I bought fourteen slaves in three days, but finding provision dear, I went more artfully to work; I agreed for the slaves they offered to sale, and left something as earnest in their hands, but would not complete the bargain. Here I had a scurvy trick put upon me, which I relate, that others may beware of the like impositions. One night, notwithstanding all my care, I missed two women slaves, who were fastened by the arms together. I complained thereof to the king, who, pretending to know nothing of it, ordered inquiry to be made after them, but to no purpose, till I published a reward of six pounds of gunpowder to him who would restore them. The man who sold them to me brought them again, pretending he had found the place where they had concealed themselves, and demanded the reward. I charged him with imposing on me, but not being then able to make good my assertion, he complained to the king, who threatened me hard in case I did not give the man the reward. I returned his menaces in warm terms, offering to defend myself with my fire-arms, as I had six ready loaded by me. What with tears and flatteries, the women confessed before the next morning, that their first master had injured me, and misused them after he had them again. I went to the king's brother directly, and assured him I would take care that no white men should ever trade there for the future; but in the end, he desired I would speak with the king first, which I did. He reconciled us before our ship returned, which was in the middle of September, and then without captain White, who had been dead and buried some time before at Don Mascareen. He went there to sell slaves to the French, and buy up others for the West India cargo, but there happened to be no call for any.

Captain Christal, who was then commander, sent one of his officers to assure me I might depend on the same civility and friendship as I had received from his predecessor, for he approved my conduct, and com

pleted the bargains I had begun, and brought my slaves on board.

Mattatanna in the latitude of 22 deg. 15 min. south, is a wild coast, where our boats can at no time come ashore; these slaves, and those of Port Dauphine are esteemed the best in the island. Before we went from hence, I heard that deaan Morroughsevea of Port Dauphine, was killed in the expedition he went on, after I left him. Before I proceed farther in my account of this voyage, as I am now on the east side of the island, I shall take notice of the principal places on it.

About seven leagues to the northward of Mattatanna, is Melancaro. Here is a river with eight feet of water on the bar, which divides the two kingdoms of Mattatanna and Tronghe. The inhabitants of the latter are numerous and obliging, but cannot trade for want of canoes. About ten leagues from Tronghe is Maninzarce; they would willingly trade with the English, but as they have no canoes, and it is a wild shore, where our boats cannot land, it is impracticable. About twenty leagues farther to the northward is Mungaro; the natives whereof are always at war with the inhabitants of Port St. Mary's and the pirates. The king's name is Maulaunza. They have no canoes here, but if a captain would take some with him from Mattatanna, they would gladly trade with him. St. Mary's is an island three leagues off the main, in latitude 16 deg. 30 min. and has a good harbour. Here are about twenty white men, formerly pirates, who now live on their ill-gotten


Antogeal is in the latitude of 16 deg. 15 min. Here is a clear deep bay, keep the north shore on board. At the bottom of it, is a small island of two or three miles in circumference, in which is a good harbour. The Dutch had formerly a fort on it. Here are grampuses and whales, which the natives have the art of taking. Barimbass is in latitude 15 deg.: the inhabitants have canoes, and will come off at first sight of a ship. The king is very courteous to white men, and takes pleasure in trading with them.

Our next business was to go to Port Dauphine, where the death of their king was confirmed; we found the country in sad confusion, and in no condition for trading; so we took our men, slaves, and goods on board, and proceeded round the southernmost end of the island.

The country next adjoining to Port Dauphine, or Antenosa, is Anterndroea, where the Degrave was wrecked, and which was the melancholy scene of my captivity. Joining to this is Merfaughla, which lies a little to the southward, in latitude 26 deg. south. The want of canoes in both these countries renders them incapable of trading. The next port is St. Augustinebay, in which is a fresh water river, with twelve feet of water at spring tides; it flows south-south-east, and north-north-west. Tulea lies seven leagues to the northward, and is a very good harbour.

As you sail from St. Augustine-bay to Yong-Owl, there are several little islands. The two first are in the latitude of 21 deg. about five leagues distant from the main island. A little farther is a single island with lofty trees on it; and still farther to the northward, there are three sandy islands, with breakers between them. A north-east course carries you clear and along shore, but keep in fifteen, sixteen, or seventeen fathoms' water. On the banks are nine, ten, or twelve fathoms' water. When you are past the sandy islands, the coast is clear to Yong-Owl. This is an open road in the latitude of 20 deg. 20 min. There is good anchoring in sixteen fathoms' water, not above a mile from the shore. There is no high land near the shore on all this coast, but there are high mountains up the country. Munnonhaugher is a river which they call Manzerroy, in which is fourteen or fifteen fathoms' water. It flows east and west twelve feet right up and down on spring tides you go up the river six or seven leagues to the usual place where they traffic. A little to the southward of this is another river, called Luna, to which a ship comes from Arabia once a year. This place is called Masseleege, or the country of Munnongaro,

whereof deaan Toke-offu is the sovereign, and of which I have already given a sufficient account.

Our business now was at Yong-Owl, where we arrived on the 16th of October; the captain went with me up the country to Moherbo, and took his musicians with us. As soon as I came on shore, I was informed that Rer Trimmonongarevo was dead, and Rer Moume succeeded him, and lived at Moherbo. I sent a messenger before me to acquaint him that I was coming to pay my duty to him, and had brought a ship to trade here pursuant to my promise; but as soon as we came to a town on this side Moherbo, we saw abundance of people pulling down a wooden house, in which the corpse of Rer Trimmonongarevo was inferred; the reason whereof, as the natives told me, was as follows:"That Rer Trimmonongarevo had appeared to Rer Moume in the night time, and asked him why he put him above his father Lohefutee? and he seemed to resent his son's ill conduct, and ordered his body to be taken up, and put lower than his father's, and his house likewise, which was erected for a monument to be levelled with his father's." When I came to Rer Moume, he did not know me in my new dress; I soon let him understand who I was, for I could not forbear to lick his knees. His generous and humane deportment towards me, made me esteem him as my father, and he was equally overjoyed to see me. His wives, likewise, expressed heir pleasure. I went to review my cattle, for, according to his promise, he had kept them all for me; and as they were now considerably increased, I marked the young ones with a particular signet, for he insisted that they still are mine.

We got our whole complement of slaves here in ten weeks' time, and sailed from hence January 7. We touched at St. Helena and at Barbadoes, from thence we proceeded to Rapphanick river in Virginia, where we sold our slaves, took in tobacco, and then set sail for England. On the 11th day of September, 1720, we arrived in the Downs.

Thus have I endeavoured to give a true and faithful

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