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SERM.VI. ed from ufefiil and practical Inquiries, The Circle of our Knowledge, as far as it conduces to Happiness, though not very large, is, by the Help of Scripture, exact and full. To exemplify this, in the Point of the Redemption, fome Perfons complain of a Darkness spread over the Face of this Difpenfation. But as to what? As far as it is a Doctrine of Ufe and Importance, fo far it is clearly and diftinctly revealed. We are expressly told, what our Saviour has purchased for us, and what we have to do, to qualify ourselves for the Happi nefs which he has purchafed. It is difcovered to us, that God, through his Merits, will confer upon every penitent Offender that exceeding and eternal Weight of Bliss, which even the Unoffending could have had no Title to. So far it is a Doctrine of folid Ufe and Importance.

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But we want, perhaps, more fully to understand the internal Männer, and particular Efficacy of his Merits and Interceffion, and the Whole of the Tranfaction between the Father and the Son, in the stupendous Work of our Salvation. Here mere Curiofity commences; and therefore no Wonder, our Knowledge fhould in a great


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great Measure end. These are the Things SERM. VI. which Angels defire to look into; and we, till we are Angels, fhould not expect a full and comprehenfive Satisfaction about.

Let us compare Creation and Redemption. From the former we derive our Being, from the latter our eternal Well-being. Both Truths are involved in great Difficul ties: Both are either, for that Reafon, to be rejected; or (which is the much better Conclufion,) both, notwithstanding that Reason, to be admitted.

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I fhall now, in the laft Place, confider the Extent of the Redemption:

Our Saviour laid down his Life for the Sins of the whole World. He came, that as in Adam all dye, fo in Chrift should all be made alive. As by one Man's Difobedience many (the Many, or Mankind in general) were made Sinners, treated as fuch, and made fubject to Death, the Wages of Sin; fo, by the Obedience of one, shall many be made righteous. Clemens Romanus, an Apoftolical Father, exprefsly declares, that the Blood of Jefus was fo precious in God's Sight, as to obtain the Privilege of Repentance for all the World, in all paft Ages;

SERM. VI. Ages; and that the Ninevites repenting, upon the Preaching of Jonas, were faved by it, though Aliens from God *.


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From hence we may conclude, that, though thofe, who have performed the Conditions of the Gofpel-Covenant, Faith and penitential Obedience, shall shine out with distinguished Glory: yet the Benefits of his Paffion fhall be applied, in some Measure, even to thofe, who never heard of his Name. The Sphere of his Beneficence extended backwards to the Foundation of the World, and reaches forward to the laft Conflagration; fo that Nothing, which is capable of being faved, is hid from the Heat thereof. He became the Saviour of all Ages, from the first Birth of Time to it's laft Period; the Father of Mankind, from the Rifing up of the Sun, to the Going down of the fame. The Bleffings of his Coming into the World, are as extenfive as the World, and as lafting as Eternity. A

View leifurely the ftupendous Scheme a whole World redeemed from Miferya whole World made happy, if their own Impenitence doth not prevent it-made * Clemens Romanus, Epift. 1. cap. 7.


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everlastingly happy and tell me, what SERM. VI. Sentiments it ought to infpire you withWhy, Sentiments of Gratitude too big to be uttered, too fervent to be concealed.

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We think no Language too harsh, no Ufage too fevere, to thofe, who can be guilty of a bafe Ingratitude, to a generous Friend, Parent, or Father of his Country. But what are the moft diftinguishing Be nefits, which a Father of his Country, a Parent, a Friend, can heap upon us, in Comparison of what our Saviour has done for us? Lighter than Vanity, and Nothing, when weighed in the Balance with an exceeding and eternal Weight of Glory, the greatest Bleffing, that Man could receive, or even God beftow..


Behold, with the Eye of Faith, a Spectacle worthy to be beheld by God with Pleafure, and by Angels with Wonder and A ftonishment: a Spectacle ridiculous in the Eyes of thofe, who are too dull to difcern the Saviour through the Sufferer; but in the Eye of those ennobled Beings, who fee Things as they are in themfelves, and not as they are set off by Pomp, a Spectacle more auguft and awfully glorious, than ever be


SERM.VI fore appeared on the Theatre of Nature.

Behold the Son of God pouring forth his Blood, as well as Prayers, even for those, that shed it: Behold him at once bearing the Infults, expiating the Sins, and procuring the Happiness of Mankind; till at laft he bows his facred Head, and fhuts up the folemn Scene with these short but comprehenfive Words, IT IS FINISHED: The great, the ftupendous Work is done, the universal Sacrifice, which shall take in all Mankind, and which all Mankind fhall contemplate throughout Eternity with awful Joy and Gratitude, is completed.

And can we receive these aftonishing Endearments, this prodigious Expence of Goodness, which, like the bleffed Effects that we are to receive from it, is such as Eye bad not feen before, nor Ear heard, nor bad it entred into the Heart of Man, to conceive; Can we receive it, I fay, with a dull Insensibility, and a ftupid Indifference?

If we find ourselves affected with endearing Sentiments of Love, towards virtuous Characters, which we read of in ancient History: If, when their Story is


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