The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: Newly Translated Out of the Original Greek, and with Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised : Appointed to be Read in ChurchesG. Bunce, Print., 1780 - 332 |
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Strona 8
... alfo . 40 And if any man will fue thee at the law , and take away thy coat , let him have thy cloak alfo . 41 And whofoever shall compel thee to go a mile , go with him twain . 43 Ye have heard that it hath been faid , Thou fhalt love ...
... alfo . 40 And if any man will fue thee at the law , and take away thy coat , let him have thy cloak alfo . 41 And whofoever shall compel thee to go a mile , go with him twain . 43 Ye have heard that it hath been faid , Thou fhalt love ...
Strona 9
... alfo . 22 The light of the body is the eye : if , therefore , thine eye be fingle , thy whole body fhall be full of light . 23 But if thine eye be evil , thy whole body fhall be full of dark- nefs . If , therefore , the light that is in ...
... alfo . 22 The light of the body is the eye : if , therefore , thine eye be fingle , thy whole body fhall be full of light . 23 But if thine eye be evil , thy whole body fhall be full of dark- nefs . If , therefore , the light that is in ...
Strona 10
... alfo before my Father which is in heaven . 33 But whofoever fhall deny me before men , him will I alfo deny be- fore my Father which is in heaven . 34 Think not that I am come to fend peace on earth : I came not to fend peace , but a ...
... alfo before my Father which is in heaven . 33 But whofoever fhall deny me before men , him will I alfo deny be- fore my Father which is in heaven . 34 Think not that I am come to fend peace on earth : I came not to fend peace , but a ...
Strona 20
... alfo beareth fruit , and bringeth forth , fome an hundred- fold , fome fixty , fome thirty . 24 Another parable put he forth unto them , faying , The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which fowed good feed in his field ; 25 But ...
... alfo beareth fruit , and bringeth forth , fome an hundred- fold , fome fixty , fome thirty . 24 Another parable put he forth unto them , faying , The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which fowed good feed in his field ; 25 But ...
Strona 35
... alfo . 27 Woe unto you , fcribes - and Pharifees , hypocrites ! for ye are like unto whited fepulchres , which indeed appear beautiful outward , but are within full of dead men's bones , and of all uncleanness . 15 Woe unto you ...
... alfo . 27 Woe unto you , fcribes - and Pharifees , hypocrites ! for ye are like unto whited fepulchres , which indeed appear beautiful outward , but are within full of dead men's bones , and of all uncleanness . 15 Woe unto you ...
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againft alfo alſo angel apoftles Art thou beaft becauſe behold believe Bleffed brethren caft called caufe CHAP Chrift Jefus cometh commanded dead defire devil difciples earth evil faith unto falute fame Father fave feek feen felves fent fervant feven fhew fhip fhould firft flain fome fpake fpeak fpoken ftand ftone ftood fuch fuffer fynagogue Galilee Gentiles glory goeth gofpel grace hand hath hear heard heart heaven Herod himſelf Holy Ghoft houfe houſe Ifrael Jefus anfwered Jefus faid unto Jerufalem Jews Judea king kingdom likewife Lord Jefus Chrift Mafter minifter Mofes pafs Paul Peter Pharifees Pilate pray preached prieft prifon promife prophets received Sadducees ſaid ſhall Simon Peter Spirit temple thall thefe themſelves ther theſe things thine thofe thou art Tychicus unto thee Verily Wherefore whofe whofoever wife witnefs word ye fhall yourſelves