Alexander PopeHarold Bloom Chelsea House Publishers, 1986 - 189 Eleven previously published critical essays on the works of the satirical eighteenth-century English poet. |
Spis treści
Wit and Poetry and Pope | 9 |
Windsor Forest | 27 |
An Essay on Man | 37 |
Prawa autorskie | |
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Addison Alexander Pope Arbuthnot Atossa Augustan Augustan literature Belinda Bolingbroke Cibber classical comic concept concordia discors contemporary context Copyright couplet critical theory Denham's Dennis dramatic Dryden Dulness dunces Dunciad Eloisa to Abelard English criticism epic epistolary Essay on Criticism ethical example experience false figures Fortescue friendship generosity harmony heroic Homer Horace Horatian Horatian satires human idea ideal Iliad imitation Johnson judge judgment kind letter lines literary Lock Lord meaning metaphor Milton mirror mock-epic mock-heroic nature objects Paradise Lost passage passion perspective poem's poet poetic poetry political Pope Pope's verse praise principle prophets propriety prose Puttenham Rape reader reason reflected rhetorical rhyme role satire seems sense social specific suggests Swift syllepsis symbolic taste theme theory and poems things tradition tragic Twickenham University values verse epistles virtue vision W. K. WIMSATT Whigs Windsor Forest word write zeugma