The Raccolta; Or Collection of Indulgenced Prayers. [Translated] from the Italian of T. G. by A. St. John. ... Authorised Translation |
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Amen angels Benedict XIV beseech Thee Blessed Virgin Cardinal-Vicar Chaplet church or public cœli Confessed and Communicated Confession and Communion Congr contrite heart death decree Deus devotion devoutly Domine Dominum ejus Ember day Eternal Father faithful Feast following prayer Friday gained gences Gloria Patri glorious grace granted Heart of Jesus Heart of Mary heaven Holy Church Holy Ghost holy Mary honour Immaculate INDULGENCE OF 100 INDULGENCE OF SEVEN Jesus Christ Joseph Let us pray Litanies Lord Jesus Christ love Thee Mater mercy Miserere month nobis Novena obtain once a day Oremus Pater noster Pius IX PLENARY INDULGENCE Pope Benedict XIII Pope Clement XII Pope Leo XII Pope Pius VII praise pray according pray thee Precious Blood public oratory quæsumus Rescript Rome Rosary Sacred Heart Saint Sancte Segretaria SEVEN QUARAN sins sorrow Sovereign Pontiff Spiritus Sunday Thine thou didst three Ave Maria tibi tuum Virgo visit a church vouchsafe