A Nice Derangement of Epistemes: Post-positivism in the Study of Science from Quine to LatourUniversity of Chicago Press, 15 lut 2004 - 390 Since the 1950s, many philosophers of science have attacked positivism—the theory that scientific knowledge is grounded in objective reality. Reconstructing the history of these critiques, John H. Zammito argues that while so-called postpositivist theories of science are very often invoked, they actually provide little support for fashionable postmodern approaches to science studies. Zammito shows how problems that Quine and Kuhn saw in the philosophy of the natural sciences inspired a turn to the philosophy of language for resolution. This linguistic turn led to claims that science needs to be situated in both historical and social contexts, but the claims of recent "science studies" only deepened the philosophical quandary. In essence, Zammito argues that none of the problems with positivism provides the slightest justification for denigrating empirical inquiry and scientific practice, delivering quite a blow to the "discipline" postmodern science studies. Filling a gap in scholarship to date, A Nice Derangement of Epistemes will appeal to historians, philosophers, philosophers of science, and the broader scientific community. |
Spis treści
Introduction | 1 |
From Positivism to Postpositivism | 6 |
The Perils of Semantic Ascent Quine and Postpositivism in the Philosophy of Science | 15 |
Living in Different Worlds? Kuhns Misadventures with Incommensurability | 52 |
Doing Kuhn One Better? The Failed Marriage of History and Philosophy of Science | 90 |
How Kuhn Became a Sociologist and Why He Didnt Like It The Strong Program and the Social Construction of Science | 123 |
All the Way Down Social Constructivism and the Turn to Microsociological Studies | 151 |
Women ANTs and Other Dangerous Things Hybrid Discourses | 183 |
A Nice Derangement of Epistemes Radical Reflexivity and the Science Wars | 232 |
The Hyperbolic Derangement of Epistemes | 271 |
Notes | 277 |
371 | |
Inne wydania - Wyświetl wszystko
A Nice Derangement of Epistemes: Post-positivism in the Study of Science ... John H. Zammito Ograniczony podgląd - 2004 |
A Nice Derangement of Epistemes: Post-positivism in the Study of Science ... John H. Zammito Podgląd niedostępny - 2004 |
A Nice Derangement of Epistemes: Post-positivism in the Study of Science ... John H. Zammito Podgląd niedostępny - 2004 |
Kluczowe wyrazy i wyrażenia
argued argument Barry Barnes beliefs Bruno Latour Callon Cambridge causal Chicago citing claim Collins conception construction context critical critique cultural David Bloor Davidson discourse Duhem Duhem-Quine thesis empirical empiricism ence epistemology essay feminism feminist Feyerabend Giere Gross and Levitt Haraway historians historicism History and Philosophy history of science holism human Ian Hacking Ibid idea Imre Lakatos incommensurability indeterminacy of translation inquiry insisted interpretation Kitcher Knorr-Cetina Kuhn Kuhn's laboratory Lakatos language Laudan linguistic logical Longino McMullin methodological Mulkay natural science naturalized epistemology normative notion object observation ontological paradigm Philosophy of Science Pickering Popper positivism post-positivism postmodernism problem question Quine Quine's radical rationality Reflexivity relativism Rorty Roth science studies scientific knowledge scientific practice scientists sentences Shapin and Schaffer Social Studies sociologists Sociology of Knowledge sociology of science sociology of scientific Sokal Hoax Steve Fuller Strong Program Structure Studies of Science theoretical theory tion truth underdetermination University Press Woolgar
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