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The great Theatre of the War in the Peninsula, the Frontier of Portugal.-
Reduction by the French of Ciudad Rodrigo-and Almeida.... 182
Plan of Lord Wellington for the Defence of Portugal, and at the same time
supporting the Cause of Spain.-His Army for near Three Months after his
Retreat from Talavera, how stationed.-His Army augmented by Portu-
guese Troops, disciplined by Field Marshal Beresford. - How quartered in
and after the Month of February. -Their Positions when they come nearly
in contact with the Enemy advancing on Portugal-And their Line of Re-
treat on strong and impregnable Fortifications near Lisbon. After the
Surrender of Almeida, Lord Wellington begins to retreat and concentrate
his Forces. Marshal Massena, at the Head of the French Army of Portu-
gal, pursues.-Lord Wellington, for impeding as much as possible the Ad-
vance of the Enemy into the Interior of the Country, obliges the Inhabitants
to quit their Homes, and remove or destroy all that could be of use to the
Enemy. The Plan of Massena for turning the Left Flank of the Allies,
frustrated by Lord Wellington - Battle of Buraco-The French repulsed
in an Attack on the Position of the Allies; but they turn the Left of the
Allies, and advance on Coimbra, whither Lord Wellington, with the main
Body of his Army, arrives before him. -Retreat of Lord Wellington to his
Lines at Torres Vedras. These described. -Difficulties in which the French
are involved, being drawn into a Snare by the military Genius of Lord
Wellington. Their Sufferings, particularly from want of Provisions.-
Their Positions at first in front of the Allies. - Skirmishes.-Massena
hemmed in on all Sides. His Operations confined to Self-defence against
the Allies, and against Famine. Relative Positions of the French and
the Allied Army of Portugal at the close of 1810...
A French Corps sent against Badajoz.-A kind of false Attack. The Inten-
tion of it. The main Efforts of the French pointed against the Allied
Army under Lord Wellington.-Address to the Spanish Nation by the
Junta of Badajoz.-Nature of the Warfare carried on by the Guerillas.-
Celebrated Chiefs of the Guerillas. - Successes of the Guerillas-unavailing
against the steady and combined System of the Enemy. - Great Hopes from
the approaching Mecting of the Cortes. - Form of electing the Deputies of
the Cortes. Deputies elected to the Cortes even in the Provinces occupied
by the French.-Meeting, Installation, and Transactions of the Cortes.-
Political Conduct of King Joseph in Spain.-His Situation there very
uneasy and unpleasant. The Measures adopted for conciliating the Spa-
niards by Joseph, condemned by Napoleon. - Atrocities committed by the
French Generals in Spain. -The Duke of Orleans invited to-And dis-
Spanish Provinces of America. -Revolution in. --Traced to their Causes.-
The Colonies divided into two grand Parties.- Civil War begun....
Marriage of Buonaparte with the Archduchess Maria Louisa of Austria.-
- Addresses from all Quarters, and Festivities on this occasion. - Character
of the new Empress.-French Troops pour into Holland. -Treaty between
Napoleon and Lewis Buonaparte.-Infringed by the former-Lewis abdi-
cates the Throne of Holland in favour of his eldest Son. - Farewell Address
of Lewis to the Dutch. -The Character and Conduct of Lewis contrasted
with that of his Brother Lucien. Conference between a Dutch Commis-
sioner and the Marquis Wellesley, British Secretary of State, on the Sul-
ject of a Maritime Peace.-Annexation of Holland, and all the Territories
between the Elbe and the Ems to the French Empire-And of the Valais.-
New Measure for recruiting the Naval Force of France.-Population of
the French Empire.-Annexation of Hanover to Westphalia.-Extension
of the French Conscription Laws. Various Modes in which Buonaparte
rivetted the Chains in which he had bound the French-And Means by
which he provides for his personal Safety. His Rage against English
Commerce. Curbs the Priesthood at Rome
Election of a Successor to Charles XIII. King of Sweden. Death of the
Crown Prince, Charles Augustus of Augustenburg. -Murder of Count
Fersen, High Marshal of Sweden. -Competitors for the Succession of the
Crown of Sweden. The successful Candidate, Marshal Bernadotte, Prince
of Ponte Corvo. Suspicions of French Intrigue and Instigation in the
Murder of Count Fersen, and even the Death of the Prince of Augusten-
burg. Grounds of these. - Character and Anecdotes of Count Fersen.-
Bernadotte strives by all means to gain the Affections and the Confidence
of the Swedes. War declared by Sweden against England.-Arrival of
the Ex-King of Sweden in England. Character of that Prince.-The
Danes return to their old Business of Piracy.-Preparations and Attempts
of King Murat to invade Sicily frustrated by the Vigilance and Vigour of
the English General, Sir John Stuart.-War between the Turks and
History of the Dispute between Great Britain and the United States of
America. Naval and Colonial Affairs of Great Britain-in the Mediter-
ranean in the West Indies-the East Indics-and on the Coast of Ger-
many-Meeting of the British Parliament. Indisposition of the King.
-During this, the Prince of Wales appointed Regent of the King-
I. Abstract of the Public Laws enacted by the British Legislature. Passed
in the fiftieth year of his Majesty's reign
II. Brief Reports of some important Law Cases in the year 1810 331
III. Liberty of the Subject-Collection of Papers relative to the Affair of
Sir Francis Burdett
New Patents granted in 1810
Account of Livings in England and Wales, under 150l. a year
The Thanksgiving Prayer
The Prayer for Restoration of his Majesty's Health
Statement of the Gold and Silver coined from the Restoration to the 25th of
March, 1810
Quantity of Strong Beer brewed in London from the 5th of July, 1809, to
Prices of Meat, Sugar, Salt, Coals, and Bread, in London, for 1810
Earl of Chatham's Memorial on the Expedition to the Scheldt
Report of the Select Committee of the House of Commons concerning Sir
Francis Burdett's Arrest
Extract from the Fifth Report of the Committee of the House of Commons on
Abstract of the Report from the Select Committce of the House of Commons,
on sinecure Places
Extracts of Papers laid before the House of Commons relative to the East
India Company
Official Accounts of the Produce of Tares
Net Produce of Excise
Report concerning Kolli's Plan for liberatin
liberating Ferdinand, King of Spain. ibid.
Bonaparte's Decrees for annexing Rome, Holland, and the Hanse Towns to
Proclamation from the Superior Spanish Junta
Massena's Address to the Portuguese
Lord Wellington's Address to the Portuguese
Decree relative to the Finances of Russia
Decree of Non-Intercourse, Sc. with Great Britain
Anecdotes of the last Hours, with a Sketch of the late Right Honourable
Manners and Customs of the Tupinambas, excmplified in the extraordinary
Adventures of Hans Stade
Amusements of the American Spaniards
Characteristic Sketches of the American Spaniards
Anecdotes of the Mexicans, including a Description of Mexico, its Lakes,
of the
Directions for taking care of growing Plants at Sea, by Dr. Roxburgh 619
Account of the Mahogany Tree, and
cutting thereof at Honduras 620
Memoir on the Tunis Broad-tailed Sheep, by Richard Peters, Esq. 624
Method of preserving and keeping in vigour Fruit Trees planted in Orchards
or Fields
Observations upon Luminous Animals, by James Macartney, Esq. 631
Improvements in the Aqua Tinta Process, by which Pen, Pencil, and Chalk
Drawings can be imitated. By Mr. J. Hassell
Method of preparing Ox-Gall in a concentrated State for Painters, and for
other Uses. By Mr. Cathery
Method of procuring Turpentine and other Products from the Scotch Fir.
Inquiry into the Composition of some Weapons and Utensils of ancient
Bronze, by M. Klaproth
On the Forcing Houses of the Romans, by Sir Joseph Banks
Account of ancient Customs in Cheshire
the Sheriff's Breakfast
Manners, Customs, Laws, &c. of the Mosquito Indians
Account of the Salt Works at Namptwich, in the County of Chester
Ode for the New Year, 1810, by Henry James Pye, Esq. Poet Laureate 690
Ode for His Majesty's Birth Day, by the same