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a. Public Sources.

Every thing may be considered as a source of the history of doctrines, which gives a fair representation of the religious belief of a certain period. In the first place come the public confessions of faith or symbols (creeds) of the church ;(1) in connection with them we have to compare the acts of councils, (2) the decretals, edicts, circular letters, bulls, and breves of ecclesastical superiors, whether clerical or civil, (3) and, lastly, the catechisms,(4) liturgics (5) and hymn-books (6) which have received the sanction of the church.

(1) Comp. § 4. The ancient creeds may be found in the Acts of Councils mentioned n. 2.; the three creeds commonoly called. œcumenical, (the Apostle's creed, the Nicene, and the Athanasian creeds) are also reprinted in the collections of Protestant symbols; comp. Ch. W. F. Walch, Bibliotheca symbolica vetus. Lemgoviæ 1770. 8. Semler, J. S., Apparatus ad libros symbolicos ecclesiæ lutheranæ, Hal. 1755 8. COLLECTIONS OF SYMBOLICAL BOOKS, (they become only important since the fourth period): a) Of the Lutheran church: Libri symbolici ecclesiæ evangelicæ ad fidem opt. exempl. recens. 1. A. H. Tittmann, Misn. 1817.27.-Libri symbolici ecclesiæ evangelicæ s. Concordia, rec. C.A. Hase, Lips. 1827. 37. 46. b) Of the Reformed: Corpus libror. symbolicor. qui in ecclesia Reformatorum auctoritatem publicam obtinuerunt, ed. I. Ch. W. Augusti, Elberf. 1828. Sammlung symb. Bücher der ref. Kirche, von J. J. Mess. Neuwied, 1828. 30. 2 vols 8. H.A. Niemeyer, Collectio confessionum in ecclesiis refomatis publicatarum, Lips. 1840. 8. c) of the Roman Catholic: Danz, libri symbolici ecclesiæ romano-catholicæ, Vimar. 1835.-Streitwolf u. Klener, libri symb. eccl. cathol. Gött. 1835. (Comp. the works mentioned § 16, n. 9.) d) of the Greek: E. T. Kimmel, libri symbolici ecclesiæ orien talis. Jen. 1843. 8.

(2) ACTS OF COUNCILS collected by J. Merlin (Par. 1523, fol.

Cöln. 1530. ii. Par. 1535.) Grabbe (Cöln. 1508. f.) L. Surius, Col. 1567. fol. iv. The edition of Sixtus V. Venice, 1585, that of Binius (Severinus) Col. 1606. iv. f. Collectio regia, Paris, 1644 (by Cardinal Richelieu) xxxvii. f. Phil. Labbeus and Gabr. Cossart, Par. 1671. 72. xvii. f. Balluzii (Stephan.) nova Collectio Conciliorum, Par. 1683. f. (Suppl. Conc. Labbei) incomplete. Harduin, (Joh.) Conciliorum collectio regia maxima, seu acta Conciliorum et epistolæ decretales ac constitutiones summorum pontificum, græce et latine ad Phil. Labbei et Gabr. Cossartii labores haud modica accessione facta et emendationibus pluribus additis Par. 1715. xi. (xii.) fol.-Nic. Coleti, S. S. Concilia ad regiam edit. exacta etc. Venet. xxiii. with additions by Mansi vi. f.—*Mansi, (J. Dom.) Sacrorum Conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio, Flor. et. Venet. 1759. sqq. xxxi. f. comp. Ch. W. F. Walch, Entwurf einer vollständigen Geschichte der Kirchenversammlungen, Lpz. 1759. Fuchs, Bibliothek der Kirchenversammlungen des 4. und 5. Jahrhunderts, L.pz. 1788. 4 vols. Bibliotheca ecclesiastica quam moderante D. Augusto Neander adornavit Herm. Theod. Bruns, I. (Canones Apostolorum et Concil. Sæcul. iv. v. vi. vii.) Pars. I. Berol. 1839.

(3) Partly contained in the Acts of Councils.

a) DECREES OF CIVIL GOVERNMENTS EXERCISING AUTHORITY IN ECCLESIASTICAL AFFAIRS, (viz. emperors, kings, magistrates): Codex Theodosianus, c. perpetuis commentariis Iac. Gothofredi etc. Edit. Nova in vi. Tom. digesta, ed. Ritter, Lips. 1736.— Codex Justinianeus, edid. Spangenberg, 1797. Balluzii (Steph.) Collectio Capitularium Regum Francorum etc. Par. 1780, ii. f. Corpus Juris canonici, (editions of J. H. Böhmer, 1747, and A. L. Richter, 1833.) Under this head come also the regulations concerning the Reformation, agendas, religious edicts of Protestant governments, which, at least formerly, were in a great measure based upon doctrinal principles.

b) PAPAL DECRETALS: Pontificum Romanorum a Clemente usque ad Leonem M. epistolæ genuinæ cur. C. F. G. Schönemann, T. i. Gött. 1796. 8.-Bullarium romanum a Leone M. usque ad Benedictum XIII. opus. absolutiss. Laërt. Cherubini, a D. Angelo Maria Cherubini al. illustratum et auctum et ad Ben. XIV. perductum, Luxemb. 1727. s. xix. fol -Bullarum, privilegiorum et Diplomatum Roman. Pontif. amplissima collect. opera et stud. Car. Cocquelines, Rom. 1739-44. xxviii. f.

Eisenschmid, römisches Bullarium, oder Auszüge der merkwürdigsten päbstlichen Bullen, übersetzt und mit fortlaufenden Anmerkungen. Neustadt. 1831, 2 vol.

(4) Catechisms become important only from the age of the Reformation, especially those of Luther, of Heidelberg, of Racow, the Roman Catholic catechism, etc. Some of them, e. g. those just mentioned, may be found in collections of symbolical books, (note 1), others are separately published. Comp. Langemack, historia catechetica, Stralsund, 1729–33. iii. 1740,


(5) J. S. Assemani, Codex liturgus ecclesiæ universæ, Rom. 1749-66. xiii. 4. Renaudot (Eus.), liturgiarum orientalium collectio, Paris, 1716. ii. 4. L. A. Muratori, liturgia romana vetus. Venet. 1748. ii. f. Compare the missals, breviaries, liturgies, etc. Augusti's Denkwürdigkeiten der christlichen Archäologie, vol. v. Gerbert, vetus liturgia allemanica, Ulm 1776. ii. 4.

(6) Rambach, Anthologie christlicher Gesänge aus allen Jahrhunderten der Kirche, Altona, 1816-22. iv. 8, and the numerous psalm and hymn-books.-How much sacred songs have contributed to the spread of doctrinal opinions, may be seen from the example of Bardesanes, [Gieseler, i. § 46, n. 2], of the Arians, and in later times, of the Flagellantes, the Hussites, etc.; from the history of the sacred hymns of the Lutheran, and the sacred psalms of the Reformed church, the spiritual songs of Angelus Silesius, the Pietists and Moravian brethren, and (in a negative point of view) from the inferior value of modern hymn-books. Comp. Augusti, de antiquissimis hymnis et carminibus Christianorum sacris in historia dogmatum utiliter adhibendis, Jen. 1810, and de audiendis in Theologia poëtis, Vratisl. 1812. 15.-Hahn, A., Bardesanes Gnosticus, primus Syrorum hymnologus, 1820. 8. †Buchegger, de origine sacræ Christianorum poëseos, Frib. 1827. 4. Hoffman, Dr. H., Ge schichte des deutschen Kirchenliedes bis auf Luthers Zeit, Breslau, 1832.

§ 14.

b. Private Sources.

Beside the aforesaid public sources, we have a number of private sources. These are, 1. The works of the

Fathers, theologians, and ecclesiastical writers of all ages since the Christian era;(1) but they are not all of the same description, and we have accordingly to distinguish between scientific and strictly doctrinal works on the one hand, and practical (sermons) and occasional works (letters, etc.) on the other.(2) on the other. (2) 2. The works of secular writers, e. g. of Christian philosophers and poets of certain periods.) 3. Lastly, we may derive additional information from that indefinite form of popular belief, which manifests itself in legends, proverbial sayings, and songs, and from the monuments of Christian art, inasmuch as they represent certain religious views.(4)

Comp. § 5. Concerning the distinction (which is very relative) made between Fathers, theologians, and ecclesiastical writers, see the introductions to the works on Patristics, e. g. Möhler, p. 17-19. The Fathers of the first centuries are followed by the compilers, scholastic and mystic divines of the middle ages, and these again by the Reformers and their opponents, the polemical writers of various sections of the church, and the later theologians in general. Their particular works will come before us in their proper place. Works of a more general character are: Fabricii, J. G., Bibliotheca ecclesiastica, Hamb. 1718, f. Cave, W., Scriptorum ecclesiasticorum historia litteraria, Lond. 1688. 91. Oxon. 1740. 43. Bas. 1749. C. Oudin, Comment. de scriptoribus ecclesiæ antiquis, Lips. 1722, iii. L. El. Dupin, nouvelle bibliothèque des auteurs ecclésiastiques, Par. 1686-1714. xlvii. 8. Bibliothèque des auteurs séparés de la communion de l'église romaine du 16. et 17. siècle, Par. 1718, 19. iii. Bibliothèque des auteurs ecclésiastiques du 18. siècle, par Claude Pierre Goujet, Par. 1736. 37. iii. 8. comp. Richard Simon, Critique de la Bibliothéque, etc. Paris, 1750. iv. 8. Ceillier, Remy, Histoire générale des auteurs sacrés et ecclésiastiques, Paris 1729-63. xxiii. 4. J. G. Walch, Bibliotheca patristica, Jen. 1770. 8. Edit. nova auctior et emendatior adornata a I. T. L. Danzio, Jen. 1834. Assemani, I. S., Bibliotheca orientalis, Rom. 1719-28. iii in. 4 vols. f. Oelrichs, J. G. A., Commentarii de scriptoribus ecclesiæ latinæ, Lips. 1791. 8. Schönemann, C. F. G., Bibliotheca historico-litteraria a Tertul

liano principe usque ad Gregorium M. et Isidorum Hispal. Lips. 1792. 94. ii. 8. Rössler, Ch. F., Bibliothek der Kirchenväter, Leipz. 1776-86. x. 8. Augusti, J. Ch. W., Chrestomathia patristica ad usum eorum, qui historiam christianam accuratius discere cupiunt, Lips. 1812. ii. 8. Royaards, D. H. I., Chrestomathia patristica, Pars. I. Traj. ad Rhen. 1831. Engelhardt, litterarischer Leitfaden zu Vorlesungen über die Patristik. Winter, Patrologie, München, 1814. †Goldwitzer, F. W., Bibliographie der Kirchenväter und Kirchenlehrer, vom 1. bis zum 13. Jahrhundert, Landsh. 1828. Möhler, Dr. J. A., Patrologie oder christliche Litterargeschichte, aus dessen Nachlasse herausgegeben von Reithmayr. 1st vol. Regensb. 1839. 8. Danz, J. T. L., Initia doctrinæ patristicæ introductionis instar in Patrum ecclesiæ studium, Jen. 1839. Böhringer, die Kirche Christi und ihre Zeugen, oder die Kirchengeschichte in Biographien, Zur. 1842-46, I. 1-4

A. BEST COLLECTIONS of the WORKS OF THE FATHERS: Magna bibliotheca veterum patrum, primo quidem a Margarito de la Bigne composita, postea studio Coloniens. Theolog. aucta etc. (with Auctuarium by F. Ducæus and Fr. Combefisius) 1664 —72. v. f.—Maxima bibliotheca vett. Patr. etc. Lugd. 1677. xxvii. f.-And. Gallandii, Bibliotheca græco-latina vett. Patrum, etc. Venet. 1765-81. xiv. f. Philological aids: J. C. Suiceri thesaurus ecclesiasticus, Amst. 1682. (1728. Traj. 1746.) ii. f.-Du Fresne (du Cange) Car. Glossarium ad scriptores mediæ et infimæ latinitatis, Paris, 1733–36. vi. f.

B. COLLECTIONS OF THE WORKS OF ECCLESIASTICAL WRITERS DURING THE MIDDLE AGES, (more important for ecclesiastical history in general, than for doctrine-history in particular): Meibomius, Basnage, Muratori, Mabillon, Martène et Durand (Thesaurus Anecd. v. f.) * Pertz (Monumenta, 1826-35) etc. comp. the literature in Hase, Kirchengeschichte, 5th edit. p. 175, ss. For the East: Scriptores Byzantini (Par. 1645, ss.) and latest edition by *Niebuhr, Bonn. 1829, ss.

C. COLLECTIONS OF THE WORKS OF THE REFORMERS; Bretschneider, Corpus Reformatorum, Halæ 1834-46, xii. 4. (containing as yet works of Melancthon only); the works of individual reformers will be named in their proper place.

D. ON MODERN DOGMATIC LITERATURE: Walch, J. G. Bibliotheca theologica, T. I. Jen. 1757. Winer, G. B., Handbuch der theologischen Litteratur, S. 290, ss. Bretschneider, systema

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