DYGESSON, adj. 'close-sounding,' Lh. 223 (36). DYMANDIA, 'to demand, Lh. 124°. +EMÊSK, 'among,' Lh. 72a. ENEREGEK, adj. 'honourable,' Lh. 224 (17). W. anrhydeddus. +EN-KETTERMEN-NA, Lh. 222 (25). ENZOL hag enzol' likewise,' Lh. 223 (36). EPHAN miz ephan June,' Lh. 746. ESGYZIANS, s. 'excuse,' Lh. 222. ESKITIAS, s. shoemaker,' Lh. 285°; σKÚTEUS. W. esgid σκύτος. ESPERANS, s. hope,' Lh. 222, 223. EUN-KEMERYZ 'rightly taken (understood),' Lh. 223. = †EYRYSDER, s. 'happiness,' Lh. 222, from eyrys = M.Br. eurus 'heureux.' †FEGGES, s. 'fruits' (lit. figs): droze fegges warler e kendah (to bring forth fruits according to their kind) Gen. i. 12; pl. of fic, q.v. FLENT, 8. maen-flent 'flintstone,' Lh. 150. FOLORETH, S. 'folly,' Lh. 240°. FORSAKIAZ, 'forsook,' Lh. 252 (19). GEFFYA, 'to forgive,' Lh. 222. †GENAW, pl. genawo, Lh. 222 (35). GERLEVRAN, S. 'glossary,' Lh. 222, dimin. of ger-levar 'word book,' ib. GINI, 'Guinea;' kuliag hag iâr gini, kok gini, Lh. 88a. GOLOW 'to sail,' Lh. 284°. W. hwylio. GORHEBYANZ, answer,' Lh. 223 (59). †GORLEWEN, 'west;' an bobl en gorlewen, Lh. GREHA, 'to sow,' 'plant,' 'beget:' dho wreha, Lh. 149. GUANATH, S. 'wheat,' Lh. 167a. W. gwenith, Br. guinith. GÛEK, adj. 'mendax,' Lh. 88°. †GULEN, 'to demand,' Lh. 124°. Br. goulenn. GUIRHEVLEPTER, s. 'verisimilitude,' Lh. 222 (54). +GURIDNIAS, 'pressed, crushed, squeezed,' Lh. 128. See guryn. GUZEN, s. 'a withe,' Lh. 284. GWASGA, 'to press,' Lh. 127. GWERSYN, s. 'spindle,' Lh. 286°. GWETHDER, S.' deterioration,' Lh. 223 (28). +GWRADNAN, s. 'wren,' fem. according to Mr. Williams, masc. according to Lh. 241. GYRHEFFIAS, 'offered, proffered, given,' Lh. 102. HAGAR-AWEL, s. 'bad weather,' Lh. 161°. HANWAL, 'calls,' Lh. 223 (18). +HANDERW, s. Lh. 223 (76). HANTERGUREYZ, ' half-made,' Lh. Lh. 224 (44). HARAU, s. a harrow,' Lh. 104; dens harraw harrow teeth,' C.W. p. 234. Haz, s. ' duck,' Lh. 275o, a late form of hos, hoet. HÊAN, s. haven,' Lh. 151a. HEDHEN, s. bird,' Lh. 290". HETE in de-genz-hete ' day before yesterday,' Lh. 249a. +HESWCH, s. peace,' Lh. 293°, 284; hezwch, 275°, 283*. HOIZIAZ, S. 'hoarseness,' Lh. 136. Hôz, adj. 'hoarse,' Lh. 136°. A.S. hás = HUIST, interj. 'silence,' Lh. 249a. HYRLÎAN, s. ‘hurling' (a game), Lh. 245a. Nhg. heiser. KEINDOR, S. back of the hand from the wrist to the root, or the lowermost knuckles of the finger,' Lh. 90a. KENEZL, s. ydn-genezl 'one race,' Lh. 224 (17). +KESSENYANS, Lh. 223 (67). +KESSONYZ, 8. 'a consonant,' Lh. 223. +KETGORRA (Wrongly getgorra, Lh. 223 (66) ), 'to collate.' KETTOST, 'as soon as,' Lh. 250, a corruption of *kettos, kettoth. +KEVARVOZ, Lh. 222 (33). KIDNIATH, s. harvest,' Lh. 90, a corruption of cyniaf, as scath of scaf and hanath of hanaf. KîG MOH, S. ‘bacon,' Lh. 76°; lit. 'flesh of pig' (moh=Ir.mucc). KYDNIK, adj. 'vafer,' Lh. 169a. +KYLIGI, s. 'cockle;' masc. according to Mr. Williams, fem. according to Lhuyd, 241o. KYNAVA, S. 'knave," Lh. 97°. KYNDAN, s. 'debt;' masc. according to Mr. Williams, but an gyndan, Lh. 222. KYNEZ, 'to sow,' 'plant,' 'beget,' Lh. 149. Kynîvar Gyrna (gl. indies), Lh. 70a. KYWLAT, S. coverlet,' Lh. 118, 155". Lâdí, Lh. 72o; latha, 74a, ladhá, 104, 'to slay.' +Laor, W. llolio, Skr. lalana, λάλος, λαλέω. LAVARNANZ, S. 'pronunciation'? Lh. 222. †LEGRIA, 'to corrupt:' a legria, Lh. 223 (50), p.part.p. legryz ib. (72), legriyz, ib. (69). †LEGRIAZ, s. ‘corruption,' pl. legraĝo, Lh. 223. W. llygriad. +LEMMYS (gl. acutus), Lh. 41. †LEw, s. ‘a leader,' Lh. 223 (76). Louz, adj. 'mouldy,' Lh. 281°. +Lûz, adj. 'hoary,' Lh. 279a M. Corn. loys, Ir. lath. = LYDER, S. 'satrapa,' Lh. 144o, from Eng. leader? MABM, s. y vabm the milt,' the spleen,' Lh. 79. MARBEL, adv. ' tandiu,' Lh. 161a = mar + pel. = MARHAG, 8. Lh. 57a marrek, q.v. Ir. marcacheques.' MARKIA, 'to mark,' Lh. 223 (15), p.part.p. markyz, ib. (22). MARU, 'to die,' Lh. 222. MAZKEMERYANZ, s. good reception,' Lh. 223 (57). +MENEDH, s. mountain.' Mr. Williams makes this masc. but from Lhuyd's war an venedh, 230°, I should judge it to be fem. MENER, a corruption of menedh, Lh. 230°, 231a. MÊR-BARRHYZ, 'greatly honoured,' parhyz, Lh. 222 (40). -BREDERYZ, 'very careful,' prederys, Lh. 224 (30). -FŶR, 'very wise,' Lh. 224. -LETRYZ, very lettered,' Lh. 222 (41). -REIZYZ, 'greatly needed,' Lh. 224 (41). -SKIENTEK, ́very wise,' Lh. 222 (40). -WORDHYZ, 'greatly honoured,' gordhyz, Lh. 222 (40). +MOLHUEZ, s. snails,' Lh. 286a. III.-NOTE ON ENDLICHER'S GAULISH GLOSSARY. BY WHITLEY STOKES, ESQ. De nominibus gallicis. Hoc caput integrum describimus: Lugduno; desiderato monte; dunum enim montem. Aremorici; antemarini; quia are ante. Arevernus; ante obsta. Roth violentum, Dan et in gallico et in hebreo iudicem; ideo hrodanus, iudex violentus. Brio; ponte. Ambe; rivo. Interambes; inter rivos. Lautro; balneo. Nanto; valle. Trinanto; tres valles. Anam; paludem. Caio; breialo sive bigardio. Onno; flumen. Nate; fili. Cambiare; rem pro re dare. Avallo; poma. Doro; osteo. Renne; arborem grandem. Treicle; pede.-Catalogus Codd. philolog. lat. bibl. palat. Vindobonensis, 1836, p. 199. The foregoing glossary was found by Stephen Endlicher in a MS. of the ninth century preserved in the Palace Library at Vienna. Though published in 1836, and quoted by Zeuss, it has hitherto been overlooked by Celtic scholars. The name Lugdunum (Lyons) 'desideratus mons,' is similarly explained in the Notae veteres ad Itinerarium Burdigalense, cited by Ducange and also by Diefenbach (Origg. Eur. 325). The oldest Gaulish form is Lugudûnon (Aovyoúdovvov, vûv dè Дoúydovvov kaλoúμevov, Dio Cass. xlvi. c. 50), which Siegfried explained as a compound of lugu 'little' (=Ir. lau, lu, compar. laigiu, Gr. ẻ-λaxús, Skr. laghu-s, Lat. le(g)vis, and dûnon (Latinised dunum), here glossed by 'mons,' and in Plutarch De Flum. by тóπov égéxovтa. It is the Irish dún castrum, W. din (gl. arx), Nhg. zaun. When we remember the constant use of diminutives ὑποκοριστικῶς, there can be no difficulty in understanding how a word really meaning 'mons parvus' came to be explained by 'mons desideratus.' Are-morici (gl. ante-marini), are (gl. ante), are-vernus (gl. ante obsta). A gloss resembling the first of these is quoted by Diefenbach, Origg. p. 231, from Itin. Hieros. in Itin. Ant. ed. Wesseling, p. 617: "Aremorici ante mare; are ante, more dicunt mare; et ideo Morini Marini." The prep. aré (the line in Ausonius shows that the e is long) has been compared by Ebel (Beiträge iii. 36) with πapai. Morici is the n. pl. masc. of moricos 'marinus,' an adj. formed from mori (Ir. muir, W. mor) Lat. mare. = In are-vernus (gl. ante obsta) I see a second sg. imperative middle, used actively, the -s representing the Skr. sva in bharasva=pépov for pep-e-σo. A similar form is preserved by Servius ad Verg. Aen. xi. v. 1743: "C. J. Caesar cum dimicaret in Gallia et ab hoste raptus equo ejus portaretur armatus, occurrit quidam ex hostibus, qui eum nosset, et insultans ait Cecos Caesar, quod Gallorum lingua dimitte significat; et ita factum est, ut dimitteretur." Here cecos appears to be a reduplicated form, like Skr. bibhṛshva, the root being KI, which occurs in Breton and Cornish, and (reduplicated) in the Greek KI-Kúw Taɣúvw (Curtius, G. E. No. 57), and in åπ-éxığav depulerant, Aristoph. Ach. 869. The verb datalage-s on the silver plate discovered at Poitiers seems another example of this form in s. As to the root of vernus (gl. obsta) I would put this verb with Skr. vṛṇōmi, from vṛ, 'to resist' (ved. Benfey), and thus equate vernu-s with vṛṇushva. The gloss hrodanus-leg. rhodanus—(gl. judex violentus) also occurs in the Itin. Hieros. cited by Diefenbach, Origg. pp. 407, 408, where he gives a better reading, rho nimium. The true reading is ro-danus or ro-danos, ro being the wellknown intensive prefix (Z. 829, 833) and danus (danos?) 'judex' being, like Oé-μis, Zend dâ-tam, Goth. dóm-s, Eng. doom, Old Irish dathe in erdathe (gl. judicii domini), from the root DHA. The Irish man's name Rodan (Four Masters, A.D. 448) is probably the same word as the Gaulish Rodanus. The river-name Rodanus has nothing to do with the word just considered. Rodanus Rhone' is from the root RAD 'findere,' 'fodere.' So the river-name Scultenna (Gallia Cispadana) is cognate with the Irish scoltaim 'scindo' diffindo,' and in Greece Χάραδρος (cf. χαρ-άσσω) was the name of several torrents. 1 See Diefenbach, Origg. p. 289. The Gaul meant (I take it) to say Caecos (ist) Caesar Caesar is blind,' (Ir. caech), but was understood to say Cecos Caesar, or 'let Caesar go!' 2 Bret. ke' va,' kit 'allez,' Corn. keugh 'ite.' |