Transactions of the Philological Society

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The oldest scholarly periodical devoted to the general study of language and languages, reflecting a wide range of linguistic interest. Contains articles on a diversity of topics such as papers on phonology, Romance linguistics, generative grammar, pragmatics, sociolinguistics, Indo-European philology and the history of English.

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Strona 36 - super reformatione status regni, per proceres ejusdem regni," which is not quite a correct description. This is the version marked (9) below. 10. George L. Craik. Outlines of the History of the English Language, for the use of the Junior Classes in Colleges and the Higher Classses in Schools. London, 1851, by
Strona 35 - Witness ourselves at London the eighteenth Day in the Month of October, in the two and fortieth year of our crowning. And this was done afore our sworn Read-men Boniface Archbishop of Canterbury, Walter of Cantilupe Bishop of Worcester, Simon of Montfort Earl of Leicester.
Strona 429 - Whan that Aprille with his schowres swoote The drought of Marche hath perced to the roote. And bathud every veyne in swich licour, Of which vertue engendred is the flour; Whan Zephirus eek with his swete
Strona 5 - verrunt ke facent a adrescer et amender. E su le haute justice, et sur totes autres genz. E si il ne poent tuz estre, ceo ke la greinure partie fra, serra ferm et estable. In confirmation of these arrangements Henry issued the following proclamation in the form of letters patent on 4 Aug. 1258,
Strona 26 - witnefs our felf at London the 18th day of the Month of October, in the two and fortieth Year of our Coronation; and this was done before our fworn Counfellors, Boniface Archbifhop of Canterbury, Walter of Cantelow Bifhop of Worcejler, Simon Montfort Earl of
Strona 86 - cruninge. Witnesses ourselves at London, the eighteenth day of the month of October, in the two and fortieth year of our reign. Coronation is employed, because the regnal years were reckoned from the day of coronation 28 Oct. 1216, and not from the death of King John, 19 Oct. 1216. Old French, Tesmoin Meimeismes a Londres le Disutime lur de Octobre
Strona 304 - Breathes there a man with soul so dead Who never to himself has said: This is my own, my native land.
Strona 304 - Oh for a tongue to curse the slave, Whose treason like a deadly blight Comes o'er the counsels of the brave And whelms them in the hour of might!

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