EMBRACING THE PROCEEDINGS IN THE TRIAL OF ANDREW JOHNSON. BY F. & J. RIVES & GEORGE A. BAILEY. CITY OF WASHINGTON: OFFICE OF THE CONGRESSIONAL GLOBE. 1868. To amend an act entitled "An act to provide for the more efficient government of the rebel States," passed March 2, 1867, and the several acts amendatory thereto. - [By Mr. Wilson.] Referred and printed, 19; Mr. Doolittle's amendment, 99; discussed, 99; reported and indefinitely postponed, 1257. Reported and passed, 219; passed House with amendment, 1702; In House: Received from Senate, 232; referred, 362; reported For the relief of Jeremiah McChesney. - [By Mr. Morton.] For the relief of the heirs of Simeon Castro and their assigns.-[By Referred, 19; reported, 708. S. No. 163 Declaring what shall constitute a quorum of the Supreme Court. [By Mr. Trumbull.] Reported and passed, 19; passed House with amendment, 490 referred, 503. In House: Referred, 96; reported, 477, 478; discussed, 478; passed, 489; vote explained, 506. Passed House with amendments, 119; concurred in! with In House: Reported and passed with amendment, 107; agreed Granting the right of way through gh the lands of the United States at West Point to the Hudson River West Shore Railroad Company. [By Mr. Morgan.] Indefinitely postponed, 196.16090 To authorize the conversion of registered bonds into coupon bonds. [By Mr. Anthony.] Referred, 38; reported adversely and indefinitely postponed, 404. S. No. 166t : For the relief of the owners of the land within United States survey No. 3217 in the State of Missouri. - [By Mr. Drake.] Referred, 38; reported, 404; discussed, 626; passed, 627; passed House, 3645; enrolled, 3671; approved, 8771. In House: Received from Senate, 638; referred, 991; reported and referred anew, 1334; reported, 3655; passed, 3656; enrolled, 3661. cisco, California, and Portland, Oregon, brokers. [By Mr. S. No. 169- Pd In House: Received from Senate, 2289 ); referred, 2548; reported adversely, 3553.. 1 To amend an act entitled "An act making appropriations and to supply deficiencies in the appropriations for the service of the Government for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1867," approved March 2, 1867.- [By Mr. Corbett.] Referred, 63. S. No. 170 191 い Referred, 63. S. No. 173 For the relief of Afñia M. Rolas y Robaldo, widow of Francisco Referred, 63; committee discharged, referred anew, 921. S. No. 174. For the relief of Mrs. Emma Wilson, of the State of Indiana.[By Mr. Hendricks.] Referred, 79; reported adversely, 491; passed, 4351. In House: Received from Senate, 4382. S. No. 175 For the relief of Joseph McGhee Cameron and Mary Jane Cameron, minor children of La Fayette Cameron, deceased.-[By Mr. Patterson, of Tennessee.] Referred, 79; reported, 2067; passed, 3823; passed House with amendments, 3902; conference, 3954, 3984; conference report, |