ers... Conness, John, a Senator from California - 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2018 .....1976 to the steamer Monitor, 2068, 2241, 2242 2248, 2249, 2250, 2251, 2252, 2268 2218 on the bill to admit Arkansas to repre- on printing J. W. Taylor's report on min- eral resources. 2436 on the resolution to furnish the House ..2596 on the bill in relation to the Northern on the bill to confirm land titles in Ne- on the supplementary bill concerning na- ...2761 on the Southern Pacific railroad bill...2792 Conness, John, a Senator from California- remarks on the case of the British steamer on the legislative appropriation bill, 3353, on the tax bill (H. 3646, 3649 3838, 3839, 8840, 3841 on the bill for funding the national debt, 4073, 4074, 4075, 4346, 4347, 4348, 4404 on the resolution relating to reservations 4109, 4110, 4113, 4114, 4115, 4116, on deficiency bill (H. R. No. 1841)...4149, on the bill granting a pension to the widow ..4269 on the bill granting a pension to Martha 4270 on the resolution for a recess from July, 4352 on the resolution relating to the pay of 4461 Constitution of the United States, resolution constitutional questions-[By Mr. Davis, read and printed, 1963; called up, 470, 472; joint resolution (S. R. No. 86) declaring resolutions of the Legislature of Ohio, with- read and discussed, 876; referred, 878. Mr. Johnson.... Mr. Sumner..... .....878 1876 ....877, 878 bill (S. No. 385) in part execution of sec- joint resolution (S. R. No. 133) proposing resolution calling for a list of the States of agreed to, 8857. joint resolution (S. R. No. 10) proposing an reported, 4093. joint resolution (S. R. No. 166) declaring referred, 4197; committee discharged, concurrent resolution declaring the ratifica- adopted, 4266; concurred in by House, 4270. In House: received from Senate, 4295; Consular and diplomatic expenses, bill (H. R. received from House, 1232; referred, 1256; Consular and diplomatic expenses, bill (H. R. Contested elections, bill (S. No. 584)-Con- Cook, Hannah K., bill (H. R. No. 1230) grantremarks by No. 718)-Continued. Mr. Morrill, of Vermont...... 1747, tinued. remarks by Mr. Thayer. Mr. Vickers. yeas and nays on the. .3120, 3121 ...3130 3128 3126, 3129 3128, 3129 2303 Contingent expenses of the Senate, the Committee to Audit and Control the......10 instructions to....... reports from.......98, 2075, 2217, 2365 Contractors, bill (S. No. 807) for the relief of certain Government-[By Mr. Grimes.] reported, 880; discussed, 1143, 2922, 2959, 3051; passed, 3052; passed House, 3954; enrolled, 3958; approved, 3984. In House: received from Senate, 3067; referred, 3007; reported, 3554; discussed, 3940; passed, 3943; enrolled, 3973. remarks by Mr. Anthony..2924, 2060, 2961 Mr. Cameron 2961 Mr. Conkling...1144, 2923, 2963 2923, 3052 2923, 2924, 2925, 2960, 2961, 3052 Mr. Edmunds.....2960, 2961, 2962, 2963 Mr. Fessenden.. Mr. Frelinghuysen ... Mr. Grimes.......... Mr. Hendricks 2963 2923, 2924, 2960, 2961 1143, 1144 2923, 2924, 2925, 2959, 2960, 1144 1144, 2922, ......629 2961, 2962, 2963, 3051, 3052 627, 632 Mr. Howe..... 1144, 631 2923, 2959, 2960, 2961, 3052 Mr. Johnson.... 1144, 2960 Mr. Morton. 2962, 2968 2925 Mr. Patterson, of New Hampshire, Mr. Sherman..... 1143, 1144, 2961, 3051 553, 631 Mr. Sumner. 3051 Mr. Stewart.............. 553 Mr. Sumner....519, 520, 553 Mr. Trumbull....... 2960, 2961, 2962, 2963 627 Mr. Morrill, of Vermont.........520, 628 Mr. Nye......... ....... joint resolution (S. R. No. 100) for the relief of certain, for the construction of vessels of war and steam machinery[By Mr. Drake.] DY referred, 1911, 3115, 3147; 981; reported, 1515; discussed, passed, 3150. In House: received from Senate, 3202; called up, 4396; discussed, 4413; re ferred, 4415. remarks by Mr. Chandler......................8115, 8147 Mr. Cragin Mr. Drake....... 3150 1515, 1911, 1912, 1912, 1913, 3115 3148, 3149 3148 1911, 1912 Mr. Hendricks.3148, 3149, 3150 Mr. Howard...... 1913 Conveyances of vessels, bill (S. No. 373) to amend an act entitled "An act to provide for recording the," approved July 29, 1850-[By Mr. Hendricks.] referred, 1257; reported, 1807; passed, 1940. In House: received from Senate, 1960; referred, 2029. Convicts, bill (H. R. No. 719) for the surrender of persons convicted of certain crimes. received from House, 1260; referred, 1287; reported and discussed, 1429; recommitted, 1431. Cook, Hannah, bill (S. No. 545) granting a pension to-[By Mr. Van Winkle.] reported, 3145; passed, 3325. In House: received from Senate, 3345; referred, 3846; committee discharged, referred anew, 3613. Coolie trade, bill (S. No. 644) to amend an act entitled "An act to prohibit the, by American citizens in American vessels"[By Mr. Sumner.] reported, 4362; passed, 4452. Cooper, Edmund, resolution inquiring whether, assumed the duties of Assistant Secretary of the Treasury upon the 30th of November, and if so, under what law-[By Mr. Thayer, December 2, 1867.] laid over, 1; agreed to, 64. letter of, concerning the impeachment trial, 4464, 4511 Corbett, Henry W., a Senator from Oregon, 1 petitions presented by.......... .....62, 404, 721, 815, 1428, 2484, 2995, 4070 bills introduced by No. 169-to amend an act entitled "An act making appropriations and to supply deficiencies in the appropriations for the service of the Government for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1867," approved March 2, 1867.... No. 102-instructing the superintendent of the Asylum for the Insane in the District of Columbia to admit James McIntosh on the same footing as indigent insane persons of the District........1026 resolutions submitted by ...491 instructing Committee on Finance to inquire into the expediency of a new loan and issue of five per cent. bonds for the purpose of redeeming the five-twenties as they mature-[December 6, 1867].....68 calling for a statement of the amount of money paid on account of the new jail in the District of Columbia, and to whom paid-[January 14.180 14, 1868]... in reference to the expediency of securing to Indians the right to testify in cases of murder, rape, &c., as between whites and Indians-[June 23, 1868].......3382 for printing tax bill-[July 18, 1868]...4197 703, 999, 1026, 1461, 1910, 2009, 2759, 3382, 3671 motions made by ........63, 169, 171, 3074, 3275, 3506, 3607, 4848 reports made by. Corbett, Henry W., a Senator from Oregon on the resolution in reference to the occu- on the suspension of the Governor of Corcoran, Mrs. Ann, bill (S. No. 184) grant- In House: received from Senate, 1859; re- Core, Andrew S., bill (S. No. 522) to authorize -1 joint resolution (S. R. No. 172) to construe reported and passed, 1719 on the invalid pension bill........1723, 1725 on the bill for the relief of the Navajo 2019 on the bill for the relief of Martha M. on the bill to amend an act for the relief on the order of business 3712 on the tax bill (H. R. No. 1284).....3744, on the bill concerning district judges, on the Rock Island bridge resolution, on the bill for the further issue of tempo- 4361; passed House, 4443. 1 Cotton, bill (H. R. No. 207)-Continued. 244, 299, 340; passed with amendments, remarks by- Mr. Cameron Mr. Cattell. Mr. Chandler ............... Mr. Conkling. 356, 357 221, 222, 227, 308, 346, 347, Mr. Conness 354, 355, 565, 675, 676, 677 Mr. Corbett... Mr. Pomeroy....164, 201, 220, 349, 356 197, 198, 199, 221, 226, 229, 244, 249, Mr. Sprague 300, 304, 307 Mr. Stewart...... 226, 801, 306, 354, 677 Mr. Thayer............ Mr. Williams... ....305, 306, 354 197, 355, 552 205, 222, 306, 346, 853, 355, 357, 358 -29 Mr. Wilson.......... Mr. Yates.. 197, 203, 245, 353, 854, 356, 565 yeás and nays on the.. 227 354, 855, 858, 676, 677 Cotton cases, communication from clerk of received from House and referred, 3917; Cotty, William J., bill (H. R. No. 1295) grant- זוין received from House and referred, 3917; ---*છે Court, bill (S. No. 168) declaring what shall constitute a quorum of the Supreme-[By Mr. Trumbull.] reported and passed, 19; passed House with amendment, 490; referred, 503. In House: referred, 96; reported, 477, 478; discussed, 478; passed, 489; vote explained, 506. bill (S. No. 211) to amend an act entitled "An act to provide for a district and circuit, of the United States for the district of the State of Nebraska"-[By Mr. Thayer.] referred, 242; reported adversely, 678. bill (S. No. 220) to abolish the district, for the eastern district of Texas, and to extend the jurisdiction of the district, for ✓ the western district over the whole State-[By Mr. Sumner.] referred, 343; reported and indefinitely postponed, 816. bill (S. No. 254) to change the terms of the district, of the United States for the district of Maine-[By Mr. Fessenden.] referred, 553. bill (H. R. No. 274) providing for holding a circuit, at the city of Erie, Pennsylvania. received from House, 678; referred, 699: passed, 1646; Journal corrected and committee discharged, 1658; reported adversely and indefinitely postponed, 2556. bill (H. R. No. 348) to provide for holding terms of the United States district, for the western district of Missouri at St. Joseph. received from House, 3630; referred, 8682, bill (H. R. No. 1370) to fix the time for holding the terms of the United States district, in Virginia. received from House, 3956; referred, 3982. bill (H. R. No. 145) in relation to the district, of the United States for the northern district of Ohio. reported adversely and indefinitely postponed, 4093. Courts, bill (S. No. 230) authorizing writs of error from the circuit to the district, of the United States in certain criminal cases-[By Mr. Howard.] referred, 384; reported, 2435. bill (S. No. 284) to authorize the removal of causes in certain cases from the district, to the circuit, of the United States-[By Mr. Morrill, of Maine.] referred, 404. bill (S. No. 243) regulating the service of final process in suits at law, and of orders and decrees in equity, of, of the United States in places out of their jurisdictional limits-[By Mr. Howard.] referred, 472; reported adversely, 1257. bill (S. No. 245) to fix the terms of the circuit and district, of the United States for the district of Oregon, and the salary of the judge thereof-[By Mr. Corbett.] referred, 472. bill (S. No. 9) to amend an act entitled "An act to regulate the fees and costs to be allowed cle clerks, marshals, and attorneys of the circuit and district, of the United States," approved February 26, 1853[By Mr. Sumner.] reported adversely and indefinitely postponed, 518. bill (S. No. 262) concerning district judges[By Mr. Hendricks.] referred, 625; reported adversely, 2435. bill (S. No. 263) to facilitate the administration of justice-[By Mr. Stewart.] referred, 625. joint resolution (S. R. No. 34) relative to the holding of, in the southern district of New York-[By Mr. Conkling.] committee discharged, 678. bill (S. No. 300) to enable admiralty, to decree salvage to incorporations formed for wrecking or salvage purposes-[By Mr. Morgan.] referred, 816; indefinitely postponed, 3539. bill (S. No. 304) to provide for holding terms of the United States district, for the western district of Missouri at St. Joseph, in said State-[By Mr. Drake.] referred, 845; reported adversely, 2556. bill (S. No. 363) defining the jurisdiction of Jurisdiction the, of the United States in certain cases-[By Mr. Trumbull.] referred, 1204; reported, 1428; amendment printed, 1621. bill (S. No. 377) to change the times of holding the district and circuit, of the United States in the several districts in the State of Tennessee - [By Mr. Patterson, of Tennessee.] referred, 1311; reported, 1807; passed, 1911; passed House with amendments, 8254; concurred in, 3255; enrolled, 3279; approved, 8714. In House: received from Senate, 1927; referred, 2029; reported and passed with amendments, 3266; agreed to by Senate, 3294; enrolled, 3308; approved, 8761. bill (S. No. 887) concerning the liability of shipowners, maritime liens, salvage, and the jurisdiction in admiralty-[By Mr. Sumner.] referred, 1371. bill (S. No. 402) for the removal of causes in certain cases from the State, to the United States- [By Mr. Trumbull.] referred, 1487; reported, 3423; discussed, 3463, 3567. bill (S. No. 406) providing for the holding of, in the Territories belonging to the United States-[By Mr. Cragin.] referred, 1515; reported adversely, 2435. bill (S. No. 449) to revive and continue in force the act of the 29th of July, 1850, and the act amendatory thereof of the 2d of April, 1852-[By Mr. Johnson.] referred, 1940; reported, 3566; discussed, 3767; passed, 3770. In House; received from Senate, 3853; referred, 4490. In House: received from Senate, 8928; passed, 4491; enrolled, 4496. bill (H. R. No. 293) to regulate and limit the admiralty jurisdiction of the district, of the United States in certain cases. received from House, 3607; referred, 3608; indefinitely postponed, 5814. bill (S. No. 584) relating to the finding of indictments in the, of the United States in the late rebel States- [By Mr. Conkling.] referred, 3645; reported, 3988. bill (S. No. 604) regulating the times and places of holding the district and circuit, of the United States for the northern district of Florida-[By Mr. Welch.] referred, 3818; reported, 3983; passed, 4144; passed House, 4459; approved, 4517. In House: received from Senate, 4182; motion to take up, 4472; passed, 4492; enrolled, 4496. bill (S. No. 638) for the better organization of the district, of the United States within the State of Louisiana-[By Mr. Kellogg.] referred, 4321. Court-martial, resolution calling for proceedings of the general, convened at West Point, New York, by Special Orders, No. 254-[By Mr. Johnson, December 13, 1867.] laid over, 165. Court of Claims, bill (S. No. 164) to provide for appeals from the- [By Mr. Edmunds.] referred, 38 88; reported, 1887; discussed, 2217; amendments submitted and and printed, 2237; discussed, 2764; passed, 2769; passed House with amendments, 3254; concurred in, 3255; enrolled, 3279. In House: received from Senate, 2810; referred, 3034; reported, 3266; passed with amendments, 8267; agreed to by Senate, 8294; enrolled, 3308; approved, 3761. joint resolution (S. R. No. 110) to further define the meaning of the act of February 19, 1867, in relation to the jurisdiction of the, in cases of claims for quartermasters' stores-[By Mr. Pat :terson, of New Hampshire.] bill (S. No. 403) in relation to testimony in the-[By Mr. Drake.] referred, 1487; reported and indefinitely postponed, 1887. joint resolution (S. R. No. 158) to extend the act establishing the, to the claims arising under the act of the 2d of March, 1861, providing for the payment of the expenses of the Washington and Oregon Indian war of 1855-56-[By Mr. Williams.] Cowles, Sherman H., bill (S. No. 822) grant- Of enrolled, 8144. πιο αομαίορη απς πο 4443. Cox, W. H., bill (H. R. No. 1420) directing received from House, 4075; referred, 4092; Craft, William, bill (H. R. No. 661) granting 9 .......... shire... No. 264-for the relief of Henry C. 625 judges of Utah Territory...............625 contingent expenses of the Senate for act to exempt certain manufacturers Do received from House, 731; referred, 764; 1463, Credentials of Senators presented. Crimes, bill (H. R. No. 719) for the surrender of persons convicted of certain. Mr. Corbett. nous Mr. Davis 3540012. of the staff officers of the Navy....3710 resolutions submitted by- for for the payment of salaries due the clerks bill (H. R. No. 439) ...830, 848 ............. 1289 2295 on the naval appropriation bill, 2151, 2256 on Mr. Edmunds.......... 1429 1481 1430 bill (S. No. 509) in addition to an act passed In House: received from Senate, 3145; d passed, 4396; enrolled, 4422.- Cunningham, John S., bill (S. No. 416) for reported, 1669; passed, 1670; passed House, Currency, joint resolution (S. R. No. 71) to 12 Cattell.] referred, 63; reported and tabled, 219. reduction of the. received from House and referred, 79; 699. remarks by- In House: received from Senate, 1859; re- reported, 1026; passed, 1143. Cummings, W. G., bill (S. No. 343) for the Mr. Cattell Mr. Cole Mr. Conkling Mr. 438 439, 440, 442, 472, 473, 503, 523, 525, 526, 527, 530, 531, 532, 537 438, 441, 473, 524, 525, 531, 532 527, 536 Mr. Drake.........437, 438, 500, 501, 532 500 Mr. Frelinghuysen........ 412, 413, 414, 416, 437, 524, 529, 530, 412, 415, 438, 441, 503, 522, 527 Mr. Pomeroy Mr. Sprague........ Mr. Stewart, ......410, 411, 441, 502, 524 C18 Mr. Williams 537 436 alle Mr. Wilson... 448, 523, 524, 525, 532, 536 438, 110 443, 501, 503, 583, 537 bill (S. No. 148) to raise the value of legal- made special order, 88; discussed, 123, |