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For an adjournment over the holidays. - [December 10, 1867.] Adopted, 117; concurred in by Senate, 195.

In Senate: Received from House, 119; laid over, 123; not

By Mr. Schenck-Continued.


In Senate: Received from House, 4518; concurred in, 4520.

By Mr. Washburne, of Illinois

For an adjournment to September. -[June 30, 1868.]

Agreed to, 3615; concurred in by Senate with amendment, 4375; discussed, 4375, 4380; concurred in, 4380; motion to reconsider, 4380; tabled, 4411.

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In Senate: Received from House, 3607; discussed, 4276, 4282, 4293, 4322; passed with amendment, 4328; agreed to by House,


- concurred in, 151; reconsidered, 165; concurred in, 169.
For an adjournment to October 16, and thence to November 10.- By Mr. Washburn, of Indiana
[September 21, 1868.]
Adopted, 4520.

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For an adjournment over until May 26. [May 11, 1868.] Tabled, 2407.

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Referred, 1861,

Directing the managers on the impeachment trial to investigate the means alleged to have been used corruptly to influence the determination of the Senate upon the articles of impeachment.-[May 16, 1868.]

Reported and discussed, 2503; adopted, 2505.

Assigning rooms No. A and B, opposite the room of the solicitor of the Court of Claims in the Capitol, as guard-room and office for the Capitol police. -[May 28, 1868.]

Reported, 2643; agreed to, 2651.

Directing that Charles W. Woolley be kept until otherwise ordered
in close confinement, until said Woolley shall fully answer the
questions recited, and all questions put to him by the committee
in relation to the subject of the investigations with which they
are charged.-[May 28, 1868.].

Reported, 2651; agreed to, 2651; motion to reconsider, 2651;
discussed, 2669,2671; motion tabled, 2676.
in the impeach-

ment trial from further consideration of the subject. [July
25, 1868.]

Reported and agreed to, 4474.

By Mr. Blaine

Instructing Committee on Naval Affairs to inquire what reduction may be effected in the number of officers and men employed in the Navy by reducing our foreign squadrons to the number of ships and guns that were in service before the war.[December 16, 1867.11

Agreed to, 213.

Committing the subject of leasing the restaurant and prescribing the rules under which it shall be kept to the Committee on Revisal and Unfinished Business, with full power to make



Read and withdrawn, 2070.

Directing Committee on Appropriations to inquire into the expediency of defining more accurately the time and manner of carrying unexpended appropriations to the surplus fund and covering the same in the Treasury Department.-[April 9, 1868.]

Adopted, 2289.


For a committee to attend the funeral of ex-President Buchanan.

[June 1, 1868.]

Adopted, 2817...

In reference to the action of the Mexican Government in establishing free ports at Matamoras and other points on the Rio Grande.

In reference to the salary of the Assistant Librarian.-[June 22,

In reference to a funding bill.-[July 1, 1868.]

Grande.-[June 10, 1868.]

Agreed to, 2976.


Agreed to, 3346.

Objected to, 3655.

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In relation to the test-oath for conventions in the unreconstructed




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Directing Committee on Reconstruction to consider the expediency of authorizing the General of the Army to detail officers for service in the States recently in rebellion; of of constituting said ary district single milita district, t, under the command of the General of the Army; of providing ling additional securities for the exercise of the elective franchise in said States; and of declaring that the governments set up in said States are not republican forms of government. - [January 6, 1868.]

Adopted, 331.

In reference to coin in the Treasury and a new loan.-[January

27, 1868.]

Objected to, 784.

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Granting leave to the committee appointed to prepare and report articles of impeachment against Andrew Johnson, and to the Committee on Reconstruction, to sit during the sessions of the House.-[February 25, 1868.]

Agreed to, 1427.

Permitting the committee appointed to prepare and report articles of impeachment to report in print. - [February 27, 1868.]

Reported and agreed to, 1470.

For printing one thousand copies of the articles of impeachment.

[March 2, 1868.]

Referred, 1619; reported and agreed to, 1661.


ng the Senate to be informed that this House have appointed managers to conduct the impeachment against the President, and have directed the said managers to carry to the Senate the articles agreed upon. - [March 2, 1868.]

Agreed to, 1619.

Directing that the articles agreed to against Andrew Johnson, President, be carried to the Senate by the managers appointed to conduct said impeachment. - [March 2, 1868.]

Agreed to, 1619.


That when the Senate shall sit for the trial of the President, the House, in committee of the Whole, will attend with the managers at the bar of the Senate.- [March 20, 1868.]

Agreed to, 2021.

Directing the Senate to be informed that the House of Representatives has adopted a replication to the answer of the President on the articles of impeachment, and that the same will be presented to the Senate by the managers. - [March 24, 1868.] Adopted, 2081."

Postponing action upon all matters except questions relating to the impeachment of the President until the conclusion of the trial now pending before the Senate. [March 27, 1868.]

Reported, 2175.

Calling for reports made by Major General Meade to the General of the Army, relating to the election in Alabama in February last.March 27, 1868.]

1891) Adopted, 2164.

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That the Speaker of the House again propose to C. W. Woolley the questions contained in the resolution this day adopted,

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Proposed, 2528.

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For adding from among those members of the House who voted By Mr. Butler, of Massachusetts

against the impeachment of the President two persons to

the committee of managers, while acting as a committee of
investigation.-[May 18, 1868.]

Proposed, 2528.

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Objected to, 403.

Directing Committee of Ways and Means to inquire into the expediency of abolishing the internal revenue tax on manufactures of cotton, wool, iron, and steel. -[January 8, 1868.] Agreed to, 403.

Discharging the Committee on Accounts from the further consideration of charges against the Sergeant-at-Arms referred to them.-[February 19, 1868.]

Reported, 1286; discussed, 1293; adopted, 1294. Authorizing the Doorkeeper of the House of Representatives to appoint a document file clerk and fixing his salary.-[February 28, 1868.]

Reported and adopted, 1501.

Relative to the means of lighting the Hall. - [April 4, 1868.] Reported and recommitted, 2288; motion to reconsider, 2318; report read, 2318; resolution adopted, 2319.

By Mr. Buckland

Allowing a clerk to Committee on Banking and Currency.[December 19, 1867.]

Objected to, 282.

Instructing Committee on Naval Affairs to inquire into the expediency of establishing a naval depot and naval dry-dock on Sandusky bay, at or near Sandusky city.-[February 28, 1868.]

Agreed to, 1501.

By Mr. Burleigh

To set apart a room in the Capitol for the use of the territorial Delegates.-[February 10, 1868.]

Adopted, 1084.

Referring so much of the President's message as relates to the payment of money under treaty with Russia to the Committee on Appropriations. - [December 9, 1867.]

Read, 78, 92; disagreed to, 95.

That the indebtment of the nation ought to be paid in exact accordance with the acts of Congress creating it, and not otherwise; that all loans enacted to be paid in gold to be so paid; and all loans not so enacted to be payable ought to be paid in lawful money of the United States. -[December 16, 1867.] Proposed, 212.

Requesting Committee of Waysand Means to devise some measure by which distilled spirits of American manufacture may be exported under the laws. -[January 21, 1868.]

Agreed to, 662.

Calling for information in regard to the reported suffering of United States soldiers in Alaska. - [January 22, 1868.]

Objected to, 443; agreed to, 687.

For the suspension of the rules during the pendency of the impeachment of the President, to proceed to the consideration of any matter which may be reported by the managers on the part of the House of Representatives. - [March 16, 1868.]

Adopted, 1905.

For the arrest of Charles W. Woolley, a recusant witness.- [May

25, 1868.]

Reported and discussed, 2575; adopted, 2581.

For the arraignment of Charles W. Woolley, a recusant witness, and the propounding of certain interrogatories.-[May 26, 1868.]

Reported and adopted, 2586.

Directing that any communication from C. W. Woolley or his counsel, placed in the hands of the Speaker, be sent to the committee of investigation. - [June 8, 1868.]

Reported, 2938; agreed to, 2941.
For the discharge of Charles W. Woolley.-[June 11, 1868.]
Reported and agreed to, 3069.

For printing the protest of the Democratic members of the House against the admission of the Representatives from Arkansas. [June 25, 1868.]

Referred, 3485.

In relation to the expediency of authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to dispose of the property of the United States in certain canals and navigation companies wherein the United States hold stock, which have for many years been non-interest paying.-[July 13, 1868.]

Agreed to, 4003.

By Mr. Cake

In reférence to removals made during the fiscal year 1867 upon the recommendation of the Commissioner of the Internal Revenue, and the falling off of internal revenue.-[February 7. 1868.1

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...Instructing Committee on the Public Lands to inquire into the By Mr. Cary



expediency of providing for the cutting of wood upon the public lands along the upper Missouri river, to be used as fuel for steamboats navigating said river.-[March 6, 1868.]

Agreed to, 1707.

Inquiring the number of troops stationed along the line of the Union Pacific railroad between Omaha, Nebraska, and Great Salt Lake City. [July 7, 1868.]

Agreed to, 8804...

In reference to the payment of United States bonds. - [December 12, 1867.

Referred, 153.

Instructing the managers to withdraw the tenth article of

impeachment.-[May 5, 1868.]

Proposed, 2364; consideration refused, 2367.

In relation to the payment of the five-twenty bonds. - [May 25, 1868.] Read 2570; referred, 2571.

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Adopted, 2585.

That William McGrorty is not entitled to a seat in this House as a Delegate from the Territory of Utah.- [July 9, 1868.] Reported, 3886; notice, 4133; discussed, 4383; adopted, 4389. That William H. Hooper is entitled to a seat in this House as a Delegate from the Territory of Utah.- [July 9, 1868.] Reported. 3886; notice, 4183; discussed, 4383; tabled, 4389. Calling for information in regard to the obstruction in New York harbor, known as the wreck of the ship Scotland.-[July 14, 1868.3

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In relation to the system of peonage and Indian slavery in the Territory of New Mexico.-[February 3, 1868.]

Agreed to, 936.

Concerning the reference of certain private land claims.- [February

10, 1868.] Adopted, 1084.

By Mr. Cobb

Instructing Committee on Military Affairs to make certain inquiries in respect to the extra pay proper of the officers of the fiftieth regiment of Wisconsin volunteers.-[January 6, 1868.]

Adopted, 332.

Authorizing select Committee on the Workings of the Pay Department to summon witnesses and continue to take testimony, &c., and to send for papers; and allowing the Paymaster General to cross-examine witnesses, &c.- [January 20, 1868.] Adopted, 637.

For the sale of the iron railing taken from the Hall of the old House of Representatives. - [March 10, 1868.]

Objected to, 1806, 1859.

In relation to the publication of all soldiers' claims which have been allowed and paid by the Departments.-[April 20, 1868.] Agreed to, 2310.

In reference to taxation of interest on bonds.-[June 29, 1868.] Agreed to, 3588, 3589.

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Agreed to, 2407.

By Mr. Cook

That James B. Beck, Thomas L. Jones, A. P. Grover, and J. Proctor Knott are entitled to seats as members of this House from the State of Kentucky. - [December 3, 1867.]

Reported, 11; discussed, 11, 13; adopted, 18; Messrs. Beck, Knott, and Grover sworn in, 13; Mr. Jones sworn in, 27.

Inquiring of the Secretary of the Navy whether any of the public vessels sold since the war were captured from the enemy and upon which prize money was paid by the United States, and if so, the amount of prize money so paid, the date of payment, and the price for which the vessels were sold. -[December 12, 1867.]

Agreed to, 155.

Calling for copies of all correspondence in relation to the removal of the city council of New Orleans, and in relation to the city council of Jefferson City, Louisiana. - [March 9, 1868.] Objected to, 1485; adopted, 1761.

Calling anew on the Navy Department for information relating to the sale of vessels since the war.-[April 20, 1868.] Objected to, 2310.

That Samuel McKee was duly elected a member of the House in the Fortieth Congress from the ninth district of Kentucky.[June 17, 1868.]

Reported, 3233; adopted, 3375.

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By Mr. Dawes

That George D. Blakey is not entitled to a seat as a Representative from the third district in Kentucky. -[December 2, 1867.]

• Reported 8; discussed, 56; adopted, 61.

That the oath of office be administered to J. S. Golladay, and that he be admitted to a seat from the third district in Kentucky.[December 2, 1867.]

Reported. 3; discussed, 56; adopted, 61.

That the Speaker pronounce the censure of the House upon Fernando Wood, a member of the House from New York, for having characterized in debate a measure of the House as "A monstrosity, a measure the most infamous of the many infamous acts of this infamous Congress." - [January 15, 1868.]

Adopted, 542.

That John Young Brown is not entitled to take the oath as a Representative from the second district of Kentucky or to hold a seat as such Representative. -[January 21, 1868.] Reported, 654; discussed, 891, 899, 901, 937, 944, 1107, 1109; adopted, 1161..

That Samuel E. Smith is not entitled to a seat as a Representative from the second district of Kentucky.-[January 21, 1868.] Reported, 664; discussed, 1184, 1185, 1189, 1198; adopted,


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In reference to the distributing of the Land Office report in Europe. [December 9, 1867.]

Adopted, 97.

Granting the use of the Hall to the Congressional Temperance

Society.-[January 20, 1868.]

Adopted, 638.


Calling for certain information-respecting the Sioux Indian reservation, in the State of Minnesota, exposed to sale on the 2d of December, 1867, under proclamation of the President.[January 22, 1868.]

Adopted, 691.


Calling for all papers relating to the imprisonment of Antonio Pelletier, a citizen of the United States, and the confiscation and destruction of his property by the people of Hayti.[February 10, 1868.]

Adopted, 1084.

Instructing Judiciary Committee to inquire into the expediency of so amending the bankrupt law as to require the petition of a majority of the creditors to compel the debtor to go into involuntary bankruptcy.-[February 10, 1868.]

Agreed to, 1084;

In reference to Weeks's torpedo machine. - [February 14, 1868.] Objected to, 1184.

By Mr. Driggs


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Directing the committee to which was referred the report of the Secretary of War on awarding the bounty offered for the capture of Jeff. Davis to report as soon as possible. [December 12, 1867.]

Agreed to, 162.

Instructing Committee for the District of Columbia to report such bill as will require the Washington and Georgetown Railroad Company to furnish ample and adequate accommodation to the traveling public. -[December 16, 1867.]


Agreed to, 216.

Requesting Committee of Ways and Means to inquire into the expediency of making certain amendments in the tariff laws in respect to the duties on imported copper, - [March 4, 1868.] Agreed to, 1667.

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For printing extra copies of the report of the life-saving commission on the subject of the life-saving invention recently examined at New York. - [March 13, 1868.]

Agreed to, 1869.

In reference to the selling of the surplus marble and other materials not required for the completion of the public buildings. [March 24, 1868.]

Adopted, 2083.

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